
A Special Appointment

Years ago I moved to Woodland Hills to take a job in a small hospital’s emergency department. No one wanted to work on Christmas Eve, so the shift (轮班) went to me. I kissed my family goodbye and went off to spend the night in the hospital. It was a thankless job.

At 9 pm, the ambulance brought in a man in his 60s who was having a heart attack. His face was pale, and he was frightened. The whole night I did my best to save his life. Before I left in the morning to spend Christmas with my family, I stopped by to see how he was doing. It was still tough, but he had survived the night and was sleeping.

The following year I got Christmas Eve duty again. At 9 pm sharp, the ward clerk told me there was a couple who wanted to speak with me. When I approached them, the man introduced himself as Mr. Lee and said, “You probably don’t remember me, but last Christmas Eve you saved my life. Thank you for the year you gave me.” He and his wife hugged me, handed me a small gift, and left.

The following year a new doctor had joined the group, but I wanted to see if Mr. and Mrs. Lee would return. This time, I volunteered for the shift. I kept an eye on the door. Once again, at exactly 9 pm, the Lees appeared, carrying a warmly wrapped bundle. It was their new grandchild. Mr. Lee, his family and I spent 13 Christmas Eves together. In the later years the staff all knew about the story and would work to give me time with him in the break room, where we spent a half-hour each Christmas Eve.

The last year I saw him, he brought me a gift. I carefully opened the package and found a crystal (水晶) bell inside. It was engraved (镌刻) with a single word: Friendship. Now, my family, friends and I ring that bell every Christmas Eve at exactly 9 pm and offer our best wishes to the man who we won’t forget.

1.Working on Christmas Eve was considered “a thankless job” because ______.

A. most patients were seriously ill

B. patients refused to express thanks

C. doctors had nothing to do on that day

D. doctors couldn’t get praise for the hard job

2.When the author left the hospital the next morning, Mr. Lee ______.

A. was still in a state of danger

B. was really angry with her

C. got ready to leave the hospital

D. recovered from his heart attack

3.According to the passage, the author formed a habit of ______.

A. celebrating Christmas Eve with her family

B. giving Christmas gifts to the hospital staff

C. spending Christmas Eve with Mr. Lee in hospital

D. ringing the bell for patients in the emergency department

4.Why does the author ring the bell on Christmas Eve?

A. To honor her working experience.

B. To tell kids the traditional custom.

C. To remember an old friend of hers.

D. To show the beginning of the holiday.



I have two sons. They are as different as night and day. My youngest is sweet, loveable, easy-going, and finds joy in everything. My oldest we’ve nicknamed the “Evil Genius” is ambitious, self-confident, and suffers no fools. Whenever we mentioned Santa my husband and I were rewarded with major eye rolling and deep sighs from my oldest. At first we both tried to ignore it.

We both knew that our eldest had figured out the big secret. But I’d be damned(指责) if he was going to ruin it for his six-year-old brother who had plenty of Santa-loving years ahead of him. I looked at my husband in the eye and said, “I’ll handle this.” to which he responded “Okay just be careful because I’m not sure he knows - he might just be acting like it.” But I knew. And I had it in my mind that he was about to break his younger brothers spirit and break the news to him. I was afraid he was going to take the Christmas spirit away from my sweet innocent youngest and stamp all over it. I had to protect him. I needed to control this now before it got out of control. I rushed into the play room where my oldest was playing alone. I looked him dead in the eyes and said: “Well you know Santa isn’t real, right?” And as I stared at my eight-year-old son for what seemed like a long time of silence, his eyes started to fill with tears. And a tear dropped down his cheek when he screamed out, “He’s not?” “Um well it’s not that he’s not real (shut up you idiot- stop saying he’s not real), but he doesn’t really make and deliver all the toys. Dad and I get some of them for you. So he’s real. He’s just got a little help from us.”

The Evil Genius wasn’t buying it. He just sat there looking at me with an expression of doubt. You know when you make a terrible mistake but you can’t stop yourself from making it worse? That was me because I just had to know. I had to know why he had seemed to be over Santa. So I asked him why he rolled his eyes and sighed every time his father and I mentioned Santa, to which he replied that kids at school had been saying Santa wasn't real but that he still thought he was.

1.What’s the best title for the passage?

A. Two different sons

B. Santa secret given away

C. Protecting one, ruining the other

D. Making a mistake worse

2.What did the writer conclude when “Evil Genius” rolled his eyes and sighed?

A. “Evil Genius” had discovered Santa was not real.

B. “Evil Genius” had broken the secret to his younger brother.

C. “Evil Genius” had passed his Santa-loving years.

D. “Evil Genius” had been influenced by his classmates.

3.What does the underlined sentence mean in the passage?

