

Sit Up Straight: Tips for Improving Your Terrible Posture

The more time we spend sitting in front of our computers, the worse our posture gets. Modern technology is turning us into literally twisted creatures.

In addition to being detrimental to how your body functions, bad posture isn’t cute. It causes you to jut(突出) your hips forward, slump your shoulders, and even breathe inefficiently, according to Pat Davidson, a trainer with a PhD in Exercise Physiology who is the Director of Training Methodology and Continuing Education Coordinator at Peak Performance in NYC.

Davidson explained that bad posture compromises your diaphragm(隔离), the big muscle right below the ribs that helps you take deep breaths. So instead, you start using other muscles, like your shoulders, to help you breathe. It turns out that people with lousy posture don’t walk correctly, and they count on their lower back muscles to help propel themselves forward.

Here are a few quick fixes recommended for correcting your slump:

If you sit at a desk all day, don’t perch on the edge of your chair at work trying to sit up straight. The best thing you can do is keep your hips against the back of the chair and use it for support—that’s what it’s there for.

Get up frequently and walk around.

If you carry a heavy shoulder bag, make sure to carry it on both your right and left shoulder, switching off as each gets tired. Even better: wear a cross-body bag so that the weight’s more evenly distributed.

Work out your core muscles. You can try backwards jump-roping. If the rope hits you, you have the wrong posture. Hula hooping is also a good choice.

Focus on the upper back and shoulder muscles. One of her favorite exercises is having clients stand up against a wall, with your hips touching the wall. Put a tennis ball between your shoulder blades and try to squeeze the ball. Boating is also excellent for improving posture, since it causes you to pull your shoulders up and back.

【1】According to the passage, a bad posture can_____.

a. stop us from taking deep breathes

b. functionally change our body

c. hurt our diaphragm

d. make our walking posture incorrect

A. bcd B. acd C. abc D. abcd

【2】What does the underlined word detrimental in the second paragraph probably mean?

A. harmful B. helpful

C. meaningless D. vital

【3】Which of the following tips is true for a good sitting posture?

A. Sitting on the edge of the chair.

B. Using the back of the chair to support your back.

C. Sitting up straight at a desk all day.

D. Keep your back against the chair.

【4】We may find the above introduction _____.

A. in a travel booklet B. in a fiction story

C. in a health magazine D. in s science journal








【1】A 细节理解题 依据文章第二段中的It causes you to jut(突出) your hips forward, slump your shoulders, and even breathe inefficiently可知答案。

【2】A 词义猜测题 划线词汇detrimental的意思为有害的与A项相符,也可以上下文判断。

【3】B 细节理解题 依据文中的The best thing you can do is keep your hips against the back of the chair and use it for support—that’s what it’s there for可知答案。

【4】C 文章出处题 依据文章的主旨大意可以判断出是给人们的健康建议,故C项健康杂志适合。


【题目】Researchers are finding new ways to save snakebite victims.Experts discussed the latest findings during a recent conference.

Scientists in Australia have shown that a chemical called nitric oxide could increase the chances of surviving a poisonous snakebite.The scientists injected rats with a deadly amount of snake venom.Then they rubbed an ointment(软膏)containing nitric oxide on the skin around the injection site.The study found that the rats lived about one-third longer than if nitric oxide had not been used.But the treatment had to be started very quickly.

Dirk van Helden led the research.He says the nitric oxide ointment also showed promise in humans.The study appeared earlier this year in the journal Nature Medicine.Scientists say the findings could help save many lives.A recent study found that poisonous snakes cause as many as ninety-four thousand deaths worldwide each year.But Ulrich Kuch of the Biodiversity and Climate Research Center in Frankfurt,Germany,says that number appears to be low.

Mr Kuch says many deaths could beprohibitedif snakebite victims are treated correctly,but they often go to traditional healers or do not seek any help at all.He said,“Sometimes it’s because there is no treatment available—no antivenom(抗蛇毒血清),which is the specific(特殊的)drug to treat snakebites—or health care staff do not know how to treat snakebites,and sometimes its because transportation to get to a health facility is not available or too expensive.

