

Basketball Statistician Help Wanted

The Athletic Department is looking for students to help assist staff during the Fall 2016, Winter 2016-17 and Spring 2017 semesters. Students in this position will be keeping live statistics during basketball games. Students must meet all of the following requirements:

Good computer skills

Available evenings and weekends

Knowing basketball rules and statistics

Students interested in working for the Athletic Department should contact the Athletic Coordinator at their respective(各自的) campuses.

TP/SS Athletic Coordinator, Michael Simone,240-567-1308

Rockville Athletic Coordinator, Jorge Zuniga,240-567-7589

Springfield Athletic coordinator, Gary Miller,240-567-2273

Germantown Athletic Coordinator, GavriChavan, 240-567-6915

1.When will the job start?

A .In May 2016 B. In May 2017

C.In September 2016 D. In September2017

2.Who is more likely to get job?

A.Sam,English major ,member of the college basketball team

B.Judy,IT staff with night classes,children’s basketball team coach

C.Ted,computer major, basketball fan,free on evenings and weekends

D.Molly,part-time programmer,high school basketball player ,new mother

3.Whom should you contact if you want to apply for the job in Rockville?

A.Michael. B.Jorge.

C.Gauri. D.Gary.



Lainey finished third grade. She had good grades and could read _______grade level, but she did not like to read. On a family car trip, her Aunt Dede pulled out a copy of Harry Potter, as a surprise for her _______. But Lainey took one look at it, _______her eyes, and said, “Borring!”

Aunt Dede, a teacher, had read the book to her students, and they loved it. _______ the youngest children in the class were _______ by the story. They_______ with great interest and then _______ joined in grand conversations about Harry`s adventures.

“How can you say it`s_______ ? Have you read it? ” asked Aunt Dede.

“No, it`s too long and it doesn`t have any _______.” complained Lainey.

“Oh, that`s where you are_______;there are lots of pictures. Every page is full of pictures; you just have to read the words to _______ them. It`s like magic.”

“Nice try , Aunt Dede,”Lainey replied _______ from the back seat.

Another _______ was in order. “Well, if you don’t want to read it, give it_______.Maybe your mom would_______ hearing the story.” The book sailed through the air to Aunt Dede and she began to read it aloud. By the end of the first chapter, _______were coming from the back seat:“Please read a little_______.

Lainey is an example of an_______reader. As shown here, Lainey can become_______about reading when _______ with literature on topics that interest her, and when the people around her model involvement in the reading process.

1.A.within B.on C.to D. above

2.A.daughter B.niece C. student D.friend

3.A.opened B.dried C.rolled D.shaded

4.A.Even B.Still C. Just D.Yet

5.A.surprised B.annoyed C. puzzled D.attracted.

6.A.read B.told C.listened D.wrote

7.A.suspectedly B.anxiously C.calmly D.enthusiastically

8.A.amazing B.boring C.ridiculous D.humorous

9.A.pictures B.stories C. adventures D.conversations

10.A.crazy B.foolish C. wrong D.different

11.A.see B. match C.show D.recognize

12.A.sourly B.patiently C. eagerly D.shyly

13.A.idea B.try C.belief D.behavior

14.A.away B.out C.in D.back

15.A.enjoy B.admit C. mind D.finish

16.A.decisions B. requests C.comments D.promises

17.A.more clearly B.longer C. louder D.more carefully

18.A. Unpleasant B. Innocent C.unwilling D.independent

19.A.astonished B.worried C. confused D.excited

20.A. presented B. concerned C.disturbed D.replaced


One early morning, I went into the living room to find my mother reading a thick book called Best Loved Poems to Read Again and Again. My interest was aroused only by the fact that the word "Poems" appeared in big, hot pink letters.

"Is it good?" I asked her.

"Yeah," she answered. "There’s one I really like and you’ll like it, too." I leaned forward.

"‘Patty Poem,’" she read the title. Who is Patty? I wondered. The poem began:

She never puts her toys away,

Just leaves them scattered① where they lay,… ①散乱的

The poem was just three short sections. The final one came quickly:

When she grows and gathers poise②, ②稳重

I’ll miss her harum-scarum③ noise, ③莽撞的

And look in vain④ for scattered toys. ④徒劳地

And I’ll be sad.

A terrible sorrow washed over me. Whoever Patty was, she was a mean girl. Then, the shock.

"It’s you, honey," My mother said sadly.

To my mother, the poem revealed a parent’s affection when her child grows up and leaves. To me, the "she" in the poem was horror. It was my mama who would be sad. It was so terrible I burst out crying.

"What’s wrong?" my mother asked.

"Oh Mama," I cried. "I don’t want to grow up ever!"

She smiled. "Honey, it’s okay. You’re not growing up anytime soon. And when you do, I’ll still love you, okay?"

"Okay," I was still weeping. My panic has gone. But I could not help thinking about that silly poem. After what seemed like a safe amount of time, I read the poem again and was confused. It all fit so well together, like a puzzle. The language was simple, so simple I could plainly understand its meaning, yet it was still beautiful. I was now fascinated by the idea of poetry, words that had the power to make or break a person’s world.

I have since fallen in love with other poems, but "Patty Poem" remains my poem. After all, "Patty Poem" gave me my love for poetry not because it was the poem that lifted my spirits, but because it was the one that hurt me the most.