A. “Evil Genius” refused to buy toys.

B. “Evil Genius” didn’t believe his mother’s words.

C. “Evil Genius” wanted to keep silent.

D. “Evil Genius” would not give away the secret.

4.What lesson can we learn from the story?

A. Lies can never change facts.

B. Honesty is the best policy.

C. No one is perfect.

D. We should think twice before we act.

阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项。

What do you do when you need to look something up? Go to the library? Open an encyclopedia(百科全书)? Click onto the Internet? These days, most people go straight to Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia. But how reliable is it?

There’s no denying the popularity and usefulness of Wikipedia. It attracts as many as 78 million visitors every month, and the site is available in more than 270 different languages. It’s one of the most comprehensive resources available, which includes almost all details, facts and information that may be concerned. It’s got much more information than an ordinary encyclopedia. The site is updated on a daily basis by thousands of people around the world. Anyone with an Internet connection can log on and edit the contents or add a new page. And you don’t need any formal training.

Of course, there are some controls. Wikipedia has a team of more than 1,500 administrators who check for false information. And main targets for harmful comments(such as politicians) are off-limits to public editing. But with more than 16 million articles to keep an eye on, it isn’t easy. So, while Wikipedia benefits from being constantly updated with information from all over the world, it’s also open to “vandals”(恣意破坏公共财物者).

Some of the damage is easy to notice. One person drew devil horns and a moustache on Microsoft chairman Bill Gate’s photo, while another edited Greek philosopher Plato’s biography to say he was a “Hawaiian weather man who is widely believed to have been a student of ‘Barney the purple Dinosaur’.

But other things are harder to spot. The most common form of vandalism (恣意破坏公共财物罪)involves adding tiny items of false information into the biography of a famous person. Unbelievably, some of this misinformation has appeared in newspapers, with The Daily Mail, The Guardian and The Independent all having fallen victim to the dirty tricks. For example, in an article about British comedian Sir Norman Wisdom, one newspaper claimed that he co-wrote Dame Vera Lynn’s wartime hit There’ll be bluebirds over the White Cliffs of Dover. He did no such thing. And in other article, it was reported that TV Theme tune composer Ronnie Hazlehurst had written the S Club 7’s hit Reach again, not true.

So, if you’re going to use any information from Wikipedia, make sure you double-check it first.

1.We can learn from the passage that ______.

A. because of its popularity, 78 million people from 270 countries visit Wikipedia monthly.

B. updated by people around the world, the site is more likely to be damaged by hackers.

C. anyone who has access to the Internet can edit any contents of Wikipedia as they like.

D. the primary job of the administrators is to make sure true information is conveyed.

2. What’s the writer’s attitude to Wikipedia?

A. Critical. B. Doubtful.

C. Objective. D. Positive.

3.Paragraph 5 mainly tells us ______.

A. it is really difficult to find out tiny items of false information.

B. no matter how famous the papers are, they can also be cheated.

C. you can never be careful enough while searching for information.

D. it was Sir Norman Wisdom who wrote the S Club 7’s hit Reach.

4.What’s the best title for the text?

A. How to look something up in Wikipedia?

B. Wikipedia has advantages and disadvantages

C. Why Wikipedia is so popular?

D. Wikipedia is reliable to use


It was my sister Sandra’s first Christmas without her husband. Last Thursday, she was in the store ___________ for an ideal card for her two sons and daughter. Time passed by quickly as she___________ the many choices. She wanted a card that sent something ___________to each of them, as she knew they would have a(n) ___________ place in their heart this holiday season.

Finally, she found the one that expressed the ___________ feeling. ___________ , a sharp pain pierced (穿透) her heart when she realized that the card was ___________ “mom and dad”. She stood, holding it close for a long time, unable to move from the spot. ___________ began to run over her cheeks.

“Is there something I can do for you?” a ___________ voice asked. She ___________to face a stranger, a woman. “Uh..oh...OH!” Sandra ___________ , “I can’t give this card to my children because…because my husband died and this is the___________ card.”

The stranger’s face softened with ___________ and love. She reached out and ___________ my sister into her arms, giving her unspoken___________ to cry in the protection of her embrace (拥抱). She ___________ held my sister until her ___________ returned.

During her telling of this event I was feeling ___________ that I hadn’t been there. My sister needed me and a stranger had to do my ___________ . “You know,” she went on, “a friend suggested that it was like meeting with an Angel.” My guilt ___________ in an instant. My sister required an Angel, and I think that is exactly what she got.

