
Inside the pleasingly fragrant café, So All May Eat(SAME) in downtown Denver, the spirit of generosity is instantly noticeable: A donation box stands in place of a cash register. Customers here pay only what they can afford, no questions asked.
A risky business plan, perhaps, but SAME Café has done one unchangeable thing in the Mile High City for six years: Open only at midday, the restaurant provides poor local people with healthy, delicious lunches six days a week. Those unable to pay for their meals can instead volunteer as waiters and waitresses, and dishwashers, or look after the buildings and equipment for the cafe.
“It’s based on trust, and it’s working all right” , says co-owner Brad Birky , who started the café in 2006. With his wife Libby. Previously volunteering at soup kitchens, the Birkys were dissatisfied with the often unhealthy meals they served there.
“We wanted to offer quality food in a restaurant where everyone felt comfortable ,regardless of their circumstances,” Birky says. SAME’s special lunch menu changes daily and most food materials are natural and grown by local farmers.
The café now averages 65 to 70 customers (and eight volunteers) a day. And the spirit of generosity behind the project appears to be spreading. In early 2007,one volunteer who had cleared snow for his meals during the long winter said goodbye to the Birkys,” He said he was going to New Orleans to help with the hurricane cleanup,” says Birky.
小题1:What can we learn about the soup kitchens the Birkys prcviously worked for?
A.They refused to have volunteers.
B.They offered low quality food.
C.They provided customers with a good environment.
D.They closed down because of poor management.
小题2:According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
A.The customers who cannot pay can word as volunteers in stead.
B.More volunteers will go to new Orleans for the hurricane cleanup.
C.Many new cafes will be opened to offer free lunches in the town.
D.The lunch menu has remained the same since the café was started.
小题3:The author’s attitude towards running such a café is_______

【文章大意】本文向我们介绍了SAME Café的经营模式。
小题1:细节理解题。根据第三段第二句“Previously volunteering at soup kitchens, the Birkys were dissatisfied with the often unhealthy meals they served there.”可知,他们是对向他们提供的不健康的食物不满意,所以选B。
小题2:判断正误题。根据第二段第三句“Those unable to pay for their meals can instead volunteer as waiters and waitresses, and dishwashers, or look after the buildings and equipment for the Café.”那些付不起钱的人可以代替志愿者做服务员,或洗碗工,或看楼和设备。可知,A项正确。
“A very disruptive(扰乱型的)six-year old child kicked my legs and clawed at my hand.” said one teacher. “I broke up a fight but was kicked,” said another. Many people have heard stories like this. But the situation is more worrying still and it involves(涉及) parents.
Every child, regardless of(不管) the surroundings into which they are born,has the right to achieve their potential. And we recognize that, as a nation,it is a long way to achieve this goal. But rights come with responsibilities and what worries people is that we are in danger of ignoring the latter.
Far too many children are behaving badly at school,even to the point of being violent to teachers. This is terrible enough,but it is hard to be surprised since many children are just mirroring the behavior of their parents. Too many are starting school unable to hold a knife and fork, unused to eating at a table,and unable to use the toilet properly.
We are in danger of becoming a nation of families living separate lives under one roof. The bedroom, once a place to sleep,has become the living space for the young. Spending hours in front of computer screens, on social networking sites or being addicted to computer games, children and young people spend little time with their parents. Parents are unable to monitor just what their children are watching.
Schools cannot right the wrongs of society and teachers cannot become substitute (代替)parents. Both parties need to work together. Parents must be helped and given confidence to take back control. They are responsible for setting limits to their children’s behavior and sticking to those limits when things get tough(困难). They are responsible for setting a good example to their children and for devoting that most precious of resources---time---so that children come to school ready and willing to learn.
小题1:In the opinion of the writer, what problem do people ignore?
A.The school violence.
B.The pressure of students’ learning.
C.The right to achieve students’ potential.
D.the responsibilities of the students.
小题2:The writer’s attitude to the behaviors of parents may be ________.
小题3:The underlined part in Para 4 may means__________.
