
【题目】It is always good to come to an understanding with your parents.

Gurdjieff used to say,“【1】 you are in good communion with your parents, you have missed your life." If some anger persists between you and your parents, you will never feel 2 ease. Wherever you are, you will feel a little guilty. You will never be able to forgive 3 forget…Parents are not just a social relationship. It is out of them 4 you have come. You are part of them, _ 5 branch of their tree. You are still rooted in them. When parents die, something very deep-rooted dies within you. When parents die, for the first time you feel alone, uprooted. 6 while they are alive, do everything that you can so that an understanding can arise and you can communicate with them and they can communicate with you. Then, 7 they leave the world-and they will leave someday,you will not feel guilty; you will not repent; you will know that things have settled. 8 have been happy with you and you have been happy with them.

Part m Reading Comprehension (30 marks)












【1】考查连词搭配。根据句子 you are in good communion with your parents, you have missed your life 前句说你和父母有很好的沟通,后句说你错过了你的生活,可知应用表示否定意义的表条件的连词,即除非你和父母有很好的沟通,否则你就错过了你的生活,故填Unless

【2】考查固定短语。at ease是固定短语意为舒适,根据句子If some anger persists between you and your parents, you will never feel ease如果你和你的父母存在矛盾,你将不会感到舒适,故填at

【3】考查连词搭配。根据句子You will never be able to forgive forget 两个动词之间应用并列连词,你将不能谅解和遗忘,故填and

【4】考查强调句。It is…that…是强调句固定句型,表示就是…才…根据句子It is out of them you have come ,out of them 是一个介词短语,此处就是强调这个介词短语,意为就是他们你才降临到这个世上,故填that

【5】考查冠词搭配。branch 是可数名词,当以单数形式出现时前面要加冠词,本句意为你是他们的一部分,他们的一个分支,故填a


【7】考查状语从句。根据句子 they leave the world-and they will leave someday,you will not feel guilty可知本句是状语从句,句中缺少时间状语,表示当…时,本句意为当他们离开人世,总有一天他们会离开,你不会感到内疚,故应用when表示当…时,故填when

【8】考查代词。根据句子 have been happy with you and you have been happy with them 这里代指父母,且作主语,应用主格形式,本句意为和你在一起他们很快乐,和他们在一起你也很快乐,故填They


【题目】Coffee is one of the most popular drinks throughout the world today. In fact, according to some estimates, over 30% of all adults in the world drink coffee at least once a day on the average. Coffee contains a kind of drug called caffeine. Caffeine is a chemical that stimulates (刺激) the nerves of the body. Drinking coffee tends to make people a little bit more awake―at least for a short time―because of this stimulating effect on the nervous system. A cup of coffee has, on the average, about 3% caffeine in it.

One story of the discovery of the coffee plant relates to this effect of caffeine. According to the story, coffee was discovered in East Africa. The story says that coffee was first found by a goat farmer named Kaldi. This was about the year 850. Kaldi was leading his animals through the mountains and the goats were stopping repeatedly to eat the plants near the path. Suddenly, some of the goats started jumping up and down in a very strange way. Kaldi figured out that the goats were acting this way because of the plants they were eating. Kaldi himself tried eating some of the green beans (豆荚) that the goats had been eating. He, too, felt the stimulating effect of the beans. Kaldi wanted to prove what had happened, so he picked some of the beans and took them back to the village, where he told his story.

The green bean got the name "Kaffa" and later "coffee" because the beans were discovered in a /span>place called Kaffa in Africa. Then for years, people used to eat a few of the green Kaffa beans when they were in the mountains and needed extra energy to do their work. It was later found that the coffee beans could be picked and then dried until they turned brown, and then they could be stored. If the beans were dried and stored, they could be used at any time.

1What is the purpose of drinking coffee?

A. To become more awake. B. To become more healthy.

C. To become more happy. D. To become more clever.

2How did the goats react after eating the plants?

A. They fell asleep.

B. They could not find their way home.

C. They started jumping up and down.

D. They wanted to eat more.

3Why did the green bean get the name "Kaffa"?

A. Because Kaldi loved his home village very much.

B. Because Kaldi's goats loved the green bean very much.

C. Because the beans were discovered in a place by this name.

D. Because the beans could be picked and dried.

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