
Even though it was only October, my students were already whispering about Christmas plans. With each passing day everyone became more __36__, waiting for the final school bell. Upon its _37____everyone would run for their coats and go home, everyone except David
David was a small boy in ragged clothes. I had often _38___what kind of home life David had, and what kind of mother could send her son to school dressed so __39__for the cold winter months, without a coat, boots, or gloves. But something made David __40__. I can still remember he was always __41____a smile and willing to help. He always __42__after school to straighten chairs and mop the floor. We never talked much. He__43___just smile and ask what else he could do, then thank me for letting him stay and slowly__44___home
Weeks passed and the __45___ovre the coming Christmas grew into restlessness until the last day of__46__before the holiday break. I smiled in ___47 __as the last of them hurried out the door. Turning around I saw David ___48___standing by my desk. 
“I have something for you”he said and ____49____from behind his back a small box. __50___it to me, he said anxiously. “Open it,”I took the box from him, thanked him and slowly unwrapped it. I lift the lid and to my __51__saw nothing. I looked at David‘s smiling face and back into the box and said. “The box is nice, David, but it’s__52__”
“Oh no it isn’t,”said David. “It’s full of love, my mum told me before she died that love was something you couldn’t see or touch unless you know it’s there”
Tears filled my eyes ___53___Iooked at the proud dirty face that I had rarely given____54___to. After that Christmas, David and I became good friends and I never forgot the meaning ___55___the little empty box set on my desk
A.aim atB.turn to C.put off D.head for
A.argumentB.excitementC.movement D.program
A.schoolB.year C.education D.program
A.searchedB.found C.raisedD.pulled
A.advice B.supportC.attentionD.command


小题2:本题中its指的是school bell 所以只能和ring搭配。
小题3:本题考查动词词义的辨析,有下文可知David穿的衣服和季节不符,所以作者一直“想知道”what kind of home life David had, 所以用wondered。
小题4:本题考查副词词义的辨析,inappropriately 不适当地,根据下文中的without a coat, boots, or gloves可知David穿得不合适。
小题5:本题考查形容词的词义辨析,special特殊的;特别的,上文中说到David穿得不好,下文中说到作者能记得的是David 脸上一直挂着微笑,总是乐于助人,说明他与众不同。
小题9:本题考查动词词组辨析:根据上下文可知:David打扫完教室后回家,所以选择 head for:朝……进发,前进。A:目标是; B:转向;C:推迟。
小题11:本题考查名词的辨析,由上下文可知圣诞节到了,要放假,因此是上学的最后一天,所以选择school day,D项是干扰项,但D项范围太大,不是受教育的结束。
小题15:本题考查动词的辨析,此处David要给老师送礼物,所以选择hand sth. to sb. :把……交给某人。
小题17:本题考查形容词的辨析,由上文中的saw nothing和下文中的It’s full of love。可知选B。
小题18:本题考查连词的用法,as 在这儿引导时间状语从句。
小题19:本题考查句词的辨析,由前文中的We never talked much可知,作者并没对David注意太多。

Lulu is a brave pet in our shelter.
As you know, there are a lot of forest fires during the summer season.Many forests are badly 1 by fire each year.Not far from our shelter, a forest caught fire during this hot summer.We were in a heat wave which had been  2 for three days.
Lulu rushed towards the forest where flames sent out a terrible 3 .I no longer had any hope that Lulu would come  4 to the shelter.In fact, I was waiting for the firemen to announce his 5 in the forest, when suddenly, a fireman burst into my shelter and  6  me that my dog Lulu had  7 to save four kittens who were trapped by the flames.According to the fireman, Lulu seized the kittens, one by one moving them to a  8 place.I immediately accompanied the fireman to the forest to  9 the rescued kittens.When we arrived at the  10 of the incident, we found Lulu was not  11 .Then we heard the  12 of a dog came from the forest barking furiously.I  13 it was my dog Lulu.The fireman followed the tracks of the dog until we found him barking  14 by the side of an injured fireman who was lying on the ground and desperately 15 rescue.Thanks to Lulu, four kittens and a fireman were saved.
