1、Where does the conversation most likely take place?
A.At a gas station.
B.At a bus station.
C.In a car.
2、Why does the car seem to be pulling to the right?
A.Because the car is out of gas.
B.Because the street is very bad.
C.Because a tire of血e car needs a little air.
3、What will they do when they find something wrong?
A.Go back to a repair factory.
B.Co to a gas station.
C.Go home as soon as possible.
4、What are they probably doing?
A.They are traveling on board.
B.They are having a chess lesson.
C.They are discussing how to improve their chess skills.
5、How long will they get to New York?
A.An hour or so.
B.About a day.
C.About several minutes.
6、What do we know from the dialogue?
A.The man is very good at chess.
B.The woman is very good at chess.
C.Neither the man nor出e woman is very good at chess.
7、How long has the man stayed in the hotel by now?
A.As long as fifteen minutes.
B.Less than a quarter.
C.Less than ten minutes
8、Why does the man complain to the receptionist?
A.Something wrong with his room.
B.Something wrong with the door of his bathroom.
C.Something wrong with the water supply in his bathroom.
9、What does the hotel most want to get at present according to the conversation?
A.Lots of labor force.
B.Many visitors and guests.
C.Money to hire more workers.
10、What are they talking about?
A.City life and country life.
B.How to enjoy life in the countryside
C.Where to spend the rest of their lives.
11、What will the woman do when she wants something to read?
A.She will go downtown to buy some from bookshops.
B.She will go to a local library to borrow some.
C.She will wait for a mobile library to call
12、 What can we learn from the conversation?
A.Paris is not a good place to live in.
B.Pollution is very serious in Paris.
C.The weather is bad in Paris.
13、What is of the first consideration in learning a language?
14、How can a language learner reduce the number of his mistakes?
A.By asking the native speakers for explanations
B.By doing as much written work as possible
C.By observing the differences between the target language and his mother tongue.
15.What can we conclude from the example of a Spanish learner of English?
A.A native Spanish speaker makes mistakes in English.
B.Both“I do it”and“I’ll do it”are correct.
C.One says“I do it”when he is very willing to do something
C;C;B;A;A;C;B;A;A;A;C;A;C;C;A;Women’s exercise;Seven-week;swimming;Twice a week;16th-18th |