

The Internet has become part of young people’s life. __1.___ report shows that 38% of students often use the Internet . Most of them get ___2.__ (use) information on the Internet ___3.____ use the Internet to help in their studies. But many students don’t use it ____4.____ a good way. Some play games too much, some visit websites ___5.___ shouldn’t look at. So bad things may happen ___6.__ students spend too much time on the Internet.

____7.____ is important for students to use the Internet properly. Now we have a textbook, ____8.___ uses many examples to teach students some good ways to use the Internet. It gives useful advice.

Some students also make ___9.___ on the Internet. But if you want to have a face-to-face ____10.___ (meet) with your online friends, let your parents know and meet in a proper place.


Knowing that Mrs. Mallard suffered from a heart trouble, great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husband’s death.

It was her sister Josephine who told her, in broken sentences. Her husband’s friend Richards was there, too. It was he who had been in the newspaper office when news of the railroad disaster was received, with Brently Mallard’s name leading the list of “killed.” He had only taken the time to assure himself of its truth by a second telegram, and hurried to send the sad message.

She did not hear the story as many women have heard the same. She wept at once, with wild abandonment, in her sister’s arms. When the storm of sadness had spent itself she went away to her room alone.

There stood, facing the open window, a comfortable armchair. Into this she sank, pressed down by a physical exhaustion that held her body and seemed to reach into her soul.

She could see in the open square before her house the tops of trees that were all aquiver (颤抖的) with the new spring life. The delicious breath of rain was in the air. The notes of a distant song which someone was singing reached her, and countless sparrows were twittering in the eaves(屋檐).

There was something coming to her and she was waiting for it, fearfully. What was it? It was too hard to name. But she felt it, coming out of the sky, reaching toward her through the sounds, the smells, the color that filled the air.

Now her chest rose and fell violently. She was beginning to recognize this thing that was approaching to possess her, and she was trying very hard to beat it back with her will. When she gave up trying a little whispered word escaped her lips. She said it over and over under the breath: “free, free, free!”

She did not stop to ask if it was extreme joy that held her. She knew that she would weep again when she saw the kind, gentle hands folded in death; the face that had never looked at her except with love, fixed and gray and dead. But she saw beyond that bitter moment many years to come that would belong to her absolutely. And she opened and spread her arms out to them in welcome.

There would be no one to live for during those coming years; she would live for herself. There would be no powerful will bending hers.

And yet she had loved him—sometimes. What did it matter! What could love count for in the face of her realization.

“Free! Body and soul free!” she kept whispering.

Josephine was kneeling before the closed door with her lips to the keyhole. “Louise, open the door! I beg; open the door—you will make yourself ill.”

“Go away. I am not making myself ill.”

Her fancy was running wild along those days ahead of her, all sorts of days that would be her own. She breathed a quick prayer that life might be long. It was only yesterday she had thought with a shake that life might be long.

She arose after a long time and opened the door to her sister’s begging. She carried herself unknowingly like a goddess of Victory. She held her sister’s waist, and together they walked down the stairs.

Someone was opening the front door with a key. It was Brently Mallard who entered, a little travel-stained, calmly carrying his suitcase and umbrella. He had been far from the scene of the accident, and did not even know there had been one. He stood amazed at Josephine’s sharp cry; at Richards’ quick motion to screen him from the view of his wife.

When the doctors came they said she had died of heart disease—of the joy that kills.

1.What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 7 indicate?

A. Mrs. Mallard decided to fight back when her husband beat her.

B. Mrs. Mallard was trying hard to fight against her heart trouble.

C. Mrs. Mallard was struggling with the guilty feeling of happiness.

D. Mrs. Mallard was extremely sad because of her husband’s death.

2.What is “that bitter moment” in paragraph 8?

A. The time when she saw her husband’s dead body.

B. The time when she had lived with her husband.

C. The time when she had to live without her husband.

D. The time when she heard of her husband’s death.

3.What can we infer about Mr. Mallard?

A. He was killed in a railroad disaster.

B. He survived the railroad accident.

C. He was unaware of what was going on.

D. He hurried back to comfort his wife.

4.What can we learn from paragraph 14 “Her fancy …might be long”?

A. Mrs. Mallard was more afraid of her future life.

B. Mrs. Mallard missed her husband very much.

C. Mrs. Mallard always thought life was hopeful.

D. Mrs. Mallard used to think life was hopeless.

5.What really killed Mrs. Mallard?

