

    Washoe is a young chimpanzee (黑猩猩)She is no 1 chimpanzee, thoughScientists are doing a research 2 herThey want to see how civilized (驯化) she can 3 Already she does many 4 a human being can doFor 5 , she has been learning how to exchange 6 with peopleThe scientists are teaching her 7 languageWhen she wants to be picked 8 , Washoe points up with one fingerShe rubs her teeth with her finger 9 she wants to brush her teethThis is done after every meal

    Washoe has also been 10 to think out and find 11 to problemsOnce she was put in a 12 with food hanging from the ceilingIt was too high to 13 After she considered the 14 , she got a tall box to stand 15 The food was still too 16 to be reachedWashoe found a 17 poleThen she climbed onto the 18 , grasped the pole, and 19 down the food with the pole

    Washoe 20 like a human, tooThe scientists keep her in a fully furnished (家具齐全的) houseAfter a hard 21 in the lab, she goes home 22 she plays with her toysShe 23 enjoys watching television before going to bed

    Scientists hope to 24 more about people by 25 our closest relative chimpanzee

2AforBby CtoDon
3AexperienceBchange Cdevelop Dbecome
4Ajobs Bthings   Cexercises Dprograms
5AexampleBpractice Ca long time Da living
6AactionsBviews Cmessages Dfeelings
7Asign Bhuman CspokenDforeign
8Aout Bat    Con Dup
9Awhen Buntil   Csince Dwhile
10Araised Btrained  Cordered Dled
11Aways Broads    Canswers Dorders
12AcaveBzoo  Croom Dmuseum
13Apull Bsee   Ceat Dreach
14AproblemBposition CfoodDceiling
15Aby Bon      Cup Dwith
16Afar Bclose   Ctall Dhigh
18Awall Bbox    CceilingDpole
19AknockedBpicked  Ctook Dshook
20AlivesBacts   CthinksDplays
21AtaskBlesson   Cfight Dtime
22AHere BThere       CSoDThen
23Aquite Balready     CevenDstill
24Aobserve Bdiscover   CgainDlearn
25Astudying Bfeeding  CtrainingDteaching

It was the golden season . I could see the yellow leaves  1  on the cool  2 . In such a season, I liked walking alone in the leaves, listening to the sound of them.
Autumn is a  3  season and life is uninteresting. The free days always get me  4  . But one day, the sound of a violin  5  into my ears like a stream flowing in the mountains. I was so surprised that I jumped to see what it was. A young girl, standing in the wind, was  6  in playing her violin.
I had  7   seen her before. The music was so attractive that I listened quietly. Lost in the music, I didn’t realize that I had been  8  there for so long but my  9   did not seem to disturb her.
Leaves were still falling. Every day she played the violin in the corner of the building  10   I went downstairs to watch her performance. I was the only audience. The autumn seemed no longer lonely and life became  11 .  12  we didn’t know each other, I thought we were already good friends. I believed she also liked me .
Autumn was nearly over. One day, when I was listening devotedly, the sound suddenly stopped. To my  13  ,the girl came over to me.
“You must like violin, ” she said.
“Yes . And you play very well. Why did you stop?” I asked.
Suddenly, a  14   expression appeared on her face and I could feel something unusual.
“I came here to see my grandmother, but now I must leave. I once played very badly. It was your listening every day that  15   me. ” she said.
“In fact, it was your playing  16  gave me a meaningful autumn. ” I answered. “Let us be friends. ”
The girl smiled and I smiled.
I never heard her play again in my life. I no longer went downstairs to listen like before. Only thick leaves were left behind. But I will always remember the fine figure of the girl. She is like a
17  ; so short, so bright, like a shooting star giving off so much light that it makes the autumn beautiful.
There are many kinds of friends. Some are always  18   you, but don’t understand you. Some say only a few words to you, but are close to you. Many people will step in your life, but only  19  friends leave footprints.
I shall always recall the autumn and the girl with the  20  . She will always bring back the friendship between us. I know she will always be my best friend.
1.        A. shaking                 B. hanging                 C. falling                   D. floating
2.        A. wind                     B. snow                     C. air                        D. rain
3.        A. lively                    B. lovely                   C. harvest                  D. lonely
4.        A. up                         B. off                        C. down                    D. over
5.        A. flowed                  B. grew                     C. entered                  D. ran
6.        A. lost                       B. active                    C. busy                      D. interested
7.        A. ever                      B. never                    C. often                     D. usually
8.        A. waiting                  B. stopping                C. standing                D. hearing
9.        A. existence               B. thought                 C. steps                     D. breath
10.      A. where                    B. so                         C. when                     D. but
11.      A. interesting             B. moving                 C. encouraging           D. exciting
12.      A. But                       B. However               C. Even                     D. Though
13.      A. astonishment          B. delight                  C. pride                     D. satisfaction
14.      A. happy                    B. sad                       C. strange                  D. surprised
15.      A. surprised               B. excited                  C. encouraged            D. interested
16.      A. that                       B. which                   C. it                          D. who
17.      A. song                      B. dream                   C. fire                       D. wind
18.      A. with                      B. for                        C. against                  D. to
19.      A. good                     B. true                      C. new                      D. old
20.      A. sound                    B. song                     C. play                      D. violin

