
Dickson Despommier, a public health professor at Columbia University in New York City developed an idea with his students nine years ago. They imagined people in cities growing crops inside a tall building. Tomatoes could grow on one floor of the skyscraper(摩天大楼), potatoes on the next, small animals and fish on the floor above.
This vertical(垂直的) farm, or "farmscraper", could have space for restaurants and other places that serve food, like schools or hospitals. They could serve foods that are truly locally grown.
But why would anyone want to build a farm indoors in a city? Dickson Despommier believes it will become necessary. The world needs to find places to produce enough food to feed the growing population. Space, he says, is an all-important issue.
The professor also points to the problems of traditional farms. They use a lot of freshwater. Their fertilizer and animal waste can pollute water resources. And their growing seasons can be limited.
But inside the vertical farm, crops could grow all year. And there would be no wind to blow away soil. Farmers would not have to worry about too much or too little rain, or about hot summers, freezing winters or insects. And without insects there would be no need for chemicals to kill them.
Farm machines that .use fossil fuels, like tractors, would not be needed either. And water could be recycled for drinking. "The vertical farm reuses everything, so there is no waste," says Professor Despommier.
Even buildings could be saved. Old buildings could become new farms and provide jobs.
The professor has been actively proposing the idea to cities as far away as Dubai and Canada. But so far it exists only in plans and drawings, and a model at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago.
Critics say building a farmscraper would cost too much, especially considering the price of land in many cities. Dickson Despommier estimates the cost at about twenty to thirty million dollars.
But he says the building would not have to be very tall. And his graduate students have found many empty lots and unused buildings in New York City that could provide space.
【小题1】According to the passage the purpose of proposing the idea of a farm scraper is to      .

A.find places to produce enough food
B.serve food that are truly locally grown
C.prevent polluting the limited land
D.save fresh water
【小题2】Which is one of the advantages of a farm scraper?
A.It costs less
B.It saves labor power.
C.It consumes too much energy
D.It is more environmentally friendly.
【小题3】Those against the idea of farm scrapers argue that
A.it uses too much land in cities
B.it costs too much to build one
C.it causes people to lose their jobs
D.it exists only in unrealistic plans
【小题4】Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.A vertical farm has been built in Chicago.
B.Old buildings could be changed into new farms.
C.Traditional farms use less water but pollute more water
D.There are some vertical farms being put into use in Canada.


【小题1】A 细节题。根据文章第三段前三行But why would anyone want to build a farm indoors in a city? Dickson Despommier believes it will become necessary. The world needs to find places to produce enough food to feed the growing population.可知他们主要是为了找出更多的空间来生产出更多的粮食,故A正确。
【小题2】D 推理题。根据文章3,5段Farm machines that .use fossil fuels, like tractors, would not be needed either. And water could be recycled for drinking.
They use a lot of freshwater. Their fertilizer and animal waste can pollute water resources. And their growing seasons can be limited.可知很多方面都是很环保的,不产生什么污染,故D正确。
【小题3】B 细节题。根据文章倒数第二段Critics say building a farmscraper would cost too much, especially considering the price of land in many cities. Dickson Despommier estimates the cost at about twenty to thirty million dollars.可知这种农业的成本很高。故B正确。
【小题4】B 细节题。根据文章最后一段But he says the building would not have to be very tall. And his graduate students have found many empty lots and unused buildings in New York City that could provide space.可知很多的空置的楼房可以成为农场。故B正确。


