

A clean environment can help the city bid for the Olympics, which ______ will promote its economic development.

A.in time

B.in turn

C.in return

D.in fact







My husband and I insisted that our children were old enough to clean their rooms and make their beds. But they thought   11  . My complaints, even self-justified(自有道理)  12  , were always landing on   13   ears. Very often a whole hour’s scolding would end up with their   14   into tears. I felt very frustrated. I realized I needed to   15   my method of “mothering”.

One day when they were at school, I spent some time tidying their rooms. On their desks, in plain  16  , I left the cards: “Dear Bill(the other card was   17   to Sarah), your room was messy this morning and I’m sure you like it clean. Love, the Room Fairy.”  18   arriving back, the children were   19   excited to receive the little note from the Room Fairy. The next day, their rooms were fairly tidy. Sure enough, there was another note from the Room Fairy   20   

for them, thanking them for their nice “gift” of a clean room and   21   asking them to play a certain violin  22  . Each day, thank-you notes would be written differently to keep the ideas   23 

         Sometimes the Room Fairy would propose a little   24  : “If you can finish your homework and go over your lessons before dinner, I’d like to watch a particular television program with you tonight.” Sometimes some colored markers or other little items would be left in   25   of well-done jobs the day   26  .

  27   I can’t remember how long “the Room Fairy” continued leaving her love notes. When they were age appropriate, we used various versions of Post-Its (贴条). The bathroom mirror became the   28   centre of our home. Appointments, notices about visiting relatives, lesson schedules, and changes in plans could be   29  .

We all benefited from and  30   the idea of sharing reminders and daily details of life through notes. I believe the true advantage of the Room Fairy notes survives in our frequent and enjoyable communication.

1.A.differently          B.positive          C.negative      D. same

2.A.shouting      B. crying   C. persuading    D. beating

3.A. side           B. neither        C.deaf   D. either

4.A.crying         B.bringing             C.droping D. bursting

5.A.addict B. adopt    C.access   D. adjust

6.A.sentence    B. words          C. speech D. sight

7.A.sent         B. addressed     C.delivered      D. read

8.A.As     B.On C. In          D. At

9.A.more than  B. rather than C.less than            D. other than

10.A.asking        B. praying C. waiting  D. expecting

11.A.gently       B. friendly          C.politely  D. toughly

12.A.music        B. piece            C.song            D. tone

13.A.respectable   B. uninteresting        C.incredible             D. fresh

14.A.suggestion         B. question       C.challenge      D. advice

15.A.response          B. answer         C.praise   D. honor

16.A.ahead        B. before  C. over     D. ago

17.A.though      B. Even so C.Even if D. Actually

18.A.memory           B. main     C. life             D. reminder

19.A.sent          B. posted  C.struck   D. hanged

20.A.appreciated      B. learned          C. shared               D. thanked


An old farmer lived on a farm with his young grandson. Each morning Grandpa was up early to read his Bhagavat Geeta. His grandson wanted to be just like him and tried to imitate him in every way he could.

One day the grandson asked, "Grandpa! I try to read the Bhagavat Geeta just like you but I don't understand it, What good does reading the Bhagavat Geeta do?"

The Grandfather quietly turned from putting coal in the stove and replied, "Take this coal basket down to the river and bring me back a basket of water."

The boy did as he was told, but all the water leaked out (漏出) before he got back to the house. The grandfather laughed and said, "You'll have to move a little faster next time," and sent him back to the river with the basket to try again. This time the boy ran faster, but again the same took place. He told his grandfather that it was impossible to carry water with a basket.

The old man said, " You're just not trying hard enough,"  So the boy again dipped the basket into the river and ran hard, but when he reached his grandfather the basket was again empty. he said, "See Grandpa, it's useless!"

"So you think it is useless?" The old man said, "Look at the basket."

The boy looked at the basket and for the first time realized that the basket was different. It had been transformed from a dirty old coal basket into a clean one inside and outside.

"You might not understand or remember everything, but when you read it, you will be changed, inside and out. That is the work of Krishna in our lives."

1.We can learn from Paragraph 1 that the grandson_________.

A.was fond of reading

B.liked his grandpa very much

C.got up early to carry water every day

D.helped his grandpa on the farm

2.According to the grandson,___________.

A.he enjoyed reading the Bhagavat Geeta

B.learning the Bhagavat Geeta was easy

C.he was not good at remembering anything

D.reading the Bhagavat Geeta was meaningless

3.We can learn that by getting water with a basket, the grandson__________.

A.washed the dirt off the basket

B.kept some water for the future

C.was punished for what he had said

D.became stronger and cleverer

4.The grandfather gave his grandson a lesson by_________.

A.telling him an interesting story

B.having a heated discussion with him

C.asking him to carry water with a basket

D.performing an experiment for him

5.What would the grandson like to do in the future?

A.To help his grandpa carry water

B.To hold water with a bucket

C.To read the Bhagavat Geeta.

D.To remember everything in his life.


Hospital emergency rooms treat injured fingers all the time. Without treatment,a bad cut can lead to permanent damage. But how should a person know when a bleeding cut is serious enough to require medical attention? We asked Dr. Martin Brown. Chairman of the department of emergency medicine at Inova Alexandria Hospital in Virginia.   

