
It all began with a stop at a red light.

Kevin Salwen was driving his 14-year-old daughter,Hannah,back from a sleepover in 2006.While waiting at a traffic light,they saw a black Mercedes Coupe on one side and a homeless man begging for food on the other.

"Dad,if that man had a less nice car,that man there could have a meal," Hannah protested.The light changed and they drove on,but Hannah was too young to be reasonable.She pestered(纠缠)her parents about inequity,insisting that she wanted to do something.

"What do you want to do?" her mom responded. "Sell our house?"

Warning!Never suggest a grand gesture to an idealistic teenager.Hannah seized upon the idea of selling the luxurious family home and donating half the proceeds(收入)to charity,while using the other half to buy a more modest replacement home.

Eventually,that's what the family did.The project—crazy,impetuous(鲁莽的)and absolutely inspiring—is written down in detail in a book by father and daughter scheduled to be published next month: The Power of Half.It's a book that,frankly,I'd be nervous about leaving around where my own teenage kids might find it.An impressionable child reads this,and the next thing you know your whole family is out on the street.

At a time of enormous needs in Haiti and elsewhere,when so many Americans are trying to help Haitians by sending everything from text messages to shoes,the Salwens offer an example of a family that came together to make a difference—for themselves as much as the people they were trying to help.In a column a week ago,it described neurological(神经生物学的)evidence from brain scans that unselfishness lights up parts of the brain normally associated with more primary satisfaction.The Salwens' experience confirms the selfish pleasures of selflessness.

Mr.Salwen and his wife,Joan,had always assumed that their kids would be better bigger house.But after they downsized,there was much less space to retreat to,so the family members spent more time around each other.A smaller house unexpectedly turned out to be a more family-friendly house.

1.What does the underlined word "inequity" most probably mean in Paragraph 3?

A. Unfairness. B. Satisfaction.

C. Personal attitude. D. Reasonable statement.

2.What is suggested in the underlined sentence "Never suggest a grand gesture to an idealistic teenager." in Paragraph 5?

A. Never give a quick answer to an idealistic teenager.

B. Unless a child is realistic,never give an answer immediately.

C. Give an answer if the child is reasonable.

D. Don't respond to a child's demands firmly without consideration.

3.Which of the following statements is IRUE according to the passage?

A. Mercedes Coupe is only an ordinary car which is quite cheap.

B. Unselfishness has nothing to do with people's primary satisfaction.

C. Hannah asked her parents to do charity and they sold their house.

D. The writer's children asked him to sell their house.

4.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A. The Salwens regretted selling their house.

B. The family members get much closer.

C. Small houses can bring happiness.

D. The Salwens intend to buy another big house.

10.Arriving in Sydney on his own from India,my husband,Rashid,stayed in a hotel for a short time while looking for a house for me and our children.
During the first week of his stay,he went out one day to do some shopping.He came back in the late afternoon to discover that his suitcase was gone.He was extremely worried as the suitcase had all his important papers,including his passport.
He reported the case to the police and then sat there,lost and lonely in strange city,thinking of the terrible troubles of getting all the paperwork organized again from a distant country while trying to settle down in a new one.
Late in the evening,the phone rang.It was a stranger.He was trying to pronounce my husband's name and was asking him a lot of questions.Then he said they had found a pile of papers in their trash can(垃圾桶)that had been left out on the footpath.
My husband rushed to their home to find a kind family holding all his papers and documents.Their young daughter had gone to the trash can and found a pile of unfamiliar papers.Her parents had carefully sorted them out,although they had found mainly foreign addresses on most of the documents.At last they had seen a half-written letter in the pile in which my husband had given his new telephone number to a friend.
That family not only restored the important documents to us that day but also restored our faith and trust in people.We still remember their kindness and often send a warm wish their way.

21.What did Rashid plan to do after his arrival in Sydney?B
A.Go shopping          
B.Find a house   
C.Join his family   
D.Take his family
22.The girl's parents got Rashid's phone number fromC.
A.a friend of his family   
B.a Sydney policeman
C.a letter in his papers   
D.a stranger in Sydney
23.What does the underlined word"restored"in the last paragraph mean?D
B.Sent out   
D.Gave back
24.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?C
A.From India to Australia.
B.Living in a New Country.
C.Turning Trash to Treasure.
D.In Search of New Friends.

Last Christmas while staying with my parents, I________across some old love letters that my parents wrote to each other. These letters were all piled up in a basket, dirty and ______With dust. Deciding to read and sort them, I asked them if I could take the letters back to my Illinois home. They _____ .

As I carefully opened each letter, ______of them  fragile with age, I discovered a new page _______unknown to me in this private chapter of my parents' lives.

