

One weekend, my kids and I were heading into the supermarket. On the way, we ________ a man holding a piece of paper that said, “Lost my job. Family to Feed.”

At this store, a ________ like this is not normal. My 10-year-old noticed him and made a ________ on how bad it must be to have to stand ________ in the cold wind.

In the store, I asked each of my kids to pick something they thought our “friend” there would ________ . They got apples, a sandwich and a bottle of juice. Then my 17-year-old suggested giving him a ________ . I thought about it. We were low on cash ourselves, but… well, sometimes giving from our need ________ our abundance (充裕;丰富) is just what we need to do! All the kids declared something they could do away with for the week.

When we handed him the bag of ________ , he lit up and thanked us with __________ eyes. When I handed him the gift card, saying he could use it for ________ his family might need, he burst into tears.

This has been a wonderful ________ for our family. For days the kids have been looking for others we can ________ ! Things would have played out so ________ if I had simply said, “No, we really don’t have ________ to give more.” Stepping out not only helped a brother in need, it also gave my kids the ________ taste of helping others. It’ll go a long way with them.

1.A. stared B. spotted C. slid D. struggled

2.A. condition B. scenery C. show D. sight

3.A. call B. comment C. decision D. suggestion

4.A. outside B. proudly C. by D. angrily

5.A. achieve B. supply C. appreciate D. react

6.A. dollar B. job C. hot meal D. gift card

7.A. in spite of B. instead of C. in favor of D. in case of

8.A. toys B. medicine C. food D. clothes

9.A. watery B. sleepy C. curious D. content

10.A. whoever B. whatever C. wherever D. whenever

11.A. experience B. example C. message D. adventure

12.A. rely on B. respect C. learn from D. help

13.A. suddenly B. truly C. differently D. perfectly

14.A. money B. time C. power D. patience

15.A. strong B. sweet C. strange D. simple


What should you think about when trying to find your career? You are probably better at some school subjects than others. These may show strengths that you can use in your work. A boy who is good at mathematics can use that in an engineering career. A girl who spells well and likes English maybe good at office work. So it is important to know the subjects you do well in at school. On the other hand, you may not have any specially strong subjects but your records show a general satisfactory standard. Although not all subjects can be used directly in a job, they may have indirect value. A knowledge of history is not required for most jobs but if history is one of your good subjects you will have learned to remember facts and details. This is an ability that can be useful in many jobs.

Your school may have taught you skills, such as typing or technical drawing, which you can use in your work. You may be good at metalwork or cookery and look for a job where you can improve these skills. If you have had a part-time job on Saturdays or in the summer, think what you gained from it. If nothing else, you may have learned how to get to work on time, to follow instructions and to get on with older workers. You may have learned to give correct change in a shop, for example. Just as important, you may become interested in a particular industry or career you see from the inside in a part-time job.

Facing your weak points is also part of knowing yourself. You may be all thumbs when you handle tools; perhaps you are a poor speller or cannot add up a column of figures. It is better to face any weakness than to pretend they do not exist. Your school record, for instance, may not be too good, yet it is an important part of your background. You should not ignore it but instead recognize that you will have a chance of a fresh start at work.

1.What is the passage mainly about?

A. The importance of working hard at school.

B. Choosing a career according to one’s strengths.

C. How to face one’s weakness.

D. The value of school work.

2.The writer thinks that a student’s part-time job is probably_____.

A. a good way to find out his weak points

B. one of the best ways of earning extra money

C. of great use for his work in the future

D. a waste of time he could have spent on study

3.From the passage we learn that if a student’s school performance is not good, he ______.

A. should pay more attention to learning skills and developing abilities

B. will be regretful about his bad results

C. may also do well in his future work

D. should restart his study at school

4.The underlined phrase “be all thumbs” (in Para.3) probably means “______”.

A. be clumsy at doing things

B. be skillful in doing things

C. be not interested in certain things

D. be easily bored in doing things



Forgiveness is a quality that is difficult to possess. When someone has deeply hurt you, it can be extremely difficult to let go of your hate. However, forgiveness is possible, and it can be surprisingly beneficial to your physical and mental health. People who forgive show less sadness, anger and stress and more hopefulness, according to a recent research.

1. Try the following steps:

Calm yourself. 2. You can take a couple of breaths and think of something that gives you pleasure: a beautiful scene in nature, or someone you love.

Don’t wait for an apology. Many times the person who hurt you does not intend to apologize. They may have wanted to hurt you or they just don’t see things the same way.

3. Keep in mind that forgiveness does not necessarily mean becoming friends again with the person who upset you.

Take the control away from your offender(冒犯者). Rethinking about your hurt gives power to the person who caused you pain. Instead of focusing on your wounded feelings, learn to look for the love, beauty and kindness around you.

4. If you understand your offender, you may realize that he or she was acting out of unawareness, fear, and even love. You may want to write a letter to yourself from your offender’s point of view.

Don’t forget to forgive yourself. 5. But it can rob you of your self-­confidence if you don’t do it.

