
6.A.species    B.concerned    C.extension     D.barely      E.incredibly
F.monitored  G.introduced   H.survival     I.seriously   J.extinction
They may be so small that they can crawl along the edge of a coin,but the endangered status of the Partula gibba snails means soon they may not be visible at all.
The critically endangered snail,which is(41)Dbigger than a pin head at birth,is facing(42)Jafter a failed farming experiment almost wiped out its number in its native Pacific islands.When the predatory (食肉的)rosy wolf-snail from Florida was(43)Gto the islands in 1974 in an attempt to control land snail numbers,it instead fed on tree snails,including the tiny Partula gibba ones.
Now British conservationists are battling to save the tiny creature.Marwell Zoo in Hampshire,England is home to 123 of the world's remaining 306 Partula gibba snails.
This year,the zoo will release some of the snails into reserves on the Pacific islands.The snails will then be closely(44)Funtil they are released into the wild to look after themselves.
Snail keeper Geoff Read at Marwell Zoo is deeply(45)Babout the fate of the snails."i'm looking at a(n(46)Adying in front of me and to think these snails could become extinct in my lifetime is(47)Esad,"he said.
"I know they are only snails,and i hate to say that,BUT because they are not cute (可爱的) and fluffy (毛茸茸的),people do not seem to care.These animals are rare."added the keeper,who called for responsibility to be taken"very (48)I."
But there seems to be some good news.The International Partula Conservation programme has plans to reintroduce the snails into the wild,so there could be hope for the future."There home there is like a bio-security room and the environment is key to their(49)H."

分析 本文属于说明文的阅读范畴.主要介绍了世界上的一个濒危的物种蜗牛.它的存在受到很大的威胁,分析了原因并提出现在人们的努力和呼吁大家要共同努力来保护这个物种.

解答 41-45 DJGFB 46-49 AEIH
41.D.结合开头一句They may be so small that they can crawl along the edge of a coin可知,这是描述蜗牛的体形比较小,所以选择一个用来修饰形容词比较级的副词,从选项中DEI选择,且表示极小的含义,故选D.
42.J.根据after引导的时间状语从句a failed farming experiment almost wiped out its number in its native Pacific islands可知,此处是说蜗牛的数量面临绝迹的命运,所以选择名词extinction;故选J.
43.G.这是描述的蜗牛的发展历程,当这种蜗牛于1974年被引进这些岛屿时出现的状况;be introduced to被引入某个地方.故选G.
45.B.蜗牛管理员自然是很关系蜗牛的命运,成长过程,be concerned about sth关心某事;故选B.
48.I.此处需要一个用来修饰动词短语called for的副词,表示工作人员很严肃的呼吁承担起相应的责任来保护这个物种;故选I.

点评 解答此类题目应先浏览全文,概括大意,再根据句子间的提示以及括号内的汉语提示或首字母提示,依据语法规则和行为逻辑来推测并填写合适的词语.

18.The number of speakers of English in Shakespeare's time is estimated to have been about five million.Today it is estimated that some 260million people speak it as a native language,mainly in the United States,Canada,Great Britain,Ireland,South Africa,Australia and New Zealand.In addition to the standard varieties of English found in these areas,there are a great many regional and social varieties of the language as well as various levels of usage that are employed both in its spoken and written forms.
In fact,it is impossible to estimate the number of people in the world who have acquired an adequate working knowledge of English in addition to their own languages.The purpose for English learning and the situations in which such learning takes place are so varied that it is difficult to explain and still more difficult to judge what forms an adequate working knowledge for each situation.
The main reason for the widespread demand for English is its presentday importance as a world language.Besides serving the indefinite needs of its native speakers,English is a language in which some of the important works in science,technology,and other fields are being produced,and not always by native speakers.It is widely used for such purposes as meteorological and airport communications,international conferences,and the spread of information over the radio and television networks of many nations.It is a language of wider communication for a number of developing countries,especially former British colonies.Many of these countries have multilingual populations and need a language for internal communication in such matters as government,commerce,industry,law and education as well as for international communication and for entrance to the scientific and technological developments in the West.
25.Which of the following statements is NOT true?A
A.Some 260million people in the world have an adequate working knowledge of English.
B.There are some 260million native speakers of English in the world.
C.It is almost impossible to estimate the number of people with an adequate working knowledge of English.
D.People learn English for a variety of reasons.
26.According to the passage,what is the main reason for the widespread use of English?D
A.It was popular during Shakespeare's time.
B.It is used in former British colonies.
C.It serves the needs of its native speakers.
D.It is a world language that is used for international communication.
27.What forms an adequate working knowledge of English?B
A.The ability to read a newspaper.
B.It is difficult to judge because it differs for each situation.
C.Being a multilingual.
D.Being a native speaker.
28.What type of developing countries would be most likely to use English?C
A.Those geographically close to the United States.
B.Those interested in the culture of the United States.
C.Former colonies of Great Britain.
D.Countries where international conferences are held.
14.Although new laws have been passed in some American states to cut down on Distracted(分心的) driving,many accidents and deaths were still related with it,especially using cell phones while driving.Recently the Obama administration is considering disabling cell phones in cars aiming to cut down cell-phone-related road deaths.
Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood,the nation's anti-distracted-driving supporter,said in an interview on November 18that federal officials are looking at technology to disable cell phones inside cars.
"I think it will be done,"LaHood said."I think the technology is there and I think you're going to see the technology become adaptable in automobiles to disable these cell phones-We need to do a lot more if we were going to save lives."
Also on Thursday,the transportation government started a new"Faces of Distracted Driving"video campaign that features people who have been killed or lost their loved ones because of inattentive drivers.The video features heartbreaking stories of children killed,in crashes because of phoning or text messaging,and new videos are expected to be added every few weeks.
A driver is four times more likely to crash while using a mobile phone.More than 5,500people were killed last year by distracted drivers,and another 500,000were injured.LaHood has said it is never safe to talk on a cell phone while driving,hands-free or not,because it can really cause distraction.
Incidentally,a lot of people seem to agree with this viewpoint-a new research shows nearly two-thirds of Americans support a national ban on the use of cell phones while driving,even if the driver is using a hands-free device(装置).But the research didn't ask how people feel about government-issued  mobile phone scramblers or other disabling devices.