My father used to ________ in the army. So his letters were full of frontline  _______of the things about the war. Each of my mother's letters was marked with her 1944 dark red lipstick kiss. I was _______to these letters like a magnet  (磁铁).

Just six weeks after our Christmas visit, Daddy became very  ______and was hospitalized. This time, he was fighting a ______kind of war. As I sat by his bedside, we discussed the  _______. He told me how much receiving those lipstick-kissed letters had ________to him when he had been so far from home.

It so happened that the next day would he February 14. From the  ________letters I chose the card my father had sent Mother in 1944 and brought it to my father's bedside.

At his bedside, I joked with him, saying  _______, "Today is Valentine's Day, don't you want to send Mother a present?" He became more _________ when I handed him the old  _______. He carefully opened it and took out the card, and when he _______it, his eyes were filled with tears.

My father, in a______tight with emotion(情感)read the loving message he'd sent to my mother fifty-six years ________. And this time, he could read it to her  ________  .

1.A. came B. hit C. drew D. fell

2.A. hidden B. covered C. buried D. filled

3.A. refused B. smiled C. shocked D. agreed

4.A. all B. none C. both D. neither

5.A. recently B. usually C. previously D. occasionally

6.A. work B. study C. serve D. report

7.A. accounts B. documents C. introductions D. occupations

8.A. devoted B. addicted C. thrown D. drawn

9.A. sad B. dead C. dangerous D. ill

10.A. typical B. traditional C. different D. familiar

11.A. wars B. illnesses C. letters D. hospitals

12.A. meant B. intended C. planned D. said

13.A. divided B. sorted C. separated D. updated

14.A. sadly B. angrily C. softly D. loudly

15.A. curious B. enthusiastic C. fantastic D. positive

16.A. card B. envelope C. basket D. lipstick

17.A. found B. wrote C. recognized D. missed

18.A. sound B. noise C. whisper D. voice

19.A. later B. earlier C. ago D. ahead

20.A. person B. private C. danger D. peace

Dear Seth,

You are only three years old, and at this point in your life you are not able to understand this letter. But some day when you______, I hope you will find something _____in what I am going to share with you.

Life can be ____. There will be people in your life who won’t be very nice. They’ll______you because you are different, ______ for no good reason. You will also face heartbreak and might be ______ by those you love. I hope you don’t have to face these too much. But such things ______.

Be open to life anyway. You’ll find cruelty(残忍) and ____ in your journey through life , but don’t let that______ you from finding new things . Don’t retreat (退却)from life , and don’t ______ or wall yourself off . Be open to new things, new experiences and new people. You will ______ many times, but if you allow that to stop you from trying, you will ____ many chances, Do remember failure is a stepping stone to ______.

You will meet many people who will try to do ______than you, in school, in college, and at work. They’ll try to have nicer cars, bigger houses, nicer clothes, and so on. . To ____, life is a competition. However, I believe life is a ____. If you always try your best to _____others, you are wasting your life. Learn to enjoy your life_____ and you will make it a journey of ____ of learning and of love.

Finally, know that I love you and always will. You are ____a really wonderful journey, and I will always be there for you.

Love, Dad

1.A. grow up B. show up C. cheer up D. give up

2.A. familiar B. valuable C. normal D. interesting

3.A. unkind B. peaceful C. equal D. simple

4.A. look at B. run after C. laugh at D. look after

5.A. if B. but C. so D. or

6.A. hurt B. found C. accepted D. impressed

7.A. matter B. work C. disappear D. happen

8.A. luck B. pain C. difference D. hope

9.A. protect B. encourage C. stop D. choose

10.A. forgive B. struggle C. compete D. hide

11.A. leave B. prepare C. escape D. fail

12.A. enjoy B. try C. miss D. meet

13.A. success B. life C. action D. sorrow

14.A. earlier B. better C. less D. faster

15.A. you B. me C. him D. them

16.A. challenge B. drama C. journey D. dream

17.A. change B. pardon C. follow D. beat

18.A. somewhere B. instead C. afterwards D. though

19.A. cruelty B. danger C. happiness D. quietness

20.A. starting B. destroying C. finishing D. replacing

Five years ago, when I taught art at a school in Seattle, I used Tinkertoys as a test at the beginning of a term to find out something about my students. I put a small set of Tinkertoys in front of each student, and said:“Make something out of the Tinkertoys. You have 45 minutes today and 45minutes each day for the rest of the week.” A few students hesitated to start. They waited to see the rest of the class would do. Several others checked the instructions and made something according to one of the model plans provided. Another group built something out of their own imaginations.

Once I had a boy who worked experimentally with Tinkertoys in his free time. His constructions filled a shelf in the art classroom and a good part of his bedroom at home. I was delighted at the presence of such a student. Here was an exceptionally creative mind at work. His presence meant that I had an unexpected teaching assistant in class whose creativity would infect(感染) other students.