A.parents and children live in their separate rooms
B.parents care little about children’s life at home
C.children don’t live with their parents in the same room
D.children spent little time with their parents at home
小题4:From the last paragraph, we can infer that______.
A.schools can’t correct the wrongs that society does to teachers
B.teachers have no responsibility for playing the role of parents
C.parents should spend time with children making them ready to learn
D.students are responsible for making themselves known in society
Imagine this situation. You pass a group of people. The people are talking to each other. You cannot hear what they are saying. But suddenly they start laughing. What would you think? Would you think they were laughing at something funny that one of them said? Or -- be honest with yourself -- would you think they were laughing at you? Yes, you.
Being laughed at is a common fear. But a major study published in two thousand and nine found that this fear is not the same around the world. It differs from culture to culture.
People in Finland were the least likely to believe that people laughing in their presence were making fun of them. Less than ten percent of Finns in the study said they would think that, compared to eighty percent of people in Thailand.
Some people in the study said they felt unsure of themselves in social situations but hid their feelings of insecurity. Others said they avoided social situations where they had been laughed at before.
The study found that people in Turkmenistan and Cambodia were more likely to be in the first group. They would hide their feelings of insecurity if they were around other people's laughter. But people in Iraq, Egypt and Jordan were more likely to try to avoid such situations if they felt they had been laughed at before.
Shy people often avoid situations that would force them into close contact with other people. They worry that something they say or do will make other people laugh at them. But some people worry much more than others. They may have a disorder called gelotophobia. Gelos is a Greek word. It means laughter. Phobia means fear. This fear of laughter can be truly sad for those who live with it. It can affect how they lead their lives.
In the study, a team from the University of Zurich led more than ninety researchers from around the world. They wanted to understand the difference between normal shyness and true gelotophobia. Another purpose of the study was to compare the levels of fear of being laughed at in different cultures. The researchers surveyed more than twenty-two thousand people in forty-two different languages. The findings appeared in the scientific journal Humor.
小题1:People in Finland don’t believe other people are making fun of them if _________________.
A.they suddenly start to laugh.
B.they keep on laughing
C.they laugh in their presence
D.they stop laughing suddenly.
小题2:What’s FALSE of the study led by a team from the University of Zurich?
A.They wanted to study the difference between normal shyness and true gelotophobia.
B.They wanted to compare the levels of fear of being laughed at in different cultures.
C.They did such a survey in order to prevent people from being laughed at in public.
D.They surveyed more than 22 thousand people coming from different cultures.
小题3:The passage is likely to occur in _______________.
A.an advertisementB.a science magazine
C.a science fictionD.a storybook
小题4:According to the passage, people who suffer from gelotophobia ______________________.
A.care more about being laughed at by others
B.shouldn’t hide their feelings of insecurity
C.should avoid having close contact with other people
D.will lead a happy life so long as they care
Have you ever intended to be fully absorbed in your work but found yourself distracted by e-mail, the Internet and other things throughout the day? According to the survey made by a famous university in the USA, most people have the experience.
"People often lose their concentration when they are bored, of course, but also when they are engaged in challenging tasks," says Peter Bregman, the head of the survey. "They sometimes have a feeling to escape from what's difficult or boring, so they jump out," he says. The part of the brain devoted to attention is connected to the brain's emotional center. Any strong emotion —quarrels with colleagues, problems at home —can interrupt our attention. Studies over the last decade have shown that too much work to do at a time can easily lead to distraction.
Refocusing is hard for many people. Robert Epstein suggests the following, "Stop and listen to some soft music for a few minutes. Find a good friend or a teacher and say out your matter on your mind. Go for a short walk or take a deep breath, where you breathe in deeply, count to five slowly, hold it and breathe out very slowly." This can "blow out all the tension and the unwanted in your mind to restore your focus."
