
【题目】Celebrating her first day as an adult on July, 12,2015, 18-year-old Nobel Peace Prize- winner Malala Yousafzai did the gift- giving---a girls’ school for Syrian refugees( 叙利亚难民) in Lebanon.

I call on leaders of all the countries all around the world that we must invest in books instead of bullets,” Malala Yousafzai said in a speech on behalf of the world’s children.” She made it an international conference. When she was 15 in the year 2012, Malala yousafzai was shot on school bus on her way home after school and seriously wounded by some gunmen of the Pakistani Taliban for advocating girls’ education. After recovering ,she continued her advocacy, which led last year to her becoming the youngest Nobel winner ever.

Malala told Reuters that she chose to open the school in Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley because I believe that the voices of the Syrian refugees need to be heard, and they have been ignored for so long. We must help them to get education. It is my responsibility to set up some schools for children there.”

More than a quarter of the estimated 4 million on Syrians who have fled the country’s civil war are gathering in Lebanon, including about 500,000 school-age children. They have no opportunities to go to school.

Malala Yousafzai set up Malala Fund shortly after she won the Nobel Peace Prize. Since then she has done a lot of work to raise money for the education of poor children all around the world. The school, near the Syrian border, can hold up to 200 girls aged14 to 18. The school was paid for by Yousafzai’s non-profit Malala Fund. On that day, all the students in the school shared the birthday cake and sang songs, bringing the Nobel winner to tears.

【1】What do you know about Malala Yousafzai?

A. She is a middle school student.

B. She is a teacher in Lebanon.

C. She makes gifts for Syrian refugees.

D. She is a Nobel Prize winner.

【2】What happened to Malala when she was 15?

A.She was shot by some gunmen.

B. She suffered from a terrible disease.

C. She made a speech in an international conference.

D. She set up her first school for girls.

【3】What did Malala choose to do after she won the Nobel Peace Prize?

A. To fight in the civil war in Syria.

B. To protect Syrian refugees.

C. To open some schools for Syrian children

D. To teacher Syrian children in a school.







【1】D细节理解题。根据文章第一段18-year-old Nobel Peace Prize- winner Malala Yousafzai did the gift- giving可知她是诺贝尔获得者故选D。

【2】A细节理解题。根据文中When she was 15 in the year 2012, Malala yousafzai was shot on school bus on her way home after school颗选项A正确,故选A。

【3】C细节理解题。根据文中Since then she has done a lot of work to raise money for the education of poor children all around the world可知当她获得了诺贝尔奖后她对贫困孩子的教育更加重视了别切希望建立学校帮助他们故选C。


【题目】I went to the Tsavo National Park in northern Kenya for a film. We set off early for a distant water hole. A huge elephant covered with dry mud, drank calmly and deeply. He might have traveled 50 km to reach the water. He wasn’t going to hurry now. He’d drink a while and rest in the shade, and then drink again or so we thought. What actually happened was that he drank deeply and stepped away. Then he suddenly fell down. Within minutes he was dead.

We called animal doctor Jeremiah Poghon immediately. He removed the head of a poisoned arrow from the elephant’s body, and let out over 100 liters of pus (胺)-the result of the elephant’s meeting with a poacher(偷猎者)months before.

Today's poacher shoots from a blind. He fires an arrow, covered with poison, into the body of an elephant. If the poacher is lucky, the elephant might die in an hour or two; if not, he might have to follow the elephant for days before it dies. Often the arrow head fails to kill the elephant at once-it doesn't mean the poison won't finally kill the elephant, but it will be a slow death.

Living in Tsavo through these times, I could see the results of poaching from time to time. When I think about the death of that elephant, what stays with me is the extraordinary silence after the shocking sound of his body hitting the ground. I took some comfort from the knowledge that as the dead body returned to the soil, some animals would benefit-but I couldn't escape the feeling that with the death of such a large animal, the world seemed to be a poorer and emptier place.

【1】 While filming near the water hole, the author and his team ________.

