
For Canadians, backpacking Europe is a special ceremony signifying a new life stage. Unlike package tours, backpacking is a struggle, full of discovery and chance connections. It is about focusing on something different from our own lives and losing ourselves in a new world, if only for a moment.

Well, that's what backpacking Europe is supposed to do. That’s what it used to do before modern communications, social media, and commercial hostelling (旅社). Older Canadians would not recognize the Europe that they backpacked in the 1960s, 1970s and even the 1980s. Far from a rough adventure into foreign cultures, the European experience has been shattered in part by today's technology.

A few years ago, I took my then 60-year-old father on a backpacking trip across part of Europe and Turkey. As he is an experienced traveler and someone who possesses a strong sense of adventure, I decided that we'd travel on a budget, staying in hostel dorms. For him, backpacking through Europe in 1969 was about independence and struggle. But two things surprised him at the end of our journey. First was how technology-based backpacking had become: Young people were so directly connected to home that they were hardly away in any meaningful sense. Second, the lack of connections we made with locals. Instead of making us feel closer to a place, he found commercial hostelling actually made us more alienated (疏远的).

But there was some room for hope. While technology takes our attention away from the beauty and history before us, there were also ways in which it helped us to connect with our surroundings. Websites like Airbnb have made it easier to stay with enthusiastic locals. Couch Surfing helps organize meet-ups between locals and travelers. The online marketplace Dopios offers a chance to meet locals through enjoyable experiences like a personalized city tour.

Backpacking can never be the way it was for our parents’ generation. But doing a little study of history and culture before leaving, and bravely getting rid of any electronic devices while traveling, will help give young travelers a taste of the glory days.

1.The underlined word “shattered” in Paragraph 2 most probably means ________.

A. broadened B. relived C. ruined D. acquired

2. After the recent backpacking trip in Europe, the author’s father finds ________.

A. backpackers connect less with locals than before

B. young people dislike getting in touch with their family

C. a hostel is a nice place for travelers to meet each other

D. backpacking in Europe becomes more difficult than before

3.What’s the author’s attitude towards technology?

A. Negative. B. Objective.

C. Uncertain. D. Uninterested.

4. The text mainly discusses the relationship between ________.

A. adventures and cultures

B. technology and traveling

C. young people and their family

D. Canadian travelers and Europeans



We all often deal with people who complain about the failures and troubles of their daily lives.Life ____ to be full of problems for them.I would like to think such a life ____ unusual.If there were no problems in your job, then your____ would hire a much less capable person than you to do the things that don’t ____ much thought.In the business world, those who are able to solve difficult problems are the ones who are the most____ to the employer.

Many times the problems or challenges we face ____ us to grow and become more capable.The runner who ____ for the mile run in the Olympics by running downhill will have no chance of winning the medal____.The runner who trains by running uphill is far more likely to ___ the speed and endurance(忍耐力) needed to win the medal.

The ____ thing that ever happened to boxer Gene Tunney was that he____ both hands in the ring.But at that time his manager felt that he could____ again punch(重击) hard enough to be the heavyweight champion.Instead, Tunney____ that he would become a scientific boxer and win the title as a boxer, not a slugger(重击者).Boxing historians will tell you that he developed into one of the best boxers who ever fought.They____ will tell you that as a puncher, he would not have had a chance ____ Jack Dempsey, who was considered by many to be the hardest____ in heavyweight history.Tunney would never have been champion____ he had not had the problem of his broken hands.

The____ time you meet with a difficult climb, obstacle or problem, you should ____ and say, “Here’s my chance to ____.”

1.A. seems B. pretends C. agrees D. hopes

2.A. something B. everything C. nothing D. anything

3.A. teacher B. employer C. father D. doctor

4.A. give B. receive C. offer D. need

5.A. famous B. valuable C. strange D. difficult

6.A. ask B. warn C. force D. order

7.A. trains B. leaves C. looks D. waits

8.A. in all B. after all C. above all D. at all

9.A. beat B. stop C. lose D. develop

10.A. worst B. best C. easiest D. fastest

11.A. held B. raised C. broke D. touched

12.A. never B. always C. often D. even

13.A. promised B. explained C. decided D. answered

14.A. still B. already C. hardly D. also

15.A. against B. for C. on D. with

16.A. worker B. student C. hitter D. trainer

17.A. unless B. if C. because D. so

18.A. first B. other C. last D. next

19.A. smile B. stand C. change D. speak

20.A. win B. grow C. increase D. perform

Most kids hate to see their summer end, perhaps none more than the Murset children. This summer, the Murset family decided to travel across the country to help families in need, which proved to be a wonderful experience.

People. comreported that Gregg Murset and his wife, Kami, decided to take their six children, ranging from 7 to 16 years old, from their home in Phoenix, Arizona, across the country to spend 20 days on the road to help 25 families in need. “I told the kids and my wife over breakfast that I wanted to do this,” Gregg Murset, 40, told People. com. “They all looked at me like I was crazy,” he said, “but when we started to read the stories of people we were going to help, their attitudes completely changed.”

Through Gregg’s company, he was able to be matched with groups such as Autism Speaks, the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, and others that connected the Mursets to families with children who have cancer and other serious illnesses.

“When you have a kid who is struggling, the last thing you’re thinking of is cleaning the house,” says Gregg.

