Today while walk past the train station£¬I see two young men carrying some huge bags£®
They were consulting a map and seemed confusing£¬so I asked them if I could help£®Actually£¬they were looking for an address where isn't easy to find£¬and it happened to be the same places where l was going£®Therefore£¬I helped them with one of the bags but walked with them until they found the right house£®We had a nice chat and I told that they had come all the way from the France£®They were very grateful for me£¬and I felt very happily£®

·ÖÎö ±¾ÎÄÖ÷Òª½²Êö×÷Õß·¹ý»ð³µÕ¾Ê±£¬¿´µ½Á½¸ö°á׿¸¸ö´ó°üµÄÄêÇáÈËÕýÔÚ²éÔĵØͼ£¬ÏԵúÜÃÔ»ó£®×÷ÕßÎÊËûÃÇÊÇ·ñÐèÒª°ïÖú£®ÅöÇɵÄÊÇ£¬ËûÃÇҪȥµÄµØ·½Óë×÷ÕßҪȥµÄÊÇͬһ¸öµØ·½£®×÷Õß°ïÖúËûÃÇÕÒµ½ËûÃÇÒªÕҵķ¿×Ó£¬¶Ô´Ë£¬ËûÃǶÔ×÷ÕߺÜÊǸм¤£®

½â´ð Today while walk past the train station£¬I see two young men carrying some huge bags£®
They were consulting a map and seemed confusing£¬so I asked them if I could help£®Actually£¬they were looking for an address where isn't easy to find£¬and it happened to be the same places where l was going£®Therefore£¬I helped them with one of the bags but walked with them until they found the right house£®We had a nice chat and I told that they had come all the way from the France£®They were very grateful for me£¬and I felt very happily£®
1£®walk¸ÄΪwalking ¿¼²éÏÖÔÚ·Ö´Ê£®IÓëwalkÖ®¼äÊÇÖ÷ν¹Øϵ£¬ÓÃ"while+ÏÖÔÚ·Ö´Ê"×÷×´Ó
2£®see¸ÄΪsaw ¿¼²é¶¯´Êʱ̬£®´Ë´¦½²ÊöµÄÊǹýÈ¥µÄÊÂÇ飬ҪÓÃÒ»°ã¹ýȥʱ̬£®
3£®confusing¸ÄΪconfused ¿¼²é¹ýÈ¥·Ö´Ê£®¹ýÈ¥·Ö´Ê×÷±íÓ¶à°ëÓÃÀ´±íʾÈËÎïËù´¦µÄÐÄÀí״̬»òÇé¸Ð±ä»¯£¬ÆäÖ÷Óï¶à°ëÊÇÈË£®
4£®where¸ÄΪwhich/that ¿¼²é¶¨Óï´Ó¾ä£®·ÖÎö¾ä×ӽṹ¿ÉÖªÕâÊÇÒ»¸ö¶¨Óï´Ó¾ä£¬ÏÈÐдÊaddressÔÚ´Ó¾äÖÐ×÷Ö÷ÓÓùØϵ´ú´Êwhich/that£®
5£®places¸ÄΪplace ¿¼²éÃû´Ê£®placeÊÇ¿ÉÊýÃû´Ê£¬´Ë´¦Ö»±íʾһ¸öµØ·½£¬ÒªÓõ¥ÊýÐÎʽ£®
6£®but¸ÄΪand ¿¼²éÁ¬´Ê£®helpedºÍwalkedÊDz¢ÁÐνÓ±íʾʱ¼äµÄÏȺó£¬ÓÃÁ¬´Êand£®
7£®they¸ÄΪI ¿¼²é´ú´Ê£®¸ù¾Ý¾äÒ⣺һ·ÉÏÎÒ¸æËßËûÃÇÎÒÀ´×Ô·¨¹ú£®Óôú´ÊI£®
8£®È¥µôthe ¿¼²é¹Ú´Ê£®FranceÊÇרÓÐÃû´Ê£¬ÆäÇ°²»ÐèÒª¼Ó¶¨¹Ú´Êthe£®
9£®for¸ÄΪto ¿¼²é½é´Ê£®be grateful toÒâΪ"¸Ð¼¤£¨¶Ô¡­¸Ðл£©"£¬Êǹ̶¨´îÅ䣮
10£®happily¸ÄΪhappy ¿¼²éÐÎÈÝ´Ê£®feelÊÇÁ¬Ïµ¶¯´Ê£¬ºó½ÓÐÎÈÝ´Ê×÷±íÓ

µãÆÀ ¸ß¿¼¶ÌÎĸĴíÌâµÄÐÎʽÓÐ˵Ã÷ÎÄ£¬¶ÌÎĹÊÊ£¬ÊéÐŵȣ¬¾ßÓкÜÇ¿µÄʵÓÃÐÔ£®¶ÌÎĵÄÄÚÈݺÍÓïÑÔ¶¼·ûºÏ¸ßÖÐѧÉúµÄʵ¼Ê£¬´Ó±íÃæÉÏ¿´ÀàËÆһƪѧÉúÏ°×÷£®Ê×ÏÈ£¬Í¨¶ÁÈ«ÎÄ£¬Á˽â¶ÌÎÄ´óÒ⣬°ÑÎÕȫƪµÄʱ̬¡¢È˳Ƽ°ÐÐÎÄÂß¼­£¬ÔÚͨ¶ÁÈ«ÎÄʱ°ÑһЩÈÝÒ׵ĴíÎóÏȸĺã¬ÔÙ½øÐÐÖð¾ä¸Ä´í£®Æä´Î£¬Òª½øÐÐÖð¸ö¾ä×ÓµÄ¸Ä´í£®ÕâÊÇÒª¶ÔÎÄÖеĴʷ¨¡¢¾ä·¨ºÍÓïƪ×ÅÖØ·ÖÎöºÍÌرð×¢Ò⣮×îºó°Ñ¸ÄºÃµÄ¶ÌÎÄÔÙÔĶÁÒ»±é£¬¼ì²é´ð°¸ÊÇ·ñÕýÈ·£¬¸Ð¾õÊÇ·ñ»¹Óв»Í×Ö®´¦£¬×îÖÕÐγɶ¨¸å£®

