
Having searched for many years, a truth seeker was told to go to a cave, where he would find a well. “Ask the well what is    , ” he was advised, “and the well will reveal (揭露) it to you.” After finding the well, the seeker asked that most basic and important   . And from the depths came the answer: “Go to the village crossroads, and there you shall find what you are seeking.”

With his heart full of   , the man ran to the crossroads only to    three rather uninteresting shops. One shop was selling pieces of metal, another sold   , and thin wires were for sale in the third. Nothing and no one there seemed to    much to do with the revelation of truth.

Depressed and   , the seeker returned to the well to demand an    , but he was told only: “You will discover in the future.” With years     by, the memory of his experience at the well gradually    until one night. While he was walking, the sound of sitar (西塔琴) music   his attention. It was wonderful and it was played with great skill and   .

   and moved deeply, the truth seeker felt drawn towards the   . He looked at the fingers dancing over the strings. And then suddenly he let out a cry of joyful   : the sitar was made out of wires and pieces of metal and wood just like    he had once seen in the three stores.

Eventually he understood the   of the well: we have already been given everything we need; our    is to gather and use them in the proper way. Nothing is   so long as we recognize only fragments (碎片). But as soon as the pieces are put together, something new appears, whose nature we could not have     by considering the fragments alone.

1.A. life     B. dream   C. truth     D. success

2.A. cause          B. reason          C. problem                D. question

3.A. energy       B. hope     C. happiness             D. strength

4.A. find    B. observe         C. understand      D. feel

5.A. instruments        B. clothing         C. furniture                D. wood

6.A. have  B. link        C. connect         D. relate

7.A. surprised          B. shocked         C. disappointed      D. excited

8.A. excuse       B. explanation      C. advice              D. opportunity

9.A. gone  B. passed          C. pass       D. going

10.A. doubled   B. forgot   C. disappeared       D. recovered

11.A. paid B. caught          C. focused D. fixed

12.A. inspiration        B. courage         C. thought  D. wisdom

13.A. Annoyed B. Affected         C. Confused          D. Frightened

14.A. composer        B. director          C. adviser  D. player

15.A. imagination      B. appreciation      C. recognition         D.admiration

16.A. those        B. one       C. it   D. that

17.A. theory      B. message         C. secret   D. note

18.A. project                 B. difficulty           C. task                           D. shortcoming

19.A. available         B. successful          C. accessible               D.meaningful

20.A. foreseen        B. witnessed          C. judged                     D. formed


























1.C考查名词的含义。句意为:在寻求了多年之后,一位真理的寻求者被告诉,到山洞里去,在那儿有一口井,问那口井真理是什么,它就会向你揭露真理是什么。life n生活; dream n 梦,梦想;truth n 真理,真相;success n 成功。由上文可知,是真理的寻求者,故这里应为真理。答案为C。

2.D 考查名词词义。 句意为:在找到了那口井之后,那位寻求者问了一个最基本也是最重要的

问题。从井的深传来了答案,到十字路口的村庄去,在那里你会找到正在寻求的东西。cause n原因,事

业; reason n 原因;problem n难题,引起麻烦的人或事。 question n问题,疑问。这里应该是他最大的


3.B 考查名词的词义。句意为:井里传出声音让他到十字路口的村庄去,那里会告诉他答案,所以此处应该为他满怀希望地跑到那个地方,与下文的失望形成对比,故答案应为B。energy n 精力;hope n希望; happiness n高兴,幸福;strength n 力气,力量。故答案应为B。

4.A 考查动词的意思。句意为:他满怀希望的跑到了十字路口去吃惊的发现只有三个很无趣的商店。only to do 表示另人吃惊的结果。所以应是吃惊的发现---。故答案应为A。find vt v 发现;observe vt观察; understand vt理解; feel vt感觉,感受。故答案应为A。

