

Tips on How to Think Positive


Your thoughts that consist of mental images and self talk are on automatic mode (状态). When you see, hear, smell or touch something, your mind comes out with its mental representation. You will then find yourself feeling something. To develop positive thinking, become aware of your feelings by checking them from time to time. Ask yourself what you were thinking and what caused the thought. Take note of what you were saying to yourself.


How often do you say things such as “It happens every time” when something doesn’t turn out right? What do you say to yourself when you have made a mistake? Do you say things like, “Stupid of me. Here I go again?” Another tip on how to think positive is to catch yourself saying all these negative things. Demand your inner self to stop. You can say something such as, “Stop it. I am much better than that. The next time I will …”


Your beliefs shape your thoughts. If you believe you can’t do something or if you have conditioned your mind to see unpleasantness in people or situations, you will see and experience them in your life. You can change your limiting and negative beliefs by challenging and questioning them. You can also do so by re-framing things or changing your view.


Your thoughts determine what you focus on. You can force yourself to see and focus on thepositive side of things, people and yourself. Develop an attitude of seeing things in a new or different perspective. Instead of thinking and seeing what doesn’t work, look at what works. Rather than seeing something as a problem or difficulty, consider it as an opportunity. Once you see things differently, you will think in a different manner.


Get out in the open and get physically active. Make it a habit to exercise daily. Exercise affects your attitude about life. It is one of the ways to prevent or reduce stress and anxiety and maintain mental health. Practice healthy eating so that you can maintain your weight, prevent sickness and reduce the risk of major health problems. Read and listen to motivational and self-help books or recordings. Spending too much time sitting at home watching television and filling your mind with bad news and reality shows won’t help expand your thinking.









【1】D 根据下文提到Your thoughts that consist of mental images and self talk are on automatic mode你的想法包括心理图像和自我交流都是自动的模式,故选D意识到你自己的想法。

【2】F 根据下方提到Another tip on how to think positive is to catch yourself saying all these negative things.另外一条积极思考的建议是发现自己所说的负面的事情,故选F用消极的自我交流来代替乐观的想法。

【3】A 根据下方提到You can change your limiting and negative beliefs by challenging and questioning them.你可能改变你的这些负面的想法通过挑战和提问,故选A改变自己的理念;

【4】E 根据下方提到Your thoughts determine what you focus on你的想法决定你的所关注的,故选E转移你的注意力在。

【5】C 根据下方提到Get out in the open and get physically active. Make it a habit to exercise daily. Exercise affects your attitude about life直到户外进行身体锻炼,养成锻炼的习惯,可以影响你对生活的态度,故选C过健康的生活方式。


【题目】Beavers(河狸) are a very unique species in the world of nature and wildlife——they are architects. Their dams are fine examples of engineering.

A pair of beavers will build a dam, using branches, mud and stones, across a river. The water held back by the dam flows over the bank on either side of the river, flooding the nearby ground and forming a pond. At some point in the pond the beavers then build their home, which is called a lodge. This consists of a cone-shaped(锥状的) pipe of branches and sticks of two to six feet in length held together with mud and stones, the top of which projects above the waterline. It serves as a shelter from the bad weather, a safety from enemies and a base for food supplies to be drawn upon in winter.

From an engineering point of view the lodge could hardly be improved. Not only does it contain a central room just above water level, which is accessible only through underwater tunnels, but it also has walls, one or more escape tunnels and an air hole at the top, which controls the temperature inside and gives air-conditioning. It is altogether a clever piece of construction, with all modern conveniences. It is, in fact, better protected against the effects of flooding than many human houses.

Trees are essential to beavers. They eat the bark on the upper branches. But they must first fell the trees, using their four front teeth. With these sharp tools, it takes only a few minutes to cut down a tree.

The engineering skill of beavers is to a large extent a result of their ability to use their front paws as hands. A female will carry her young held under her chin(下巴) with her front paws, walking on her hind legs. A similar method is used by all beavers when transporting stones or mud, although they also carry such materials on their broad flat trails. The fore-paws are also used for digging and for dragging heavier pieces of wood.

【1】Which of the following pictures best illustrates the beavers lodge?

A. B.

C. D.

【2】Which of the following sentences is Not the reason why trees are important to beavers?

A. They live on the barks on the upper branches of trees.

B. They use trees branches to build dams.

C. They build their lodge with the branches.

D. They us branches to transport mud and stones.

【3】The underlined word fell in Paragraph 4 probably means ________.

