
The wide spread of super hybrid rice around the world ______ the lives of millions and millions of people suffering from hunger to a great level

  1. A.
    has improved
  2. B.
    is improving
  3. C.
  4. D.
    has been improving

Students will need to use all of their skills in order to understand the reading selections in Reader’s Choice.

The book    36   many types of selections on a wide   37    of topics. These selections provide practice on    38    different reading skills to get the   39   of the writer. They also give students   40   in four basic reading skills: skimming, scanning, reading for   41   comprehension, and critical reading.  

Skimming involves reading quickly through a text to get an overall idea of its contents. This kind of rapid reading is   42  when you are trying to decide  43   careful reading is desirable or when there is not    44    to read something carefully.

Like skimming, scanning is also quick reading.    45   , in this case the search is more    46    .To scan is to read quickly in order to    47    specific information. When you read to find a    48   date, or number you are scanning.  

Reading for thorough comprehension is   49    reading in order to understand the total   50   of the passage.   51   this level of comprehension the reader is    52    to summarize the author’s ideas but has not yet made a critical evaluation of those ideas.  

Critical reading demands that a reader   53   judgments about what he or she reads. This kind of reedit    54    posting and answering questions such as “Does my own experience support that of the author?”, “Do I    55    the author’s point of view?” And “Am I convinced by the author’s arguments and evidence?

36.A.contains                B.uses                   C.put                    D.writes

37.A.sense                    B.variety               C.kind                   D.subject

38.A.making                 B.understanding     C.speaking             D.employing

39.A.message                B.secret                 C.content               D.nature

40.A.power                  B.point                  C.practice              D.opinion

41.A.better                   B.basic                  C.general               D.thorough

42.A.suitable                B.interesting          C.wrong                D.true

43.A.that                      B.if                       C.when                 D.why

44.A.interest                 B.habit                  C.time                   D.desire

45.A.Moreover             B.Anyway             C.However            D.Therefore

46.A.funny                   B.concentrated       C.perfect               D.important

47.A.deal with                     B.get in                 C.go over                     D.find out

48.A.common               B.different             C.fine                   D.particular

49.A.carefully               B.slowly                C.quickly                     D.perfectly

50.A.design                  B.explanation         C.meaning             D.feeling

51.A.To                B.On                     C.At                            D.In

52.A.impossible            B.able                   C.difficult             D.simple

53.A.makes                  B.finds                 C.puts                   D.offers

54.A.lacks                   B.requires              C.demands            D.affords

55.A.tell                       B.express               C.share                  D.argue

The surprising experiment I am about to describe proves that air is all aroud you and that it proves down upon you.Air pressure is a wonderful force.When you swim underwater, you can feel water push down your body.The air all around you does the same.However, your body is so used to it that you do not notice this .The pressure is caused by a layer of air called the atmosphere.This layer surrounds the Earth , extending to about five kilometers above the Earth’s surface.

The following experiment is an easy one that you can do at home.But make sure that you are supervised , because you will need to use matches.Now for the experiment!

What you need

·A hard-boiled egg without the shell

·A bottle with a neck slightly smaller than the egg

·A piece of paper

·A match


1) Check that the egg will sit firmly on the neck of the bottle.

2) Tear the paper into strips and put the strips into the bottle.

3) Light the paper by dropping a burning match into the bottle.

4) Quickly sit the egg on the neck of the bottle.


Astonishingly,the egg will be sucked into the bottle.Your friends will be amazed when you show them the experiment.But be careful when you handle matches.

Why it happened

As the paper burns,it needs oxyen and uses up the oxygen(air) in the bottle.The egg acts as a seal in the neck of the bottle,so no more air can get inside .This reduces the air pressure inside the bottle.The air pressure must equalize,so more air from outside must enter the bottle.The outside air pressure against the egg and then the egg is pushed into the bottle!The proves that air is all around and that it is pressing down on it.

53.When you do the experiment, why need you a person beside you?

     A.You couldn’t place the egg on the bottle by yourself.

     B.The egg needs to be shelled.

     C.You need to use matches.

     D.The bottle can’t sit firmly on the desk.

54.The purpose of doing this experiment is to prove ______.

     A.air pressure is a wonderful force

     B.water can push down your body when you swim underwater

     C.the air pressure is not equalized around us

     D.the earth is surrounded by a layer of air called the atmosphere

55.How did the egg put into the bottle?

       A.The oxygen inside the bottle suckde the egg in.

       B.It became solt without the shell.

       C.The neck of the bottle was wide enough.

       D.The outside air pressure forced it into the bottle.

56.The passage is ______.

     A.an experiment report            B.a scientific story

     C.a research report                  D.an interesting novel

Most young architects – particularly those in big cities – can only dream about working in a building of their own. And making that dream come true often means finding a building no one else seems to want, which is exactly what happened to David Yocum and his partner, Brian Bell. Their building is a former automobile electrical-parts firm in Atlanta. From the outside, it looks too old, even something horrible, but open the door and you are in a wide, open courtyard, lined on three sides with rusting (生锈的) walls.

In 2000, Yocum and Bell found this building in the city’s West End. Built in 1947, the structure had been abandoned years earlier and the roof of the main building had fallen down. But the price was right, so Yocum bought it. He spent eight months of his off-hours on demolition (拆除), pulling rubbish out through the roof, because it was too dangerous to go inside the building. The demolition was hard work, but it gave him time to think about what he wanted to do, and “to treasure what was there – the walls, the rust, the light,” Yocum said. “Every season, more paint falls off the walls and more rust develops. It’s like an art installation (装置) in there – a slow-motion show.”

