

  Arabs consider it extremely bad manners to start talking immediately.Even the busiest government official always takes extra time to be polite and offers refreshments.No matter how busy you are, you should make time for this.

  The conference visit is a way of doing business throughout the Arab world.Frequently you will have to discuss in the presence of strangers, who may or may not have anything to do with your business.

  Do not be surprised if your meeting is interrupted several times by people who come into the room unannounced,whisper,or speak softly to the person with whom you are talking, and leave.Act as though you do not hear,and never show displeasure at being interrupted.

  When an Arab says yes,he may mean“maybe”.When he says maybe,he probably means “no”.You will seldom get a direct “no”from an Arab because it is considered impolite.Instead of “no”,he will say “Inshallah”,which means “if God is willing”.On the other hand,a smile and a slow nod might seem like an agreement,but in fact,your host is being polite.An Arab considers it impolite to disagree with a guest.


The main purpose of this article is to explain _______.

[  ]


why you need extra time when you visit Arab countries


how to be polite when doing business in the Arab world


why Arab officials are so busy


what Arabs say when doing business


According to the article, which of the following would be considered polite?

[  ]


You leave angrily because of interruptions.


You look out of the window while a stranger comes in to speak to your host.


You demand an mediate decision.


You refuse a cup of tea and show pictures of your products right away.


From this article we know that _______.

[  ]


when an Arab wants to say yes,he often says “maybe”


when an Arab agrees,a smile and a slow nod will be given


an Arab seldom disagree with a guest to his face


“inshallsh” is an English word轻轻告诉你Speech is silver,but silence is gold.说话是银,但沉默是金。


Which of the following is NOT an Arab custom?

[  ]


Disliking being interrupted during their meeting.


Often giving you a vague(模糊)answer.


Seldom saying “no”directly.


Seldom hesitating to start discussing business in the presence of strangers.


The writer of this article has probably _______.

[  ]


been to an Arab country


been against the Arab customs


worked in the Arab world for some time


liked the Arab customs















  Annie Dakley Mozee was only nine when she took her father' s big kentucky rifle (步枪) into woods to hunt food. Her father was dead, and the family was poor and hungry.

  When she found that she could shoot squirrels and rabbits by aiming the rifle carefully, a new life began for her. She began earning money by selling game to Mr Frost, who owned a hotel in a nearby town.

  Then Annie began to try for a trick shot(高明的射手) ,everyone heard of her skill with a rifle .

  When she was fifteen, Mr Frost set up a shooting match between her and a famous marksman (神枪手) . And finally, Annie won the match by one point. She was on her way to becoming a world -famous sharp shooter (一等射手) . She now called herself Annie Oakley .

1.Annie first used her rifle to ________.

[  ]

A.protect herself

B.shoot birds

C.make her living by hunting

D.be fond of shooting.

2.A new life began for Annie when she ________.

[  ]

A.met a famous marksman.

B.met Mr Frost.

C.turned strick shot.

D.found out that she could shoot.

3.Annie Oakley became famous because ________.

[  ]

A.the government gave her a medal of sharp shooter.

B.she beat a famous marksman.

C.she was praised for a first - class shot.

D.she turned big- game hunter.

4.The under lined word “game” of the selection means ________.

[  ]

A.form a play.

B.sports and exercise outdoors.

C.food fed to poultry(家禽) .

D.animals and birds hunted for food.

5.The best title for this selection is ________.

[  ]

A.How Annie Oakley Got Her Start .

B.The Shooting Match.

C.The Girl's Way To A Shot.

D.How To Shoot Game.


  In the United States, boys and girls start school when they are five years old. In some states they must stay in school until they are sixteen. Most students are seventeen or eighteen years old when they graduate from secondary school. Another name for secondary school is high school.

  Most children go to public elementary (初小) and secondary school. The parents of public school pupils do not have to pay directly (直接地) for their children's education because tax (税)money supports the public schools. If a child attends a private (私立) school, his parents pay the school for the child's education.

  Today about half of the high school graduates go on to colleges and universities. Some colleges and universities receive tax money from the governments. A student at a state university does not have to pay very much if his parents live in that state. Private colleges and universities are expensive. However, almost half of the colleges students in the United States work while they are studying. When a student's family isn't rich, he has to earn money for part of his college expenses.

1.In the United States, children can start school ________.

[  ]

A.at any time
B.when they are old enough
C.at the age of seven
D.when they are five

2.________ between secondary school and high school.

[  ]

A.There is no difference
B.There is little difference
C.There is some difference
D.There is much difference

3.Most parents in the US ________ for their children's education.

[  ]

A.pay the school
B.pay nothing
C.pay little to the school
D.don't pay the school

4.Some students at a state university don't have to pay much money for their higher education because ________.

[  ]

A.tax money supports some colleges and universities

B.their parents live in that state

C.they earn money

D.their family are not rich

5.Students from poor families ________.