63.We can learn from the text that Ray LaHoodB.
A.is in charge of the invention of the technology
B.is strongly for the use of the technology in cars
C.thinks it's easy and practical to invent the technology
D.thinks it's unnecessary to use cell phone while driving
64.The"Faces of Distracted Driving"video campaign aims toC.
A.find out the real drivers who caused the accidents
B.show that most of the victims in car crashes are children
C.make the public aware of the terrible results of distracted driving
D.call on drivers to buy the new device which disables cell phones in cars
65.In the last paragraph,the"mobile phone scramblers"are probablyA.
A.a kind of disabling devices
B.a kind of hands-free devices
C.a new kind of cell phones
D.new devices to help text messaging
66.We can infer from me text thatD.
A.most people realize the harmfulness of distracted driving
B.the disabling devices in cars will be widely used if it is free
C.most people would like to choose hands-free devices while driving
D.the writer is not sure whether disabling devices will be accepted by the drivers.
1.Which came first,the chicken or the egg?This is one of life's (1)C questions and people have been debating about it for thousands of years.Now scientists believe they have solved this (2)A.Researchers from Sheffield and Warwick Universities in England discovered the answer (3)B.They used a super computer to observe the shell-making process while a new shell was (4)D.Then they found one protein called OC17that is (5)A for forming eggshell.This is only found inside a chicken's body,which is proof that the (6)C came first.The team was (7)B looking at how animals and birds make eggshells but suddenly made their surprising (8)D.The big question now is where chickens came from.The (9)A is from dinosaurs.
The research team said eggshells are one of nature's most (10)D creations.Professor John Harding from the team told reporters:"Understanding how chickens make eggshells is fascinating in itself,but it can also be (11)B in designing new materials."Eggshells are very lightweight but incredibly strong.Even the most up-to-date materials (12)C by the world's top engineers cannot produce anything as (13)A as an eggshell.Professor Harding added that (14)C eggshells could help to cure bone diseases and design materials for the construction industry."Nature has found wonderful ways that (15)B for all kinds of problems in materials science and technology-we can learn a lot from them."he said.

3.A.on purposeB.by chanceC.without hesitationD.at work
11.There are still many things that Peter Cooke would like to try his hand at-paper-making and feather-work are on his list.For the moment though,he will stick to the skill he has been delighted to perfect over the past ten years;making delicate and unusual objects out of shells.
   As he leads me round his apartment showing me his work,he points to a pair of shell-covered ornaments(装饰品) above a fireplace.‘I shan't be at all bothered if people don't buy them because I have got so used to them,and to me they're adorable.I never meant to sell my work commercially.Some friends came to see me about five years ago and said,"You must have an exhibition-people ought to see these.We'll talk to a man who owns an art gallery".'The result was an exhibition in London,at which 70 percent of the objects were sold.His second exhibition opened at the gallery yesterday.Considering the enormous prices the pieces command-around£2,000 for the ornaments-an empty space above the fireplace would seem a small sacrifice for Cooke to make.
"I do wish,though,"says Cooke,‘that I'd taken this up a lot earlier,because then I would have been able to produce really wonderful things-at least the potential would have been there.Although the ideas are still there and I'm doing the best I can now,I'm more limited physically than I was when I started.Still,the work that he has managed to produce is a long way from the common shell constructions that can be found in seaside shops.‘I have a miniature(微型的)mind'he says,and this has resulted in boxes covered in thousands of tiny shells,little shaded pictures made from shells and baskets of astonishingly realistic flowers.
Cooke's quest for beautiful,and especially tiny,shells has taken him further than his Norfolk shore:to France,Thailand,Mexico,South Africa and the Philippines,to name but a few of the beaches where he has lain on his stomach and looked for beauties to bring home.
67.What does the reader learn about Peter Cooke in the first paragraph?B
A.He has produced hand-made objects in different materials.
B.He hopes to work with other materials in the future.
C.He has written about his love of making shell objects.
D.He was praised for his shell objects many years ago.
68.When looking round his apartment,the wrierA.
A.is attracted by Cooke's personality
B.realizes he doesn't like Cooke's work at all
C.feels uncertain about giving Cooke his opinion
D.senses that Cooke wants his products to be admired
69.The‘small sacrifice'in Paragraph 2 refers toA.
A.the loss of Cooke's ornaments
B.the display of Cooke's ornaments
C.the cost of keeping Cooke's ornaments
D.the space required to store Cooke's ornaments
70.What does Cooke regret about his work?D
A.He is not as famous as he should have been.
B.He makes less money than he should make.
C.He is less imaginative than he used to be.
D.He is not as skillful as he used to be.

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