Paracutin was born in Mexico in February, 1943. At the end of one week Paracutin was 500 feet high, and it is now over 9,000 feet high. Today Paracutin is  36  .
What is Paracutin? It was the first volcano in the world which was  37  from its eruption right up  38  the present day. On February 20th, 1943, a peasant and his wife set  39  to work in their own fields in the Mexican village of Paracutin. They were  40  to find the earth warm under their feet. Suddenly they heard noise  41  in the earth and a small hole  42  in their fields. In the afternoon there was a sudden loud noise and stones were  43  high in the air. The peasants ran from the fields and turned to watch. They saw the  44  of a volcano.
Large quantities of stones and lava  45  out and a little hill began to  46 . By evening this hill was 100 feet high and hot  47  were falling on the village. At night the strong light of the hot lava  48  up the countryside. The trees near the village were  49  and the villagers had to leave their houses.  50  the village was destroyed, its  51  was given to the volcano. The news quickly reached Mexico City,  52  to the east. Many people came to watch the  53 . The volcano grew for ten years and hundreds of square miles of  54  were destroyed. The Paracutin had gone to sleep  55 .
36.A. asleep                   B. active             C. silent              D. terrible
37.A. changed            B. raised             C. seen               D. grown
38.A. on                    B. to                    C. from              D. by
39.A. about                B. on                 C. up                  D. out
40.A. frightened         B. surprised         C. worried          D. disappointed
41.A. deep                 B. nearby              C. outside           D. from far
42.A. erupted             B. appeared         C. remained               D. rose
43.A. thrown              B. drawn             C. pushed            D. flown
44.A. access               B. shape              C. birth               D. crash
45.A. wiped                      B. broke             C. made             D. stood
46.A. rise                   B. fall                 C. form              D. spread
47.A. mud                 B. ashes              C. virus              D. powders
48.A. called                      B. added             C. filled              D. lit
49.A. cut                   B. killed             C. lacked            D. buried
50.A. Before              B. Since              C. When             D. If
51.A. name                B. place              C. address           D. spot
52.A. away                B. far                 C. off                 D. back
53.A. nature                      B. wonder           C. scene              D. sign
54.A. forest                B. houses            C. land                      D. villages
55.A. from now on     B. by now           C. just now         D. until now



Paracutin was born in Mexico in February, 1943. At the end of one week Paracutin was 500 feet high, and it is now over 9,000 feet high. Today Paracutin is  36  .

What is Paracutin? It was the first volcano in the world which was  37  from its eruption right up  38  the present day. On February 20th, 1943, a peasant and his wife set  39  to work in their own fields in the Mexican village of Paracutin. They were  40  to find the earth warm under their feet. Suddenly they heard noise  41  in the earth and a small hole  42  in their fields. In the afternoon there was a sudden loud noise and stones were  43  high in the air. The peasants ran from the fields and turned to watch. They saw the  44  of a volcano.

Large quantities of stones and lava  45  out and a little hill began to  46 . By evening this hill was 100 feet high and hot  47  were falling on the village. At night the strong light of the hot lava  48  up the countryside. The trees near the village were  49  and the villagers had to leave their houses.  50  the village was destroyed, its  51  was given to the volcano. The news quickly reached Mexico City,  52  to the east. Many people came to watch the  53 . The volcano grew for ten years and hundreds of square miles of  54  were destroyed. The Paracutin had gone to sleep  55 .

