Xinhua News Agency-The International Conference on Power Engineering (ICOPE) 2013, organized by the Chinese Society of Power Engineering, School of Energy and Power Engineering, China-EU Institute for Clean and Renewable Energy, opened in Wuhan, on Oct 24. More than 300 energy experts, scholars and businessmen from countries and areas including the United States, Japan, the EU, Australia, South Africa, Thailand, Nigeria, Arab and China are attending the three-day academic conference on the world’s energy problems.

Professor Zheng Chuguang, from the School of Energy and Power Engineering at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, gave a speech on the development of oxygen fuel technology in China, and said that settling the problem of cost ranks highest.

George Saxon, vice-president of Conco Systems Inc, US, presented a report on the topic of Energy Engineer to Shape the Future. He said that the company’s research and innovation (创新) are of great significance for the future and already contribute to reducing costs and improving efficiency (效率).

Professor Didier Mayer from the Ecole des Mines de Paris, France, spoke about “Wind Energy R&D Line Based on the Global Renewable Energy Status”, and Professor Yasuo Koizumi of Shinshu University in Japan and Li Chun-Zhu of Curtin University of Technology in Australia also gave speeches at the conference.

The academic meetings are expected to cover topics from various fields. In addition, the participants will discuss the most advanced academic research around the world, the latest progress and development trends in the various fields. The conference has attracted 232 academic papers, with 176 papers from China, and 56 from abroad.

1.Who probably attended the meeting?

A. Students from high schools.                     B. Scholars from Canada.

C. Officials from governments.                            D. Experts from companies.

2. According to Professor Zheng, what matters most about energy problems?

A. Reducing cost.                                               B. Using wind energy.

C. Saving energy.                                                      D. Developing new fuels. 

3.Which of the following statements is true?

A. 300 participants are attending the two-day academic conference.

B. George Saxon supports the company’s research and innovation.

C. Didier Mayer gave a speech on oxygen fuel technology in China.

D. The conference has attracted 232 academic papers from abroad.

4.What is the purpose of the passage?

A. To discuss the world energy problems.

B. To introduce to readers some energy experts.

C. To introduce an international energy conference.

D. To show the world’s great concern about environment.


A Beautiful Mind

    A mathematician who goes mad is not a subject most directors consider commercially attractive, but then Ran Howard isn’t among most directors. Despite an impressive list of credits, A Beautiful Mind is his most successful work to date, combining a psychological drama with a moving love story to produce a film that is as interesting as it is entertaining.

    The Oscar winning Russell Crowe has put himself in line for further honors with his acting John Nash, the Nobel Prize winning mathematician troubled by schizophrenia (精神分裂症). A Beautiful Mind pictures Nash as an unusual hero,not just because of his academic achievements but also because of the courage he displays while battling his illness.

    In 1947, Nash was one of many great young minds at Princeton. “To find a truly original idea is the only way to distinguish myself,” the proud and determined student declared. His exploration of such an idea afforded him little time for the normal socializing. His shyness and straight forward approach brought him few friends.

    After finally hitting on a revolutionary new idea, Nash’s career took off and his reputation as secured. He balanced research work with teaching, which is where he met the bright and beautiful student Alicia (played by Jennifer Connelly). Things in his life were going well when his talent for code breaking brought him to the attention of the military that employed him during the early stage of the cold war with Russia. However, the stress of his work made Nash’s illness develop.

    Crowe’s performance is perfect. He and Connelly ignite (make something exciting) the film’s passionate love story and Connelly’s wonderful performance makes the audience moved by Alicia, whose courage, strength and faith in her husband are the primary reasons for his recovery.

1.This passage is most probably ________.

    A. a book review        B. a movie review       C. a movie poster       D. an advertisement

2.Which can replace the underlined phrase “hitting on” in the fourth paragraph?

    A. coming up with       B. coming on            C. putting on           D. putting up with


3. The following statements are true EXCEPT that _______.

    A. John Nash did not go mad totally

    B. Ran Howard is an outstanding director

    C. the stress of the academic work caused Nash’s illness

    D. Nash’s concentration on his work and his shyness brought him few friends

4. We can infer from the text that _______.

    A. John Nash volunteered to serve in the army in spite of his illness

B. John Nash gave up his career when troubled by schizophrenia

    C. Russell Crowe won another Oscar Award after this movie

    D. without Alicia, John Nash wouldn’t have recovered from his illness


One often hears that children should arrive at school “ready to learn.” For most children, the acquisition of reading and math skills starts in the first grade. In states where kindergarten is compulsory, it begins even earlier.

Many parents, teachers, and politicians maintain that preschool is the best way to prepare children to learn. There is no real consensus, however, about how this preparation should be achieved.

For some, early childhood education relates to the development of the whole child. They think that preschool should encourage exploration and discovery. Group activities teach positive social behaviors such as sharing, kindness, and patience. Time spent alone encourages independence. Learning letters and counting is important only for children who show an interest in them. Advocates of this approach stress that each child is unique and should learn at his or her own pace.

Other people refer to research showing that children are ready to absorb basic academic concepts by age 3 or 4. They claim that early introduction to letters and numbers lays the foundation for later academic excellence. Since the 1980s, many people have stressed the value of preschool and point to the success of programs -such as Head Start - that target low-income children.

Is there proof that an academic curriculum in preschool will lead to academic success? Studies have not been conclusive. In the short term, evidence suggests that middle-class children who attend preschool are ahead of their peers in maths and language skills as well as in social skills, when they enter school. However, the same studies show that the gap narrows considerably by the time children reach age 8.

Children living in poverty are a different matter. Those enrolled in programs such as Head Start seem to do better than impoverished children who do not attend a preschool. For instance, youngsters in one group enrolled in the program, tracked until the age of 21, earned higher scores on intelligence tests, were more likely to graduate from high school, and demonstrated more interest in higher education.

The idea of public preschool raises many issues. Providing Head Start for all children would be a financial burden on communities that already struggle to fund current school programs. Also, where would a sufficient number of teachers trained in early childhood development be found?


 Advocates of the development of the whole child believe school readiness is______ .

A. showing eagerness in exploration and discovery

B. learning basic skills, such as knowing letters and counting

C. showing great interest in basic academic concepts

D. demonstration of intellectual , social and emotional skills


 According to the passage, Head Start is most probably______ .

A. a preschool program that supports disabled children

B. a program that helps impoverished children attend a school

C. an organization that aims to improve current school programs

D. a program that helps design the academic curriculum in preschool


Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Preschool benefits middle-class children more than poor children.

B. Most children start school with similar language and social skills.

C. Providing Head Start for all children has encountered great difficulties.

D. All children are ready to absorb basic academic concepts by age 3 or 4.


Which of the following may best summarize the main idea of the passage?

A. An academic curriculum in preschool will lead to academic success.

B. Preshool is helpful, despite the disagreement about what it should offer.

C. Children enrolled in preschool demonstrate more interest in learning.

D. Preschool education shouldn't be a financial burden on communities.


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