CareerBuilder.com now offers the most functional and easy-to-use online job search for Science & Biotech jobs. In fact, there are so many ways to search for Science & Biotech jobs on CareeBuilder.com that you'll be able to get the results you want quickly and easily!
At CareerBuilder.com we combine the power of new search technology with top-notch products and services to give you full control over the Science & Biotech job search process. We offer many ways to get the job searching done.
Search Science & Biotech Jobs by Location: Target your search for Science & Biotech jobs by city or state. Start broad by selecting a desired state, or narrow your search quickly by targeting a top city. With nationwide job opportunities, there are unlimited possibilities.
Search Science & Biotech Jobs by Job Type: Refine your search by selecting a specific job type. If you are certain about your expertise or specialty, narrow your search quickly and search only the jobs that are fit for you.
Search Science & Biotech Jobs by Company: Who are the top companies hiring in Science & Biotech? Search, explore and find out more about our preferred Science & Biotech employers. From cutting-edge corporate firms to thriving small business, CareerBuilder.com partners with the nation's top companied to bring you better Science & Biotech jobs faster.
5. This passage probably comes from ________.
A. a magazine B. a newspaper
C. the Internet D. a book
6. CareerBuilder.com offers the following except ________.
A. the most functional and easy-to-use online job search for Science & Biotech jobs
B. many ways to get the job searching done
C. names of the top companies hiring in Science & Biotech
D. Science & Biotech jobs
7. What is the probable purpose of writing this passage?
A. To introduce a website.
B. To help you find a job.
C. To introduce some ways of finding a job.
D. To make you click their website more often.
5. C。本文介绍的是在网上寻找工作的方法,因此此文最可能在互联网上被查到。 6. D 7. D