A. The joy of seeing her husband coming back alive.

B. The shock of losing her coming freedom.

C. The fear of seeing the ghost of her husband.

D. The sadness of losing her husband suddenly.

完形填空,阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

It was Mother’s Day and I was shopping at the local supermarket with my five-year-old son,Tenyson.As we were ________,we realized that only minutes earlier an ________woman had fallen over at the entrance and hit her head on the ground. ________was with her, but there was blood everywhere and the woman was embarrassed and clearly in shock. ________,a lot of people stopped to help out.

________ we were walking towards the scene, Tenyson became very ________ about what had happened to the elderly couple. He________ to me,“Mom, it’s not much fun falling over in front of ________.”Seeing that there was a flower stall(摊位)at the front of the supermarket, he added, “Why shouldn’t we ________ the lady a flower? It will make her feel better.”I was ________ that he’d come up with this________ idea. So we went over and told the flower seller________ we wanted.“Just take it,”she replied.“I ________ take your money for such a wonderful ________ .”

By now medical staff had arrived, and were ________ the injured woman. We gave the flower to the woman’s husband and I told him it was________ my son. At that, the old man started crying and said,“Thank you very much.”He then turned to me,“You have a ________ son. Happy Mother’s Day to you.”

The man bent down and gave his wife the flower, telling her who it was from. ________being badly hurt,the old lady looked up at Tenyson with ________ in her eyes and gave him a little ________ .

1.A.leaving B.driving C.moving D.stopping

2.A.injured B.awkward C.honest D.elderly

3.A.Her husband B.My son C.The crowd D.The seller

4.A.Specifically B.Particularly C.Interestingly D.Fortunately

5.A.If B.Since C.While D.Unless

6.A.guilty B.curious C.angry D.worried

7.A.complained B.said C.lied D.responded

8.A.no one B.someone C.everyone D.anyone

9.A.lend B.bring C.leave D.buy

10.A.amazed B.shocked C.puzzled D.concerned

11.A.wise B.sweet C.innocent D.crazy

12.A.which B.when C.what D.whether

13.A.must not B.can’t C.may not D.needn’t

14.A.scene B.habit C.flower D.deed

15.A.checking with B.looking after C.operating on D.praying for

16.A.from B.to C.with D.about

17.A.respectful B.cheerful C.successful D.wonderful

18.A.Out of B.Regardless of C.Thanks to D.As to

19.A.love B.hope C.pity D.pain

20.A.idea B.money C.smile D.comfort

It is only during the last few years that man has generally realized that in the world of nature a balance exists between all forms of life. No living thing can exist by itself. It is part of a system in which all forms of life are joined together. If we change one part of the nature order, this will almost certainly bring about changes in some other part.

The cutting of forests reduced the supply of oxygen. The killing of weeds and insects by chemicals led to the wide-spread poisoning of animals and birds. The throwing of waste products into the ocean hurt life in the sea, while waste gases changed the chemical balance of the atmosphere and shut out some of the sun’s necessary life-giving rays.

And so we could go on adding more examples until in despair(绝望) we might feel like giving up the struggle to control these harmful human activities. Man is very clever at changing the world around him to satisfy his immediate needs, but he is not so clever at looking far ahead, or at thinking about what the future results of his action might be. Man may well destroy himself because of his silly action.

1.The first paragraph tells us that _____.

A. all living things in nature depend on each other

B. everything in nature can’t exist without the help of man

C. man has known the importance of the balance of nature for a long time

D. no living thing can live naturally

2.In the second paragraph the examples given are used to prove that _____.

A. all forms of life belong to a system in which all the parts can be changed for one another

B. it is only during the last few years that man has generally known the balance of nature

C. there are some living things which can exist by themselves without change

D. we can’t change one form of life without destroying the balance of nature

3.The last paragraph suggests that in order to get his immediate benefits(利益) _____.

A. man is always anxious to control his activities within limits

B. man is always too eager in planning for distant future

C. man often fails to think about their future results of his action

D. man often feels that he will have to give up in despair

4.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. Cutting down woods does little harm to human beings.

B. Man has to pay much more attention to the future results of his present action.

C. Oxygen comes from forests.

D. The passage tells us to try our best to get as much as possible immediately.


How to Keep a Relationship Healthy and Strong

Are you new to experiencing relationships? Well, let me give you advice on having a healthy and possibly long-term relationship.

___1.____Do not hide things from them, do not lie. Don ' t be afraid to say things that isn't very flattering about yourself. Getting them to trust you is the most important element in any relationship. If there ' s no trust, there ' s nothing there. So please be honest and they'll learn to open up to you.

Make sure you give them respect. Now respect isn't just simply treating her or him nicely. There' s a lot more to it. You have to learn to adjust to their liking. ___2.__Don ' t just think about yourself ,think about what your partner needs out of it as well.

