
17.假如英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌的以下作文,文中共有 (1)处语言错误,每句中最多有两处.每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加,删除或修改.
Yesterday I go shopping in the supermarket.As I was looking at the goods I noticed
a old man who seemed to be following me wherever I went.As I moved,there he was,
smiled at me.I wondered that if I had done something wrong.But I didn't think I had.
So I believed there must be anything wrong with him.I became a bit scared.
At the food section I selecting the chicken when I felt a tap on the shoulders.
Turn around,I saw that it was the same man."Lady,"he final said,"you
have my shopping basket."At that moment I realized I misunderstood him,
so I said sorry for him at once.

分析 昨天我去超市购物,发现一位老人跟着我,还朝我微笑.我想知道是不是什么地方不对劲,是这个老人有问题吗?我有点害怕了.正当我在挑选食物时,有人拍了一下我的肩膀,回头一看,正是这位老人.他说:"你拿了我的购物篮."那时,我才意识到我误会他了,因此向他道歉.

解答 Yesterday I go shopping in the supermarket.As I was looking at the goods I noticed
a old man who seemed to be following me wherever I went.As I moved,there he was
smiled at me.I wondered that if I had done something wrong.But I didn't think I had.
smiling                           去掉
So I believed there must be anything wrong with him.I became a bit scared.
At the food section I∧selecting the chicken when I felt a tap on the shoulders
                              加was                                                             shoulder
Turn around,I saw that it was the same man."Lady,"he final said,"you
Turning                                                                              finally
have my shopping basket."At that moment I realized I misunderstood him,

so I said sorry for him at once.
8.Turn改为Turning.句中turn around是作状语,要用非谓语动词,turn与主语构成主动,要用现在分词.
10.for改为to.短语搭配,say sorry to sb向某人道歉.

点评 短文改错题考查的是语境理解能力和用法基础知识.常考的知识点有:名词(单复数错误),动词(时态,语态,搭配,转换),代词(指代错误),形容词和副词(转换,比较等级),连词(and,but,or)等.偶尔也会考查逻辑错误,如本来用her,却用了his等等.解题是要注意:以句子为单位,以动词为中心.看句子要看完整,避免句子前后矛盾的错误;找错误要以动词为主,动词或与动词有关的错误占了改错的题的重要一部分.

20.Here's a movie-a sharp,sugar-rush of fun that's guaranteed to entertain the entire family.
With some terrific computer-generated effects,a great cast and a fun-packed storyline,Robots is the best animated film (动画片) since The Incredibles.Yep,it really is that good.
Set in a world populated by robots,Ewan McGregor plays Rodney Copperbottom,a young robot who leaves his small-town home to pursue his dream of becoming an inventor.
But after arriving in Robot City,his hopes of getting a job at Bigweld Industries are destroyed when he learns the firm has been taken over by the evil Ratchet (Greg Kinnear).
Egged on by his controlling mum,Madame Gasket (Jim Broadbent),Ratchet plans to reduce half of Robot City's citizens to scrap metal by refusing to sell the spare parts they need to survive.
Instead,he wants to make a fortune selling expensive upgrades that few can afford.As he says,"Why be you when you can be new?"
Aided by a few misfit robots known as the Rustles-including Robin Williams as the cowardly'(胆小的)Fender ("I'm made of a metal called Afraidium")-Rodney must track down the firm's founder,Bigweld (Mel Brooks),and convince him to save the city from Ratchet's plans.
The first thing that'll strike you about the movie is the thought that's gone into creating Robot City.It's a wondrous world full of mechanical marvels including wind-up cars and walking streetlamps.
Also terrific are the special effects.This might be an animated movie but at times you'll catch yourself thinking it's really a live-action film.
Of course,there have been plenty of animated movies that looked the part but were let down by a weak storyline (see Shark Tale,for example).
But Robots grips (扣人心弦) right from the start thanks to a heart-warming and thoroughly engaging plot that never bores.
My only complaints are with Williams who,as usual,has a one-in-10success rate with his jokes.Also a letdown is a romantic subplot between Rodney and a shapely robot called Cappy (Halle Berry) that doesn't go anywhere.
Complains aside,this is a mechanical marvel that'll have you bolted firmly to your seat.
BEST QUOTE(引述):Fender:"Even though you had a discouraging day,just remember there's another one coming tomorrow."
BEST BIT:Check out those amazing images.
WORST BIT:Robin Williams,character does an unfunny Britney Spears dance routine.
IF YOU LIKED…Ice Age,The Incredibles,Toy Story…YOU'LL LIKE THIS.

