
In much society, there is often greater acceptance of light skin than dark
skin; Light skin may be seen as a mark of beauty, intelligence and success.
These beliefs can lead to social pressures even within the same group, if some members are darker than others. The result is that skin lightening has become very common across Africa, Asia and other areas of the world and more people with dark skin are using skin-lighting products, even if it means they may face health risks. They believe that having whiter skin will improve the quality of their lives. Many people think they will have a better family. Or they want to look like what their society generally considers beautiful.
Some beauty care(美容)products and soaps contain chemicals
that make skin lighter. However, some of the chemicals are extremely dangerous. The chemicals in the products block and break down the natural barrier(障碍) to protect against sunlight. Then the skin can become thick and discolored. Usually the person will use more of the product in an effort to correct the problem, which just makes things even worse. Doctor Ly says some chemicals are so dangerous that they may lead to blackened fingernails, infections(感染) and serious skin damage.
And these are not the only problems. Experts say some people who change their skin color suffer emotional damage. They feel regretful and sad. They feel that instead of risking their health, they should have learned to live and accept their skin color as it was.
【小题1】What’s the result of the wrong understanding of darker skin?

A.Many people with dark skin try to make their skin whiter.
B.Many people with whiter skin live a better life than others.
C.People with darker skin try to marry people with light skin.
D.People with darker skin try to protect themselves against social pressures.
【小题2】The third paragraph is about       .
A.some medical effects that skin-lightening products have brought about
B.the mental damage that skin-lightening products have caused
C.the physical damage that skin-lightening products have caused
D.the causes why skin-lightening products can make skin whiter
【小题3】Why are chemicals in beauty care products dangerous?
A.They can damage the skin’s color producing progress.
B.They can control people’s emotions and feelings.
C.They can make the fingernails and skin black.
D.They make more people decide to change their skin colors.


【小题1】A 细节题。根据第二段2,3,4行. The result is that skin lightening has become very common across Africa, Asia and other areas of the world and more people with dark skin are using skin-lighting products, even if it means they may face health risks.说明A正确。
【小题2】C 段落大意题。本段讲述的是这些产品给人们带来的身体方面的影响,最后一段讲述的是给人们的心理上带来的影响。故C正确。
【小题3】A 细节题,根据第三段2,3行The chemicals in the products block and break down the natural barrier(障碍) to protect against sunlight.说明A正确。


It started off as part of French military training and has since evolved as a sport, founded by Sebastian Foucan and David Belle, to encompass a wide variety of techniques, philosophies and exercises. Park-our now enjoys the devotion of many die-hard fans across the world and has been the source for much inspiration.

But what is park-our? It is the art of using only your body to navigate from Point A to B in the least time possible, which involves besides leaping, climbing and sprinting, various unusual and complex movements to overcome barriers. Just like the James Bond in the movie Casino Royale? Bond jumps down from a roof to a windowsill and then runs several blocks over obstacles on the way. It is just because of Bond’s wonderful performances that the sport has become popular worldwide.

Yes, that’s pork-our, an extreme street sport aimed at moving from one point to another as quickly as possible, getting over all the obstacles in the path using only the abilities of the human body. Park-our is considered an extreme sport. As its participants dash around a city, they may jump over fences, run up walls and even move from rooftop to rooftop.

Park-our can be just as exciting and charming as it sounds, but its participants see much more in park-our than that.

To overcome all the obstacles on the course and in life is part of the philosophy(理念)behind park-our. This is the same as life. You must determine your destination, go straight, jump over all the barriers as if in park-our and never fall back from them in your life to reach the destination successfully. A park-our lover said, “I love park-our, because its philosophy has become my life, my way to do everything.”

Another philosophy we’ve learned from park-our is freedom. It can be done by anyone, at any time, anywhere in the world. It is a kind of expression of trust in yourself so that you earn energy and confidence.

1. Park-our has become popular throughout the world because of ________.

A. its founder, David Belle                   B. the film, Casino Royale

C. its risks and tricks                        D. the varieties of participants

2.The underlined word “obstacles” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to “________”.

A.streets              B. objects           C. barriers        D. roofs

3.As its participants move around a city, _________.

A. they can ask for help                     B. they may choose to escape

C. they should run to extremes                D. they must learn to survive

4.Which of the following is TRUE about park-our?

A. It challenges human abilities.               B. It is a good but boring sport

C. It needs special training                   D. It is a team sport

5.Which of the following is the philosophy of park-our?