1.A. paying B. caring C. calling D. looking

2.A. left B. offered C. read D. discovered

3.A. attractive B. special C. traditional D. wealthy

4.A. unknown B. empty C. safe D. different

5.A. sad B. strange C. amazing D. perfect

6.A. However B. Therefore C. Anyhow D. Otherwise

7.A. for B. to C. from D. by

8.A. Tears B. Sweats C. Lights D. Smiles

9.A. firm B. proud C. cold D. soft

10.A. walked B. turned C. decided D. woke

11.A. responded B. demanded C. asked D. explained

12.A. delicate B. old C. wrong D. decorative

13.A. devotion B. respect C. sympathy D. responsibility

14.A. pulled B. caught C. sent D. threw

15.A. thought B. permission C. sorrow D. suggestion

16.A. quietly B. tightly C. eagerly D. seriously

17.A. confidence B. courage C. happiness D. calmness

18.A. shocked B. angry C. shy D. hopeless

19.A. task B. housework C. favor D. job

20.A. struck B. returned C. disappeared D. sank


Asking yourself the following questions will help you make steps towards a more balanced life.

Do you possess too much? Drowning ourselves in too many material possessions can lead to stress. 1. .

Are you eating healthily? The types of foods we eat can greatly affect how we feel both physically and emotionally. Eating too much junk food can lead to bad mood.

What is important to you as an individual? Is it family, health, spirituality, work, etc.? Make sure that you are living with what matters most to you.

Are you maintaining healthy relationships? Is there a relationship in you life that needs a little extra care and attention? 2.

Are you working too hard? Taking time to recharge and spend time on activities that make you happy is so important.

3. A lack of motivation to accomplish certain things can throw you off balance or make you feel stressed out later on.

Are you spending too much? 4. Saving money is an excellent practice and you will more than likely be glad you did in case of an emergency.

Are you worrying about the future and dwelling on the past? learn to let go and only focus on what’s happening right now.

5. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in taking care of others that we forget to take care of ourselves. We all need a little “me time”. Set aside some time every day to just relax and do something that you enjoy, whether that is reading, meditating, watching TV, cooking, spending quality time with your loved ones, etc.

A. Use your head and you will find a way.

B. Do you need to right a wrong with someone?

C. Are you taking care of yourself?

D. Overspending can lead to stress.

E. Get clear on what you badly need and what you can get rid of.

F. Rearranging your schedule helps a lot.

G. Are you playing too hard?

The gray-haired lady can’t wait to leave the building to search for her dad. Unless watched, she will walk in the streets in an effort to find her father, who died 30 years ago.

Not all cases of Alzheimer’s disease look like this, but Alzheimer’s is a serious disease that is said to be the fourth or fifth leading cause of death for people over age 75.

It is said that about three percent of the U.S. population over age 65 have Alzheimer’s. In the early stages, people may exhibit short term memory loss. Some may experience changes in personality, easy to be angry. As the disease progresses, patients might lose the ability to move and may be unable to speak or move at all. This progressive disease generally lasts 8 to 10 years before death occurs.

While no one is certain what causes these changes in the brain's nerve fibers (神经纤维), their effect is certain. Alzheimer’s destroys not only the patients, but also spouses (配偶), friends and families.

What should you do if you notice progressive memory loss in yourself or a loved one? Have the person examined by a doctor who is a specialist in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Though many reasons other than Alzheimer’s disease may cause memory loss, its early diagnosis (诊断) and treatment may delay some of the most serious effects.

What feeling will you likely experience should a loved one suffer from Alzheimer’s disease? A person will often go through the various stages of sadness, shock, anger, and so on. If the spouse develops the disease, you may experience hurt and disappointment when he or she doesn't remember you are married.

Life for the Alzheimer’s patients and their loved ones will never be the same as the disease progresses, bringing a deep sorrow, loss and even anger towards God. No matter what feelings are present, facing them honestly will serve one better than burying them.

1.What can be inferred from the passage about the gray-haired lady?

A. She has been living with her father.

B. She was sad about the death of her father.

C. She can’t search for her father without being watched.

D. She suffers from Alzheimer’s disease.

2.When people suffer from Alzheimer’s disease, ________.

A. their families and friends will suffer from the same disease

B. their families and friends will experience mental sufferings

C. they will certainly die in 8 to 10 years

D. they will forget everybody but their spouses

3.Memory loss occurs ________.

A. from Alzheimer’s disease and nothing else

B. from sadness, shock, anger, and so on

C. for a number of reasons

D. with changes in personality

4.From the passage we know that ________.

A. early treatment may stop Alzheimer’s disease occurring

B. it is still unknown what causes the changes in the brain’s nerve fibers

C. nerve fibers in the brain will cause Alzheimer’s disease

D. when one suffers from Alzheimer’s disease, he will be buried

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