Every evening, 15-year-old Rashida returns home from school, changes out of her uniform, and rushes to a neighboring farm to help her mother harvest vegetables. Her father is disabled, so the modest profit the two of them earn must cover food, clothing and other necessities for all seven children and their parents. Despite having precious little time to study, Rashida is one of the top students at her junior secondary school. But with so much responsibility on her small shoulders, she admits that it is sometimes hard for her to imagine a more promising future.
Last year, Rashida was invited to join 155 other girls at Camfed Ghana’s first Girls’ Career Camp, a program designed to inspire girls growing up in the country’s Northern Region to dream big, and to support them to pursue those dreams. “We organized this camp because we wanted to let girls know that even if they are struggling with poverty, their lives will not be defined by limitations,” says Dolores Dickson, Camfed Ghana’s Executive Director.
Over the course of five days, the camp led the junior and secondary school students through a range of experiences and career opportunities that were entirely new to them. Dr. Agnes Apusiga, a lecturer from the University of Development Studies, ran the workshop on goal-setting and career choices, describing the universities and training colleges in Ghana that could help them achieve their dreams. Participants then visited the University for Development Studies, where they toured the medical school and science labs. Another highlight was a workshop at the computer lab at Tamale Secondary School. Many of the girls had studied information technology from a book but had never before seen a computer.
“When the girls arrived at camp, they were not ambitious, because they didn’t have any idea what the world held for them,” says Eugenia Ayagiba, Project Officer with Camfed Ghana. “Many had scarcely traveled beyond their own villages.”
“I think the most important thing that happened at the camp is that we opened a window of hope for a group of girls coming from backgrounds of poverty,” says Eugenia. For Rashida, who has been laughed at in the past by her schoolmates because of her father’s disability, the experience was important. “She told one of the camp mentors(辅导员) that when she is at school, she often feels like a misfit, and she prefers to keep to herself,” says Eugenia. “But at the camp, it was different. She made friends with girls who have similar struggles. She took part in every single activity, every single game. On the last day, she said to her mentor, “The camp has challenged me to study hard. Now I see that there is light at the end of the tunnel.”
【小题1】How many members are there in Rashida’s family?

【小题2】According to the passage, Camfed Ghana’s first Girls’ Career Camp is        
A.a program to help poor girls to have ambition
B.a program to help poor girl students to get university education
C.a program to help poor girls to study hard
D.a program to help the poor families
【小题3】Why did the camp lead the students to visit universities and training colleges?
A.To show they are better than their schools
B.To encourage them to get good education.
C.To show them what they are like
D.To get them to touch the advanced equipment there
【小题4】What can we infer from the passage?
A.Rashida has become friends with her mentors
B.Rashida’s mentors has encouraged her a lot.
C.Rashida was sad because of her father’s disability.
D.Rashida has had her new dream since the camp
【小题5】The best title of the passage is ___________.
A.Poor Girls in GhanaB.Girls’ Career Camp
C.Camfed GhanaD.Students in Ghana Dream Big

“Eat local.” It’s one way to reduce human effect on the planet. Eating local means to try to buy and consume foods that are grown in places close to home. However, most of the food sold at supermarkets is not locally grown or produced. Trucks and planes deliver these foods from hundreds or thousands of miles away. During the transportation, greenhouse(温室)gases are produced, causing global warming. So the shorter the distance your foods must travel, the less the harm is done to the environment.
But how do you get local food if you live in a large city, hundreds of miles away from farms?Environmental health scientist Dickson Despommier and his students came up with the idea of a “vertical(垂直的)farm”.

A vertical farm is a glass-walled structure that could be built as tall as a skyscraper(摩天大楼). Since the garden is built upwards, rather than outwards, it requires much less space than an ordinary farm. The world is quickly running out of room for ordinary farming. Vertical farms could be a key to this situation. Despommier imagines a 30-story building with a greenhouse on every floor. The walls of the building would be clear, to allow crops to get as much sunlight as possible. Depending on a city’s water resources, Despommier thinks hydroponic(水培的) farming is another method for the vertical farm which needs no soil to grow plants.
Despommier says the hydroponic greenhouses would use a system that would use a city’s waste water and fill it with nutritions to make the crops grow. If this method works, it would provide food to a city and save millions of tons of water.
The idea of a vertical farm has attracted the attention of government officials around the world. Scott Stringer, a government official from New York City, thinks the city is suitable for the vertical farming. “Obviously we don’t have much land left for us,” Stringer said. “But the sky is the limit in Manhattan. ”
Despommier admits that there is still a lot of work to do to make vertical farms a reality. “But I think vertical farming is an idea that can work in a big way,” he says.
【小题1】Why are people advised to eat local?

A.Because it means convenience(方便) to people.
B.Because it can help people save a lot of money.
C.Because local food has more nutrition.
D.Because it is environmentally friendly.
【小题2】Which is one of the vertical farm’s benefits when compared with ordinary farming?
A.It produces healthier food.
B.It does less harm to the cities.
C.It needs less space of the city.
D.It requires less transport costs.
【小题3】By saying “the sky is the limit in Manhattan”, Stringer means _____.
A.people can make full use of vertical space of Manhattan
B.there is a limit for using empty land in Manhattan
C.the height of buildings in Manhattan is limited
D.Manhattan can spread as far as possible
【小题4】What can we learn about the vertical farming in the passage?
A.No soil is needed to grow plants in a vertical farm.
B.It has solved the problem of the food shortage in a big way.
C.It is a 30-story building with a greenhouse on every floor.
D.Crops are mainly grown in the rainwater in a vertical farm.

