
7.There are many new products being displayed(展示) in the shop window on the second floor.

分析 二楼的橱窗里陈列着许多新产品.

解答 displayed 考查动词.根据句意:二楼的橱窗里陈列着许多新产品.display是动词"展示",被展示的,所以用被动结构.

点评 本题考查动词的词义.动词词义题一直都是高考考查的一个热点,它注重考查考生结合语境准确选用词语和正确时态语态的能力和.由于英语词汇丰富,且用法多变,考生掌握起来有较大难度,因此在平时应注意词汇的积累,理解词语的含义及其常见的习惯搭配,再联系句子所表述的意义和语境,选出正确的答案.

Magnolia Street
The most well-known attractions at Magnolia Street are its grand theaters.Three beautiful restaurants provide delightful dining for,the entire family.Unique specialty shops are to be found throughout the Shopping Extravaganza District.For more information call (805)555-2243.
Admission Information
*Open daily from 11:00 am to 2:00 am
*Annual passes available
*Admission price includes all theater shows
*Discount admission for seniors and children under 12
*Lots of free downtown parking available
Ocean World
Experience the Creatures of the sea through live shows,exhibits,and hands-on displays.
General Park Information
Open 9:00 am to sunset
Closing times vary by season
Call (805)555-1458 for daily show information
For private parties,call (805)555-7937
Admission Price
*$30 daily pass includes all attractions
*2-day pass can be purchased for only $45
*Credit cards accepted
*Parking is $5
Water Wilderness
Over 25 pools,water slides and other swimming attractions make Water Wilderness a great outdoor adventure!
*No alcoholic drinks or pets allowed
*Picnics allowed
*Discounted annual passes and second day passes available
*Open March through October
Call (805)555-3574 for seasonal hours and admission prices
Mangrove Gardens
St.Angelo's oldest park and botanical (植物的)gardens
Open 365 days,9:30 am until 5:30 pm with extended (延长的) hours during the summer.
*Free parking
*Special group rates and private party accommodations
*Children under 12 free with adult ticket purchase
21.In which attraction are visitors allowed to leave after midnight?B
A.Ocean World.
B.Magnolia Street.
C.Water Wilderness.
D.Mangrove Gardens.
22.To know more about sea animals'live shows,which number can visitors call?B
23.What can we learn about Ocean World and Water Wilderness?D
A.Both offer free parking lots.
B.Both are closed before sunset.
C.Both are open all the year round.
D.Both offer a discount on 2-day passes.
24.What's the requirement for a ten-year-old who wants to visit Mangrove Gardens?C
A.Be a member of a group.
B.Pay $37.50 for his ticket.
C.Be accompanied by an adult.
D.Enter the park before 9:00 am.
15.If last year was all about virtual reality (VR 虚拟现实),then 2017belongs to augmented reality (AR,增强现实).It's been around since the early 1990s,but recent developments have seen AR put into the hands of almost anyone with a smartphone.
Using special software,AR allows users to see virtual objects in the real world.Hit apps like game Pokemon Go and messaging app Snapchat mean that it's more widely used than VR.But it seems that companies have bigger plans up their sleeves.
This month,Taiwan tech giant Asus released its latest smartphone,the Zenfone AR.What makes it stand out is the cutting-edge (前沿的) AR tech it uses-Google Tango."Tango-equipped phones can understand the physical space by measuring the distance between the phone and objects in the real world."tech site Android Authority explained.
Tango is thought to be the next leap forward in tech,and dozens of companies have already created innovative (创新) new apps for it.Measuring walls or curtains in your home,viewing the solar system in your bedroom,or checking what a new table would look like in your living room are all possible using the special cameras and sensors (传感器) of Tango smartphones.
But it's not all just about fun and games.Present location technology in smartphones isn't 100 percent accurate,meaning navigating (导航) indoors is difficult,but Tango devices'special sensors allow them to"see"any in-door space.It's hoped that blind people will be able to use this technology to help them find their way around inside buildings.
There are still problems with this,though,John Brownlee of Co.Design says,"Let's say you need to direct a blind person to walk 50 feet in a straight line:How do you communicate to him or her what a foot is?"he wrote.
Google is working to solve these issues,however."Nearly 20 percent of the US population will have a disability during their lifetime,"Eve Anderson,head of Accessibility Engineering at Google,wrote on the company's website."That's why it's so important to build tools to make technology easy for everyone."

32.According to the passage,ARB.
A.is a newly-developed technology.
B.connects the virtual objects to the real world.
C.is limited to games and social network apps.
D.has taken the place of VR in most smartphone apps.
33.What can you do with a Tango-equipped smart phone?C
a.Measuring curtains in your home.
b.Helping blind people find their way indoors.
c.Viewing universe at home.
d.Designing a new table for your living room
34.What can we learn about Google of this passage?D
A.Google produces the cutting-edge smartphone,the Zenfone AR.
B.Google has found a solution to guiding blind people indoors.
C.Present location technology limits Tango devices'accuracy of indoor navigation.
D.Google focuses on improving everyone's life quality when developing products.
35.What is this passage mainly about?A
A.The latest development in the field of AR.
B.Smartphones that bring AR to our life.
C.The launch of a new smartphone,Zenfone AR.
D.How the blind have benefited by Google Tango.
5.How much do you laugh and smile during the day?Do you take your life and your illness or injury so(41)Bthat there is no room for joy to fill you?Want a totally free,simple way to lift your(42)B and improve your health with no medicine needed?Then laughing and smiling is (43)Ato you.
So laugh your way to happiness.(44)C it takes to put a smile on your face is what you should be doing.Research shows that laughing can increase the immune system,(45)A the body to stay disease free and fight colds and the flu.
If you are facing an illness,having a positive life opinion and a (46)B of humor will keep your body open to healing.If you are healthy,laughing will help to make sure you stay that way,and can (47)D enjoyment to your work and home life and (48)D your daily stress.
Certainly,it can be(49)A to keep a positive opinion of life all the time.Simply taking the time to(50)Con the positive and treat for the good things(51)Bn your life can help(52)A,but if you are struggling with negative emotions that you just can't seem to(53)D,there are tools that can help.
There are so many things out there to smile about and(54)Ayou have to do is find(55)D.Practice looking for the bright(56)A of every situation.Avoid the negative:don't (57)Cyourself with your own problems-or (58)Dothers for their"shortcomings".And don't pay no attention to the joy in everyday things.Create your own"Laugh for Health"(59)D-anything to add to your collection and to give you fresh materials that(60)A to you.

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