
【题目】Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

A. separates B. suggest C. negative D. responsibility

E. failure F. willing G. control H. hold

I. element J. concerned

How do successful people think? What drives them? Interviews and investigations 1 that there are several keys to success that successful people share.

First of all, successful people never blame someone or something outside of themselves for their 2 to go ahead. They realize that their future lies in their own hands. They understand that they cannot 3 things in life, such as nature, the past and other people. But in the meantime, they are well aware that they can control their own thoughts and actions. They take 4_ for their life and regard this as one of the most empowering things they can do. Perhaps what most 5 successful people from others is that they live a life “on purpose” ---- they are doing what they believe they are put here to do. In their opinion, having a purpose in their life is the most important 6 that enables them to become fully functioning people. They 7 that when they live their life on purpose, their main concern is to do the job right. They love what they do ---- and it shows. People want to do business with them because of their commitment/span> (责任心). To live their life on purpose, successful people find a cause they believe in and create a business around it. Besides, they never easily give up. Once they have set up goals in their life, they are 8to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. Rather than seeing it 9 or upset they use the knowledge to encourage themselves on and go after what they want energetically and passionately.
















4他们对自己的生活负责,使用take responsibility for为…负责,所以选D。







【题目】Juac has made the leap from being an African refugee (难民) to a chess champion in the United States. His job is to share his expertise(专长) with students in schools, chess camps and other events.

During Sudan's civil war in the mid-1980s, Juac was forced out of the country with 20,000 0ther so -called Lost Boys. He fled to Ethiopia, then to Kenya staying in a refugee camp for eight years, where he learned to play chess.

Juac described a dangerous journey in which half the boys didn't survive. To eat, they had to kill wild animals.

"There were animals on the way. It was about a thousand miles and sometimes there was no water. When we were in Ethiopia, we had to cross the river and there a lot drowned."

Juac arrived in the United States in 2004 and began working as a security guard. Winning a chess tournament gave him this teaching opportunity. Juac believes chess helps prepare young people for life.

"Some kids are not interested, so it's your job to make them like the game, to explain them what chess is going to help them with." He said. "Like, I can tell, this game will give you patience, and help with your math skills."

Julie Cathone, a second grade teacher in Jackson Public School, agrees. The School's principal, Meghan Kelley, said Juac and chess have made a big difference.

"What a role model. I mean when you think about just overcoming, and finding what you love and turning that into your life's work."

Juac said he enjoys the freedom he has in the United States. But his passion is playing and teaching chess to youngsters. His boss, Michael Propper , said Juac has one great advantage.

"I think he's believable. I think they look at him and he's so unassuming that they feel like they can do what he's doing and be a person as he is too."

Ju ac still has a big goal ahead of him-becoming an international chess master. With his skill and patience, Propper and his peers have no doubt that will happen.

【1How long did Juac most probably stay in Ethiopia?

A. About six years. B. About eight years.

C. About twelve years. D. About sixteen years.

【2】We can learn from the passage that Juac _

A. must be teaching kids chess for free

B. is patient and good at math problems

C. surely has his own chess school in American

D. hasn't taken part in international chess contests

【3The underlined word "unassuming" probably means __

A. not appear important B. seem to be very great

C. appear very charming D. be not strict or serious

【4】Which is the best title for this passage?

A. "Lost Boys" Experienced Difficult Times.

B. Former Sudan "Lost Boy" Appears in NYC.

C. Former Sudan “Lost Boy" Becomes Chess Master.

D. African Boy Is Teaching Chess in the United States.

【题目】As one comes to some crossroads, he or she sees a sign which says that drivers have to stop when they come to the main road ahead. At other crossroads, drivers have to go slow, but they do not actually have to stop unless, of course, there is something coming along the main road; and at still others, they do not have either to stop or to go slow, because they are themselves on the main road.

Mr. Williams, who was always a very careful driver, was driving home from work one evening when he came to a crossroad. It had a “SLOW” sign. He slowed down when he came to the main road, looked both ways to see that nothing was coming, and then drove across without stopping completely.

At once he heard a police whistle (口哨声), so he pulled into the side of the road and stopped. A policeman walked over to him with a notebook and a pen in his hand and said, “You didn’t stop at that crossing.

“But the sign there doesn't say ‘STOP’.” answered Mr. Williams, “It just says ‘SLOW’, and I did go slow.”

The policeman looked around him, and a look of surprise came over his face. Then he put his notebook and pen away, scratched (抓) his head and said, “Well,I'm in the wrong street!”

【1】Mr. Williams was driving ____ one evening.

A. to a party

B. to his office

C. home after work

D. to work from home

2When he was stopped by a policeman, he ____.

A. was driving at a high speed

B. was driving onto the main road

C. was going to stop his car

D. was driving slowly

3Mr. Williams continued driving at the crossing because____.

A. he didn't see any sign there.

B. he paid no attention to the traffic rules

C. he didn't have to stop

D. he was eager to get home

【4Looking round Mr. Williams, the policeman was surprised because____.

A. he met a mad man

B. he realized that he himself was mistaken

C. Mr. Williams dared to speak to him like that

D. Mr. Williams would not apologize to him

【题目】Before leaving work, Steve Lee likes to use his cell phone to turn on his heat and air condition system at home. So by the time he gets through traffic into his front door, the temperature inside is perfect. You may wonder what a so-called smart home can do inside.

Lee works for a company called Smarthome. com, testing and living with many of his company’s home automation gadgets(自动化小配件), like this multifunction touch screen that controls devices around the house and even connects to the Internet traffic cameras.

“I have cameras, and they follow all the way down the freeway to work, ”said Lee with pride, “What’s going on at home when you are away? No problem, install some wireless cameras and controllers and from any computer in the world with an Internet connection, you can watch your house.

“You can check on the house, and I can look at the temperature. Believe it or not, if I want to turn on lights ahead of time, I can, ”added Lee.

We sat in Steve’s California kitchen and with the right password, turned on the kitchen counter lights at his boss’ house in Wisconsin. Steve did have permission to log on(登录).

“If you do know the password and you want to play a trick on your wife, you could turn lights on and off remotely.

This new technology, which can automatically turn on water sprinklers when humidity is low, or turn off a pool pump when it is not in use, is no longer expensive. Several dollars for a basic system is enough and it is not hard to install.

Sure the convenience is nice but many people who like the security advantages like making sure kids are safe with the help of camera monitors and bedside alerts.

“I can notice that maybe one of my children wakes up in the middle of the night once the light switch is turned on.

What a smart home can’t do is get you a snack and you have to leave the couch for that.

1What does the underlined word “password” in Paragraph 5 mean?

A. Security code.

B. Crossword.

C. Passport.

D. Touch screen.

2What can be inferred from this passage?

A. Steve’s boss trusted him very much.

B. Steve doesn’t like to play jokes on his family.

C. Steve could log on his boss’ home because he had been given the key.

D. It’s expensive and difficult to apply a basic smart home system.

3 According to the passage, the following is often a must for a smart home EXCEPT a .

A. cell phone B. computer

C. camera D. car

4 What can’t a smart home do according to the passage?

A. Turning on the light automatically.

B. Getting the owner some food.

C. Turning off a pool pump.

D. Watching over the home’s safety.

5 In which section of a newspaper will this passage probably be found?

A. Entertainment.

B. Science & Technology.

C. Health & Care.

D. Biography.

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