When we are unfamiliar with something, we may feel nervous and fearful. The help of others is a good to help us pull through write for a big newspaper, and I wanted to a story about parachute jumping(跳伞). To make it a realistic as well as exciting , I decided that I had to make a jump myself .Unluckily, I’m not good at any , let alone(更不用说)parachute jumping.

My friend Mr. Smith was willing to give me a He took me to a ground school. The first day’s included several hours of instruction but not my first drop from a(n) For this, I had to wait until the following

The next morning, I was taken to the airfield. , a heavy parachute was put on my back. Then I was to make my way to a small plane which had just stopped slowly on the runway. Once on board, the plane was soon . I began to feel nervous. As we reached one thousand meters, Harry, my teacher, hooked(钩)a 13 from my parachute to a steel ring inside the plane. The line was to pull my parachute after I jumped.

“Get , Henry,” Harry said. I moved carefully to the door.I wanted to , “NO, no, no!” But no word came.

“Jump!” Harry called . “Jump!”

Away from the plane, and down, down I fell, arms stretched. It worked All at once I was very happy. Then I felt a quick . My big parachute had opened! It was the best I ever had. I looked down. There were rivers, trees, fields and houses. I heard the soft sound of the air. This was

1.A. way B. chance C. idea D. value

2.A. tell B. write C. read D. copy

3.A. film B. poem C. story D. program

4.A. secretly B. instead C. finally D. first

5.A. sport B. driving C. lesson D. drawing

6.A. try B. hand C. gift D. suggestion

7.A. jumping B. journey C. training D. entertainment

8.A. tree B. tower C. building D. airplane

9.A. week B. month C. evening D. morning

10.A. Besides B. Once C. There D. However

11.A. asked B. invited C. forced D. taught

12.A. slowing B. climbing C. landing D. filling

13.A. belt B. steel C. line D. seat

14.A. light B. broken C. fixed D. open

15.A. ready B. up C. on D. away

16.A. cry B. rest C. laugh D. lie

17.A. softly B. loudly C. nervously D. excitedly

18.A. comfort B. wind C. pull D. push

19.A. failure B. experience C. competition D. danger

20.A. tiring B. shocking C. true D. fun

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A. B. C和D)中,选出可以填入的空白处的最佳选项。

“Mum,can I invite my classmate Brett over to stay tomorrow night,please?It’s Friday,and we don’t have any .Can I,please?”Mum was sitting at the kitchen table.Dad was next to her,resting his head on his arms.Mum could that James wanted so badly to have his friend over.

“I’m so sorry,James,” she said.

“I’m never allowed to have friends come to the house?Why,Mum?” James asked sadly,almost in .

“I know it’s for you,” Mum said softly.“But I’m just worried other people might think we’re a little...strange.And then they would make fun of you.”

“No,they wouldn’t,Mum,” James protested.“We’re not at all.We’re just ordinary people.”

Mum sighed heavily.“To tell you the truth,James,my neck has been so painful that it’s given me a heavy .And your poor father—he doesn’t feel .He really needs a rest.”

“I can help,Mum!” James said.“ I can make you and Dad feel better,can Brett come over?Please?”

“Well...” Mum began.

“Great!Thanks,Mum!” James almost shouted.“Just sit there,don’t move.” He rushed over to the kitchen drawer and what he needed—two spanners(扳手).“Hang on,Mum,” he said.“This won’t take a second.” After some ,James was finished.With a smile of on his face he said,“There!How does that feel?” “Oh,James,” Mum said.“That’s much better!How did you do it?”

“Easy,” James said .“Dad had tightened your neck bolts(螺栓) too much!I just them slightly!I learned that in robotic science at school.”

“What about your father?Can you him?” asked Mum.

“I’ll try,” James replied.He up Dad’s hair at the back of his neck,and plugged the electric wire into Dad’s head.Then he turned the on.Dad opened his eyes and immediately.“He just let his run too low,that’s all,” James said.“Shall I tell Brett to come over straight after school tomorrow?”

“I guess so,” replied Mum.“Your friends will just have to that we are a very unusual family.Thanks,son!”

