
现在,大多数学生选择住校, 在寝室里同学之间难免会发生一些小摩擦。 上周二晚上十点半,张方和李华发生了争吵(张方开灯学习,疲惫一天的李华无法入睡),双方都不肯让步......),你当时在场,努力地让他们冷静下来,告知他们同学之间都应该彼此理解。他们意识到错误并重修于好。你觉得同学之间应该要互相理解,要交流并包容才能营造和谐的环境。请用英文写一篇关于这件事的短文。词数:100-120。你的文章应包括下列要点:
注:争吵quarrel 重修于好: make up; 包容: tolerate (开头已给出)
Creating a harmonious(和谐 )environment
Now in our school, as many students live in the school dormitories, it is hard to avoid quarrels. ___________________________________________________________

Creating a harmonious environment
Now in our school, as many students live in the school dormitories, it is hard to avoid quarrels. Last Tuesday Zhang Fang stayed up doing her homework after 10:30pm in the dormitory. Feeling tired, Li Hua went to bed immediately. But she couldn't fall asleep with lights on. She got so angry that she lost her temper and quarreled with Zhang Fang. Neither of them would give in and the quarrel continued. While they were quarreling, I tried to calm them down, saying all of us should care about others. They realized their mistakes and made up finally.
After all, we share the same school and everyone is part of the big family. Whenever we face any problem, we should learn to understand and communicate with each other. Only when we think more for others can we create a harmonious environment.



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