A. Sports and extremes.                      B. Excitement and freedom.

C. Dreams and success.                      D. Self-confidence and freedom.


Nowadays it is found that school students seldom pay much attention to sports. Is it because they have no  32   in sports? It may not be the fact. They often say they have   33  more important things to do.

   34  are these important things? Examinations! They have to   35    themselves for the most important School Certificates of Education Examination(毕业会考), and also to    36    with the test and the exams in school. So many  of them tend to    37   bookworms.

In the summer holidays of the former years they could do   38    they liked, but in the summer holidays of the   39    years, they have to    40    all their time to the preparation. So studies have    41    them from going in sports.

Because of the pressure    42    their parents and teachers, they have to work harder and spend most of their time on books. Many parents    43    their children to pass this examination in order to get a stepping stone for higher studies or better jobs. As for the    44    themselves, they want to get good results so that they can    45    their studies in the universities. So it is necessary that they    46    up their school activities, especially sports.

Indeed, a complete education cannot go    47    physical training, for a quick mind seldom    48    along with a weak body. It is well said, “All work no play    49    Jack a dull(迟钝的)boy.” In one word, without a strong body, you can never    50    anything, let alone a great success in   51  

1.                A.lesson          B.time           C.interest   D.place


2.                A.very           B.other          C.few  D.much


3.                A.Where         B.How           C.Which    D.What


4.                A.prepare        B.get            C.make D.ask


5.                A.agree          B.fight           C.work D.deal


6.                A.have           B.become        C.change   D.grow


7.                A.something       B.change         C.anything D.which


8.                A.this            B.that            C.last  D.present


9.                A.spend          B.take           C.cost D.give


10.               A.separated       B.divided         C.taken     D.prevented


11.               A.from           B.of             C.in    D.to


12.               A.force          B.want           C.make D.let


13.               A.students        B.teachers        C.parents   D.examinations


14.               A.develop        B.improve        C.further    D.stop


15.               A.keep          B.put            C.take D.give


16.               A.for            B.after           C.with  D.without


17.               A.goes           B.gets           C.lives  D.lies


18.               A.turns          B.makes          C.gets D.brings


19.               A.receive         B.achieve        C.do   D.accept


20.               A.sports          B.exams          C.training    D.life



During the week days,they are luckily busy office people; but on weekends,they are just a brood of(一窝)stay home animals.A recent survey shows that office workers in China prefer quiet and easy ways to spend their weekends.

In the survey,conducted by job seeking and offering website Zhaopin.com,32.8 percent of the 6000 respondents choose to stay home at weekends and have a good rest,the Beijing Morning Post reported.

Twenty percent use their days off to do housework. And only 19.3 percent are willing to have fun during the break time from work.Their first choice of fun is shopping. Other choices,though practiced by few,include meeting friends,accompanying the children,trips to the suburbs,and lessons for more skills. When they go shopping,54.5 percent of the white collars actually shop in supermarkets,while 27.9 percent attend other stores,especially when discounts are offered.    These activities don’t seem to cost much,as 60 percent spend average less than 200 yuan(US$26)during weekends,and 30 percent no more than 500 yuan.

When asked whom they would spend the weekends with,about 40 percent mention their partners,and 30 percent prefer a weekend all by themselves.Less than 20 percent hang out with friends. Only 5.8 percent would kill the time with their colleagues.This is because we tend to avoid too many personal contacts with our coworkers when we don’t have to work with them,according to some experts.

1.How many of the office workers who are the respondents do the housework at weekends?

A.1968.            B.1158.             C.1200.             D.1674.

2.Why will less than ten percent of office workers kill the time with their colleagues at weekends?

A.Because they can’t spare time to play with them.

B.Because they tend to avoid too many personal contacts with them when they don’t have to.

C.Because they have many things to deal with at weekends.

D.Because some experts suggest they should not keep in touch with their colleagues.

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the survey?

A.There is the same percentage about people preferring a weekend all by themselves and people spending no more than 500 yuan during weekends.

B.Most office workers can’t afford things in supermarkets,so they prefer to attend other stores,especially when discounts are offered.

C.More than one fifth of office workers like to hang out with friends.

D.All the office workers prefer to relax themselves and no one is willing to learn more skills.

4.What is the best title of the passage?

A.How to spend the weekends

B.Several ways of spending their weekends for office people?

C.How to go shopping on the weekends for office people

D.Office people prefer easy weekends


She was dancing. My lame grandmother was dancing. I stood in the living room doorway, looking at her beautiful movements, absolutely shocked. She was the pet of the dancing world. And then she’d had her accident and it was all over. I had read that in an old newspaper article.