[  ]

A.stop studying after secondary school

B.don't go on to colleges and universities

C.have to work to support their families

D.earn money for part of their college expenses


  Several years ago, my parents, my wife, my son and I ate at one of those restaurants where the menu is written on a blackboard.After a wonderful dinner, the waiter set the check in the middle of the table.That’s when it happened:my father did not reach for the check.

  Conversation continued.Finally I realized that I should pick up the check!After hundreds of restaurant meals with my parents, after a lifetime of thinking of my father as the one with dollars, it had all changed.I reached for the check, and my view of myself suddenly changed.I was an adult.I was no longer a kid.

  Some people mark off(区分)their lives in years, I measure mine in small events.I didn’t become a young man at a particular age, like 16, but rather when a kid who wandered in the streets called me “mister.” These events in my life are called “milestones”(里程碑)

  There have been other milestones.The cops(policemen)of my youth always seemed big, even huge, and of course they were older than I was.Then one day they were suddenly realized that all the football players in the game I was watching were younger than I was.They were just big kids.With that milestone gone was the dream that someday, maybe I, too, could be a football player.Without ever having reached the hill, I was over it.

  I never thought that I would fall asleep in front of the TV set as my father did.Now it’s what I do best.I never thought that I would go to the beach and not swim, yet I spent all of August at the shore and never once went into the ocean.I never thought that I would appreciate opera, but now the combination of voice and orchestra attract me.I never thought that I would prefer to stay home in the evenings, but now I find myself passing up parties.I used to think that people who watched birds were strange, but this summer I fond myself watching them, and maybe I’ll get a book on the subject.I feel a strong desire for a religious belief that I never thought I’d want, feel close to my ancestors(祖先)long gone, and echo my father in arguments with my son.I still lose…

  One day I bought a house.One day-what a day!–I became a father, and not too long after that I picked up the check for my own father.I thought then it was a milestone for me.One day, when I was a little older, I realized it was one for him, too, another milestone.


The tone established in the passage is one of ________.

[  ]


sad regret






deep feeling


The author mentions the event in the restaurant because ________.

[  ]


that was one of his milestone


he paid the bill but he didn’t want to


he became a father with dollars


that was the last restaurant meal with his parents


“Then they were suddenly neither.” Suggests that ________.

[  ]


suddenly they became older than I was


suddenly I knew that they was neither bigger nor older than I was


suddenly I realized that I made mistake


suddenly I found myself no longer a kid


Which of the following best expresses the author’s thinking?

[  ]


One day is worth two tomorrow


To save time is to length life


When an opportunity is lost, it never comes back to you


Time and tide wait for no man


  It was at least two months before Christmas when nine-year-old Almie Rose told her father and me that she wanted a new bicycle.As Christmas drew near, her desire for a bicycle seemed to fade, or so we thought.We bought the latest rages.Baby-Sitter’s Club dolls, and a doll house.Then, much to our surprise, on December 23rd, she said that she “really wanted a bike more than anything else.”

  It was just too late, what will all the details of preparing Christmas dinner and buying last-minute gifts, to take the time to select the “right bike” for our little girl.So here we were-Christmas Eve around 9∶00 p. m., with Almie and her six-year-old brother, Dylan, nested snug in their beds.Now we could only think of the bicycle and the disappointment of our child.“What if the bicycle out of clay(a kind of earth)and write a note that she could trade the clay model in for a real bike?” her dad asked.“This is an expensive item and she is ‘such a big girl,’ and it would be much better for her to pick it out.”So he spent the next four hours painstakingly working with clay to make a tiny bike.

  On Christmas morning, we were excited for Almie to open the little heart-shaped package with the beautiful red and white clay bike and the note.Finally, she opened it and read the note aloud.“Does this mean that I trade in this bike that Daddy made me for a real one?”Beaming, I said,“Yes.”Almie had tears in her eyes when she replied,“I could never trade in this beautiful bicycle that Daddy made me.I’d rather keep this than get a real bike.”At that moment, we would have moved heaven and earth to buy every bicycle on the planet!


Which is the right time order of the following events?

a.The girl asked for a new bike

b.The girl opened the little heart-shaped package

c.The parents bought the girl a modern and popular doll.

d.The father made the girl a bike with clay.

e.The girl would rather keep the clay bike than get a real one.

[  ]


b, c, e ,d


a, c, d, b, e


a, c, b, d, e


a, b, d, c, e


Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

[  ]


The parents wanted the girl to have the clay bike forever.


Tears were in the girl’s eyes because she didn’t like the present at all.


The girl never lost her desire for a bike.


The parents paid little attention to the daughter’s desire for a bike.


Why did Dad make the clay bicycle?

[  ]


Because he wanted to buy a real one, but he had no money.


Because he didn’t want to disappoint his daughter.


Because he thought his daughter would like it.


Because he wanted to give his daughter a surprise.


What can be inferred from the last sentence of the text?

[  ]


The parents were happy and encouraged.


The parents felt comfortable and relaxed.


The parents were moved and felt proud of the girl.


The parents felt disappointed and sorry for the girl.

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