56、This piece of writing is aB.
A.commercial advertisement
B.film review
C.movie poster
D.literary essay.
57.The cast of Robots is made up of all the following actors or actresses EXCEPTC.
A.Ewan McGregor     B.Robin Williams
C.Britney Spears    D.Halle Berry.
58.What is Shark Tale an example of?B
A.A great cast.     B.A poor plot.
C.Special effects.  D.Clumsy animation.
5.My father was 44 and knew he wasn't going to make it to 45.He wrote me a letter and hoped that something in it would help me for the rest of my life.
Since the day I was 12 and first read his letter,some of his words have lived in my heart.Only part always times out."Right now,you are pretending to be a time-killer.But I know that one hay,you will do something great that will set you among the very best."Knowing that my dad believed in me gave me permission to believe in myself."You will do something great."He didn't know what that would be,and neither did I,but at times in my life when I've felt proud of myself,I remember his words and wish he were here so I could ask."Is this what you were talking about,Dad?Should I keep going?"
A long way from 12 now,I realize he would have been proud when I made any progress.Lately,though.I've come to believe he'd want me to move on to what comes next:to be proud of,and believe in,somebody else.It's time to start writing my own letters to my children.Our children look to us with the same unanswered question we had.Our kids don't  hold back because they're afraid to fail.They're only afraid of failing us.They don't worry about being disappointed.Their fear-as mine was until my father's letter-is of being a disappointment.
Give your children permission to succeed.They're writing for you to believe in them.I always knew way parents loved me.But trust me.That belief will be more complete,that love will be more real,and their belief in themselves will be greater if you write the words on their hearts;"Don't worry; you'll do something great."Not having that blessing from their parents may be the only thing holding them back.

68.We learn from the text that the authorA    
A.lost his father when he was young
B.Worked hard before he read his father's letter
C.Asked his father's permission to believe in himself
D.Knew exactly what great thing his father wanted him to do
69.What does the author tell us in the 3rd paragraph?D
A.Children need their parents'letters.
B.Children are afraid to be disappointed.
C.His children's fear of failure held them back.
D.His father's letter removed his fear of failing his parents.
70.Which of the following is true of the author?C
A.He got no access to success.
B.He wrote back to his father at 12.
C.He was sure his parents loved him.
D.He once asked his father about the letter.
71.The main purpose of the text is toD.
A.describe children's thinking
B.answer some questions children have
C.stress the importance of communication
D.advise parents to encourage their children.
12.Along the river banks of the Amazon and the Orinoco there lives a bird that swims before it can fly,flies like a fat chicken,eats green leaves,has the stomach of a cow and has claws (爪) on its wings when young.They build their homes about 4.6m above the river,an important feature (特征) for the safety of the young.It is called the hoatzin.
  In appearance,the birds of both sexes look very much alike with brown on the back and cream and red on the underside.The head is small,with a large set of feathers on the top,bright red eyes,and blue skin.Its nearest relatives are the common birds,cuckoos.Its most striking feature,though,is only found in the young.
  Baby hoatzins have a claw on the leading edge of each wing and another at the end of each wing tip.Using these four claws,together with the beak (喙),they can climb about in the bushes,looking very much like primitive birds must have done.When the young hoatzins have learned to fly,they lose their claws.
  During the drier months between December and March hoatzins fly about the forest in groups of 20 to 30 birds,but in April,when the rainy season begins,they collect together in smaller living units of two to seven birds for producing purposes.