That day, I was very 16 of Lulu for his two heroic  17 toward the kittens and the fireman.Lulu showed much compassion (同情) for both animals  18 him and for a human being who was trying to  19 the fire with his colleagues.
This true story of genuine love and compassion shows us that pets are loving,  20 and compassionate.We should love and protect them.One day they could do us a good turn.
1.A.damaged              B.destroyed               C.wounded         D.hurt
2.A.taking on          B.coming on        C.going on              D.keeping on
3.A.heat                      B.energy             C.fever               D.burn
4.A.by                       B.round              C.up                     D.back
5.A.return               B.honor                C.death               D.action
6.A.announced        B.informed             C.communicated        D.claimed
7.A.tried                      B.wanted               C.managed              D.failed
8.A.safe                   B.safer                      C.lonely                    D.beautiful
9.A.pick out               B.pick up              C.bring on             D.bring up
10.A.scene                 B.position         C.situation          D.view
11.A.here                B.out                    C.in                          D.there
12.A.voice                     B.noise                     C.accent              D.sound
13.A.acknowledged        B.recognized      C.heard                     D.listened
14.A.heavily              B.strongly             C.loudly                  D.happily
15.A.waiting for         B.waiting on              C.asking for             D.looking for
16.A.surprised         B.satisfied             C.shamed              D.proud
17.A.things                    B.actions               C.dos                    D.reactions
18.A.as                    B.like                   C.for                        D.to
19.A.put off               B.put away       C.put up                    D.put out
20.A.careful               B.careless         C.caring              D.carefree
LONDON — Life for Cathy Hagner and her three children is set to permanent(永久的) fast-forward.
Their full school day and her job as a lawyer's assistant are busy enough. But Hanger also has to take the two boys to soccer or hockey or basketball while dropping off her daughter at piano lessons or Girl Scout Club.
Often, the exhausted family doesn't get home until 7 pm. There is just time for a quick supper before homework. In today's world, middle-class American and British parents treat their children as if they are competitors racing for some finishing line.
Parents take their children from activity to activity in order to make their future bright. It seems that raising a genius has become a more important goal than raising a happy and well-balanced child.
“Doctors across the country are reporting a growing number of children suffering from stomachaches and headaches due to exhaustion and stress,” says child expert William Doherty of the University of Minnesota.
Teachers are dealing with exhausted kids in the classroom. It's a very serious problem. Many children attend after-school clubs by necessity. But competitive pressures also create an explosion of activities. They include sports, language, music and math classes for children as young as four.
“There is a new parenting trend(趋势) under way which says that you have to tap all your child’s potential(潜能) at a young age; otherwise you will let him down,” says Terry Apter, a Cambridge-based child and adolescent psychiatrist(青少年精神病专家).
“It isn't entirely new: there have always been pushy parents. But what was previously(以前) seen as strange behaviour is now well accepted.”
小题1: From the second paragraph of this passage we can find that _______.
A.Hagner wastes much time helping her children's lessons
B.Hagner doesn't spend much time on her full-time job
C.Hagner is interested in sports and music
D.Hagner busies herself by following a trend
小题2:British parents, as the writer described in this passage, _______.
A.treat their children as sports players
B.pay no attention to their children's lessons
C.bring up their children in a simple way
D.give their children little time to develop freely
小题3:The writer's opinion about after-school clubs is that ________.
A.activities in the country are too competitive
B.children should attend four clubs at a time
C.some clubs result in competitive pressures
D.clubs should have more subjects for school children
小题4:The last paragraph tells us that in Britain _______.
A.parents used to take their children to every club
B.parents used to be wise on how to raise children
C.parents have all benefited from children’s clubs
D.parents have come to know the standard of education
Since we are social beings, the quality of our lives depends in large measure on our interpersonal relationships .One strength of the human condition is our possibility to give and receive support from one another under stressful conditions .Social support makes up of the exchange of resources among people based on their interpersonal ties .Those of us with strong support systems appear better able to cope with major life changes and daily hassles(困难). People with strong social ties live longer and have better health than those without such ties. Studies over types of illnesses, from depression to heart disease, show that the presence of social support helps people fend off(挡开) illness, and the absence of such support makes poor health more likely.