36.A. asleep                   B. active             C. silent              D. terrible

37.A. changed            B. raised             C. seen               D. grown

38.A. on                    B. to                    C. from              D. by

39.A. about                B. on                 C. up                  D. out

40.A. frightened         B. surprised         C. worried          D. disappointed

41.A. deep                 B. nearby              C. outside           D. from far

42.A. erupted             B. appeared         C. remained               D. rose

43.A. thrown              B. drawn             C. pushed            D. flown

44.A. access               B. shape              C. birth               D. crash

45.A. wiped                      B. broke             C. made             D. stood

46.A. rise                   B. fall                 C. form              D. spread

47.A. mud                 B. ashes              C. virus              D. powders

48.A. called                      B. added             C. filled              D. lit

49.A. cut                   B. killed             C. lacked            D. buried

50.A. Before              B. Since              C. When             D. If

51.A. name                B. place              C. address           D. spot

52.A. away                B. far                 C. off                 D. back

53.A. nature                      B. wonder           C. scene              D. sign

54.A. forest                B. houses            C. land                      D. villages

55.A. from now on     B. by now           C. just now         D. until now



It was said by Sir George Bernard Shaw that "England and America are two countries separated by the same language". My first personal ___1___ of this was when I worked as a camp instructor for two months in 2006 in a Summer camp __2__ by the Boy Scouts of America, __3__ part of an international leader exchange program. Before I went, all the participants in the program were given a list of words that are in common __4__ in the UK which Americans would either be confused by or would __5__ make them angry. I memorized the words and thought "I'll manage."

However, when I finally arrived in the States three months later, I realized that perhaps a lifetime of watching American television was not __6__ preparation for appreciating and __7__ the differences between American and British speech. In the first hour of arriving at the camp, I was __8__ to High School American English, Black American English and the American English spoken by other ordinary people, all very __9__ to each other. Needless to say, I __10__ manage in the end. The Americans I met were very helpful, and I found they were patient with me when I made a social communicative mistake when I used an inappropriate word or phrase.

(   ) 1. A. chance                B. opinion                    C. viewpoint                 D. experience

(   ) 2. A. run                            B. set                           C. controlled                 D. found

(   ) 3. A. with                   B. for                           C. as                            D. like

(   ) 4. A. sense                  B. practice                    C. phenomenon             D. use

(   ) 5. A. even                   B. ever                         C. hardly                      D. never

(   ) 6. A. wrong                B. adequate                   C. true                         D. real

(   ) 7. A. helping with        B. doing with            C. dealing with             D. comparing with

(   ) 8. A. shown                B. put                          C. faced                       D. exposed

(   ) 9. A. similar                B. alike                        C. different                   D. opposite

(   ) 10. A. did                   B. should                      C. might                       D. would



It was a cold winter day that Sunday.The parking lot to the _16_ was filling up quickly.I noticed, as I got out of my car, fellow church members were __17_ among themselves as they walked in the church.As I got _18__, I saw a man leaning up against the wall outside the church.He was almost lying down _19__ he was asleep.His hat was _20_ down so you could not see his face.He wore shoes that looked 30 years old, too _21_ for his feet, with holes all over them and his toes _22_ out.I guessed this man was _23_ and asleep, so I walked on _24_ through the doors of the church.We all talked for a few minutes, and someone  25_ the man lying outside.People whispered but no one took _26_ to ask him to come in, 27_ me.A few moments later church began.We were all waiting for the Preacher (牧师) to take his _28_ and to give us the Word, __29_ the doors to the church opened.In _30_ the man walking down the church with his head down.People gasped(喘息)and whispered and made _31_ .He made his way down the church and up onto the pulpit (讲坛) where he took off his hat and coat.My heart _32_

There stood our preacher… he was the “homeless man”.The preacher took his Bible (圣经) and  33_ it on his stand.

_34_ , I don't think I have to tell you what I am preaching about today.If you _35_ people by their appearance, you have no time to love them.”

16.A.school                       B.lecture                     C.park                          D.church

17.A.arguing                    B.whispering              C.stating                     D.speaking

18.A.closer                       B.clearer                     C.lower                        D.farther

19.A.even though           B.so that                     C.as if                           D.even if

20.A.dragged                   B.pulled                       C.dropped                   D.pushed

21.A.big                             B.bad                            C.ugly                           D.small

22.A.reached                   B.went                         C.stuck                         D.ran

23.A.homeless                 B.helpless                   C.hopeless                  D.careless

24.A.out                            B.by                              C.across                      D.from

25.A.invited                      B.mentioned              C.took                          D.called

26.A.pleasure                  B.measure                  C.courage                   D.trouble

27.A.except                      B.besides                    C.without                    D.including

28.A.turn                           B.place.                    C.time                          D.seat

29.A.when                        B.before                      C.as                              D.after

30.A.rushed                      B.hurried                     C.came                        D.entered

31.A.decision                   B.choices                     C.faces                         D.jokes

32.A.sank                          B.fell                             C.broke                        D.failed

33.A.threw                       B.set                             C.laid                            D.folded

34.A.Brothers                  B.Folks                         C.Supporters              D.Members

35.A.judge                        B.hate                          C.treat                         D.test


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