Take more control by structuring your time and becoming more aware of your behaviors. "Setting the phone alarm to go off every hour is my way of creating awareness," Mr. Bregman says. "You have to inform yourself that you've lost focus in order to do something about it." Starting the day with a to-do list is also important, such as when to eat, when to go to the gym or take a walk. But if it's overly ambitious, you will put yourself in a state of anxiety, which makes it hard for the brain to concentrate. "Choosing three or four things as your priority for the day allows your brain to settle down and focus," he says.
小题1:According to the passage, which is NOT the reason why some people can be distracted from their work?
A.They don't want to be devoted to their work.
B.They are disturbed by the Internet and other things.
C.They can't find interest in their work.
D.They feel their work is too hard for them.
小题2:Which incident might NOT interrupt your attention?
A.You were scolded by your teacher.
B.You had words with your good friend.
C.You went to school at six as usual.
D.Your mother and father had a quarrel.
小题3:What's the meaning of the underlined word "restore" in the passage?
小题4:According to Robert Epstein, how can we refocus on what we should do?
A.Listen to rock music for some time.
B.Turn to your good friends or teachers for help.
C.Run around the playground for some time.
D.Take a breath from time to time.
One of my wonderful memories is about a Christmas gift . Unlike other gifts, it came without wrap(包装).
On September 11th ,1958,Mum gave birth to Richard. After she brought him home from hospital, she put him in my lap, saying, “I promised you a gift , and here it is.” What an honor!I turned four a month earlier and none of my friends had such a baby doll of their own. I played with it day and night. I sang to it. I told it stories .I told it over and over how much I loved it!
One morning, however, I found its bed empty. My doll was gone! I cried for it. Mum wept and told me that the poor little thing bad been sent to a hospital. It had a fever. For several days I Heard Mum and Dad whispering such words as “hopeless”, “pitiful”, and “dying”, which sounded ominous.
Christmas was coming. “Don’t expect any presents this year,” Dad said, pointing at the socks I hung in the living room. “If your baby brother lives, that’ll be Christmas enough.” As he spoke, his eyes filled with tears. I’d never seen him cry before .
The phone rang early on Christmas morning. Dad jumped out of bed to answer it. From my bedroom I heard him say, “What? He’s all right?” He hung up and shouted upstairs. “The hospital said we can bring Richard home !”
“Thank God !” I heard Mum cry .
From the upstairs window, I watched my parents rush out to the car. I had never seen them so happy. And I was also full of joy. What a wonderful day! My baby doll would be home. I ran downstairs. My socks still hung there flat. But I knew they were not empty; they were filled with love!
小题1:what happened to the author on September 11th , 1958?
A.He got a baby brother.B.He got a Christmas gift
C.He became four years old.D.He received a doll.
小题2:What does the underlined word “ominous” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
小题3:Which word can best describe the feeling of the father when Christmas was coming?
小题4:What is the passage mainly about ?
A.A sad Christmas dayB.Life with a lovely baby
C.A special Christmas gift.D.Memories of a happy family

  For those who make journeys across the world, the speed of travel today has turned the countries into a series of villages.Distances between them appear no greater to a modern traveler than those which once faced men as they walked from village to village. Jet planes fly people from one end of the earth to the other, allowing them a freedom of movement undreamt of a hundred years ago.
  Yet some people wonder if the revolution in travel has gone too far. A price has been paid, they say, for the conquest (征服) of time and distance. Travel is something to be enjoyed, not endured (忍受).  The boat offers leisure and time enough to appreciate the ever-changing sights and sounds of a journey. A journey by train also has a special charm about it. Lakes and forests and wild, open plains sweeping past your carriage window create a grand view in which time and distance mean nothing. On board a plane, however, there is just the blank blue of the sky filling the narrow window of the airplane. The soft lighting, in-flight films and gentle music make up the only world you know, and the hours progress slowly.
   Then there is the time spent being “processed” at a modern airport. People are conveyed like robots along walkways; baggage is weighed, tickets produced, examined and produced yet again before the passengers move to another waiting area. Journeys by rail and sea take longer, yes, but the hours devoted to being “processed” at departure and arrival in airports are luckily absent. No wonder, then, that the modern high-speed trains are winning back passengers from the airlines.
