
【题目】Music lessons may improve memory and learning ability in your children by promoting different patterns of brain development, a study shows.

After a year of musical training, children aged between 4 and 6 performed better at a standard memory test than did children who were not taught music.The findings suggest that music could be useful for building the learning capacity of your minds.

Earlier studies have shown that older children given music lessons become better at IQ tests than those who are musically untrained, but this is the first to show such a benefit in children so young.

Professor Laurek Trainor, of McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, also found clear differences in the ways in which children's brains responded to sound after a year of musical training.'This is the first study to show that brain responses in young, musically trained and untrained children change differently over the course of a year," she said."These changes are likely to be related to the cognitive( 认知的 )benefit that is seen with musical training."

Professor Trainer's team looked at 12 children, 6 of whom had just started extra-curricular (课程外) music lessons and 6 of whom were not being taught any music except that included as a standard part of their school curriculum (课程标准)

During the year all 12 children had their brains examined four times using magneto-encephalography (MEG), and each child was played two types of sound —white noise and a violin tone.The MEG measurements showed that all children responded more to violin sounds than to white noise, reflecting a preferable for meaningful tones, and their response times fell over the course of the year as their brains matured.

【1】This passage is mainly about ____.

A.why music lessons are good for the memory

B.the benefit from extra-curricular training for younger children

C.a study on twelve young children's brains

D.new technology to examine children's brains

【2】It can be concluded from the text that ____.

A.the study is the first one on the effect of musical training on children's brains

B.scientists got no valuable results from the earlier studies on the topic

C.children musically trained remember things better than those untrained

D.older children get more benefit from musical training than younger ones

【3】What do we know about the twelve children tested in the study?

A.None of them had been musically trained before.

B.Only 6 of them had a knowledge of music before.

C.Not all of them had been taught some music in school.

D.All of them were required to learn some music in school.

【4】We know from the MEG measurements that ____.

A.the older a child is, the more quickly he/she responds to sounds

B.human brains prefer musical sounds to white noise

C.children of different ages respond to sounds at the same speed

D.all the twelve children like to learn to play the violin very much








【1】A 主旨大意题。根据文章主题段第一段Music lessons may improve memory and learning ability in your children by promoting different patterns of brain development, a study shows可知本文主要告诉我们音乐在提高儿童记忆力方面的重要性,在文章里作者还介绍了有关的实验。故A正确。

【2】C 细节题。根据第二段第一句After a year of musical training, children aged between 4 and 6 performed better at a standard memory test than did children who were not taught music.可知经过音乐培训的儿童要比没有经过音乐培训的孩子表现更好。故C正确。

【3】D 细节题。根据文章第五段Professor Trainer's team looked at 12 children, 6 of whom had just started extra-curricular (课程外) music lessons and 6 of whom were not being taught any music except that included as a standard part of their school curriculum (课程标准)。可知12各儿童中有6人接受了额外的音乐课程学习,另外6人接受了课程标准中的音乐教育。也就是说12名儿童都接受了音乐方面的培训。故D正确。

【4】B 细节题。根据最后一段第二句The MEG measurements showed that all children responded more to violin sounds than to white noise可知根据脑磁波描记器,儿童对于音乐的声音更喜欢。故B正确。



A. Try different new things.

B. Avoid “black and white thinking”.

C. Associate with optimistic people.

D. Make a plan to stop thinking negatively.

E. Understand the benefits of staying positive.

F. Adopt the motto “everything happens for a reason”.

Develop a positive attitude towards life

When you are going through a challenging time, people will just instruct you to think positively. More often than not, thinking positively proves a strategy for interpreting everything that happens to you in a useful, constructive way. If you want to know how to think more positively, just follow these tips.

1_____________. Choosing to think more positively will not only help you take control of your life and make your everyday experiences more pleasant, but it will have countless benefits on your mental and physical health as well as your ability to deal with change. Being aware of these benefits can help you be even more motivated to think positively on a regular basis. One of the most important benefits of positive thinking is that you are more likely to have better coping skills during times of stress.

2_____________. Don’t think everything you are faced with either is or it isn’t. In fact, there is what we call the shades of gray in life. Therefore, if something doesn’t turn out the way you want it to, make a list of all of the outcomes in between to see that things aren’t as serious as they seem. For example, if you get a late start on a paper and think you shouldn’t bother because you won’t finish it in time, consider the other possibilities. You could finish half the paper and still get a better grade than if you don’t turn it in.

3_____________.That means deciding to overcome the negativity that is going on around you –– and there will always be plenty of it. Think of what you can do today that is good for you and others. Decide how you will react in ways that will make a difference to your life. Don't let other people ruin your plan. People will often make things seem more important or worrisome than they really are. Making a plan to be more positive will already be a move in the right direction. This will help you to stay positive because you will feel a greater sense of control over your life and your choices.