A. How should you start to forgive?

B. Why should you forgive?

C. Try to see things from your offender’s angle.

D. Recognize the benefits of forgiveness.

E. For some people, forgiving themselves is the biggest challenge.

F. If you wait for people to apologize, you could be waiting an awfully long time.

G. To make your anger die away, try a simple stress­management technique.

As the capital of China's Shaanxi Province, Xi'an's long history was properly summed up by our English-speaking guide: "If Xi'an is the grandmother of cities, Beijing is a youth and Shanghai is just a baby in the womb. "

However, it was not until 1974, following the chance discovery of the Army of Terracotta Warriors by well-digging farmers, that Xi'an was once again pushed onto the international map. Three decades later, the local government is pouring funds into the tourism sector. Ancient monuments and museums are being restored, and various copies of Buddhist and Tang heritage are being constructed to help Chinese tourists rediscover their national heritage.

One of those ancient monuments is the Big Wild Goose Pagoda-Xi'an's most sacred (神圣的) monument-which was built in 652 by the monk Xuanzang ,who travelled across India for 18 years and returned with a precious collection of Buddhist sacred texts. In 1966,the Red Guards burnt the pagoda's scriptures, silk wall hangings and other relics in a bonfire that raged all night. But that destruction has largely been forgotten as tourists flock to the newly restored pagoda. The only original remainders-the empty shell of the seven-storey pagoda-light up at night, standing out in the city's skyline.

Xi'an is also displaying the glories of the ancient Tang Dynasty, with a 165-acre Tang Paradise Theme Park that is visited by flocks of tourist groups. Although every bit of this Tang heritage is recreated, it is artistically pleasing, landscaped with ponds and lakes, classical gardens, bridges, palaces and pavilions. Explore the vast area on a golf cart, hopping on and off to see shortened operas from the Tang Dynasty days, laser shows on the lake, highly structured man-made waterfalls, as well as murals and statues of historical figures ,philosophers and poets.

A 36km drive northeast takes you to Xi'an's most famous attraction, the Army of Terracotta Warriors. They were made to order in 221BC by the first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huangdi, who used the forced labour of 700,000 subjects to create a mausoleum(陵庙) guarded by an entire army.

1.From the passage we can learn that a large sum of money of the local government in Xi'an is being ploughed into .

A. restoring the monuments

B. restoring the Pagoda

C. tourism industry

D. exploring the history

2. How many historical sites in Xi'an have been referred to in the passage?

A. Three. B. Four. C. One. D. Six.

3. What can we learn from the fourth paragraph about the Tang Paradise Theme Park?

A. Visitors are pleased with the survivals from the Tang Dynasty.

B. The natural waterfalls in it are very attractive.

C. It is totally recreated but is artistically pleasant.

D. Visitors can appreciate the full Tang Dynasty operas.

4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A. Make a visit to ancient sites at once.

B. China's ancient capital rises again.

C. Travel to the Army of Terracotta Warriors.

D. Take a view in the modern city.


阅读下面短文, 从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白的最佳选项。

Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others. -- Jonathan Swift

I walked into a wild third-grade classroom. Music was playing ________ , children were under tables applying make-up, kids were throwing a football indoors, and students were________ wherever they could find ________ . I was a mid-year ________ . The previous ________ said he could no longer manage these children and ________ without notice during the holiday break.

As soon as I walked in the room, I realized why he ________ . I sat down ________ in my chair and began reading their ________ softly. After each name, I ________ asking God to help me understand that child. I then nailed a ________ to the wall next to the chalkboard and began ________ my name and a reading assignment on the board. I then asked each child to come to me, and tell me their names and what they wanted to learn. It was a ________ task, because only two children there wanted to learn something! Rules were ________ , boundaries established, parents contacted. But the mirror saved the day -- no, the year! Unbeknownst(不知的) to the children, the mirror allowed me to see their every ________ while I was writing on the board. They soon became ________ as to how I knew who was misbehaving while I was writing on the board. When one student finally asked me, I told him I had a special teacher’s eye in the back of my head that my hair ________ . At first they did not believe me. ________ they did begin to exhibit better behavior, especially while I wrote on the board, thinking I had magical ________ . I never told them differently. Why ________ a good thing?

1.A. softly B. clearly C. loudly D. peacefully

2.A. speaking B. dancing C. standing D. laughing

3.A. partner B. music C. space D. joke

4.A. representative B. replacement C. reference D. reward

5.A. teacher B. headmaster C. director D. leader

6.A. retired B. remained C. resigned D. returned

7.A. went B. came C. left D. disappeared

8.A. angrily B. restlessly C. indifferently D. quietly

9.A. names B. faces C. figures D. minds

10.A. prepared B. prayed C. protected D. preferred

11.A. board B. mirror C. cross D. picture

12.A. noting B. copying C. writing D. drawing

13.A. difficult B. different C. distant D. direct

14.A. dated B. written C. worked D. set

15.A. make B. move C. matter D. mind

16.A. pleased B. puzzled C. known D. worried

17.A. covered B. hooked C. hung D. displayed

18.A. So B.But C. And D. However

19.A.view B. scene C. eyes D. vision

20.A. mess up B. bring up C.mix up D. burn up

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