Today while walk past the train station£¬I see two young men carrying some huge bags£®
They were consulting a map and seemed confusing£¬so I asked them if I could help£®Actually£¬they were looking for an address where isn't easy to find£¬and it happened to be the same places where l was going£®Therefore£¬I helped them with one of the bags but walked with them until they found the right house£®We had a nice chat and I told that they had come all the way from the France£®They were very grateful for me£¬and I felt very happily£®
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½â´ð Today while walk past the train station£¬I see two young men carrying some huge bags£®
They were consulting a map and seemed confusing£¬so I asked them if I could help£®Actually£¬they were looking for an address where isn't easy to find£¬and it happened to be the same places where l was going£®Therefore£¬I helped them with one of the bags but walked with them until they found the right house£®We had a nice chat and I told that they had come all the way from the France£®They were very grateful for me£¬and I felt very happily£®
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