First,the medical term for a cut or tear in the skin is a laceration(严重划破,撕裂伤). Dr. Brown says the length is usually not as important as the depth. He says a long cut on a finger can likely be treated without a visit to a doctor if the wound is not very deep. “If you have a short but deep laceration where there’s been a structure underneath that's been damaged a tendon,a nerve,a blood vessel,”says Martin,“it may, in fact,need professional attention. ”

Some injuries —like a fingertip that gets cut off might even require surgery to repair. That requires a specialist to either file(锉平) down the bone or reattach the fingertip. More often,filing down the bone is what is done because reattaching a fingertip is often not successful.

How a wound bleeds can be a sign of how serious it is. Minor cuts usually produce what is known as venous(静脉)bleeding. This means the blood flows steadily from the injury. The bleeding will often stop when pressure is put on the wound. Dr. Brown says in most cases holding direct pressure with clean gauze or a cloth for four to five minutes should stop the bleeding. With a cut finger, holding the hand above the heart can reduce the loss of blood. But if a cut appears to be pumping blood out with some force,this may be a sign of arterial(动脉)bleeding. This kind of injury should be treated by a medical professional as soon as possible.

Even a cut that does not require medical attention must be kept clean to prevent infection. Small cuts should be cleaned gently with clean water. Use a washcloth to clean the area if the wound is dirty. Dr Brown says cuts should be covered with a clean, dry bandage. 

1. What does the writer want to tell the readers in the first paragraph? 

A.Hospital emergency rooms always treat injured fingers.

B.A bleeding cut is serious enough to require medical attention.

C.Dr Martin Brown is in charge of Inova Alexandra Hospital.

D.It is important for us to be able to tell how serious a finger cut is.

2. According to the passage,_____________________.

A.a finger cut without treatment will certainly lead to permanent damage

B.the length of a cut on a finger is more important than the depth

C.a long but not very deep cut often doesn’t need professional attention

D.a short but deep laceration that’s been damaged need professional attention

3. The underlined word “reattach” in Para. 3 is closest in meaning to ________________.





4. Which of the following statements in NOT true according to the passage?

A.How a wound bleeds can show us how serious the wound could be.

B.Venous bleeding will often stop when we put pressure on the wound.

C.Holding up the hand with a finger cut can reduce the loss of blood.

D.Arterial bleeding should get professional treatment as soon as possible.

5. The best title of this passage should be ______________________.

A.Hospital Emergency Treatments For Injured Fingers

B.When a Cut Finger Is More Serious Than It Might Seem

C.Serious Finger Cut That Requires Medical Attention

D.Keep Finger Cuts Clean to Prevent Serious Infection


第二节:完形填空 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)


One day a young man was standing in the middle of the town, saying that he had the most beautiful heart in the whole world. A large crowd   36   and they all admired his heart, for it was   37 .There was not a mark or a flaw (瑕疵) in it. They all agreed it was  38   the most beautiful heart they had   39   seen. The young man was very   40   and boasted (自夸) more loudly about his beautiful heart.

Suddenly, an old man   41   at the front of the   42   and said, “Your heart is not as beautiful as mine.” The crowd and the young man looked at the old man’s heart. It was beating  43 , but it was full of   44  . It had places where pieces had been   45   and other pieces put in, but they didn’t  46   quite right and there were several rough and pointed edges.

The people stared. “How can he say his heart is more beautiful?” they thought. The young man looked at the old man’s heart and laughed. “You must be   47  ,” he said. “Compare your heart with mine. Mine is perfect and yours is a mess of scars.”

“Yes, yours   48   perfect, but I would never trade with you,” said the old man. “Every scar   49   a person to whom I have given my love. I  50   a piece of my heart and give it to them, and often they give me a piece of their heart which fits into the   51   place in my heart, but because the pieces aren’t   52   in shape, I have some rough edges, which I  53 .They remind me of the love we shared. So now do you see what true   54   is?”

The young man was moved. He stood there silently with   55   running down his cheeks.

36. A. stopped      B. came       C. agreed       D. gathered

37. A. clean        B. exciting    C. happy        D. perfect

38. A. probably       B. truly      C. likely       D. luckily

39. A. never         B. seldom      C. ever         D. sometimes

40. A. proud        B. regretful   C. happy        D. angry

41. A. appeared      B. cried      C. showed        D. listened

42. A. man          B. crowd        C. street       D. town

43. A. quickly      B. strongly    C. slowly         D. heavily

44. A. tears        B. water      C. scars        D. love

45. A. burnt        B. changed     C. removed      D. cut

46. A. place        B. fit        C. jump         D. see

47. A. joking       B. tricking     C. dreaming       D. playing

48. A. looks        B. smells      C. sounds        D. feels

49. A. explains     B. helps      C. presents      D. represents

50. A. tear down     B. turn down    C. tear out       D. throw out

51. A. clean        B. scary      C. empty        D. painful

52. A. normal         B. big        C. fine           D. exact

53. A. want         B. dislike    C. fear          D. value 

54. A. kindness     B. happiness    C. beauty         D. love

55. A. water        B. sweat      C. tears        D. Blood


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