
     I am not really much of a diet fan, my weight has never been an issue. I eat whatever I want, when I
want. But as Pamela McDonald explains diet is not merely a method for controlling weight, but has a
significant influence on health and quality of life.
     I can hardly imagine that living on fried bacon would be a good way to lose weight and promote good
overall health. Likewise a steady diet of cabbage soup would likely become somewhat monotonous(单调乏味的) after a couple of days.
     Pamela McDonald takes a different approach, there is no one-size-fits-all diet, different people need
different things. Although all humans are intrinsically(本质地) composed of the same material, the building blocks, our genes, are subtlety different.
     The author maintains that one particular part of a person's DNA, something called the APO E gene,
has much to do with how our body tolerates foods of different types. This gene comes in 8 varieties and
depending on the variety the food requirements are different. This has little to do with weight loss, and has more to do with overall good health. Weight gain is not a 'problem' but rather a symptom. A diet alone
will not resolve the entire problem, it is merely one part of the larger picture.
     I have to admit that parts of The APO E Gene Diet were a little heavy going, I appreciate that the
author felt the requirement to back up her claims with some scientific data, but for the lay(外行的) man
it makes for some rather difficult reading.
     The second half of the book, is recipes, now this is something I do understand! She has created some
very innovative dishes, and certainly more than one that had me feeling hungry just reading them. My
favorite of them is a very traditional English dish the Cornish Pasty.
     An interesting book and one that people should read, you can get your copy from Amazon. 
1. What's the writing purpose of the passage?
A.To help readers realize the importance of diets.
B.To share her reviews of a book about diets.
C.To advertise for the Amazon online bookstore.
D.To introduce a new way of losing weight.
2. What can we learn from Pamela McDonald's book?
A. Different people need different foods to keep fit.
B. Humans are completely made up of the same genes.
C. Different APO E gene decides if you are healthy.
D. Diets alone can successfully help fat people lose weight.
3. What's the shortage of Pamela McDonald's book?
A. It advises people to eat some repeated diets every day to keep slim.
B. It supports its arguments with convincing scientific explanation.
C. Parts of it are difficult for common readers to understand well.
D. It is a heavy book that is too long for many readers to finish.
4. What CANNOT we infer from the passage?
A. What food we need is decided by the environment we're brought up.
B. Gaining weight indicates there may be something wrong with your health.
C. The writer is deeply attracted by the dishes introduced in the book.
D. You can learn how to make the Cornish Pasty from the book.
5. We can use the following words to describe Pamela McDonald's book EXCEPT____________?
A. interesting      
B. innovative        
C. persuasive      
D. humourous

【小题1】The survey shows that the spread of the disease has caused growing public ________(担忧).
【小题2】It was warm enough to be ________(户外) all afternoon.
【小题3】The ship will start its first ________(航行) next Monday.
【小题4】In order to get this job done well, you have to speak ________(流利) in at least two African languages.
【小题5】By the age of two a child will have a ________(词汇量) of about two hundred words.
【小题6】Building of the new library should begin in the ________(较后) part of next year.
【小题7】His ________(口音) suggested that he was not a native here.
【小题8】Although they are twins, they look ________(完全) different.
【小题9】Both parents and ________(青少年) must try to bridge the generation gap between them
【小题10】She had changed so much that I didn't r________ her until she began to talk.
【小题11】I am not from Netherlands; a________, I am from Denmark.
【小题12】I'm afraid I can't help you at p________; I'm too busy.
【小题13】This autumn the BBC will be showing a s________ of French films.
【小题14】Union leaders and company bosses will meet tomorrow in an attempt to reach a ________(settle).
【小题15】Facial ________(express) are important in communication.
The idea that he ________ ________ ________ when calmed down did work.
Friends ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ our lives, though we may take the fact of friendship for granted.
The teacher suggested that we ________ ________ our conclusions ________ facts rather than feelings.
He wanted to be famous -- he ________ ________ ________ being nobody.
It ________ the first time that I ________ ________ with a Spanish student face to face. It turned out that we got along quite well.
【小题21】I'm grateful that you helped me out.
= I'm grateful ________ ________ ________ ________ me out
【小题22】She was absent from school because she was ill.
=" She" was absent from school ________ ________ ________.
【小题23】We should ask the student to fully use the Internet resources.
=" We" should ask the student to _______ ________ ________ _______ the Internet resources.
【小题24】There are more than 3,000 students in our school.
=" ________" ________ _______ the students in our school _______ more than 3,000.
【小题25】I met Li Ming at the railway station yesterday. (对划线部分进行强调)
________ ________ ________ ________ I met Li Ming at the railway station.


1.The survey shows that the spread of the disease has caused growing public ________(担忧).

2.It was warm enough to be ________(户外) all afternoon.

3.The ship will start its first ________(航行) next Monday.

4.In order to get this job done well, you have to speak ________(流利) in at least two African languages.

5.By the age of two a child will have a ________(词汇量) of about two hundred words.

6.Building of the new library should begin in the ________(较后) part of next year.

7.His ________(口音) suggested that he was not a native here.

8.Although they are twins, they look ________(完全) different.

9.Both parents and ________(青少年) must try to bridge the generation gap between them

10.She had changed so much that I didn't r________ her until she began to talk.

11.I am not from Netherlands; a________, I am from Denmark.

12.I'm afraid I can't help you at p________; I'm too busy.

13.This autumn the BBC will be showing a s________ of French films.

14.Union leaders and company bosses will meet tomorrow in an attempt to reach a ________(settle).

15.Facial ________(express) are important in communication.


The idea that he ________ ________ ________ when calmed down did work.


Friends ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ our lives, though we may take the fact of friendship for granted.


The teacher suggested that we ________ ________ our conclusions ________ facts rather than feelings.


He wanted to be famous -- he ________ ________ ________ being nobody.


It ________ the first time that I ________ ________ with a Spanish student face to face. It turned out that we got along quite well.

21.I'm grateful that you helped me out.

= I'm grateful ________ ________ ________ ________ me out

22.She was absent from school because she was ill.

=" She" was absent from school ________ ________ ________.

23.We should ask the student to fully use the Internet resources.

=" We" should ask the student to _______ ________ ________ _______ the Internet resources.

24.There are more than 3,000 students in our school.

=" ________" ________ _______ the students in our school _______ more than 3,000.

25.I met Li Ming at the railway station yesterday. (对划线部分进行强调)

________ ________ ________ ________ I met Li Ming at the railway station.


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