Encouraging this kind of thinking has a downside. I ran the risk of losing those students who had a different style of thinking. Without fail one would declare, “But I’m just not creative.”

“Do you dream at night when you’re asleep?”

“Oh, sure.”

“So tell me one of your most interesting dreams.” The student would tell something wildly imaginative. Flying in the sky or in a time machine or growing three heads. “That’s pretty creative. Who does that for you?”

“Nobody. I do it.”

“Really-at night, when you’re asleep?”


“Try doing it in the daytime, in class, okay?”

1.The teacher used Tinkertoys in class in order to ________.

A. know more about the students B. make the lessons more exciting

C. raise the students’ interest in art D. teach the students about toy design

2.What do we know about the boy mentioned in Paragraph 3?

A. He liked to help his teacher. B. He preferred to study alone.

C. He was active in class. D. He was imaginative.

3.What does the underlined word “downside” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?

A. Mistake. B. Disadvantage.

C. Difficulty. D. Burden.

4.Why did the teacher ask the students to talk about their dreams?

A. To help them to see their creativity. B. To find out about their sleeping habits.

C. To help them to improve their memory. D. To find out about their ways of thinking.

In 1971 a young man who grew up very poor was travelling across the country, trying to make a new start for himself. Along the way he had completely run out of(用光) money and was forced to spend the night in his car. This continued until one morning, after a week of sleeping in his car, he walked nervously into a restaurant and ordered a big breakfast.

After eating his first good meal in weeks, he found himself lying to the waiter, telling him he had lost his wallet. The waiter, who was also the owner, walked behind the chair where the young man had been sitting. He bent down, and came up with a $20 bill that looked as if it had fallen on the floor and said, “Son, you must have dropped this,” the owner said. The young man couldn’t believe his luck! He quickly paid for the breakfast, left a tip, bought gas with the change, and headed West.

On the way out of town, he began to understand what the owner did.Maybe nobody dropped the money at all. “Maybe that fellow just knew I was in trouble and he helped me in a way that didn’t embarrass(使尴尬) me. So I just made a promise to help other people if I can.”

Later, he worked very hard and became a rich man. Now he lives near Kansas City. Each year he gives away thousands of dollars. He is known as the “Secret Santa” because at Christmas time each year, he personally hands money out to those on the street and at restaurants. Last year, he gave more than $50,000 away in Kansas City.

1.The young man was travelling across the country in 1971 to ________.

A. look for a good restaurant B. improve his life

C. show his new car to others D. hand out dollars

2.The underline sentence implies that the young man got to know that ________.

A. it was very lucky of him to get his lost money back.

B. it was very honest of the owner to return his money

C. the owner helped him in a way that didn’t hurt his feeling

D. another person who had breakfast in the restaurant lost the money

3.From the end of the passage we can learn that ________.

A. the man did carry out his promise

B. the man was not successful in the end

C. the owner was paid back the money

D. Santa give the man money each year

4.The message of the story is“________”.

A. One good turn deserves another

B. Where there is a will,there is a way

C. He who travels far knows much

D. Give love wings(翅膀) and it may fly higher

When it comes to applying for a new job, your CV is the ticket to secure an interview and hopefully, a job. Read the following tips to help you get started in creating a successful CV.

Get the basics right-These include: personal and contact information; education and qualifications; work history or experience; relevant skills to the job in question; your own interests, achievements or hobbies; and some references.

Presentation is key-A successful CV is always carefully and clearly presented, and printed on clean, white paper. The design should always be well-structured and CVs should never be wrinkled or folded. Stick to no more than two pages of A4 paper. A good CV is clear and brief.

Tailor your CV-When you’ve made sure what the job you are applying for involves, create a CV specifically for that job. Any CV you send to a potential employer should be adjusted to that particular job. Don’t be lazy and hope that a general CV will work because it won’t. Employers want to know why you would be a good choice to fill the specific job on offer.

Make the most your skills-Under the skills section of your CV mention key skills that can help you to stand out from the crowd. These could include; communication skills; organizational skills; computer skills; team working and problem solving. Emphasize the things that show off skills you’ve gained and employers look for.

Include references- References should be from someone who has employed you in the past and can confirm your skills and experience. They can also be from a teacher or a principal from your school. Try to include two if you can.

1.What is a CV according to the passage?

A. A ticket needed for a job interview.

B. A basic description of work experiences

C. A well-chosen present for a potential employer

D. A written self-introduction for job application

2.Why do you have to tailor your CV?

A. To make sure what the job you are applying fro involves

B. To show the potential employer that you are not lazy

C. To show you are the right person for the job

D. To make it clear, brief and wll-structured

3.Which of the following skills are the most important?

A. Skills relevant to the job B. Communication skills

C. Organizational skills D. Computer skills

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