We considered a list of the best American books. Here are five that may help accurately show the national character. Most from a century or so ago, they still entertain, teach, and inspire:

Moby-Dick by Herman Melville

First published in 1851, the adventure stories of Captain Ahab and his monomaniacal(偏执的) pursuit of the white whale draw us into a universe full of fascinating characters and stories.

The Education of Henry Adams by Henry Adams

Published in 1918, the book was an autobiography. Born in one of America’s most famous political families, Adams provides insight into his family, including his experience as private secretary to his father, minister to England during the American Civil war.

Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman

When Whitman published Leaves of Grass in 1855, he wanted to accurately describe the American experience and reflect the great changes in the American literary world that had taken place during his lifetime.

Poems by Emily Dickinson

An enthusiastic poet whose works have had considerable influence on modern poetry, Dickson’s frequent use of dashes, occasional capitalization(大写) of nouns, and unconventional metaphors(隐喻) have contributed to her reputation as one of the most inventive poets of the 19th century American literature. However, most of her poems were not published during her lifetime.

The Song of Hiawatha by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

First published in 1855, this is Longfellow’s most popular and most recognized poem, the heroic life and death of a magic American Indian, sent by the Great Spirit to guide the nations in the ways of peace.

1.Walt Whitman wrote Leaves of Grass in order to _______.

A. show his talent and heroic life to us

B. draw us into a fascinating universe

C. provide insight into his family

D. reflect the great changes in the American literary world

2.If you want to read a story about a magic American Indian, you can read _______.

A. Moby-Dick             B. The Song of Hiawatha

C. Poems                 D. Leaves of Grass

3.Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Because the five books are from a century or so ago, they can’t teach and inspire us.

B. Herman Melville was considered as one of the most inventive poets of the 19th century American literature.

C. The Education of Henry Adams is a non-fiction book.

D. Of the five books, Moby-Dick was published last.

4.Why did the author write the passage?

A. To introduce several best American books to readers.

B. To make an advertisement for a book store.

C. To tell stories of several famous writers.

D. To talk about some knowledge about literature.


A disheveled (头发凌乱的) man appeared in court Thursday on charges of murdering a Chinese woman whose fight with her attacker was seen on webcam(摄像头) by her boyfriend in China. Police refused to release any details about the crime or its possible motive.

The body of York University student Liu Qian, 23, of Beijing, was found Friday in her apartment in Toronto a few hours after her boyfriend witnessed the attack, police said.

She was found undressed from the waist down but there were no obvious signs of sexual attack or trauma (创伤) severe enough to kill her. Police say it may be weeks before the results of an autopsy (尸体解剖) are known.

Brian Dickson, 29, stood before the court in a wrinkled white shirt and blue jeans as a charge of first- degree murder was read out. He did not enter a plea. His case was held over until April 26.

Dickson was arrested Wednesday. Police only announced his name and his age and asked the media not to publish any photos of Dickson, saying it could compromise the investigation. Toronto police spokesman Tony Vella declined to respond to the request further.

Liu’s father, Liu Jianhui, who arrived from China after being informed of his daughter’s death, thanked authorities for their quick action.

“I sincerely thank the people concerned with my daughter’s case,” he told reporters after the arrest. “Our daughter was studying very hard.”

Police released no motive or details about Dickson, but one friend described the Toronto man as an aspiring actor.

Patricia Tomasi, a friend of Dickson’s, told The Associated Press that she acted in a play at a local theater in Toronto with Dickson in 2007.

“He doesn’t seem like the type but that’s what they always say,” Tomasi said. “He’s tall with boyish good looks. I don’t know much about him except that he wanted to be an actor.”

Dickson attended York University where he studied global politics, but did not earn a degree from there.

He later worked for the Atlantic Council of Canada (ACC), where he served as an assistant to the president Juilie Lindhout. According to his biography on a newsletter from the Atlantic Council of Canada, Dickson has also been a running instructor and has been involved with Developments in Literacy, a Pakistani aid organization that raises money for children in Pakistan.

A statement from the Atlantic Council of Canada on Thursday said it was not council policy to comment on staff, but it confirmed that Dickson had been an intern(实习生) with the council from September 29, 2008, until March 27, 2009.

Liu was chatting with her boyfriend, Meng Xianchao, by webcam at about 1 am. Friday when a man knocked on the door, police said.

Meng reported seeing a struggle break out between the two before Liu’s webcam was shut off. Meng contacted other friends in Toronto who in turn called police.

