

销越来越高,根本没有节俭的概念。请就此现象写一篇 120 字左右的短文,要求如下:

1. 简单阐述此现象;

2. 分析这一现象的原因;

3. 你的看法。


参考词汇:thrift (n.) 勤俭

According to a survey, in recent years monthly expenses of a middle school student have been

on the sharp rise.


Students from Florida International University in Miami walked on water Thursday for a class assignment.To do it,they wore aquatic (水上的)shoes they designed and created.

Alex Quinones was the first to make it to the other side of a 175-foot lake on campus in record time—just over a minute.Quinones,who wore oversized boat-like shoes,also won last year and will receive $ 500.Students had to wear the aquatic shoes and make it across the lake in order to earn an “A” on the assignment for Architecture Professor Jaime Canaves,Materials and Methods Construction Class."It's traditional in a school of architecture to do boats out of cardboard for a boat race.I thought our students were a little bit more special than that," Canaves said." We decided to do the walk on water event to take it to the next level."

A total of 79 students competed in the race this year in 41 teams.Only 10 teams failed to cross the lake.Others who fell got back up and made it to the end.The race is open to all students and anyone in the community.The youngest person to ever participate was a 9-year-old girl who competed in place of her mother,while the oldest was a 67-year-old female.

A large crowd on campus joined Canaves as he cheered on the racers.He shouted encouraging words,but also laughed as some unsteadily made their way to the end.

"A part of this is for them to have more understanding of designing and make it work better," he said.It is also a lesson in life for the students.

“Anything,including walking on water,is possible,if you do the research,test it and go through the design process seriously.”

1.For what purpose did the students take part in the race?

A.To go across the lake to school.

B.To test their balance on the water.

C.To pass Professor Canaves’ class.

D.To win the prize money of $ 500.

2.Which of the following is true about the race?

A.The students who fell into the water had to quit.

B.More than 20 teams failed to cross the lake.

C.The students kept silent when the other racers competed.

D.The youngest competitor competed instead of her mother.

3.According to Canaves,this race can help the students_________.

A.understand designing better

B.achieve almost everything

C.work together and unite as one

D.walk on the surface of water

4.What is the purpose of this passage?

A.To advertise a student' s program.

B.To report an interesting assignment.

C.To introduce a creative professor.

D.To encourage special events on campus.

The character “duang” is so new that it does not even exist in the Chinese dictionary. But it has already spread like wildfire online in China, appearing more than 8 million times on China’s micro-blogging site Weibo, where it spawned a top-trending hashtag(标签) that drew 312,000 discussions among 15,000 users. On China’s biggest online search engine Baidu, it has been looked up almost 600,000 times. It’s been noticed in the West too, with Foreign Policy seeing it as a “break the internet” viral meme - like a certain Kirn Kardashian image, or a certain multicoloured dress.

But what does it mean? “Everyone’s duang-ing and I still don’t know what it means! As if it’s back to school for me,” said Weibo user Weileiweito. Another user asked: “Have you duang-ed today? My mind is full of duang duang duang.” “To duang or not to duang, that is the question,” wrote user BaiKut automan.

“Duang” seems to be an example of onomatopoeia(拟声词), a word that phonetically imitates a sound. It all seems to have started with Hong Kong action star Jackie Chan, who in 2004 was featured in a shampoo commercial where he said famously defended his sleek, black hair using the rhythmical-sounding “duang”. The word resurfaced again recently after Chan posted it on his Weibo page. Thousands of users then began to flood Chan’s Weibo page with comments, coining the word in reference to his infamous shampoo appearance.

The word appears to have many different meanings, and there’s no perfect translation, but you could use it as an adjective to give emphasis to the word that follows it. A kitten might be “duang cute”, for example. Or you might be “very duang confused” by this blog.

For readers of Chinese characters, the Jackie Chan theme is also apparent from the quirky(古怪的) way in which the word is written: a combination of Chan’s Mandarin names.

1.How does the writer try to prove that Duang has already spread like wildfire online in China?

A. giving examples B. listing numbers

C. making comparisons D. offering quotations

2.Why does the author mention “a certain Kirn Kardashian image”?

A. to tell us “Duang” also draws attention in the West.

B. to tell us “Duang” is just like a certain image on a certain multicolored dress.

C. to tell us Foreign Policy doesn’t like “Duang”.

D. to tell us a certain Kim Kardashian image breaks the internet.

3. Which of the following statements about “duang is NOT true?

A. It came from Jackie chan’s commertial.

B. Weibo users created the word about his infamous shampoo appearance.

C. It was first used as an adjective to stress the word that follows it.

D. Many people are confused by the word.

4.What kind of people may not know the word “duang”?

A. the old who are over sixties

B. the young who are in fashion

C. a boy who has dropped out of school

D. a woman who never surfs the internet

A king once went to a master (大师).He wanted to become more powerful than other ____ kings. He sat in front of the master and ____ telling him the purpose of his ____. The master listened ____ to the king.

