根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

        Lots of people aren’t satisfied with their present weight, but most people aren’t sure how to change it. You may want to look like the models, actresses or actors in magazines or on TV, but those goals might not be healthy or realistic for you.          

So what should you do about your weight control?

       The best way to find out if you are at a healthy weight or if you need to lose or gain weight is to go to see a doctor or dietitian(营养学家) for advice. They will compare your weight with healthy standards and help you set goals. If it turns out that you can benefit from weight loss, then you can follow a few of the simple suggestions listed below to get started.

          People who lose weight quickly by crash dieting or other extreme measures usually gain back all of the pounds they lost, because they haven’t completely changed their habits. Therefore, the best ways of weight management are those that you can keep for a lifetime.

Small changes are a lot easier to stick with than big ones. Try reducing the size of what you eat.          Once you have that down, start gradually introducing healthier foods and exercise into your life.

All in all, it’s a good idea to keep a healthy weight because it’s just that: healthy.

A. Try giving up regular soda for a week.

B. Try to mind what you eat and stop when you’re full.

C. Weight management is about long-term success.

D. Besides, no magical diet will make you look like someone else.

E. Being healthy is really about being at a weight that is right for you.

F. Changing from time to time is also a good idea.

G. Weight loss is a hard topic.

She was dancing. My lame grandmother was dancing. I stood in the living room doorway, looking at her beautiful movements, absolutely shocked. She was the pet of the dancing world. And then she’d had her accident and it was all over. I had read that in an old newspaper article.
‘‘So… Your leg? I mean, how did your leg heal (恢复健全)?”
“To tell you the truth — my legs have been well all my life,” she sighed.
“But I don’t understand!” I said, “Your dancing career (事业)… You pretended all these years?”
‘‘Very much so, and for a very good reason.”
She thought for a while and then continued. “We were talking about engagement (订婚) when your grandfather had to go to war. I was so afraid of losing him that the only way I could stay normal was to dance. I put all my energy and time into practicing and I became very good. Critics praised me, the public loved me, but all I could feel was the ache in my heart, not knowing whether the love of my life would ever return. Then one day a letter came. There were only three sentences: ‘I have lost my leg. I am no longer a whole man and now give you back your freedom. It is best you forget about me.’’’
“I made my decision there and then. I traveled away from the city. When I returned I had bought myself a stick. I told everyone I had been in a car crash and that my leg would never completely heal again. My dancing days were over. No one doubted the story — I had learned to limp (一瘸一拐地走) convincingly before I returned home. And I made sure the first person to hear of my accident was a reporter I knew well. Then I traveled to the hospital. They had pushed your grandfather outside in his wheelchair. I took a deep breath, leaned on my stick and limped to him.”
“I showed him newspaper articles of my accident. ‘There is a whole life waiting for us out there! But I am not going to carry you. You are going to walk yourself.’”
“I limped a few steps toward him and showed him what I’d taken out of my pocket. ‘Now show me you are still a man.’ I said. He bent to take his stick from the ground and struggled out of that wheelchair. He managed it on his own and walked to me and never sat in a wheelchair again in his life.”
“What did you show him?” I had to know. Grandma looked at me and smiled. “Two engagement rings, of course. I had bought them the day after he left for the war and I was not going to waste them on any other man.”
【小题1】What does the underlined word “it” in the first paragraph refer to?

A.Her accident.B.Her pet.C.Her leg. D.Her dancing career.
【小题2】Which is the correct order of the following events according to the passage?
a. Grandfather lost his leg in the war.
b. Grandmother bought two engagement rings.
c. Grandfather was inspired to stand up on his own.
d. Grandmother pretended she was lame.
e. Grandmother became an excellent dancer.
f. Grandfather had to go to war.
【小题3】Which of the following words can best describe grandmother?
A.Thoughtful and determined.B.Unselfish but stubborn.
C.Courageous but unreliable.D.Sensitive and dishonest.
【小题4】What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.The love of a disabled couple.B.The grandmother’s unconditional love.
C.The meaning of an engagement.D.The grandfather’s brave story.

1. Summer came early to Middlesbrough yesterday, as temperatures shot up to 22°C (71°F), a record for March. But local NFU agent Jim Wilkes says it could be bad news for farmers. “The crops will think it's summer,” he told our reporter, “and start sprouting (发芽) four weeks before time.”
2. The death toll (死亡人数) of the Burnside train crash rose to four yesterday when John Phillips, 32, of Petersville died in Wallsend Hospital. Another six people are still on the danger list. Mr. Phillips, an electrical engineer leaves a wife and two children.
3. China and the United States reached an agreement on the protection of intellectual property rights (知识产权) yesterday, after difficult marathon talks.
The agreement is good news for all parties concerned. The Chinese Foreign Trade Minister described the agreement as a "turning point" in Sino-US trade relations that "promises further progress" in the future. The agreement will not only favorably influence trade relations between China and the United States. It may favorably influence the overall relations between the two countries.
【小题1】What do you get to know from article 1?

A.It is as cold as usual in Middlesbrough, and the farmers are pleased.
B.It is hotter than usual in Middlesbrough, and the farmers are pleased.
C.It is hotter than usual in Middlesbrough, and the farmers are worried.
D.It is colder than usual in Middlesbrough, and the farmers are worried.
【小题2】How many people have died in the train crash in article 2 ?
A.Only John Phillips has died.
B.Ten people have died in the crash, including John Phillips.
C.Four people have died in the crash, including John Phillips.
D.John Phillips, his wife and children all died in the crash.
【小题3】Who are on the danger list?
A.Petersville and Wallsend. B.An electrical engineer and John Phillips.
C.John Phillips' wife and two children.D.Another six people who were on the train.
【小题4】What agreement did China and the United States reach in article 3?
A.It is an agreement on a marathon race.
B.It is an agreement on trade relations.
C.It is an agreement on overall relations.
D.It is an agreement on intellectual property rights protection.
【小题5】What are relations going to be like between China and the United States?
A.Relations between China and the United States are going to be sometimes worse and sometimes better.
B.Relations between China and the United States are going to be better.
C.Relations between China and the United States are going to be worse.
D.Relations between China and the United States are going to remain the same.