Social support cushions stress in a number of ways .First, friends, relatives and co-workers may let us know that they value us .Our self-respect is strengthened when we feel accepted by others in spite of our faults and difficulties. Second, other people often provide us with informational support .They help us to define and understand our problems and find solutions to them. Third, we typically find social companionship supportive. Taking part in free-time activities with others helps us to meet our social needs while at the same time distracting (转移注意力)us from our worries and troubles. Finally, other people may give us instrumental support—money aid ,material resources, and needed services—that reduces stress by helping us resolve and cope with our problems.
56. Interpersonal relationships are important because _______.
A. they are indispensable(不可缺少的)to people’s social well-being   
B. they awaken people’s desire to exchange resources
C. they help people to cope with life in the information era
D. they can cure a range of illnesses such as heart disease, etc
57. Research shows that people's physical and mental health _______.
A. relies on the social medical care systems which support them
B. has much to do with the amount of support they get from others
C. depends on their ability to deal with daily worries and troubles
D. is closely related to their strength for coping with major changes in their lives
58. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “cushions”?
(Line 1, Para 2)
A. adds up to                      B. does away with
C. lessens the effect of                D. lays the foundation for
59. Helping a sick neighbor with some repair work is an example of _______.
A. instrumental support             B. informational support
C. social companionship             D. the strengthening of self-respect
60. Social companionship is beneficial in that__________.
A. it helps strengthen our ties with relatives
B. it enables us to eliminate our faults and mistakes
C. it makes our leisure-time activities more enjoyable
D. it draws our attention away from our worries and troubles

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5,满分30分)
One summer night, on my way home from work I decided to see a movie. I knew the theatre would be air-conditioned and I couldn’t face my 1_____ apartment. Sitting in the theatre I had to look through the 2_____between the two tall heads in front of me. I had to keep changing the 3____every time she leaned over to talk to him. 4_____ he leaned over to kiss her. Why do Americans display such 5____ in a public place? I thought the movie would be good for my English, but 6_____ it turned out, it was an Italian movie. 7____ about an hour I decided to give up on the movie and 8_____ on my popcorn. I’ve never understood why they give you so much popcorn! It tasted pretty good, 9____. Afetr a while I heard 10____ more of the romantic-sounding Italians. I just heard the 11____ of the popcorn crunching(咀嚼) between my teeth. My thought started to 12 _____. I remembered when I was in South Korea, I 13 ____ to watch Kojak on TV frequently.
He spoke perfect Korean-I was really amazed. He seemed like a good friend to me, 14____I saw him again in NewYork speaking 15_____English instead of perfect Korean. He didn’t even have a Korean accent and I 16_____like I had been betrayed(背叛). When our family moved to the United States six years ago, none of us spoke any English. 17____we had begun to learn a few words, my mother suggested that we all should speak English at home. Everyone agreed, but our house became very 18_____ and we all seemed to avoid each other. We sat at the dinner table in silence, preferring that to 19____ in a difficult language. Mother tried to say something in English but it 20_____ out all wrong and we all burst into laughter and decided to forget it! We’ve been speaking Korean at home ever since.
A.enjoyed B.happenedC.turnedD.used
A.false B.informal C.perfectD.practical
In the US and Britain, the slogan around colleges was “Save water. Shower with a friend.” Now, Wuhan University has come up with another system for the campus bathhouse. It charges students for the amount of time in a shower. Before entering the bathhouse, students pay for the amount of time they want in the shower with cash or their student ID card. The clock starts ticking the minute the tape is turned on. It pauses when a button is pressed for soap. An integrated circuit(IC) card reader at each tap shows the time. No money, no water. The benefits of the new system can be seen with the old system, which charged 1 yuan for each person regardless of time in the shower. The university used about 320 tones of water daily under the old system, but only 160 tons now.