15£®Unless you think you're the smartest£¬who doesn't want to be smarter£¿Of course I want to be smarter too£®So I try to find out who's the real smart guy that maybe I can learn from£® £¨36£©E
¡øThey probably do social media£®Not always£¬but probably£® £¨37£©A They also use this to ensure they can feed their brains with things they otherwise wouldn't have come across£®
¡ø£¨38£©G They never bother their head about the problem of"work-life balance"and somehow manage to seem 100% engaged in what they're doing£¬on all fronts simultaneously£¨Í¬Ê±£©£¬even though you know they're taking appropriate steps behind the scenes to make sure their lives are well balanced£®
¡øThey know they are the smartest in the room£¬but they don't spend much time talking about that£®£¨39£©C That is£¬they challenge themselves to make everyone else in the room the smartest person too£®
¡øThey never£¬ever£¬under any circumstances£¬make you look stupid£¬even though it would be easy to do so£®They've learnt through bitter experience that the only thing that happens when you make someone look bad is that you look bad yourself£®
¡øIf they are managers£¬they will make every effort to get people more connected and more popular than them in their teams£® £¨40£©F They're not threatened because they know that smartness is synergistic£¨Ï໥´Ù½øµÄ£©£®

A£®It's not only a chance to listen£®
B£®They know it is an advantage to them£®
C£®They take it as a personal challenge instead£®
D£®They will be smiling even when things go wrong£®
E£®Now I've got an answer about whether someone's smart£®
F£®They also ensure their smart people look smarter than them£®
G£®They deal with home£¬work and personal interests perfectly£®
5£®While most 18-year-olds are getting ready to go to college or get a job£¬March Tian Boedihardjo£¬an Indonesian Chinese math prodigy£¨Ææ²Å£©£¬has already accomplished£¨61£©both£®
Although he never likes being called a prodigy£¬£¨62£©saying£¨say£©it means he doesn't have to work hard for his achievements£¬March Tian Boedihardjo is£¨63£©really£¨real£© special£®He first made international headlines in 2007£¬£¨64£©whenhe managed to get an A in both Mathematics and Further Mathematics at the tender age of 9£®
That same year£¬Boedihardjo became the£¨65£©youngest£¨young£© person in Hong Kong to ever be admitted to university£®And he managed to graduate in just four years£®
Recently he£¨66£©has been offered/was offered£¨offer£© an associate professor job at a university£®As it turns out£¬brilliance runs in the Boedihardjo family's blood£®Horatio£¬admitted to the Oxford University at the age of 14£¬is March's elder brother.1wonder£¨67£©whatthe next generation will be able to do£¬graduating from high school£®before they learn to speak£¿
Both his teachers and parents have been accused of robbing him£¨68£©ofhis childhood throughout the years£®£¨69£©However£¬March says he has no regrets£®"If I£¨70£©were£¨be£© given a second
chance£¬1would go down the same path£¬"he said£®
12£®Three Simple Ways to Make Exercise a Habit
A lot of people want to build an exercise habit that sticks£®Of course£¬wanting to make exercise a habit and actually doing it are two different things£®Changing your behavior is difficult£®Living a new type of lifestyle is hard£®This is especially true when you throw in very personal feelings about body image and self-worth£®£¨36£©FHere are three simple ways to make exercise a habit£®
Develop a ritual to make starting easier£®
Habits are behaviors that you repeat over and over again£¬which means they are also behaviors that you start over and over again£®£¨37£©EIn many ways£¬building new habits is simply an exercise in getting started time after time£®
The best way to make exercise a habit is to start with an exercise that is so easy that you can do it even when you are running low on willpower and motivation£®In the words of an expert£¬start with something that is so easy you can't say no£®
Focus on the habit first and the results later£®
£¨39£©C Most people start with some type of goal£®This is the wrong approach£®It's better to focus on the system rather than the goal£®What matters most in the beginning is establishing a new normal and building you will stick to£» not the results that you get£®In other words£¬in the first 6 months it is more important to not miss workouts than it is to make progress£®£¨40£©G

A£®Exercise even when you're"too tired"£®
B£®Start with an exercise that is ridiculously small£®
C£®The typical approach to diet and exercise is to focus on results first£®
D£®It is more important not to miss taking exercise than to make progress£®
E£®In other words£¬if you don't consistently get started£¬then you won't have a habit£®
F£®Both there are some strategies that can make it easier to stick with an exercise habit£®
G£®Once you become the type of person who doesn't miss workouts£¬then you can worry about making progress and improving£®
My topic today is¡®¡®cooperation"£¬what plays an important part in modern society£®The  following tip may help£®
First£¬it was important to make ever one feel that they are important in the team£®Second£¬try your best to complete yourself tasks£®If every member is responsible and does the job good£¬then the team will work out very well£¬too£®Third£¬trust your partners and communicate your partners as often as possibly£®Thus£¬you can understand other people but be understood in the team£®In the addition£¬you should be willing to working hard£®As we know£¬the accomplishment of a task needs everyone's efforts in the team£®
That's all£®Thanks for listening!

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
