
17.---Did Linda see the traffic accident?
---No,no sooner ________ than it happened.(  )
A.had she goneB.she had goneC.has she goneD.she has gone

分析 -Linda看到了这次交通事故吗?

解答 答案:A 
句型搭配,no sooner…than…一…就…,no sooner位于句首时,句子要部分倒装;句意表达的go动作发生在happened之前,是过去的过去,要用过去完成时态.故选A.

点评 倒装句是英语中的特殊句式.分为完全倒装句和部分倒装句,其中部分倒装句通常又分为:only加状语提前;否定副词位于句首;特殊短语(not only…but also…;neither…nor…等),倒装时,要将句中的系动词,助动词或情态动词题到主语之前.

5."Beauty is only skin deep."This expression means that beauty is only a temporary surface quality.And some beauty products can cause lasting damage that goes far below the surface of the skin.
In the United States,many people use sunlight and non-natural light to darken their skin.Health experts advise against what is called"tanning"because of its links to skin cancer.In the African country of Senegal(塞内加尔),some women take health risks trying to do just the opposite.
An average beauty supply shop in Dakar has many kinds of skin-lightening creams and soaps.The World Health Organization says that 25percent of Senegalese women use skin-lightening products on a usual basis.These products can contain chemicals such as mercury(汞),hydroquinone(对苯二酚),etc.These are dangerous ingredients that can cause cancer and possibly other physical damage to the skin.They can actually burn the eyes and skin.
Shop worker Adama Diagne advises her visitors to avoid the stronger products that promise fast results.She uses a cream that is made from carrots and not the strong chemical,hydroquinone.She says that it is a personal choice and that no one pressures her.Some women want to be black every day,but for her,she likes to be a shade of brown.
Women in Senegal say they lighten their skin for the same reason that women all over the world make changes to their appearance.They say they want to look beautiful,to find a husband,or to stand out in a crowd or simply to look great for a special event.
This thinking troubles Senegalese filmmaker Khardiata Pouye Sall.So,she made"This Color That Bothers Me,"a film about the subject of skin lightening.She said,"I used the most shocking images so that women would see the dangers.It is hard to understand why a woman says that dark skin is not beautiful.It is in their heads.They want to please a man,to be loved.Or they want to please society,to succeed."
Ms.Sall says that the government needs to better control the marketing and sale of skin lightening products.But she adds that education is the best way to persuade people against using them.

32.The underlined parts"the opposite"in Paragraph 2means some Senegalese womenC.
A.use sunlight to darken their skin               
B.try creams to prevent skin cancer.
C.use products to lighten their skin              
D.take health risks to become beautiful
33.According to Adama Diagne,women shouldn't believeD.
A.beauty is just a personal choice               
B.a cream from carrots is healthier
C.it is beautiful to be black every day             
D.a product can make you beautiful quickly
34.We can infer that women in SenegalB.
A.attract attention with shocking images           
B.don't consider dark skin to be beautiful
C.find it hard to understand the true beauty         
D.put beauty in their first place in their heads.
35.What is Sall's attitude towards skin-lightening products?A
12.Things Your Pilot Won't Tell You
You may not be getting the airline you paid for.
You may go to an airline website and buy a ticket,and get onto an airplane that has a similar name painted on it,but half the time,you're really on a regional (地方的) airline.The regionals aren't held to the same safety standards as the majors:their pilots aren't required to have as much training and experience,and the public doesn't know that.
-Captain at a major airline
If you're a nervous flier,book a morning flight.
The heating of the ground later causes bumpier (颠簸的) air,and it's much more likely to thunderstorm in the afternoon.
-Jerry Johnson,pilot,Los Angeles
The smoothest place to sit is often over or near the wing.
The bumpiest place to sit is in the back.If you're in the middle,you don't move as much.
-Patrick Smith,pilot,and author of Cockpit Confidential
Sit in the front if you want fresher air.
The general flow of air in any airplane is from front to back.So if you're really concerned about breathing the freshest possible air or not getting too hot,sit as close to the front as you can.Planes are generally warmest in the back.
-Tech pilot at a regional airline,Texas
You never know where the safest seat is.
There is no safest place to sit.In one accident,the people in the back are dead; in the next,it's the people up front.
-John Nance,aviation safety analyst and retired airline captain,Seattle
I've been struck by lightning twice.
Most pilots have.Airplanes are built to take it.You hear a big boom and see a big flash and that's it.You're not going to fall out of the sky.
-Charlotte,pilot for a regional earner,.North Carolina
People don't understand why they can't use their cell phones.
Well,what can happen is 12 people will decide to call someone just before landing,and I can get a false reading on my instruments saying that we are higher than we ideally are.
-Jim Tilmon,retired American Airlines pilot,Phoenix
56.Jerry Johnson advises nervous fliers toB.
A.sit in the back                          
B.fly in the morning
C.fly with major airlines                   
D.avoid flying in bad weather
57.The best seats for those who need fresh air areA.
A.in the front     B.in the middle      C.in the back  D.near the wing
58.Passengers'use of cellphones before landing is likely toD
A.increase the risk of being struck by lightning
B.make it difficult for pilots to control the plane
C.cause the instruments of the plane to break down
D.affect pilots'judgment about the height of the plane.

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