5.D 考查名词词义。句意为:第一家商店里是在买一些金属,第三家商店在买一些细绳,从后面的15,16两个小题可知第二家商店是在买一些木头,故答案应为D。instrument n 仪器,工具;clothing n 服装;furniture n家具;wood n木头。故答案为D。

6.A考查动词的词义。句意为:似乎没有人和东西与真相的揭露有很大的关系。have much to do with固定短语的意思是与---有很大关系。link vt 连接,结合;connect vt 连结,联合;relate vt与---相关,都不和后面的to do with相连用。故答案为A。

7.C 考查形容词的词义。句意为:因为他只发现了三个与真相毫无相关的商店,所以此处应为沮丧失望地回到了---。故答案应为C。surprised adj令人吃惊的; shocked adj震惊的; disappointed adj令人失望的;excited adj令人激动的。故答案为C。

8.B 考查名词的意思。句意为:沮丧失望,他回到了井边要求得到一个解释,但是他被告诉将来

他会发现的。excuse n 托辞,借口;explanation n解释;advice n 意见;opportunity n机会。故答案为B。

9.D 考查动词的词义。句意为:随着几年的时间过去了,with +n/pron+非谓语动词,with复合结



10.C 考查动词的词义。句意为:随着几年时间的过去,他在井边的经历的记忆慢慢的消失了,记忆不是被忘记了,而是记忆消失,所以答案为C。doubled vt 两倍,加倍;forgot vt忘记; disappeared vt消失; recovered vt恢复。故答案应为C。

11.B 考查动词的词义。句意为:直到一天晚上,他在散步时,一首西塔琴弹奏的音乐吸引了他的注意力。paid vt 把注意力放在---;caught vt 原意为抓住了他的注意力,即吸引了他的注意力;focused vt 聚焦,注视;fixed vt固定,注视。故答案为B。

12.A 考查名词词义。句意为:这首曲子太美妙了,他是用很娴熟的技术和灵感去弹奏的。音乐


N灵感,鼓舞;courage n勇气;thought n 思想,想法;wisdom n智慧。故答案应为A。

13.B考查形容词词义。annoyed adj恼怒的,烦闷的; affected adj受感动斩; confused adj困惑的,糊涂的; frightened adj害怕的,受惊的。与moved被打动的相一致的应为affected.故答案应为B句意为:他被深深的感动了。

【小题 14】D 考查名词的词义。句意为:他被深深的感动了,就朝着那个弹奏者走了过去。因此此处应是朝弹琴的人走了过去。故答案应为D。composer n 作曲者,创作者;director n指挥者,导演;adviser n顾问,劝告者;player n演奏者,表演者。

14.C 考查名词的词义。句意为:这时,他大声的喊了出来,他很高兴的认出了眼前的东西,与下一句。西塔琴出自于----。imagination n想象,设想;appreciation n感激,感谢;recognition n认识,认出;admiration n钦佩,赞赏。这里是说他认出了西塔琴所用的材料正是来自于商店里的东西。故答案应为C。

15.A 考查代词的用法。句意为:他认出来了,西塔琴出自于他在商店里看到的那些诸如细线,

木头,金属之类的东西。those 是指他在商店里看到的那些东西。one ,it , that均为单数形式上面提到的是


16.B 考查名词词义。上文井里发出的声音是“将来你会发现的”,这应该是从井里发出的消息,

启示。theory n 理论;message n消息,启示;secret n秘密;note n笔记,票据。故答案应为B。

17.C 考查名词的意思。句意为我们已经有了我们所需要的东西,我们的任务就是把他们用合适

的方法组合起来去用他们。project n工程,项目;difficulty n困难;task n 任务;shortcoming n缺点。故答



意思是说零碎的东西没有太大意义,但组合在一起就不一样了。available adj 有效的,可利用的(碎片

有用只是不大,所以这个不合适)successful adj成功的; accessible adj 可接近的;meaningful adj有意义


19.A 考查动词的词义。句意为:组合起来的这些东西,他们的属性我们是不能通过单独的碎片去预见的。意思是说,我们预见不到他们的意义,如果仅靠单独的碎片。故答案应为A。foreseen vt 预见,预知;witnessed vt目睹;judged vt判断;formed vt组成。