Many students use the new system but opinions on it are divided. Some students say it is bad because bathing had become a sort of race. Many people using it for the first time are not sure how long they need to shower. Some might be embarrassed if their time is up and they’re still covered in soap. They have to ask the bathhouse worker to help them buy extra time.
“It’s a flaw in the system that you can not buy extra time on the ID card,” said Ren, a freshman in Wuhan University. The university is also considering some students’ suggestions that they be allowed to pay after they’ve finished the shower. Not surprisingly, some are complaining about losing the hour shower. But many students say the move helps them develop a water-saving sense.
Without the time limits, most students tended to shower for 30 to an hour in the bathhouse.
Some even used the hot water to wash their clothes. “In my experience, 10-20 minutes is enough,” said Dai Zhihua, a third-year student who usually takes 8 minutes.
A similar system has been installed in other universities. Shanghai Normal University introduced it at its Fengxiang Campus in September. The bathing fee there is 0.2 yuan per minute. One male student responded by setting a record with a two-minute shower.
51. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
A. Students pay for the amount of time they want in the shower.
B. The clock times all through while the student is bathing except when the bather paused for soap.
C. If money runs out, there will be no water.
D. Having finished bathing, the student has to pay for it.
52. The underline word “flaw” (Paragraph3) most probably means______.
A. perfection   B. advantage    C. pity      D. fault
53. Since the new system has performed, ______ of water can be saved.
A. a quarter   B. one third   C. one half   D. two thirds
54. It can be inferred from the passage that______.
A. the new operation can solve the water crisis.
B. The new operation can raise students’ environmental awareness.
C. a similar operation has been set in other universities.
D. The university has saved a lot of water by using the new system.
55. In which column can you find this passage?
A. People.    B. Society.  C. Campus Life.   D. Lifesty
There have always been a lot of commonly believed but false ideas about being fat and doing exercise. Some people believe that they can’t help putting on weight as they get older, while others hold that if they stop exercising, their muscles will turn into fat. Here are some more myths:
I’ll never lose weight --- I come from a fat family
Wrong! While we can’t change the body type we are born with, we can’t blame our genes for making us fat. There’s plenty of evidence that fatness runs in families, and the main reason is that they share the same habits of eating too much and exercise too little.
I am fat because I burn calories slowly
Wrong! Fatness is not caused by a slow metabolism(新陈代谢). If fact, although fat people consume more energy that slim people, they also fail to realize how much they eat! Keeping a diary can help you work out your daily food intake more accurately.
Exercise is boring
Wrong! Anything will become boring if you do it repetitively. The key is to develop a balanced and varied program that’s fun as well as progressive. If you enjoy a Sunday walk, take a different route. If you do Yoga, try a tai chi class. If you like swimming, set yourself a distance or time challenge.
No pain, no gain
Wrong! Exercise is not meant to hurt. Indeed, pain is your body telling you something’s wrong, and continuing to exercise could lead to serious injury. You may experience mild discomfort as you begin to exercise regularly, but this your body adapting to the positive changes in your lifestyle and the aches should disappear relatively quickly. If you don’t, rest and seek medical advice.
小题1:What does the author think about being fat?
A.It is the family genes that make people fat.
B.People are fat because they consume too little energy.
C.A diary of exercise can prevent people from becoming fat.
D.It is the consequence of people’s unbalanced lifestyle.
小题2:According to the author, how can we make exercise more interesting?
A.By taking varied exercise.
B.By choosing simple exercise.
C.By doing regular exercise.
D.By sticking to outdoor exercise.
小题3:What is the author’s opinion about “No pain, no gain” in exercising?
A.Keeping fit is essentially a painful experience.
B.Exercise should be stopped if continuous pain is felt.
C.Pain in exercise is a precondition for reaching your goal.
D.Getting used to pain leads to positive changes in your body.
小题4:What is the purpose of the passage?