The victim’s father, Liu Jianhui, said his daughter studied at Beijing City University before moving to Canada, where she met Meng.

Liu Qian’s laptop computer, webcam and mobile phone were taken from the apartment the night of the attack, police said. Police said the online chat was on a live streaming camera and was not recorded, though investigators were trying to figure out if there was any way they could recover it.

York University, whose campus is located near one of Toronto’s rougher neighborhoods, is one of Canada’s largest universities with more than 53,000 undergraduate and graduate students. About 3,200 of York’s students come from more than 150 foreign countries, the university’s website says.

1.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A.York University students come from over 150 foreign countries.

B.Dickson was a graduate of York University where he studied global politics.

C.The passage does not mention the reason why Dickson murdered Liu Qian.

D.ACC wouldn’t make any comments on staff even if they committed a crime.

2.The underlined word in paragraph 8 probably means ______.

A.a successful actor

B.a gifted actor

C.a common actor

D.an ambitious actor

3.Why did police ask the media not to publish any photos of Dickson?

A.Worrying about bad influences on the investigation.

B.Not intending to give out any information about Dickson.

C.Not confirming whether Dickson had killed Liu Qian.

D.Wanting to protect their citizen for fear of losing face.

4.What can be inferred from the text?

A.Developments in Literacy raises money for all children

B.Seeing the struggle, Meng contacted Toronto police.

C.Dickson had no bad records before the murder.

D.Investigators could recover the chat record online.


Every evening, 15-year-old Rashida returns home from school, changes out of her uniform, and rushes to a neighboring farm to help her mother harvest vegetables. Her father is disabled, so the modest profit the two of them earn must cover food, clothing and other necessities for all seven children and their parents. Despite having precious little time to study, Rashida is one of the top students at her junior secondary school. But with so much responsibility on her small shoulders, she admits that it is sometimes hard for her to imagine a more promising future.

Last year, Rashida was invited to join 155 other girls at Camfed Ghana’s first Girls’ Career Camp, a program designed to inspire girls growing up in the country’s Northern Region to dream big, and to support them to pursue those dreams. “We organized this camp because we wanted to let girls know that even if they are struggling with poverty, their lives will not be defined by limitations,” says Dolores Dickson, Camfed Ghana’s Executive Director.

Over the course of five days, the camp led the junior and secondary school students through a range of experiences and career opportunities that were entirely new to them.  Dr. Agnes Apusiga, a lecturer from the University of Development Studies, ran the workshop on goal-setting and career choices, describing the universities and training colleges in Ghana that could help them achieve their dreams. Participants then visited the University for Development Studies, where they toured the medical school and science labs. Another highlight was a workshop at the computer lab at Tamale Secondary School. Many of the girls had studied information technology from a book but had never before seen a computer.

“When the girls arrived at camp, they were not ambitious, because they didn’t have any idea what the world held for them,” says Eugenia Ayagiba, Project Officer with Camfed Ghana. “Many had scarcely traveled beyond their own villages.”

“I think the most important thing that happened at the camp is that we opened a window of hope for a group of girls coming from backgrounds of poverty,” says Eugenia. For Rashida, who has been laughed at in the past by her schoolmates because of her father’s disability, the experience was important. “She told one of the camp mentors(辅导员) that when she is at school, she often feels like a misfit, and she prefers to keep to herself,” says Eugenia. “But at the camp, it was different. She made friends with girls who have similar struggles. She took part in every single activity, every single game. On the last day, she said to her mentor, ‘The camp has challenged me to study hard. Now I see that there is light at the end of the tunnel.’

1.How many are there in Rashida’s family?

A.Seven                    B.Eight                      C.Nine                       D.Ten


2.According to the passage, Camfed Ghana’s first Girls’ Career Camp is        

         A.a program to help poor girls to have ambition

         B.a program to help poor girl students to get university education

         C.a program to help poor girls to study hard

         D.a program to help the poor families

3.Why did the camp lead the students to visit universities and training colleges?

         A.To show they are better than their schools

         B.To encourage them to get good education.

         C.To show them what they are like

         D.To get them to touch the advanced equipment there

4.What can we infer from the passage?

         A.Rashida has become friends with her mentors

         B.Rashida’s mentors has encouraged her a lot.

         C.Rashida was sad because of her father’s disability.

         D.Rashida has had her new dream since the camp

5.The best title of the passage is ___________.

         A.Poor Girls in Ghana                                         B.Girls’ Career Camp

         C.Camfed Ghana                                                 D.Students in Ghana Dream Big


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