
The very first capsule hotel to be opened in Shanghai has attracted many budget travelers with its prices, even though it is not fully operational yet.

The hotel consists of 68 "capsules", each 1.1-meters high, 1.1-meters wide and 2.2-meters long. The basic rate is 28 Yuan ($4.22) per person, plus an additional 4 Yuan an hour. The hotel also offers a package of 68 Yuan for 10 hours and 88 Yuan for 24 hours.

All of the capsules are imported from Japan where capsule hotels originated,and each is equipped with independent sockets, clocks, lights, TV and wireless Internet service. The hotel also has a public lavatory(洗手间),shower room, smoking room and shared guest room.

"This is a huge bargain compared with other budget hotels in Shanghai," said Ta Zan, the owner of the hotel. Ta used to stay at capsule hotels in Tokyo during his undergraduate years and worked at a capsule hotel while he was doing his MBA in Japan in 2005, so he knows how they work and how to make guests feel comfortable.

He based the hotel on capsule hotels in Japan but he has made some special changes based on Chinese guests' habits. "In Japan capsule hotels are usually equipped with bathtubs, but in China people are more willing to take a shower, so we have the shower room," he said. He has also separated the capsules into three snoring (打鼾的) zones so that guests who often snore won't disturb others. Like most of capsule hotels in Japan, the one in Shanghai is for men only.

But the idea of staying in such a compact space is not appealing to everyone. "I feel the idea is like putting a person in a coffin (棺材), and the price is also not that appealing. A bed at a youth hostel in Shanghai costs about 60 Yuan per night," said Wang Lei, a student from Beijing.

1.The first capsule hotels in the world appeared in        .

A. Shanghai           B. Japan               C. Beijing          D. America

2.If you stay in the capsule hotel in Shanghai for 8 hours, you will have to pay       yuan.

A. 28                            B. 60                  C.68                D.88

3.What does the underlined word "compact" mean?

A. Dear                   B. Cheap.                    C. Close.            D. Clean.

4.The capsule hotel in Shanghai differs from those in Japan in that           .

A. it serves men as well as women

B. its capsule is much larger

C. it has a shower room

D. it has no snoring zones

5.We can know from the passage that            .

A. everybody considers the capsule hotel a nice place to stay

B. all the capsules of the hotel were made in China

C. each capsule of the hotel has a private lavatory

D. no guest has ever stayed in the capsule hotel in Shanghai











1.B 细节理解题。从文中All of the capsules are imported from Japan where capsule hotels originated可知胶囊旅馆是从日本兴起的。所以B选项正确。

2.B 数字换算题。从第二段The basic rate is 28 Yuan ($4.22) per person, plus an additional 4 Yuan an hour.可知基础价格28+4*8=60元。B选项正确。

3.C 词义猜测题。从旅馆的大小The hotel consists of 68 "capsules", each 1.1-meters high, 1.1-meters wide and 2.2-meters long. 和人们的看法"I feel the idea is like putting a person in a coffin 。。可知旅馆空间狭窄有限,所以C选项正确。

4.C细节理解题。从文章倒数第二段 In Japan capsule hotels are usually equipped with bathtubs, but in China people are more willing to take a shower, so we have the shower room,"可知上海的胶囊旅馆和日本的胶囊旅馆区别是装有淋浴,故C选项正确。。

5.D 细节理解题。从第一段The very first capsule hotel to be opened …even though it is not fully operational yet.可知旅馆还没营业,所以是没有过客人的,所以D选项正确。




Zhao Wenxuan,a film star from Taiwan,has been fond of seeing films since his childhood. He would sometimes go to the cinema for the same film four or five times. He also enjoys literature and art. Before he took the film acting as his career,he had worked in an airline in Taipei, the capital of Taiwan Province. His change of job to acting was quite by chance.
One day,he came across in the paper an advertisement for a leading actor to appear in the film named “Wedding Feast.” Full of excitement,he answered the job ad by telephoning the director of the film — Mr. Li An. It was this telephone call that had changed all his life. At last the director decided him to be the very person for the role. That he could be chosen owed much to his good command of English,natural manners and low pay for his work in the film.
The film “Wedding Feast” proved to be a hit. It won the German Golden Bear Award and entered the competition for one of the Oscar Academy Awards. Also, it was the first Taiwan film that was permitted to be shown in the U. S. Thanks to the film,Zhao Wenxuan became popular in Taiwan, Hong Kong and southeast Asia.
In 1994,Mr. Zhao acted as a leading role in the Hong Kong film,“Red Rose and White Rose”,in which many film stars like Ms Chen Chong from U. S. and Ms Ye Yuqing from the local area participated. This film was named for 10 prizes of the Taiwan Golden Horse Prize and at last it was awarded five prizes for the best play,actress and music. Zhao has regarded the film as one of his favorite films since he stepped into the acting circle.
Since 1993,Mr. Zhao has taken part in the shootings of 13 films, most of which are thought highly of.
Mr. Zhao said the that Taiwan should think to cooperate much with the mainland in the film producing industry and it would benefit each other. In recent years he often came to the mainland for film shooting. He has just completed his performance in the film “Love Affairs” directed by Mr. LiXin,a director from Shanghai Film Studio.
【小题1】Why could Zhao Wenxuan play the leading role in the movie “Wedding Feast”?