Since the back building had been constructed without windows, an all-glass front was added to the building to give it a view of the courtyard, and skylights were installed in the roof. The back of the building is a working area and a living room for Yocum and his wife. A sort of buffer (缓冲) zone between the front and the back contains a bathroom, a kitchen and a mechanical room, and the walls that separate these zones have openings that allow views through to the front of the studio and the courtyard beyond.

Yocum and Bell, who have just completed an art gallery for the city, feel that the experience from the decoration of their building, focusing on the inside rather than the outside, has influenced their work. It has also given these architects a chance to show how they can make more out of less.

According to the passage, it is     for most young architects in big cities to work in a building of their own.

    A. easy            B. unnecessary          C. unrealistic      D. common

Yocum bought the old building because _________.

A. it was a bargain to him

B. it was still in good condition

C. it was located in the city center

D. it looked attractive from the outside

Working on the old building, Yocum and Bell_.

A. pulled rubbish out through the roof

B. removed the skylights from the bathroom

C. presented a slow–motion show in an art gallery

D. built a kitchen at the back part of the old building

It can be inferred from the passage that Yocum and Bell __.

A. benefited a lot from pulling down the roof

B. turned more old buildings into art galleries

C. got inspiration from decorating their old building

D. paid more attention to the outside of the gallery

The main idea of the passage is that __.

A. people can learn a lot from their failures

B. it is worthwhile to spend money on an old building

C. people should not judge things by their appearance

D. creative people can make the best of what they have

In July 1994 Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, was struck by 21 pieces of a comet(彗星). When the fragment(碎片)landed in the southern part of the giant planet, the explosions were watched by scientists here on earth. But what if our own planet was hit by a comet?
The year is 2094. It has been announced that a comet is heading towards the Earth. Most of it will miss our planet, but two fragments will probably hit the southern part of the Earth. The news has caused panic.
On 17 July, a fragment four kilometers wide enters the Earth’s atmosphere with a huge explosion. About half of the fragment is destroyed. But the major part survives and hits the South Atlantic at 200 times the speed of sound. The sea boils and an enormous wave is created and spreads. The wall of water rushes towards southern Africa at 800 kilometers an hour. Cities on the African coast are totally destroyed and millions of people are drowned. The wave moves into the Indian Ocean and heads towards Asia.
Millions of people are already dead in the southern part of the Earth, but the north won’t escape for long. Tons of broken pieces are thrown into the atmosphere by the explosions. As the sun is hidden by clouds of dust, temperatures around the world fall to almost zero. Crops are ruined. Wars break out as countries fight for food. A year later civilization has collapsed. No more than 10 million people have survived.
Could it really happen? In fact, it has already happened more than once in the history of the Earth. The dinosaurs(恐龙)were on the Earth for over 160 million years. Then 65 million years ago they suddenly disappeared. Many scientists believe that the Earth was hit by a space fragment. The dinosaurs couldn’t survive in the cold climate that followed and they became extinct. Will we meet the same end?
【小题1】 Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the author’s description of the disaster in 2094?
The whole mankind becomes extinct.
All the coastal cities in African are destroyed.
The whole world becomes extremely cold.
The visit of the comet results in wars.
【小题2】Why does the author mention dinosaurs at the end of the passage?

A.Because they could only live in the warm climate.
B.Because they once dominated the Earth.
C.Because dinosaurs and humans never live in the same age.
D.Because their extinction indicates future disasters
【小题3】 In writing the passage, the author intends to __________.
A.give an accurate description of the possible disaster in the future
B.warn of a possible disaster in the future
C.tell the historical development of the Earth
D.prove that humans will sooner or later be destroyed
【小题4】It can be concluded that the passage is most probably part of a(n) __________.
A.horror storyB.news report
C.article of popular scienceD.research paper

When we see well, we do not think about our eyes very often. It is only when we cannot see perfectly that we realize how important our eyes are.

People who are near-sighted can only see things that are very close to their eyes. Everything else seems blurry (unclear). Many people who do a lot of work, such as writing, reading and sewing become near--sighted.

People who are far-sighted suffer from just the opposite problem. They can see things that are far away, but they have difficulty in reading a book unless they hold it at arm’s length. If they want to do much reading, they must get glasses, too.

Other people do not see clearly because their eyes are not exactly the right shape. They have what is called astigmatism (散光). This, too, can be corrected by glasses. Some people’s eyes become cloudy because of cataracts (白内障). Long ago these people often became blind. Now, however, it is possible to operate on the cataracts and remove them.

Having two good eyes is important for judging distances. Each eye sees things from a slightly different angle. To prove this to yourself, look at an object out of one eye; then look at the same object out of your other eye. You will find the object’s relation to the background and other things around it has changed. The difference between these two different eye views helps us to judge how far away an object is. People who have only one eye cannot judge distance as people with two eyes.

1.We should take good care of our eyes   ___ .

A.only when we can see well

B.only when we cannot see perfectly

C.even if we can see well

D.only when we realize how important our eyes are

2.. When things far away seem indistinct(模糊不清) , one is probably  ____  .




D.suffering from cataracts

3.The underlined word “suffer” in the third paragraph probably means  ____  .



C.feel pain

D.are affected with

4.Having two eyes instead of one is particularly useful for   ____ .

A.seeing at night

B.seeing objects far away

C.looking over a wide area

D.judging distances

5. People who suffer from astigmatism have    ____ .

A.one eye bigger than the other

B.eyes that are not exactly the right shape

C.a difficulty that can be corrected by an operation

D.an eye difficulty that cannot be corrected by glasses


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