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Pierre Loisel was used to work in a government 1. ____________
office. One day he and his wife received a invitation 2. ____________
to a ball at the palace. Mathilde spent 400 francs to 3. ____________
a new dress but had no more money for jewelry. 4. ____________
She borrowed a beautiful necklace had a big stone 5. ____________
in the centre from Jeanne. The couple have a good 6. ____________
time at the palace. But after the ball, the necklace
was losing. They had to buy a new one for Jeanne. 7. ____________
In order to pay for the debts, the couple had to work 8. ____________
hard day or night. But only after Jeanne told her 9. ____________
the truth, did Mathilde know the necklace only worth 10. ____________
500 francs at most.
1. È¥µôwas 2. a¸Äan 3. to¸Äon 4. ¡Ì
5. had¸Äwith»ò¼Óthat/which 6. have¸Ähad 7. losing¸Älost
8. for¸Äoff 9. or¸Ä and 10. onlyÇ°¼Ówas