‘‘So… Your leg? I mean, how did your leg heal (恢复健全)?”

“To tell you the truth — my legs have been well all my life,” she sighed.

“But I don’t understand!” I said, “Your dancing career (事业)… You pretended all these years?”

‘‘Very much so, and for a very good reason.”

She thought for a while and then continued. “We were talking about engagement (订婚) when your grandfather had to go to war. I was so afraid of losing him that the only way I could stay normal was to dance. I put all my energy and time into practicing and I became very good. Critics praised me, the public loved me, but all I could feel was the ache in my heart, not knowing whether the love of my life would ever return. Then one day a letter came. There were only three sentences: ‘I have lost my leg. I am no longer a whole man and now give you back your freedom. It is best you forget about me.’’’

“I made my decision there and then. I traveled away from the city. When I returned I had bought myself a stick. I told everyone I had been in a car crash and that my leg would never completely heal again. My dancing days were over. No one doubted the story — I had learned to limp (一瘸一拐地走) convincingly before I returned home. And I made sure the first person to hear of my accident was a reporter I knew well. Then I traveled to the hospital. They had pushed your grandfather outside in his wheelchair. I took a deep breath, leaned on my stick and limped to him.”

“I showed him newspaper articles of my accident. ‘There is a whole life waiting for us out there! But I am not going to carry you. You are going to walk yourself.’”

“I limped a few steps toward him and showed him what I’d taken out of my pocket. ‘Now show me you are still a man.’ I said. He bent to take his stick from the ground and struggled out of that wheelchair. He managed it on his own and walked to me and never sat in a wheelchair again in his life.”

“What did you show him?” I had to know. Grandma looked at me and smiled. “Two engagement rings, of course. I had bought them the day after he left for the war and I was not going to waste them on any other man.”

1.What does the underlined word “it” in the first paragraph refer to?

A.Her accident.

B.Her pet.

C.Her leg.

D.Her dancing career.

2.Which is the correct order of the following events according to the passage?

a. Grandfather lost his leg in the war.

b. Grandmother bought two engagement rings.

c. Grandfather was inspired to stand up on his own.

d. Grandmother pretended she was lame.

e. Grandmother became an excellent dancer.

f. Grandfather had to go to war.





3.Which of the following words can best describe grandmother?

A.Thoughtful and determined.

B.Unselfish but stubborn.

C.Courageous but unreliable.

D.Sensitive and dishonest.

4.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A.The love of a disabled couple.

B.The grandmother’s unconditional love.

C.The meaning of an engagement.

D.The grandfather’s brave story.


What will people die of 100 years from now? If you think that is a simple question, you have not been paying attention to the revolution that is taking place in bio-technology(生物技术). With the help of new medicine, the human body will last a very long time. Death will come mainly from accidents, murder and war. Today's leading killers, such as heart diseases, cancer, and aging itself, will become distant memory.

   In discussion of technological changes, the Internet gets most of the attention these days. But the change in medicine can be the real technological event of our times. How long can humans live? Human brains were known to decide the final death. Cells(细胞) are the basic units of all living things, and until recently, scientists were sure that the life of cells could not go much beyond 120 years because the basic materials of cells, such as those of brain cells, would not last forever. But the upper limits will be broken by new medicine. Sometime between 2050 and 2100, medicine will have advanced to the point at which every 10 years or so, people will be able to take medicine to repair their organs(器官). The medicine, made up of the basic building materials of life, will build new brain cells, heart cells, and so on---in much the same way our bodies make new skin cells to take the place of old ones.


   It is exciting to imagine that the advance in technology may be changing the most basic conditional human existence, but many technical problems still must be cleared up on the way to this wonderful future.

1. According to the passage, human death is now mainly caused by _______.

A. diseases and aging                B. accidents and war

C. accidents and aging               D. heart diseases and war

2. In the author's opinion, today's most important advance in technology lies in _____.

A. medicine      B. the internet     C. brain cells    D. human organs

3. Humans may live longer in the future because ______.

A. heart disease will be far away from us

B. human brains can decide the final death

C. the basic materials of cells will last forever

D. human organs can be repaired by new medicine

4. We can learn from the passage that _____.

A. human life will not last more than 120 years in the future

B. human have to take medicine to build new skin cells now

C. much needs to be done before humans can have a longer life

D. we have already solved the technical problems in building new cells.



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