Here is no single antivenom that can be used to treat all snakebites.The antivenom must be specific to the kind of snake that bit the person.In some countries the treatment is costly,while in others there is no such treatment.

1What is this passage mainly about?( )

A. Snakebite deaths around the world.

B. Progress in fighting snakebite deaths.

C. Snakebite treatment around the world.

D. The chances of surviving a poisonous snakebite.

2After being rubbed an ointment containing nitric oxide,the rats .

A. suffered no pain B. died immediately

C. lived a little longer D. started feeling uncomfortable

3What does Paragraph 3 suggest?( )

A. The number of deaths caused by snakebites is becoming lower each year.

B. The nitric oxide ointment has saved thousands of people’s lives.

C. It is very important to find an effective way to treat snakebites.

D. The number of deaths caused by snakebites worldwide is low.

4What does the underlined word “prohibited” in Paragraph 4 mean?( )

A. caused. B. considered.

C. examined. D. prevented.

5What is implied in the last paragraph?( )

A. Antivenom can be made very easily.

B. It’s very important to use the correct antivenom to treat snakebite victims.

C. Antivenom is extremely expensive all over the world.

D. A person bitten by a snake will survive as long as there is antivenom.

【题目】Boys' schools are the perfect place to teach young men to express their emotions and involve them in activities such as art, dance and music.

Far from the traditional image of a culture of aggressive masculinity (阳刚), the absence of girls gives boys the chance to develop without pressure to conform to a stereotype, a US study says.

Boys at single-sex schools were said to be more likely to get involved in cultural and artistic activities that helped develop their emotional expressiveness, rather than feeling they had to conform to the "boy code" of hiding their emotions to be a "real man".

The findings of the study go against received wisdom that boys do better when taught alongside girls.

Tony Little, headmaster of the British boys-only school, Eton, warned that boys were being failed by the British education system because it had become too focused on girls. He criticized teachers for failing to recognize that boys are actually more emotional than girls.

The research argued that boys often perform badly in mixed schools because they become discouraged when their female peers do better earlier in speaking and reading skills.

But in single-sex schools teachers can tailor lessons to boys' learning style, letting them move around the classroom and getting them to compete in teams to prevent boredom, wrote the study's author, Abigail James, of the University of Virginia.

Teachers could encourage boys to enjoy reading and writing with "boy-focused" approaches such as themes and characters that appeal to them. Because boys generally have more acute vision learn best through touch, and are physically more active, they need to be given "hands-on" lessons where they are allowed to walk around, James found.

Single-sex education also made it less likely that boys would feel they had to conform to a stereotype that men should be "masterful and in charge" in relationships. "In mixed schools boys feel compelled to act like men before they understand themselves well enough to know what that means, " the study reported.

【1】The author believes that a single-sex school __________.

A. forces boys to hide their emotions to be "real men”

B. helps to cultivate masculine aggressiveness in boys

C. encourages boys to express their emotions more freely

D. naturally reinforces in boys the traditional image of a man

【2】It is commonly believed that in a mixed school boys __________.

A. perform relatively better

B. behave more responsibly

C. grow up more healthily

D. receive a better education

【3】What does Tony Little say about the British education system?

A. It fails more boys than girls academically.

B. it focuses more on mixed school education.

C. It fails to give boys the attention they need.

D. It places more pressure on boys than on girls.

【4】According to Abigail James, one of the advantages of single-sex schools is __________.

A. teaching can be tailored to suit the characteristics of boys

B. boys can focus on their lessons without being distracted

C. boys can choose to learn whatever they are interested in

D. teaching can be designed to promote boys' team spirit

【5】Which of the following is characteristic of boys according to Abigail James' report?