4 _____________. Experiencing a wide variety of life will do wonders. Stepping out of your comfort zone can often take you by surprise and knock those negative thoughts or black and white thoughts right back into their cave. Something as simple as trying a new food in a restaurant can lead to the discovery of new tastes and different feelings, along with the release of negative impressions. Visiting a new town, city, or country and see how other people view the world can help put a positive spin on your life.

5_____________. Optimism is infectious. If you want to be infected by optimism, you should spend time with people who can provide something of value. Look for the positives in other people too –– finding what is good in people. Learn to praise people around you. Connect with people who have many passions and want to share them with you. Avoid seeing anyone with a negative outlook, unless you really care about that person and want to change their thoughts. If you tend to think negatively, you’ll be falling into a trap.

【题目】你听说过波兰首都华沙(Warsaw)一词的由来吗? 这里有一个美丽的传说。

Long long ago,there was a young man.His name was Wars.He lived in a little house near the River Vistula.He went there fishing every day for a living.

One day he saw a beautiful girl in the river.The girl's name was Sawa.From then on,the young man and the beautiful girl met every day.They fell in love with each other.When Wars asked Sawa to marry him.Sawa was very sad.She told him that she was mermaid (美人鱼) and she couldn't marry man.But she said she would give him something when they met again.

The next day,Wars went to the river and met Sawa. Sawa was waiting for him with a sword in her

right hand and a shield(盾)in her left hand.She told Wars that they wouldn't meet again.She gave the

sword and the shield to him.She said he would be successful with the sword and the shield and become a great hero.Then she went away.

Wars missed Sawa very much.He always remembered his first love.What the mermaid had told him came true.Wars became a great hero.He got the land by the River Vistula.There he set up a city. He called it Warsaw.

【1Wars was a ___________when he met Sawa for the first time

A. hero B. fisherman C. mermaid D. soldier

【2Sawa couldn't marry Wars because _______________

A. Sawa was a mermaid B. Sawa didn't love Wars

C. Wars was very poor D. Wars didn't love Sawa

【3Sawa told Wars_____________

A. they would marry later

B. they would leave together

C. he would become a hero

D. he would get much money

【4The name of Poland's capital came from _________________

A. the name of a house

B. the name of a river

C. the name of a mountain

D. the names of Wars and Sawa

【5From this passage, we know that _____________

A. Wars lived in a big house near the River Vistula before he met Sawa

B. Sawa was kind but not pretty

C. Sawa gave Wars nothing but a sword

D. Wars named the city Warsaw to remember his first love

【题目】It was just three degrees above zero. “That’s cold,” thought Jane as she got ready to deliver her morning papers. Jane has 50 customers, and on cold mornings when she couldn’t ride her bike, it took her more than an hour to make her rounds.

As she collected her papers and put them into a big canvas bag, Jane regretted that she hadn’t finished her math homework the night before. There was still time. She’d hurry with the papers and finish the math before breakfast.

Less than an hour later, Jane was nearly finished. She had only five customers to go. She could then head for home to complete her math while her mom fixed breakfast. As she rounded the corner, she saw a car in the middle of the street. It was Mr. Zimmerman, the elderly man who walked with a walking stick. His car was out of gas.

“I’d like to help Mr. Zimmerman,” thought Jane. “but if I do, I won’t have time to do my homework.” She hated to think what Mr. Roberts would say if she hadn’t completed her papers.

“It’s his own fault for running out of gas,” Jane talked to herself, “the station is only a half mile down the street. Surely Mr. Zimmerman can walk that far, even on a cold morning like this… can’t he?” As she walked down the street, Jane wondered what to do.

【1Jane delivers her papers _____.

A. before she goes to school

B. on cold mornings

C. with the help of Mr. Zimmerman’s car

D. on the way to school

【2Mr. Zimmerman was old and ______.

A. couldn’t drive well

B. would have nobody to help him

C. was not rich enough to buy gas

D. was not able to walk a long way

【3We know from the reading that_______

A. Jane couldn’t find any time to finish her homework

B. it took about an hour for Jane to send the papers

C. Jane would have her breakfast in the school

D. Jane likes to deliver papers on cold mornings

【4The reading doesn’t say but we can infer that_____

A. Jane bought the gas for Mr. Zimmerman

B. usually Jane delivers papers by bike

C. Mr. Robert doesn’t like Jane at school

D. Mr. Zimmerman had to leave the car for Jane

【5The best title for this reading should be ______

A. Fifth Customers B. There’s no Easy Answer

C. No Time to Finish Homework D. A Cold Morning for Jane

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