A. move awayB. cut downC. cut upD. move about

【4】This text is mainly about ________.

A. the beavers lodge

B. the beavers engineering skills

C. the beavers dam

D. the beavers intelligence

“The car of tomorrow” runs one of the most famous businesses in advertising. People used to believe that science would promise a future of endless spare time and very cheap electricity. Nowadays the scientists' predictions are a great deal less optimistic: a world challenged by climate change and decreasing resources.

In fact, “the car of the future” is just a symbol of hope. Carbon emis-Investment in new technology to maximize efficiency (效率) and minimize environmental damage is not only cleaning up the automobile producers' act but is also setting an example to other industries.
It's said that most cars of today run at about 15 per cent efficiency, which does highlight the potential (突显潜力) for improvement. Get it right, and we could continue to enjoy the freedom that comes with owning a car, without the worries.
Of course, many advances have already been made. There's evidence that the buying public is eager to switch to cleaner, greener cars. And with petrol prices increasing there is no doubt that economical, efficient engines are going to be in ever greater demand.
The good news is that we can all drive “the car of tomorrow” today, without having to worry about the purchase cost. By choosing our holiday hire cars wisely we can cut down on our fuel costs and experience an eco-friendly drive whether or not we have already made the commitment back home. What's more, we are caring for the beautiful places we love to holiday in. Hire a green car and you make a difference to the environment.
Designers will always enjoy catching our imagination with “concept cars” that look more like miniature spaceships than anything you see on the highway. Whether vehicles as radical (激进的) as these creations will eventually become family cars remains to be seen. But, for the moment, there's no doubt at all what “the car of tomorrow” will be, and it's here today: something familiar and friendly that does its job with considerably less trouble and much greater efficiency than the car of yesterday.
(1)From the text the author wants to .
A.make a comparison
B.introduce a new kind of car
C.make an advertisement
D.change an old concept
(2)One current worry about developing the car industry is that .
A.it provides less money
B.it's not environmentally friendly
C.the competition is very fierce
D.the economic situation affects it a lot
(3)It can be inferred from the fourth paragraph that .
A.fewer cars will be produced in the future
B.cleaner and greener cars are more expensive
C.cleaner and greener cars are in great need
D.no measures have been taken to improve car efficiency
(4)What can we learn about “concept cars”?
A.It is doubtful that they will become family cars.
B.They're considered as a result of imagination.
C.They're of high efficiency and make less pollution.
D.They look like traditional cars on the highway.

【题目】 If you're dreaming of a white Christmas, don't go to Key West.

As winter spreads over the northern United States, Key West, Florida, with its tropical (热

带的) weather, white sand beaches, and lively nightlife, is a popular escape.

Conch Republic

A conch is a type of sea shell that has become a symbol of the Florida Keys. On April 23, 1982, part joke and part objection, the Florida Keys declared their "independence". They surrendered (投降) after one minute. Although they were never independent, residents (居民) of the Florida Keys celebrate their "independence day" every April 23rd.

Ernest Hemingway House

Key West's most famous resident was the brilliant but troubled writer Ernest Hemingway. Ernest and his wife, Pauline, lived in a house in Key West from 1931 t0 1939. In this house, Hemingway wrote some of his most famous stories, including "The Snows of Kilimanjaro" and "To Have and Have Not. "

Southernmost Point

A short walk from the Ernest Hemingway house is the most photographed site in Key West. It is a marker showing the southernmost point in the United States. Tourists wait in long lines to take pictures in front of the monument. It reads "90 miles to Cuba. " The Southern most Point reminds Americans that Cuba is so close, but so far away. There have been no direct transport connections between Key West and Cuba since the 1950s.

【1】 What's the purpose of people going to Key West?

A. To take a walk around the Hemingway house.

B. To enjoy a white Christmas with lively nightlife.

C. To get away from cold winters in northern US.

D. To collect a certain type of seashell named conch.

2Residents of the Florida Keys celebrate their "independence day" __

A. when they set up their own republic

B. in memory of a special event in their history

C. because they gained independence on the day

D. to play a joke on the US government

3What does the author mean by describing Cuba as "far away" in the last paragraph?

A. Cuba is 90 miles south to the US.

B. Cuba marks the southernmost point.

C. People from US couldn't reach Cuba directly.

D. People can't take photos of Cuba up close.

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