
13.Why not take up some outdoor sports to relax ______ office work?It will also help keep you healthy.(  )

分析 为什么不做些户外运动来从工作中放松一下呢?这会有助你保持健康.

解答 答案:B
for为了,表示目的;from从,来自,表示方向;on上面,表示方位;of…的,表示所属关系.relax from office work从工作当中放松出来,故选B.

点评 介词的数量众多,用法灵活.学习时,要注意掌握.对一些搭配结构要注意区分,尤其是相似结构要特别注意.

4.Inside the pleasingly fragrant cafe,So All May Eat(SAME) in downtown Denver,the spirit of generosity(慷慨)is instantly noticeable:A donation box stands in place of a cash register.Customers here pay only what they can afford,no questions asked.A risky business plan,perhaps,but SAME Café has done one unchangeable thing in the Mile High City for six years:Open only at midday,the restaurant provides poor local can instead volunteer as waiters and waitresses,and dishwashers,or took after the buildings and equipment for the cafe.
"It's based on trust,and it's working all right",says co-owner Brad Birky,who started the café in 2006.With his wife Libby.Previously volunteering at soup kitchens,the Birkys were dissatisfied with the often unhealthy meals they served there."We wanted to offer quality food in a restaurant where everyone felt comfortable,regardless of their circumstances,"Birky says.SAME's special lunch menu changes daily and most food materials are natural and grown by local farmers.The café now averages 65 to 70 customers (and eight volunteers) a day.And the spirit of generosity behind the project appears to be spreading.In early 2007,one volunteer who had cleared snow for his meals during the long winter said goodbye to the Birkys,"He said he was going to New Orleans to help with the hurricane clear up,"says Birky.

68.What can we learn about the soup kitchens the Birkys prcviously worked for?B
A.They refused to have volunteers.
B.They offered low quality food.
C.They provided customers with a good environment.
D.They closed down because of poor management.
69.According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE?A
A..The customers who cannot pay can word as volunteers in stead.
B.More volunteers will go to new Orleans for the hurricane cleanup.
C.Many new cafes will be opened to offer free lunches in the town.
D.The lunch menu has remained the same since the café was started.
70.The author's attitude towards running such a café isB
1.You have a choice of three Supafone Mobile Digital access plans:Leisuretime,Executive and Highflier.They are designed to meet the needs of light,moderate and high-volume users.Calls in each plan are charged at only two rates:short-distance and long-distance.You enjoy big savings with off-peak calls.
Your mobile phone is mainly for personal use.You use your phone to keep family and friends in touch.You don't want to strain your budget(预算紧张).
With this plan you enjoy the lowest monthly access fee and extremely competitive costs for calls.However,a monthly minimum call charge applies.
You're in business and need to be able to call your office and your clients whenever the need arises.You value the convenience of a mobile phone but need to keep a close eye on costs.
For frequent users:the monthly access fee is slightly higher,but you enjoy the savings of a discounted call rate.
You are always on the move and communications are critical.You need to be able to call and be called wherever you are-world-wide.
As a high-volume user you pay an access fee of just $60 a month but even lower call rates.
 Monthly Access Fee 35dollars  46dollars60dollars
  FEAK 30 sec.unitOFF PEAK Save 50%
 PEAK 30sec.unit OFF PEAK Save 50% PEAK 30sec.unitOFF PEAK Save 50% 
21.0cents 10.8cents
 16.8cents 8.4cents 15.1cents 7.6cents
16.8cents  25.2cents 12.8cents 21.0cents 11.4cents
Best if you spend this amount a month on calls  up to 95dollars
 95dollars-180dollars more than 180dollars
Peak times:7a.m.to 7p.m.Monday-Saturday 
Off peak:all other times,including all day Sunday.Billing increments(计费增量)are in 30-second units.Call charges are rounded to(算到)the nearest cents.
Once-only Connection Fee:30dollars plus additional 35dollars for your Smart Card 
60.You will have to pay a minimum amount for call each month forA.
A.the Leisuretime plan   
B.the Executive plan
C.the Highflier plan   
D.all of the three plans
61.The Executive plan is primarily intended for people who need a mobile phone forA.
A.their work    
B.keeping in contact with their family
C.global communication       
D.personal use
62.It costsB for a 50-second short-distance call at 8p.m.,Friday,on Highflier plan.
A.30.2 cents   
B.15.2 cents   
C.15 cents    
D.30 cents.
8.I came from a family that never liked to waste money,and my parents taught me that living within my budget was the most important thing.
I had a very comfortable childhood,and never felt the need to throw away money on unnecessary things.
But things changed in my twenties,when I found myself in a city with plenty of food and shopping attractions!I burned through my income in the department stores on Saturday mornings,then burned through my credit cards at the night clubs on Saturday nights.Before too long,I was deeply in debt and constantly borrowing more money from my friends.It was during this time that I reflected on my behaviour,and decided that life was a lot more comfortable when you weren;t continually stressed about money.
For me,being thrifty (节俭)is not about being short on money.It's about being smart with your money so you can enjoy your life to is fullest.I love recycling and getting back to nature,and teaching the kids about eco-friendly and responsible living.
Whether I like it or not,my natural feeling is to find ways to do everything for less.Less money,less time and less stress!
A 2012
Mayans predicted that the earth would come to an end in 2012.In the film,Jackson Curtis worked as a writer and was told the disaster would ruin the whole world.So,he took his families to the Noah's Ark to avoid the disaster.However,there were so many people who wanted to board it that many of them died.
B Roman Holiday
A Princess makes a goodwill tour of Rome.She is tired of the responsibility and demands of the role she has played,so she escapes and meets up with a newspaper journalist on a street and then they spend a whole day playing together and give us a romantic love story.
C The Shawshank Redemption
In 1947,a man named Andyis was put into prison because he was thought to murder his wife.He was sentenced to life sentences at Shawshank.There,he spent 20 years digging a way with a rock hammer to escape from the prison.Finally,he was free and lived in a costal town.
D The Pursuit of Happiness
Every day,Christ had to work hard from morning till night,but still could hardly make a living.With the failure of his business,Christ had no money to pay for the rent and lived a poor life.However,Christ never gave up and believed that the happiness would come one day.
E Alice In Wonderland
Alice,a beautiful 19-year-old girl,is to be married to a man who has a rich family.At the engagement party,she escapes and falls down a hole in the garden where there are talking animals,villainous queens and knights.
F The Day After Tomorrow 
Professor Jack Hall predicts that new Ice Age will soon come because of the global warming.Then the northern part of America will be covered by snow.He tries to save the world while also trying to get to his son,Sam,who was in New York City attending a competition,when the city was overwhelmed by coldness.
61.Tom is a boy who likes adventure,and he likes to watch a film full of a superhero.Sometimes,he dreams of saving the earth.F
62.Jack is a boy who lacks perseverance in his study,so he wants to watch a film including a person who gets success by his long-time efforts.C
63.Lily is a girl who likes some romantic things.She always likes to watch a film filled with love stories.B
64.Lucy is a girl who likes animals very much.She wants to see a film where she can see a lot of lovely animals.E
65.David is a boy who always fails in the exam,so he wants to see a film where there is a person who keeps a positive attitude towards life.D.

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