1. Why was the writer attracted by the book Best Loved Poems to Read Again and Again?

A. It was a thick enough book.

B. Something on its cover caught her eye.

C. Her mother was reading it with interest.

D. It has a meaningful title.

2. After her mother read the poem to her, the writer felt ______ at first.

A. sad B. excited

C. horrified D. confused

3. The writer’s mother liked to read "Patty Poem" probably because______.

A. it reflected her own childhood

B. it was written in simple language

C. it was composed by a famous poet

D. it gave her a hint of what would happen

4. It can be concluded from the passage that"Patty Poem"leads the writer to _______.

A. discover the power of poetry

B. recognize her love for puzzles

C. find her eagerness to grow up

D. experience great homesickness

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

People don’t know how you feel until you tell them. _________ years ago, my best friend Randy died of cancer at the age of 41. He was always _________and he lived life to the full. There was one thing _________ in his life. In 41 years, his father never said to him that he was _________ of him, loved him and believed in him. These words were the only thing Randy ever _________ from his father but in 41 years Randy never got any of them.

For three years while Randy was _________ the cancer, every time I saw him, I _________ him a bear hug and told him how much I _________ him. Randy has been gone for twenty years. I miss him and his father also misses him, _________ I don’t have to live with regret that I never told Randy what he_________ to me. His father does. I’m convinced(说服) that if his father had one _________ , he would choose to be given a chance to tell his son how much he loved him. _________ he’ll never get that chance. It is too_________ for him. He will live the rest of his life with that_________ .

It may still not be too late for you. Is there anyone in your _________ who would love to or needs to have some special words of love, encouragement or _________ from you? Is there anyone who deserves and wants to_________ the words and doesn’t want to “just intuitively (凭直觉地) know” how you feel? Life is too _________ , leaving many words not spoken and many deeds not done. _________ ,people don’t know how you feel until you tell them how you feel. I’m sure there must be someone you can call, visit or write to. Don’t wait until it is too late. _________ it now.

1.A. TenB. TwentyC. ThirtyD. Forty

2.A. sadB. silentC. kindD. positive

3.A. missingB. catchingC. breakingD. shaking

4.A. kindB. sureC. proudD. scared

5.A. wantedB. heardC. receivedD. suffered

6.A. curingB. seeingC. fightingD. checking

7.A. madeB. gaveC. createdD. took

8.A. respectedB. understoodC. thankedD. loved

9.A. orB. andC. butD. otherwise

10.A. meantB. showedC. provedD. brought

11.A. planB. wishC. ideaD. guide

12.A. BrieflyB. ProbablyC. SurprisinglyD.Unfortunately

13.A. lateB. eagerC. muchD. hard

14.A. goalB. regretC. dreamD. thought

15.A. classB. homeC. lifeD. school

16.A. suggestionB. anxietyC. angerD. support

17.A. explainB. tellC. hearD. say

18.A. colorfulB. shortC. differentD. valuable

19.A. AgainB. ThusC. HoweverD. Besides

20.A. FindB. GetC. MakeD. Do

It’s hard to find Alice Munro in the media. Even after she won the 2013 Nobel Prize in Literature, the Canadian writer just appeared for a quick interview and then dropped out of sight. On Dec 29, she still didn't seek the spotlight(聚光灯)when she was named one of the five Women of the Year by the Financial Times.

In Munro's eyes, ordinary lives always hide larger dramas. So she records what we casually think of as the everyday actions of normal people. She often focuses on life in her hometown, a small village in Ontario which she is most familiar with. She writes about the ordinary things in the village-fox forming, trees filled in the Ontario wilderness, poor country alcohol and long last illnesses. Above all, she talks about girls and women who have seemingly ordinary lives but struggle against daily misfortune.

She has a special talent for uncovering the extraordinary in the ordinary. These are ordinary people, ordinary stories, but she has the magic. Her precise language, depth of detail and the logic of her storytelling have made her stories inviting.

Runaway, one of Munro’s representative works, is a good example of her writing style. One of the stories centers on the life of an ordinary woman Carla, who lives in a small Canadian town with her husband Clark. The story slowly forms a picture of Carla, trapped in a bad marriage, her unhappiness building into desperation until she decided to flee. The story of Carla is a story of the power and betrayals of love. It is about lost children and lots of chances that we can all find in life, There is pain beneath the surface, like a needle in the heart.

Since she published her first collection of short stories in 1968, Munro has won many awards, with the Nobel Prize being her biggest honor. On Oct 10, 2013, the Nobel Prize committee named Munro the “master of the contemporary short story”.

1.We learn from Paragraph 1 that Alice Munro_____

A.didn't get on well with the media

B.remained modest though very successful

C.didn’t value the title of Women of the Year

D. was surprised at winning the Nobel Prize

2.What makes Alice Munro’s stories fascinating according to the text?

A.Her writing techniques

B.The complicated plots

C.The humorous language

D.Her rich imagination

3.In her representative work Runaway, Carla_____

A.leads a happy life with Clark

B.is a faithful wife to her husband

C.loses all hopes for a better life

D.tries to run away from her husband

4.What is the text mainly about?

A.Alice Munro and her hometown

B.The awards Alice Munro won

C.Alice Munro and her writing style

D.Alice Munro’s literary life

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