63.What is the text mainly about?D
A.Hoatzins in dry and rainy seasons.
B.The relatives and enemies of hoatzins.
C.Primitive birds and hoatzins of the Amazon.
D.The appearance and living habits of hoatzins.
64.Young hoatzins are different from their parents in thatB.
A.they look like young cuckoos
B.they have claws on the wings
C.they eat a lot like a cow
D.they live on river banks
65.What can we infer about primitive birds from the text?A
A.They had claws to help them climb.
B.They could fly long distances.
C.They had four wings like hoatzins.
D.They had a head with long feathers on the top.
66.Why do hoatzins collect together in smaller groups when the rainy season comes?D
A.To find more food.
B.To protect themselves better.
C.To keep themselves warm.
D.To produce their young.
9.My name is Pablo.I think I'm a lucky guy.I have a good family,and we live in a nice neighborhood in Puerto Vallarta,Mexico.People travel here from many countries for their vacations.We have beautiful beaches,hotels,restaurants,shopping and sports.
       However,in my beautiful hometown,there are also very poor neighborhoods.These areas are crowded and have a lot of crime.Life is terrible for many of the children in these areas.Some don't really have a childhood because they're homeless and live on the streets.They don't have education.They don't have enough food.Many use drugs or have diseases or mental problems.
       Last year,I came back to Puerto Vallarta from my university in Mexico City.I spent one year as a volunteer with an organization called Outreach International.They have several programs.I volunteered for one program to help street children.
       I worked in a home for street children (all boys,at this one).At this home,the boys have a place to sleep and three meals daily.The home keeps the boys off the streets.It shows them another way of life.As a volunteer,I helped to prepare meals.I taught games---such as basketball,football and art.I helped the kids with their homework.These kids can be fun.They have a lot of energy,but they're also really tough.Their hardships on the streets make them strong and not always"sweet little children."
       At this boys'home,I met two other volunteers---Brian from Canada and Greg from Australia.In many ways,we were very similar.We were the same age,came from good homes and had a good education.They were both college students,like me.We became very good friends.Now,we email each other.
It was the best---and most difficult---year of my life.I learned a lot that year.
59.What do we learn about the author?B
A.He loves travelling.
B.He enjoys his work as a volunteer.
C.He is now working for Outreach International.
D.He has made friends with the homeless children.
60.What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?D
A.Street Crime
B.The author's childhood experience.
C.The author's hometown
D.The terrible life of the homeless children.
61.According to the author,what makes the street children really tough?C
B.Too much energy.
C.Hard life
D.Pressure from school.
62.What is the best title for the passage?A
A.My Special Year                         
B.A Sweet Home
C.Outreach International               
D.Street Children.
6.In October 1800,John Todd was born in Rutland,Vermont.Soon afterward,his parents moved to Killingworth,Connecticut.When John was six,both his parents died.A kind-hearted aunt in North Killingworth agreed to take John and give him a home.He was brought up by her and lived in her home until he left to study for the ministry.
His aunt took seriously ill and feared she was about to die.In great suffering she wrote John Todd a letter in which she asked him to tell her what death would be like.
Here is the letter he sent in reply:
It is now thirty-five years since I,as a little boy of six,was left quite alone in the world.You sent me word you would give me a home and be a kind mother to me.I have never forgotten the day when I made the long journey of ten miles to your house in North Killingworth.I can still remember my disappointment when,instead of coming for me yourself,you sent your servant James to fetch me.
I well remembered my tears and anxiety as,sitting high on your horse and sticking tight to James,I rode off to my new home.Night fell before we finished the journey,and as it grew dark I became lonely and afraid."Do you think she'll go to bed before we get there?"I asked James anxiously."Oh,no,"he said encouragingly."She'll stay up for you.When we get out of these woods you'll see her candle shining in the window."
Presently we did ride out into the clearing,and there,sure enough,was your candle.I remember you were waiting at the door,that you put your arms close about me and that you lifted me-a tired and confused little boy-down from the horse.You had a fire burning on the ground,a hot supper waiting on the stove.After supper you took me to my new room,heard me say my prayers,and then sat beside me until I fell asleep.
You probably realize why I am recalling all this to your memory.Some day soon God will send for you,to take you to a new home.Don't fear the callings,the strange journey,or the dark messenger of death who will fetch you.God can be trusted to do as much for you as you were kind enough to do for me so many years ago.At the end of the road you will find love and a welcome waiting,and you will be safe in God's care.I shall watch you and pray for you till you are out of sight,and then wait for the day when I shall make the same journey myself and find you waiting at the end of the road to greet me.

51.What do we know from the first two paragraphs?B
A.Todd was forty when he wrote this letter.
B.Todd's aunt was somewhat feared of death.
C.Todd was very excited when first met by the aunt.
D.Todd was kind to his aunt's concern.
52.According to the passage,we can infer thatC.
A.Todd dislikes his aunt very much
B.Todd will wait for his aunt at the end of the road
C.Todd will one day make the same road himself
D.Todd will write this letter for God's benefit
53.The underlined sentence in the last paragraph probably meansD.
A.God can be trusted many years ago
B.you did as much as God many years ago
C.you were kind enough to me many years ago
D.God will treat you as well as you did many years ago
54.What is the best title of the passage?B
A.An unforgettable childhood
B.A Timeless Letter of Comfort
C.A letter of giving thanks
D.A full-of-love burning candle.

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