
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节  对话填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


S=Shop assistant    C=Customer

S: What can I do for you, sir ?

C:I (76)b      this mobile phone here last month, but it doesn’t work now.

S: What’s the matter with it ?

C: I tried hard several times, but it can’t (77)s     be turned on.

S: Let me have a look, hm , has it run out of (78)e    ?

C: No, the battery has just be fully (79)c     .

S: Did you read the (80)i     before using it?

C: Of course I did .

S: Have you ever dropped it in the (81)w    by accident?

C: Certainly not. I am not that (82)c     . I have always been very careful.

S: It’s not our fault. It’s the fault of the (83)c     who made it . What would you like me to do then?

C: I (84)i      that should change it for another one.

S: I’m sorry, But our manager is not in at the moment. I’ll report it to him when he come back and give you a (85)r     as soon as possible.

76. bought    77. simply  78. electricity  79. charged  80. instructions 81. water

82. careless   83. company  84. insist   85. reply


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