A. knew the elephant was injured

B. found the elephant acted violently

C. tried their best to save the elephant

D. thought the elephant was in good condition

【2】 Further examination showed that the dead elephant________.

A. had suffered an hour or two

B. was killed by a poisonous needle

C. had suffered a lot

D. had had a good fight with a poacher

【3】 How does the author feel when thinking about the elephant s death?

A. empty. B. comfortable.

C. upset. D. relieved.

【4】 Why did the author write the text?

A. To introduce African elephant.

B. To show the cruelty of poaching.

C. To describe his filming experience.

D. To ask readers to protect wild animals.

【题目】Summer Rain

The worst days of any summer are the rainy ones. We spend all year looking forward to nice weather and long, hot days. All of winter, with its cloudy days and bitter cold, we dream of those endless days at the beach, lying on the sand and enjoying the bright and burning sun. And then, summer comes, and it rains.

As a child, I would wake up to rainy summer days and come close to crying. It wasn’t fair. We suffered through months of school and experienced bad weather for those short ten weeks of freedom and pleasant weather.

On those rainy summer days, I had nothing fun to do and could only sit inside, staring out at the rain like a bird in a cage. I was an only child, so there was no one else to play with. My father worked from home, so I was not truly alone, but he could not actively play with me since he was at work. It was those days that I would watch whatever was on television or read any books that I could find lying around. I’d drag through the day and pray each night that the rain would not be there the next day.

As an adult, though, my opinion of summer rain has changed. When you have to work every day, summer is not as exciting. Everything seems dull. Such a mindset makes you cheer for anything new or different. I spend the winter dreaming of summer and the summer dreaming of winter. When summer comes, I hate how hot it is. And then I look forward to the rain, because the rain brings with it a cold front, which makes me comfortable. Rainy days are still the worst days of the summer, but summer rain today means positively beautiful and considerably cooler weather tomorrow.

【1】When the author was a child, he ______.

A. hated rainy days

B. liked staying indoors

C. preferred cooler weather

D. dreamed on summer days

2We can learn from the passage that the author ______.

A. was often left alone at home

B. had no brothers or sisters

C. preferred reading to playing outside

D. could enjoy the brilliant sun in winter

3As an adult, the author views summer rain differently because ______.

A. he knows it won’t last long

B. his summer holiday is very short

C. rain makes the weather cooler

D. he can better deal with his holiday


The baby is just one day old and has not yet left hospital. She is quiet but alert (警觉). Twenty centimeters from her face researchers have placed a white card with two black spots on it. She stares at it carefully. A researcher removes the card and replaces it by another, this time with the spots differently spaced. As the cards change from one to the other, her gaze(凝视) starts to lose its focus until a third, with three black spots, is presented. Her gaze returns: she looks at it for twice as long as she did at the previous card. Can she tell that the number two is different from three, just 24 hours after coming into the world?

Or do newborns simply prefer more to fewer? The same experiment, but with three spots shown before two, shows the same return of interest when the number of spots changes. Perhaps it is just the newness? When slightly older babies were shown cards with pictures of objects (a comb, a key, an orange and so on), changing the number of objects had an effect separate from changing the objects themselves. Could it be the pattern that two things make, as opposed to three? No again. Babies paid more attention to squares moving randomly on a screen when their number changed from two to three, or three to two. The effect even crosses between senses. Babies who were repeatedly shown two spots became more excited when they then heard three drumbeats than when they heard just two; likewise (同样地)when the researchers started with drumbeats and moved to spots.

1Babies are sensitive to the change in______.

A. the size of cards

B. the colour of pictures

C. the shape of patterns

D. the number of objects

2Why did the researchers test the babies with drumbeats?

A. To reduce the difficulty of the experiment.

B. To see how babies recognize sounds.

C. To carry their experiment further.

D. To keep the babies’ interest.

3Where does this text probably come from?

A. Science fiction.

B. Children’s literature.

C. An advertisement.

D. A science report.

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