3.__ Always be willing to help them and give them honesty and positivity at the same time. Make them feel you are someone they can really count on and build a future with. This is an important step in a relationship. Your partner has to be able to count on you when needed.

Make sure you have a good sense of humor with them. Laughter is the key to happiness. Laugh a lot with them ,joke with them. Laughter may seem silly ,but it' s the secret to a lot in life. It will keep the sparks alive. _4.____

Make sure the communication is good. This goes along with trust, but always communicate how you feel, even if it ' s something that upsets you. Instead of screaming, talk to them.__ 5.____It 's important to communicate this to them , not keep it bottled up.

A. Show them your personality.

B. Be an honest person with them.

C. Make sure you are reliable to your partner.

D. Laughter keeps the relationship strong and lasting.

E. Don' t start to neglect them and make them feel unwanted.

F. Basically , learn to study your partners' moods, wants and needs.

G. If they did something that made you unhappy, tell them about it in a respectful manner


I was travelling by the West Coast Express to Mangalore two years ago. Berth (铺位) No. 55, not far from me, was taken by a middle-aged gentleman. When the _ reached Palakkad Junction around 9 pm, a large group of entered with much disturbance. Just then another middle-aged man from the group that he owned Berth 55. He had a paper given by his travel agent to support himself.

The examiner arrived and told the second man that it was not his berth. “No,” said both men. “It’s mine.” A policeman from the Railway Protection Force tried to get the second man to __. But he wouldn’t _ — and he had the support of his many .

Fierce arguments continued, even the train left Palakkad. Then someone even the emergency chain as we were leaving Tirur station, four stops after Palakkad. Nobody could and it was getting late.

around midnight, I watched as a teenager, a I’m sure, climbed down from an upper berth close to me. “Please my berth,” he told the second man, who accepted it after a bit of .

To my great surprise, the student then a newspaper on the floor and was soon lost in deep, peaceful sleep. By now everybody was as if nothing had happened! I’m a 58-year-old biology teacher who has two recent generations of students. I was once again that, contrary to popular opinions, young people can often be far than many older ones. And that’s the hope of our nation.

1.A. train B. bus C. car D. plane

2.A. teachers B. villagers C. tourists D. workers

3.A. declared B. promised C. indicated D. advised

4.A. still B. even C. yet D. also

5.A. conduct B. machine C. seat D. ticket

6.A. fight B. leave C. sing D. learn

7.A. go away B. give in C. hold on D. calm down

8.A. companions B. soldiers C. teachers D. passengers

9.A. soon after B. long before C. long after D. ever after

10.A. designed B. stopped C. pulled D. escaped

11.A. read B. enter C. eat D. sleep

12.A. Suddenly B. Immediately C. Unluckily D. Meanwhile

13.A. businessman B. student C. nurse D. reporter

14.A. lend B. rent C. take D. spot

15.A. worry B. hesitation C. delay D. fear

16.A. threw B. found C. spread D. collected

17.A. thankful B. sorry C. happy D. quiet

18.A. controlled B. troubled C. greeted D. taught

19.A. convinced B. satisfied C. disappointed D. encouraged

20.A. prouder B. nobler C. cooler D. lazier


The Greeting Card Association reports that Americans purchase 6.5 billion greeting cards each year. 1. Here’s a look at ways to reduce your holiday greeting card costs.

Gold digital.

2. Add photos or video to make your e-cards more personal.


If you plan to mail your cards, remember to consider postage costs. Square cards look cool,

but they cost more than a regular stamp to mail because they’re not a standard size. If cost is a consideration, stick to rectangular(矩形的)cards and avoid too heavy ribbons that increase your mailing costs.

Look at unexpected sources.

You don’t have to order custom greeting cards with your family’s photo. 4. Check

dollar stores or even garage sales for affordable greeting cards. The best part is that when these cards don’t have a photo or the year printed on them, you can use any leftovers in the future.

Make your own.

Use old greeting cards(with written messages cut out,of course), wrapping paper and ribbons,

or magazine photos to create your own holiday cards.

Shop after-Christmas sales.

Starting from Dec. 26, sellers who want to clear out holiday stocks will deeply discount cars,

wrapping paper and decorations. 5.

A. Search for promotion codes.

B. Avoid paying for extra postage.

C. Buy envelopes for your cards for different purposes.

D. And Christmas cards account for a big percentage of that.

E. Preprinted greeting cards can cost less and work just as well.

F. So this is a good time to stock up if you have the storage space.

G. If you’re short of time or money, e-cars could be you best choice.

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