He then told the king to go to the ____ where a rose plant and a cypress (柏树) plant were growing side by side. He told the king, “They are your ____. They can teach you what you want to ____.”

The king went into the garden, and ____ the two plants but could not ____ what he could learn from them. He went back to the master and asked, “What do you ____, master? I am not able to understand what and how these plants will teach me.”

The master took the king to the plants and ____, “This cypress plant has been next to the rose plant for so many years. Never once has it wanted to become a rose plant. ____, the rose plant has never wanted to become a cypress plant. If man had been the cypress plant, he would have ____ himself with the rose and felt jealous (忌妒的) at the ____ that the beautiful rose plant was getting from all the people. ____, if man were the rose plant, he would have____the cypress plant enviously (羡慕地) thinking how ____ the plant was without the ____ of being disturbed by people all day! Both of the plants grew very well because they ____ all their energy for their own ____ instead of using it to compete with the other.”

1.A. rich B. handsome C. western D. neighboring

2.A. forgot B. continued C. started D. suggested

3.A. transport B. visit C. goal D. education

4.A. patiently B. angrily C. happily D. worriedly

5.A. valley B. bank C. garden D. forest

6.A. enemies B. families C. friends D. teachers

7.A. design B. learn C. measure D. notice

8.A. saw B. planted C. cut D. watered

9.A. provide B. show C. understand D. remember

10.A. hear B. find C. say D. mean

11.A. ordered B. explained C. asked D. requested

12.A. Similarly B. Frequently C. Finally D. luckily

13.A. covered B. compared C. marked D. dressed

14.A. position B. pay C. attention D. expectancy

15.A. Besides B. However C. Therefore D. Or

16.A. looked at B. waited for C. figured out D. listened to

17.A. homeless B. useful C. peaceful D. poor

18.A. duty B. mistake C. interest D. trouble

19.A. lost B.used C. lent D. received

20.A. growth B. opinion C. fun D. victory


Jack and his 11-year-old son, Tony, love basketball very much. On Tony’s birthday, Jack decided to drive him Chicago, more than two hours’ distance, for the first game of the World Championships. They had no but hoped to buy two from other people.

After arriving in Chicago, they in the streets for two hours carrying a which said, “We need two tickets”. the cheapest ticket was $175 and they could not it. They were about to leave when a man them. He pulled out two tickets and them to Jack. “How much do you want?” “ ! No money is needed!” said the man.

When asked, the man , “I am working for Joe, who hasn’t a World Championships for 16 years. But he is ill and can’t make it this time. So he told me to give the two tickets away. The only he set is to give the tickets to people I think will be deserving. A lot of people looked as if they might just take the tickets and them right away. Then I saw you. You seemed very and you made me my Dad and myself when I was a child. I wanted to go to see a World Championships game with my father at that time. But I never got the …”

How important and the game was to Jack and his son! Here is Jack said, “It’s the most worth thing that happened to us. My boy and I must have turned to each other 30 times during the game. I can’t forget that night.”

1.A. in B. to C. through D. for

2.A. tickets B. cards C. passes D. money

3.A. rode B. ran C. walked D. cried

4.A. book B. photo C. magazine D. sign

5.A. But B. And C. Or D. So

6.A. offer B. afford C. keep D. hold

7.A. invited B. asked C. stopped D. beat

8.A. handed B. sent C. left D. threw

9.A. Cheap B. Expensive C. Terrible D. Free

10.A. agreed B. explained C. examined D. appeared

11.A. delayed B. won C. lost D. missed

12.A. record B. time C. rule D. point

13.A. lend B. sell C. tear D. make

14.A. boring B. interesting C. smart D. anxious

15.A. think of B. care for C. give up D. belong to

16.A. really B. very C. well D. nearly

17.A. ability B. right C. chance D. dream

18.A. unpleasant B. funny C. disappointing D. unforgettable

19.A. which B. what C. that D. how

20.A. hating B. discussing C. remembering D. playing

Bluebirds looking secretly from nest boxes. Tadpoles swimming in a pond. Tiger swallowtails flying quickly around a butterfly bush. And over here, a class of students watching it all. A field trip to a nature center? No, it’s a schoolyard. With some work on your part, it could even be your schoolyard.

Interested in building a schoolyard habitat? Here’s how to get started.

Gather a Team

Students can do a lot on their own, but you’ll need adults for a project this big. Get teachers, parents, and even the headmaster interested. Don’t forget the maintenance(维修)staff—they know more about your school’s yard than anyone else and can give you lots of help. Also, ask around your neighborhood for gardeners, naturalists, and others willing to give advice.

Map Your Site

Which part of the schoolyard can you turn into a habitat? Is there an unused corner of the playground? Part of a lawn or field you could let go wild? You’ll need to make a map of the area showing what’s there now. Then you can figure out how you want to change it. For that, you need a plan.

Plan a Habitat

Here’s what you’ll need to make your area attractive to wildlife.