Bali Beach Resort has plenty of attractions. It is a holiday paradise(乐园). The self-styled ‘Ultimate Island’ certainly has plenty for everyone.
Where in the world ?
Bali is located just off the eastern edge of the main Indonesian island of Java. To the east is the neighboring island of Lombok. To the south of Bali lies the expanse of the Indian Ocean, while to the north is the Bali Sea. The most popular resort with holidaymakers is Ubud north of Sanur.
When to go?
Bali has a tropical climate year round with an average daily temperature of 31℃(87℃F). The wet season is between October and April. The dry season is between May and September, and is the busiest time to visit the island as travelers take advantage of the long hot days and little rain.
Bali has a string of beaches, mainly in the south of the island. Head away from Bali’s beaches and a totally different world awaits you. Ubud is an easily accessible (接近的)jungle resort town with a good range of hotels, shops and restaurants. The active volcano of Mount Batur is a highlight and so are the mountain lakes.
Family fun
All of the resorts have plenty of facilities (设施)for families. In Ubud there is a monkey park, where young ones can see monkeys that are not kept in tiny cages and an elephant park where holidaymakers can ride an elephant.
Eating out
All of Bali’s holiday resorts offer international cooking to suit every tourist’s taste, with most of the better hotels having excellent restaurants. Indonesian Bintang beer is very popular.
Getting around
There are a limited number of local buses. The other public transport is to take the local “bemo” minibuses. These colourful little minibuses speed around the winding roads with fares negotiated (商议)on board, so it helps to speak a little of the local language. There are also taxis and both electric bikes and cars can be hired.
【小题1】From the passage we learn that Bali is __________.

A.on the east of the Lombok Island
B.to the west of the Lombok Island
C.off the north of Bali Sea
D.surrounded by the Indian Ocean
【小题2】The least busy time to visit Bali is probably in _________.
A.January and FebruaryB.April and May
C.June and JulyD.September and October
【小题3】_________ to get around Bali Beach Resort.
A.It is very convenient for visitors to take a local bus
B.You don’t need to pay money to take a “bemo” minibus
C.You have to learn to speak the local language
D.You may take an electric bike

If you want to live longer and lower the risk of heart disease, a move to the mountains may help. Research by scientists in Greece shows that living in the mountains is good for the heart and longevity. People living at higher altitude have lower possibility of dying from heart disease than those closer to sea level, even if they have factors that could increase their risk."Residence in mountainous areas seems to have a 'protective effect' from heart disease," said Dr Nikos Baibas of the University of Athens.He and his colleagues suspect that the increased exercise from walking up mountainous area gives the heart a good workout and enables it to cope with lower levels of oxygen.
Researchers studied the health records and death rates of 1,150 Greeks who lived in three villages near Athens over 15 years.One village was 1,000 metres above sea level and the other two were in low-lying areas.Although men and women living in the mountainous village had higher blood pressure rates and other risk factors than people in the other villages, they had a lower rate of death from heart disease and other causes after a fifteen year follow-up."The contrast was more evident among men than among women," Baibas added in a report in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.Heart disease is one of the world's top killers.Smoking, high blood pressure, raised cholesterol levels, being overweight or obese and a family history of the illness increase the odds of developing the disease.
68.The first sentence in the passage is used to __________.
A.tell readers what the passage focuses on      
B.give a very good guessing
C.warn people of the risk of heart disease      
D.name a new unknown illness
69.According to the passage, a person _________ may have less possibility of having heart attack.
A.with more money                        B.with a better living habit
C.from higher altitude                     D.in a happier mood
70.How long does the research of the Greeks last?
A.At most 10 years.                          B.About 15 years.
C.More than 20 years.                      D.Not mentioned.
71.Apart from altitude, how many factors raise the chance of developing heart disease?
A.three                B.Four                  C.Five                 D.Six

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