  Man, however, is now a world traveler and cannot turn his back on the airplane. The working lives of too many people depend upon it; whole new industries have been built around its design and operation. The holiday maker, too, with limited time to spend, patiently endures the busy airports and limited space of the flight to gain those extra hours and even days, relaxing in the sun. speed controls people’s lives; time saved, in work or play, is the important thing—or so we are told. Perhaps those first horsemen, riding free across the wild, open plains, were enjoying a better world than the one we know today. They could travel at will, and the clock was not their master.
小题1:What does the writer try to express in Paragraph 1?
A.Travel by plane has speeded up the growth of villages.
B.The speed of modern travel has made distances relatively short.
C.The freedom of movement has helped people realize their dreams.
D.Man has been fond of traveling rather than staying in one place.
小题2:How does the writer support the underlined statement in Paragraph 2?
A.By giving instructions.
B.By analyzing cause and effect.
C.By following the order of time.
D.By giving examples.
小题3:According to Paragraph 3, passengers are turning back to modern high-speed trains because______.
A.they pay less for the tickets
B.they feel safer during the travel
C.they can enjoy higher speed of travel
D.they don’t have to waste time being “processed”
小题4:What does the last sentence of the passage mean?
A.They could enjoy free and relaxing travel.
B.They needed the clock to tell the time.
C.They preferred traveling on horseback.
D.They could travel with their master.
小题5:What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Air travel benefits people and industries.
B.Train Travel has some advantages over air travel.
C.Great changes have taken place in modern travel.
D.The high speed of air travel is gained at a cost.

Driving In America
Keep Right
The traffic follows the “keep right rule”. While driving, drive on the right side of the road. On one-way, multiple lanes(车道) road, the right-most lane would be slowest and left-most lane is fastest.
Hand Signals
Though indicators(车的指示灯) are used for the purpose of showing which direction you are going, knowing some hand signals is very important and are usually always asked in a driving test. When you want to turn right, you can put your left hand out of the window and point upward. When you want to make a left turn, you can reach your left arm out of the window and point to the left. If you want to slow down or stop, you can just point downward.
School Buses
Yellow school buses have flashing red lights and stop signs that reach out from the driver’s side. The drivers use these warning signals when letting pupils on and off. No matter which side of the road you are traveling on, if you come upon a school bus with its lights flashing and a stop sign used, you must stop. It’s the law. Remain stopped until the lights stop flashing or the stop sign is removed.
Using the Horn
Using horns is not common in America. Actually they are very rarely used. You may use your horn to warn walkers or other drivers of possible trouble or to avoid accidents. Do not use your horn to express anger or complain about other drivers’ mistakes or to try to get a slow driver to move faster.
小题1:If Freddy is asked to go to Florida in the shortest time from Missouri, on which lane in the picture below should he drive his car according to Paragraph 1?
A.Lane ①.B.Lane ②.C.Lane ③.D.Lane ④.
小题2:What could a driver do in America when turning left?
A.Place left hand out of the window pointing upward.
B.Put left hand out of the window pointing downward.
C.Reach left arm out of the window pointing to the left.
D.Place left hand out of the window pointing backward.
小题3:According to the passage, which of the following is possibly accepted in America?
A.Use horns sometimes to warn passers-by of danger.
B.Drive on before the stop sign on a school bus is removed.
C.Use hand signals instead of indicators to show which direction you are going.
D.Do not use warning signals in the school bus until all the pupils get on the bus.
小题4:Who is the passage most probably written for?
A.Passers-by. B.Pupils.C.Policemen. D.Drivers.

Sports can help you keep fit and get in touch with nature.However, whether you are on the mountains, in the waves, or on the grassland, you should be aware that your sport of choice might have great influence on the environment.
Some sports are resource-hungry. Golf, as you may know, eats up not only large areas of countryside, but also tons of water.Besides, all sorts of chemicals and huge amounts of energy are used to keep its courses in good condition.This causes major environmental effects.For example, in the dry regions of Portugal and Spain, golf is often held responsible for serious water shortage in some local areas.