Food: Plant flowers, bushes, and trees. These provide seeds, berries, leaves, flowers, and sweet liquids. And all of these feed birds, and insects. You can also add some feeders for squirrels and birds. Where possible, stick with native plants—wild plants that grow naturally in your area. They need less care, which means less work for you.

Water: A small pond, birdbath, or even a shallow dish of clean water in the ground will attract birds. Other small animals like insects may visit as well.

Shelter: Bushes and trees make great escapes for birds. Tall grass and “weeds” are home to grasshoppers, garter snakes, and some ground-nesting birds. You can also add stone piles and brush piles.

Places to Raise Young: Butterflies need special plants to lay their eggs on. Frogs and toads lay eggs only in shallow water. Many birds use birdhouses; others nest in trees and bushes. In fact, nearly all your shelters may become homes for wild young.

Put It on Paper

Using the map you made of your area, draw in the changes you want to make. Mark where the plants, nest boxes, and other items will go. Remember, this is a long-term plan—you don’t have to do everything this spring. Maybe you could put up a few birdhouses and plant some butterfly bushes now and save the trees and bushes for next year. Even a small start is a big step for wildlife.

Reach for Resources

To make the habitat happen, you’ll need lots of plants, seeds, and other supplies. You’ll also need to buy or borrow tools and maybe even some heavy equipment. Now’s the time to reach out for donations. Start by asking your parent-teacher organization. Then go to garden clubs, garden stores (they might give you a discount), local government agencies, and businesses. If they can’t donate supplies or money, ask if they can donate workers!

The workers can help build the habitat. You’ll also need people to help maintain it. Some schools ask their students’ families to take turns during the summer. Each family maintains the habitat for a couple of weeks.

Build Your Design

Now you can dig in. Set a date, and get growing!

1.What is this article mostly about?

A. How to start a wildlife habitat.

B. Making a place where animals can hide.

C. How to gather food for a wildlife habitat.

D. Creating places for people to plant gardens.

2.The section “Plan a Habitat” is mostly about___________.

A. finding a place to use for the habitat

B. how to raise money for the habitat

C. finding people to work on the habitat

D. how to attract wildlife to the habitat

3.The main purpose for creating a nature habitat at school would be to___________.

A. improve the school’s appearance

B. raise money for other school projects

C. teach students more about nature

D. convince people to work as volunteers

4.How has the author organized the article?

A. By giving step-by-step instructions.

B. By listing both sides of an argument.

C. By telling a story, from beginning to end.

D. By listing facts, from most to least important.

Few of us haven’t read Cinderella, the story of a young woman living in poverty who meets the prince of her dreams.Some might not want to admit it, but there is a hidden Cinderella in everyone’s heart—we all wish we could achieve recognition or success after a period of obscurity (默默无闻).

Mary Santiago has that secret dream, too.Her story is featured in Another Cinderella Story, a film set in a US high school.

Mary is shy but loves to dance.Compared with other girls, she is invisible.However, her world changes completely when a famous teenager pop singer, Joey Parker, appears.

Joey is everything the rest of the boys in her class are not—kind, handsome and desirable.Mary and Joey’s paths cross at a ball.They meet and fall in love with each other.But when Mary has to rush back home, she leaves behind her MP3 player, which becomes the only clue Joey has to find the girl of his dreams.Of course, there is a wicked stepmother, who turns out to be Dominique Blatt and she takes in Mary after her dancer mother dies.Dominique treats Mary like a maid and does everything she can to make sure Mary doesn’t get into the top dance school.Her two daughters are equally determined to stop Joey falling for Mary, even if that means embarrassing her.

The story, though it mostly follows Cinderella, does add a few modern day twists to the classic fairy tale.Refreshingly, the film, unlike many high school films, does not focus on looks, although the actors are all beautiful.There is also a lot less materialism in Another Cinderella Story than in many similar movies.

“The movie takes the Cinderella fairytale as its jumping off point,” writes movie critic Amber Wilkinson.“Yet the focus is firmly on following your dream.”

1.The first paragraph is mainly to _________.

A.inform us of the importance to marry a prince

B.remind us why Cinderella is popular all the years

C.build interest and lead us to Mary’s secret dream

D.tell us how interesting the fairy tale Cinderella is

2.In the movie, Mary Santiago is the main character who _________.

A.is badly treated by the stepmother

B.is brave in expressing her love

C.has a dream of meeting a prince

D.is embarrassed by the pop singer

3.What can we infer from the passage?

A.Joey is just like other boys in Mary’s class.

B.The MP3 player helps Joey in finding Mary.

C.Not many people have a dream to be realized.

D.Mary’s mother influences her a lot in singing.

4.What does movie critic Amber Wilkinson mean by his words about Another Cinderella Story?

A.The movie is exactly another copy of the Cinderella fairytale.

B.The movie is as good as the story Cinderella.

C.The movie and Cinderella both focus on following your dream.

D.The movie is based on the story Cinderella while a little different from it.

5.The passage is mainly about _________.

A.an introduction to Mary Santiago

B.a review about a film

C.an essay about dreams

D.an advertisement of Cinderella

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