1.A. chance B. message C. homework D. difficulty

2.A. asleep B. reading C. alone D. standing

3.A. explain B. see C. agree D. doubt

4.A. terror B. tears C. surprise D. silence

5.A. fair B. easy C. good D. hard

6.A. strange B. normal C. popular D. anxious

7.A. headache B. loss C. task D. day

8.A. ill B. funny C. sorry D. well

9.A. As B. If C. Since D. Before

10.A. kept B. controlled C. found D. returned

11.A. requests B. thoughts C. repairs D. instructions

12.A. sympathy B. satisfaction C. bitterness D. politeness

13.A. embarrassedly B. gratefully C. impatiently D. proudly

14.A. adjusted B. collected C. produced D. covered

15.A. greet B. accompany C. help D. ask

16.A. lifted B. caught C. gave D. filled

17.A. television B. power C. light D. gas

18.A. grew up B. lay down C. broke down D. sat up

19.A. food B. temperature C. battery D. blood

20.A. prove B. expect C. suspect D. accept

Despite the high technology and investment in flood defences by the Environment Agency, there is no way to stop all flooding -- sooner or later nature will produce something that will beat even the strongest defences.

Warning people of this danger is very important if we are to prevent the great loss of life seen fifty-three years ago.Indeed if the Flood Warning System that currently exists had been around on that cold, stormy night in January 1953, many lives would have been spareD.

The Environment Agency took over the role of flood warning in 1995 from the police who had to go door to door or sound alarms to get the news out.The service is being constantly improved and a combination of better technology and increased investment following the Easter Floods of 1998 has led to the creation of Floodline and an automatic messaging system that can warn thousands of people in very little time.

Floodline 0845 988 1188 offers information and advice 24 hours a day and if warnings are in place, callers can get information either from local updates or by using a quickdial code for their areA.

The Flood Warning team in Kent has also sent letters to the people living close to the rivers or the sea and invited them to join the AVM (automated voice messaging) system.Anyone choosing to take up this free service will receive a recorded message directly to their home, business or pager telling them of the level of warning, giving them as much time as possible to carry out their flood plan and save items that cannot be replaced if lost or damaged, such as photographs or children’s favorite toys.

1.Choose the correct statements from the following according to the passage.

A. Many people lost their lives in the flood in 1953

B. The Flood Warning system was already in use in 1953

C. Flood defences can stop all flooding

D. The Environment Agency began to warn people of flood in 1995

e.Floodline was created after the Easter Floods of 1998

A. a, b, c B. b, c, d C. a, d, e D. a, c, e

2.What does the underlined word "pager" mean in the passage?

A. A piece of equipment designed to receive and show messages

B. A boy employed to carry luggage in hotels

C. A page of papers written to offer messages

D. A person, invited to write pages of messages

3.People can easily get information and advice about flood any time of the day from____.

A. automatic messaging system

B. automated voice messaging system

C. the Flood Warning team in Kent

D. Floodline 0845 988 1188

4.The best title for this passage may probably be ____.

A. Environment Agency

B. Flood Warning System

C. Technology In Flood Defences

D. Easter Floods

Imagine what you could do with a machine that could make things disappear.

For inspiration, you could read some books. In the books of J.R.R. Tolkein, Bilbo Baggins finds a ring that can make him disappear. Of course, there’s also poor Harry Potter, who used his invisibility cloak (隐形斗篷) to hide from danger.

Now that you’ve got some ideas, it’s time for the hard part: building the cloak. To do that, you have to give up science fiction and turn to real science. An invisibility cloak has to cheat anything or anyone who might be watching. In order to understand how something can be seen, it’s important to understand how we see.

Human beings can only see objects that reflect (反射) light waves. These waves enter the eye and are then processed by the brain. However, if an object doesn’t reflect light, then the waves don’t enter the eye, and the brain doesn’t process. So building an invisibility cloak is building something that doesn’t reflect light.

Cummer was part of a team of scientists from Duke University, including David Smith and David Schurig, who built the world’s first version (版本) of an invisibility cloak. They had been inspired by the work of a British physicist, John Pendry. He in May said that an invisibility cloak was possible and Pendry was not the only one thinking about a disappearing act. At the same time, a Scottish physicist, UIf Leonhardt published a paper on building invisibility equipment.

“It wasn’t easy,” says Cummer. “As often happens in science and research, it didn’t work very well the first time. That first cloak didn’t work like Harry Potter’s --- the scientists didn’t actually see anything disappear. So the research is still under way. ”

1.The first two paragraphs serve as a (n) ________.

A. introduction B. explanation

C. comment D. summary

2.Cummer and other scientists got the idea of building an invisibility cloak from _________.

A. the film Harry Potter

B. the work of a British physicist

C. a paper published by a Scottish physicist

D. the book of J.R.R. Tolkein

3. From the text we learn that the research on an invisibility cloak __________.

A. was led by Pendry

B. was very successful

C. was used in most popular movies

D. is still in progress

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A. The Science of Disappearing

B. The Hardest Part of Building a Cloak

C. The Invention of an Invisibility Cloak

D. Turn Science Fiction into Real Science

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