The family traveled to many cities in their journey, including Albuquerque, Denver, Kansas City, Chicago, and Buffalo. The trip covered 6,500 miles. “It’s been amazing to watch my own children open their eyes and see that the world is bigger than they think,” he said. “Even the little kids are learning from this experience.”

And the families they’ve helped feel blessed to have met them. “They showed up at 8 a.m. and we had a list of things we needed help with,” said Jim Spencer, a 61-year-old father in Warren, Michigan, whose 12-year-old daughter, Lexi, was diagnosed(诊断) with cancer a couple of years ago.

The Mursets also used their travels as an opportunity to visit areas they had never been to, including the Statue of Liberty. But for Gregg, the main purpose of the trip was to teach his children to show concern for the happiness of other people rather than for themselves.

“There is nothing wrong with your kid getting off the sofa, doing some work and sweating,” said Gregg. “It’s good for the kid and it’s good for the soul.”

1. How did the kids feel when Gregg Murset first told the family about his plan?

A. Amazed. B. Excited.

C. Disappointed. D. Worried.

2.What did the family mainly do during their trip?

A. They toured places of interest.

B. They visited patients in hospital.

C. They worked with social groups.

D. They helped families in need of help.

3.During the trip, Gregg most wanted his kids to ________.

A. increase physical exercise

B. gain more geography knowledge

C. learn to be concerned about others

D. improve their communication skills

Last month,my younger sister Michelle,four of my friends and I held our first charity art exhibitions.The exhibitions, containing 140 paintings,raised 44,000 yuan,all donated to Stepping Stones,a charity that supports poor children in China.

Ever since l was a little girl, I have been in love with art.I have always been fascinated with the idea of creating beauty and emotion-how imagination can transform a simple piece of paper into something beyond the possibilities of the real world.I watched others create magic by simply moving their hands,and felt thrilled as I gradually learned to do this myself.

Passion results in creation.In nine years,I had accumulated more pieces than I could count.My finished paintings were set aside,gathering dust as time passed.So I decided to hold exhibitions to find a home and some appreciation for my artwork.

Nonetheless,I was extremely nervous.After all,I am only a l5-year-old child who has a passion,but not necessarily one who creates artwork that others want to buy.

However,the turnout was more than I could ever have imagined,and the amount of money we raised quadrupled(四倍于)our original target.We were very lucky to find a charity,Stepping Stone,that would show us exactly how our money would be used:to teach English to poor children in the country.I was even offered an opportunity to teach the children myself.

Through this experience,I not only gained more confidence in my art,but also discovered its impact.I realized a paintbrush could paint not only a canvas,but also new opportunities for others who don’t have as many choices in who they want to be,or what they want to do.Although this cannot transform the world,this may transform the world for one child,or even more.

1.What does “this” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A.Moving hands. B.Painting.

C.Changing the world. D.Using imagination.

2.By saying “Passion results in creation”, the author means she

A.decided to visit exhibitions of young artists

B.found a new interest besides painting

C.painted many pieces in nine years

D.created artwork that others want to buy

3.What can you know according to the last two paragraphs?

A.Stepping Stone is an educational organization.

B.Art changed the life of the author and others in a way.

C.Her original donation was expected about 44,000 yuan.

D.The author realized she had an advantage over others.

Instagram is a fast,beautiful and fun way to share your life with friends and family.Take a picture or video,choose a filter to transform its look and feel.and then post to Instagram—it’s that easy.You can even share to Facebook.Twitter and more.It’s a new way to see the world.So many photos of food are contained on Instagram—now a pop-up diner in London is taking advantage of this new trend by letting people settle the bill for their meals simply by uploading photos of their dishes to social networks.

I always thought people’s taking pictures of their food was kind of silly,but at this new pop-up restaurant in the UK,I’d probably do it too.“The Picture House”is the world’s first pay-by-photo restaurant—yon order,click a photo of the food,share on Instagram and eat for free!

The testaurant belongs to frozen food giant(巨人)Birds Eye,who came up with the idea to cash in on people’s addiction with photographing food and sharing the pictures online.They conducted a survey and found out that more than half of the British population regularly took pictures of their meals.So they realized it was a better way to advertise their new dining range.

The pop-up diner was open in Soho,London for three days in May,and is now moving to other major UK cities.They serve two-course meals that customers don’t have to pay for,if they photo and Instagram it.

The restaurant is a part of Birds Eye’s “Food for Life”campaign,a new marketing project that aims at changing the way people look at frozen food.“Taking photos of food enables people to show off and to share their mealtime moments—from the everyday to the special,”said marketing director Margaret Jobling.

The reaction to the Picture House has been great so far And the pay-by-picture concept has proven to be an effective way.Alternative payment methods are actually gaining popularity among a lot of businesses.Last year in a care in Germany customers pay by how much time they spend there,not by what they eat.

1.Instagram probably is________.

A.a program used to share photos

B.a campaign of“Food for Life”

C.a restaurant free of charge

D.a new marketing project

2.What’s the author’s attitude to this new trend?

A.Confused B.Interested

C.Opposed D.Unconcerned

3.“The Picture House”encourages sharing photos of its food to_______.

A.raise the price of frozen food

B.create a new social media trend

C.attract more customers

D.reward the regular customers

4.Which of the following can serve as the best title for the passage?

A.Food for Life B.The Pop-up Diner

C.No Need to Pay D.Pay by Picture

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