某校正在开展课外阅读小组活动Peter, Helen, Catherine, Elizabeth和Jessica想根据自己小组成员的喜好找一篇英语阅读材料。阅读下面某报纸的文章摘要(A, B, C, D, E, F),选出适合他们的文章,并在答题纸上将相应选项的标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。

1.Peter’s group members are fond of an article which can help them to find something that can both challenge their intelligence and provide entertainment.

2.Helen’s group members are fashionable and fond of advanced technology.They like reading something that can provide them with inspirations in achieving success and changing people’s way of life.

3.Catherine’s group members are athletic and spend a lot of time working out.They are fond of any stories about stars in the sports world.

4.Elizabeth’s group members want to read some articles which can help them keep pace with the trend of fashion.They hope to find in the article some hints on helping improve their appearances.

5.Jessica’s group members are keen on becoming volunteers and therefore are looking for some articles that can increase their chances of being chosen.


Wang’s little big ideas

Apps are transforming smart phones into multi-tasking gadgets that can locate a good restaurant and even help you with your love life.As the iPhone4 hits China, Zhang Chunmei meets the Chinese programmer behind an App Store bestseller to find how a tiny idea can make a big difference and how apps influence our digital lifestyle.


Showcase for talent

Susan Boyle, you better watch out.Semifinal day on China’s Got Talent is fast approaching and these contestants(竞争者) just might push you off your pedestal (宝座).Like them or hate them, there’s no denying the contestants are causing something of a stir across the country.The performers singled out on this page will certainly offer a show about which you’ll have something to say.


Top of the crops

You might think Fashion Week is about dresses rather than hairstyles.But you’d be wrong.Whether the models are in New York, London or Milan, who’s sporting the prettiest, trendiest or most shocking hairstyle is as hot a topic as the clothes on the catwalk.Despite the many hair highlights of the 2010 Fashion Week, we’ve managed to comb through the masses of material to pick a few of our favorites here.


Movie messes with your head

Driving home from a screening of Inception, my husband said to me: “I don’t know how you are going to write about this movie.” “What, you mean without giving anything away?” I asked.“No,” he said.“I don’t know how you are going to explain what it’s about.” The film, by writer-director Christopher Nolan, is a gorgeous(极好的), technically perfect symphony(交响曲) of images and ideas.


Woods to split

The marriage between the golf star and his wife is officially over.Official divorce papers state that “the marriage between the parties is irretrievably broken”, thus bringing to an end the couple’s six-year marriage.Woods and Nordgren have lived apart since Woods’ November 2009 car crash, which was followed by Woods’ public admission of a series of affairs with other women.


Flowers set to bloom

What exactly does it take for a young woman to be considered a “campus flower?” Some say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but surely there must be certain essential criteria.Perhaps we can get some answers by taking a closer look inside the training camp of the Universiade Star in Shenzhen, a competition organized to select the guides, waiters, torchbearers and flag bearers for the 2011 games.










1. C___________ drove me inside.

2. Fresh air is of great b___________ to our health.

3. It’s important to know your own strengths and w___________.

4.China and Japan have mid-autumn festivals, when people a__________ the moon and in China, enjoy mooncakes

5.Many a child ___________ to death in Africa because of the lack of food last century.

6. At the beginning of the year, farmers usually have a lot of a___________ work to do.

7. The c__________ of some European countries are quite different from ours.

8. Without p___________, you cannot take photos here.

9. He managed to save the d___________ girl, which was praised by many people.

10.The famous “ Oprah Winfrey Show” is b___________ live every Friday on CNN.

【答案】11.Curiosity   12. benefit   13. weaknesses   14. admire    15. starved  

16. agricultural 17. customs 18. permission  19. drowning  20.broadcast








Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

A. fast                B, stuntmen              C. training                D. catching               E. fall

F. seriously       G. really                    H. profession            I. fight                         J. living

You are watching a film in which two men are having a fight. They hit one another hard. At the start, they only __41__ with their fists. But soon they begin hitting one another over the heads with chairs. And so it goes on until one of the men crashes through a window and falls thirty feet to the ground below. He is dead! Of course he isn’t __42__ dead. With any luck he isn’t even hurt. Why? Because the men who fall out of high windows or jump from __43__ moving trains, who crash cars of even __44__ fire, are professionals. They do this for a living. These men are called __45__. That is to say, they perform tricks. There are two sides to their work. They actually do most of the things you see on the screen. For example, they fall from a high building. However, they do not __46__ on to hard ground but on to empty cardboard boxes covered with mattress(床垫). Again, when they hit one another with chairs, the chairs are made of soft wood and when they crash through windows, the glass is made of sugar! But although their work depends on trick of this sort, it also requires a high degree of skill and __47__. Often a stuntman’s success depends on careful timing. For example, when he is “blown up” in a battle scene, he has to jump out of the way of the explosion just at the right moment.

Naturally stuntmen are well paid for their work, but they lead dangerous lives. They often get __48__ injured and sometimes killed. A Norwegian stuntman, for example, skied over the edge of a cliff a thousand feet high. His parachute(降落伞) failed to open, and he was killed. In spite of all the risks, this is no longer a __49 __ for men only. Men no longer dress up as women when actresses have to perform some dangerous action. For nowadays there are stuntgirls, too.


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