There are many environment-friendly sports. Power walking is one of them that you can take up today. You don’t need any special equipment except a good pair of shoes; and you don’t have to worry about resources and your purse.Simple and free, power walking can also keep you fit.If you walk regularly, it will be good for your heart and bones.Experts say that 20 minutes of power walking daily can make you feel less anxious, sleep well and have better weight control.
Whatever sport you take up, you can make it greener by using environment-friendly equipment and buying products made from recycled materials.But the final goal should be “green gyms”.They are better replacements for traditional health clubs and modern sports centers.Members of green gyms play sports outdoors, in the countryside or other open spaces.There is no special requirement for you to start your membership.And best of all, it’s free.
小题1:The author thinks the golf is resource-hungry because of the following EXCEPT that_____.
A.Golf wastes large areas of countryside
B.Golf runs out of much water
C.Keeping golf court in good condition needs too much energy
D.Golf is bad for people’s health
小题2:According to the passage, which of the following is an environment-friendly sport?
A.hiking in the hills
B.swimming in the pool
C.playing basketball in the gym
D.motor racing in the desert
小题3:The reason why the author uses power walking as an example mainly is because _________.
A.it improves our healthB.it is an outdoor sport
C.it uses fewer resources D.it is recommended by experts
小题4:The purpose of the author’s writing this passage is to ______.
A.show us the function of major sports
B.encourage us to go in for green sports
C.discuss the major influence of popular sports
D.introduce different types of environment-friendly sports

What I noticed first about my new parrot, Chico, was that he couldn’t fly. His wings had been cut short and he was stuck on the   1  just like us humans. When the weather turned nice, I took Chico outside. I sat him on a branch of a tree, hoping to make him   2 . At first he seemed   3 . He walked back and forth on the branch looking anxious or nervous. He didn’t even flap his wings in an attempt to fly. Somehow he knew he was   4 .
One day Chico got especially excited . He paced back and forth and made an incredible amount of   5 . Then all of a sudden he stopped and let out an even louder scream. He started   6  flapping his wings for the first time ever - then he lifted off the   7  like a space shuttle! I was amazed and   8  . Little did I know his feathers had been growing back, and Chico had been   9  until the moment was ripe for escape!
Two days later Chico   10  . First I tried to trick him back with food, but he would not come near me. Then I took his   11  and put it away—still he would not come. Finally, I made him a firm promise that I would let him   12  every day the weather was nice if he did come back.   13  , he flew onto my shoulder.
From that day on, whenever the weather was good I would let him out early and he would fly around and be back before dark. The   14  lasted for two months before suddenly Chico became   15 . The vet said that he had been infected with a disease from the pigeons in the neighborhood. Within a few days he died.
I was very sad. The   16  crossed my mind that if I had not set him free to fly, he would be still alive. But what   17  is there in being a bird if you can’t fly?
Chico made his first break for   18  on a late Monday afternoon in April. When will you make yours? You too can take a   19  when the conditions are right, knowing you too, in your own way, were built to fly. If you don’t    20 , what will be the purpose of your life?
A.floorB.earth C.scene D.road
A.smarter B.healthier C.happierD.stronger
A.incapable B.disabled C.wrongD.stupid
A.noise B.progress C.energyD.consideration
A.slowly B.gently C.madlyD.gracefully
A.ground B.tree C.cage D.branch
A.movedB.shocked C.delighted D.excited
A.strugglingB.pacing C.flying D.waiting
A.left B.returned C.survived D.recovered
A.cage B.feather C.chain D.food
A.in B.out C.off D.alone
A.As usuallyB.At that moment
C.Once in a whileD.At the same time
A.action B.attempt C.routine D.effort
A.active B.injured C.sad D.ill
A.fact B.concern C.thought D.detail
A.sense B.mistake C.interest D.problem
A.life B.freedom C.fun D.food
A.breakB.holiday C.chance D.look
A.keep yourself busyB.cheer yourself up
C.let yourself downD.set yourself free

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