A.To declare the importance of keeping fit.
B.To clarify some misconceptions about fatness and exercise.
C.To confirm what has long been believed about keeping fit.
D.To explain some medical facts about being fat and doing exercise.
Cell phones:  is there a cancer link?
Could your cell phone give you cancer? Whether it could or not, some people are worrying about the possibility that phones, power lines and Wi-Fi could be responsible for a range of illnesses, from rashes to brain tumors.
Some say there is evidence to support the growing anxieties. David Carpenter, a professor of environmental health sciences at the university at Albany, in New York, thinks there’s a greater than 95 percent chance that power lines can cause childhood leukemia(白血病). Also there’s a greater than 90 percent chance that cell phones can cause brain tumors. “It’s apparent now that there’s a real risk, ” said Carpenter.
But others believe these concerns are unjustified. Dr Martha Linet, the head of radiation epidemiology(流行病学) at the US National Cancer Institute, has looked at the same research as Carpenter but has reached a different conclusion. “I don’t support warning labels for cell phones, ” said Linet. “We don’t have the evidence that there’s much danger. ”
Studies so far suggest a weak connection between EMFs(电磁场) and illness— so weak that it might not exist at all. A multinational investigation of cell phones and brain cancer, in 13 countries outside the US, has been underway for several years. It’s funded in part by the European Union, in part by a cell phone industry group. The final report should come out later this year, but data so far don’t suggest a strong link between cell phone use and cancer risk.
小题1:From the passage we can learn that some people are worried because _______.
A.they have evidence that the use of cell phones can lead to cancer
B.they make a fuss over cell phone use
C.some experts have given a warning
D.cell phones are responsible for brain tumors
小题2:By saying “I don’t support warning labels for cell phones, ” Dr Martha Linet has the idea that _______.
A.the worrying is unnecessary
B.cancer-warning labels should be on cell phones
C.there is a link between cell phones and cancer
D.cell phones have nothing to do with cancer
小题3:Which of the following best describes the attitude of the author towards the debate?
A.Optimistic. B.Objective.
C.Opposite. D.Casual. ]
Nuclear power’s danger to health, safety, and even life itself can be summed up in one word: radiation.
Nuclear radiation has a certain mystery about it, partly because it cannot be detected by human senses. It can’t be seen or heard, or touched or tasted, even though it may be all around us. There are other things like that. For example, radio waves are all around us but we can’t detect them, sense them, without a radio receiver. Similarly, we can’t sense radioactivity without a radiation detector. But unlike common radio waves, nuclear radiation is not harmless to human beings and other living things.
At very high levels, radiation can kill an animal or human being immediately by killing masses of cells in vital organs. But even the lowest levels can do serious damage. There is no levels of radiation that is completely safe. If the radiation does not hit anything important, the damage may not be serious. This is the case when only a few cells are hit, and if they are killed immediately. Your body will replace the dead cells with healthy ones. But if the few cells are only damaged, and if they reproduce themselves, you may be in trouble. They can grow into cancer. Sometimes this does not show up for many years.
This is another reason for some of the mystery about nuclear radiation. Serious damage can be done without the victim being aware at the time that damage has occurred. A person can be irradiated(辐射)and feel fine, then die for cancer five, ten, or twenty years later as a result. Or a child can be born weak as a result of radiation absorbed by its grandparents.     
Radiation can hurt us. We must know the truth.         
小题1:Which of the following statements is true?                   
A.Nuclear radiation is just like common radio waves.
B.Nuclear radiation can cause cancer to human beings.
C.Nuclear radiation can be detected by human senses.
D.Nuclear radiation can be safe to human beings if its level is low.
小题2:How can nuclear radiation kill an animal?                    
A.By damaging its heart.B.By killing a few cells.
C.By hitting any place in its body.D.By killing many cells in important organs.
小题3: If a human being is hit by nuclear radiation, he may _______.
A.die of cancer after many yearsB.die immediately
C.have a child who may be born weak D.all of the above

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