Chinese archeologists were therefore surprised in the 1990s to find the remains of an ancient fortification (筑城) in Liqian,a remote town in Yongchang county on the edge of a desert area,which was strikingly similar to Roman defense structures.

They were even more astonished to find West?ern?looking people with green,deep?set eyes,long hooked noses and blond hair.

Though the villagers said they had never traveled outside the county,they worshipped bulls and their favorite game was similar to the ancient Romans' bull?fighting dance.

DNA tests in 2005 confirmed some of the villagers were indeed of Caucasian origin,leading many experts to conclude they are descendants of an ancient Roman army headed by general Marcus Crassus.

“The‘foreign’origin of the Yongchang villagers,as proven by the DNA tests,does not necessarily mean they are of ancient Roman origin.”

Xie Xiaodong,a geneticist from Lanzhou University,also sounded a skeptical note.

“Even if they are descendants of Romans,it doesn't mean they are necessarily from that Roman army,” Xie said.

Their mysterious identity has brought wealth and fame to some of the villagers.

Cai Junnian has yellow wavy hair,a hooked nose and green eyes.A DNA test in 2005 confirmed he is of 56 percent European origin.It made him famous almost overnight.

Reporters,filmmakers,historians and geneticists from around the world pursued him.A Beijing film producer will spend millions to turn the villagers' story into a film.

Lanzhou University's new research body,set up this week by Chinese and Italian anthropologists,is a platform for experts to further research the subject but the research work will certainly be complicated.

The center will help Chinese learn Italian language and culture,he said.“More exchanges will certainly be helpful in unraveling the mystery.”

1.Scientists take DNA tests in order to ________.

A. explain why villagers have the Western?looking

B. explain why ancient Roman army disappeared

C. explain why villagers are infected with AIDS

D. explain why villagers married at an early age

2.Which is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Romans like bull?fighting dance.

B. The villagers are of ancient Roman origin.

C. The research work will be very complicated.

D. Cai Junnian's European origin makes him famous overnight.

3.What's the meaning of the underlined word“unraveling” in the last paragraph?

A. Keeping. B. Discovering.

C. Storing. D. Destroying.

4.Which of the following would be the BEST title for the passage?

A. Chinese Villagers Descended from Roman Soldiers

B. Unforgettable and Fierce Ancient Roman War

C. Similarities Between Chinese and Western People

D. An Introduction to Roman Defense Structures

One night many years ago I was on the bridge of a ship passing one of our large cities on a quiet night. I saw its lights_______in the sky and heard the city’s noises.

I have spent twenty-five years on boats. Now I am a _______. My job is to bring in the large luxury_________and stay with them until they are safely stopped in their ports.

I felt very _______the first time I ever docked a big liner. She came_______up the harbor on a flood tide and towered high over the short little boat. As we drew alongside, a doorway opened_______at water level and two smartly dressed sailors helped me aboard.

I was escorted to the bridge where I _______from the captain. I realized I was in _______of a great ship worth millions of dollars. Having docked several of the large liners, I realized I was not important, _________simply the quarterback who called the signals.

In spite of ________we read in the newspapers, I have great faith in this country, praying that a peaceful understanding will come to this__________world, so that my children can grow up in a world full of happiness. I believe this will come ________.

I remember the understanding and ________ that took over this country, back in 1949, when a little girl named Kathy Fiskus ________into an old well in California. Engineers and sandhogs and people in all walks of life worked almost three days, and when they got her out she was dead.

People sent in thousands of dollars in________funds, but those who did the work and ________the equipment wouldn’t take the money. They worked for bigger things. I talked to captains of foreign ________that came into New York Harbor, and they were just as________as we Americans over the tragedy.

I believe some__________will be found to work together for world peace with the same sympathy and understanding that people worked to rescue little Kathy Fiskus. I believe God will ________bring this about.

1.A. decorated B. reflected C. included D. occupied

2.A. cook B. designer C. pilot D. swimmer

3.A. liners B. shops C. hotels D. offices

4.A. interesting B. smart C. lucky D. proud

5.A. drawing B. riding C. walking D. running

6.A. often B. never C. almost D. hardly

7.A. took over B. picked up C. got out D. brought in

8.A. place B. need C. search D. control

9.A. so B. but C. and D. or

10.A. how B. where C. which D. what

11.A. undiscovered B. unsettled C. unplanned D. unexpected

12.A. in B. from C. about D. on

13.A. favor B. pity C. belief D. sense

14.A. fell B. waved C. threw D. hid

15.A. school B. business C. rescue D. loan

16.A. produced B. transported C. furnished D. supposed

17.A. buses B. planes C. ships D. trains

18.A. worried B. satisfied C. amazed D. concerned

19.A. time B. road C. money D. way

20.A. someday B. forever C. nowhere D. therefore

My doorbell rings at 11 a.m. On the step, I find an elderly Chinese lady. She is small and slight. She holds a paper carrier bag in her hands.

I know this lady. It is by no means her first visit. Her daughter, Nicole, bought the house next door last October. Nicole, who is currently in Shanghai, has apparently told her mother that I am having heart surgery shortly, and the result is that her mother has decided I need to be supplied with meals.

I know what is inside the paper carrier bag — a stainless-steel container with a meal of rice, vegetables and either chicken, meat or shrimp. This has become an almost-daily occurrence.

Communication between my benefactor (恩人)and me is somewhat handicapped by the fact that she doesn’t speak English and all I can say in Mandarin is “hello”. Once, she brought an iPad and pointed to the screen, which displayed a message from Nicole telling me that her mother wanted to know if the food was all right.

“Your mother just can’t be bringing me meals like this all the time” I protested. “I can hardly reciprocate by cooking something from my native land, like roast beef or Yorkshire pudding for her” I said.

“Oh,no,” Nicole said. “Don’t worry about that. She has to cook for the family anyway, and she wants to do it for you. You can call her Wing, which is her surname.”

The tenant in my basement suite is a university student who speaks Mandarin quite well, so with her help, I have found out that Wing is 68—13 years younger than I am — and that she lived through the Cultural Revolution. For my part, I was raised in wartime Britain.

So here we are, two grandmothers a world away from where we were raised, neither of us able to speak the other’s language. But the doorbell keeps ringing and there is the familiar paper earner bag, handed smilingly to me by Wing.

Right now I am working on some more Mandarin words—it’s the least I can do after such a display of kindness.

“Thank you” is, of course,the first one, which somehow seems inadequate.

1.The author and Wing got to know each other .

A. as next door neighbors

B. when exchanging meals

C. by sharing similar experiences

D. after using an iPad to communicate

2.The underlined word “reciprocate” in Paragraph 5 probably means .

A. do as well B. offer generously

C. give in return D. accept with pleasure

3.The author’s effort to learn Mandarin shows her .

A. great satisfaction B. real kindness

C. heartfelt thanks D. sincere friendship

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