A. They enjoy being in charge.

B. They have sharper vision.

C. They conform to stereotypes.

D. They are violent and sexist.

【题目】Having Fun "Growing" and "Stealing"

Recently, an Internet game has become a new fashion among young office workers and students. People can "farm" on a piece of "land" and "grow", "sell" or "steal" "vegetables", "flowers" and "fruit" on the Net. They can earn some e-money and buy some "seeds ", "pets" and even "houses".

Joyce interviewed some young people. Here are their opinions.

Harold: I don't quite understand why they are so mad about the childish game. Maybe they are just not confident enough to face the real world.

Allan: I enjoy putting some "bugs" (小虫子) in my friends' gardens and we've become closer because of the game. Having fun together is the most exciting thing about it.

Laura: You know, people in the city are longing for (渴望) the life in the countryside. It reduces my work pressure; besides, it gives me the exciting feeling of being a "thief".

Ivy: Well, it's just a waste of time. Teenagers playing the game spend so many hours on it that they can not pay more attention to their study.

【1】According to the passage, people can't __________ things in this game.

A. grow B. borrow C. steal D. sell

【2】Among the people Joyce interviewed, __________ likes the game while __________ dislikes the game.

A. Laura; Allan B. Allan; Harold

C. Harold; Ivy D. Ivy; Allan

【3】From Laura's words, we can guess that she's most probably __________.

A. a student B. an office worker

C. a farmer D. a thief

【4】Which is NOT the reason why people like the game?

A. span>They are longing for country life.

B. They can have fun with friends.

C. The game can relax people and give them a new experience.

D. They are confident enough to face the real world.


A machine that takes sweat-laden clothes and turns the moisture into drinking water is in use in Sweden.The device spins and heats the material to remove the sweat, and then passes the vapor through a special membrane designed to only let water molecules get through.

Since its Monday launch, its creators say more than 1,000 people have "drunk other's sweat" in Gothenburg.They add the liquid is cleaner than local tap water.

The device was built for the United Nation's child-focused charity UNICEF to promote a campaign highlighting the fact that 780 million people in the world lack access to clean water.

The machine was designed and built by engineer Andreas Hammar, known locally for his appearances on TV tech show Mekatronik.He said the critical part of the sweat machine was a new water purification component developed by a company named HVR in collaboration with Sweden's Royal Institute of Technology.

"It uses a technique called membrane distillation(膜蒸馏)," he told the BBC."We use a substance that's a bit like Gortex that only lets steam through but keeps bacteria, salts, clothing fibers and other substances out."They have something similar on the International Space Station to treat astronaut's urine - but our machine was cheaper to build.Volunteers have been sampling the treated sweat since the start of the week in Gothenburg"The amount of water it produces depends on how sweaty the person is - but one person's T-shirt typically produces 10ml , roughly a mouthful."

The equipment has been put on show at the Gothia Cup - the world's largest international youth football tournament.MattiasRonge, chief executive of Stockholm-based advertising agency Deportivo - which organized the stunt(惊人的表演) - said the machine had helped raise awareness for UNICEF, but in reality had its limitations.

"People haven't produced as much sweat as we hoped - right now the weather in Gothenburg is lousy," he said."So we've installed exercise bikes alongside the machine and volunteers are cycling like crazy."Even so, the demand for sweat is greater than the supply. And the machine will never be mass produced - there are better solutions out there such as water purifying pills."

【1】Which of the following is the disadvantage of the machine?_______.

A.The water processed by the machine is cleaner than local tap water .

B.The amount of water the machine produces is too small.

C.the machine is cheaper than the similar one on the International Space Station

D.The machine can help raise awareness of lacking water in the world .

【2】What is the main idea of the fifth paragraph ?

A.How the machine works.

B.Who developed the machine.

C.How the machine was invented.

D.Why the machine was invented..

【3】What does Mttias Ronge think of the machine?____

A.The machine can solve the severe water shortage in the world..

B.People do not like the water the machine processes

C.The machine should be used in rather hot areas in summer.

D.The machine is not worth popularizing..

【4】The passage is most likely to be____

A.a tourist brochure.

B.a book review

C.a news report

D.a blog.

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