A.Because he liked to see films very much.
B.Because he was a famous actor at that time.
C.Because he could speak English very well,acted naturally and gave no thought to the pay for his work in the movie.
D.Because the director of the movie knew him very well.
【小题2】The text suggests that _____.
A.“Wedding Feast” is just an ordinary film
B.the film “Wedding Feast” disappointed people greatly
C.Zhao Wenxuan became a famous movie star because of the film “Wedding Feast”
D.A lot of the Taiwan films are shown in the U. S. every year
【小题3】Which of the following is the right order for Mr. Zhao Wenxuan‘s experience?
a. He joined in the film “Red Rose and White Rose” in Hong Kong.
b. He worked in an airline in Taipei.
c. He suggested Taiwan and the mainland should film more together.
d. When he was a boy,he often went to the cinema.
e. He has just finished the film “Love Affairs” in Shanghai.
f. He acted an important role in the film “Wedding Feast”.
【小题4】From the text it can be inferred that _____.
A.one’s success is frequently (often) closely connected with a favorable chance
B.it is never too late to learn
C.know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of
D.there is no limit to knowledge

__【小题1】__ This was not because the woods and fields were always far away, but because they were too far from the city to permit people to make a day trip between morning and nightfall.
___【小题2】___ He decided to turn his little school house into a dormitory for the summer holidays. Anyone who brought his sleeping bag and cooking equipment along could stay there for a very small quantity of money. The idea was a success. A few years later, the school house was much too small to hold the many young people who wanted to stay there. ___【小题3】___ This was the first hostel (青年招待所).
Today, young students and workers of every country can meet in the hostel and get to know each other. When young people arrive at the hostel, they have only to show their cards of membership in a hostel organization in their own country. ___【小题4】___
Often, at the evening meal, a group of boys and girls from various parts of the country or world will happen to meet at the same hostel. They may put their food together and prepare a dinner with many kinds of dishes. Sometimes a program will be organized after the meal with dances, songs, or short talks followed by a question period.___【小题5】___  For this reason, a few weeks spent ‘hostelling’ can be just as useful a part of one’s education as classes in school.

A.In 1970, a young German school master had an idea which changed this situation.
B.People can stay in the hostel if they brought enough equipment with them.
C.One can learn a lot about other places, just by meeting people from those places.
D.As a result, a dormitory was set up in an old castle nearby.
E. For years, children in the industrial areas of Europe seldom left their cities to see the beauties of the countryside.
F. More and more young people went to the hostel for summer holidays.
G. This card will permit them to stay in a hostel all over the world for very low prices.

The oldest stone buildings in the world are the pyramids. _1._. There are over eighty of them scattered(分散,撒布) along the banks of the Nile, some of which are different in shape from the true pyramids. The most famous of these are the “step” pyramid and “ Bent ”pyramid.

Some of the pyramids still look much the same as they must have done when they were built thousands of years ago. Most of the damage suffered by the others has been at the hands of men who were looking for treasure or, more often, for stone to use in modern buildings.__ 2.__. These are good reasons why they can still be seen today, but perhaps the most important is that they were planned to last forever. __3._. However, there are no writings or pictures to show us how the Egyptians planned or built the pyramids themselves. _4._. Nevertheless(然而), by examining the actual pyramids and various tools which have been found, archaeologists have formed a fairly clear picture of them.

One thing is certain: there must have been months of careful planning before they could begin to build. __5.__. You may think this would have been easy with miles and miles of empty desert around, but a pyramid could not be built just anywhere. Certain rules had to be followed, and certain problems had to be overcome.

       A.The dry climate of Egypt has helped to preserve(保护) the pyramids, and their very shape have made them less likely to fall into ruin.

       B.It is practically certain that plans were made for the building of the

pyramids because the plans of other large works have fortunately been preserved.

       C.The first thing they had to do was to choose a suitable place.

       D.Consequently, we are only able to guess at the methods used.

       E.Many people were killed while building the pyramids.

       F.They have stood for nearly 5,000 years, and it seems likely that they will

continue to stand for thousands of years yet.

       G.It takes workers twenty years to build the Pyramids.


“The Lord of the Rings”, one of the best sellers in the new millennium(千年), was made up of three parts—“The Fellow Ship of the Ring”, “Two Towers”, and “The Return of the King”. Millions upon millions of people have read it in over 25 different languages, but fewer know about the author and the history of the composition of the creative masterwork.

    John Ronald Refuel Tolkien was born in South Africa in 1892. His parents died when he was a child. Living in England with his aunt, Tolkien and his cousins made up play languages, a hobby that led to Tolkien’s becoming skilled in Welsh, Greek, Gothic, Old Norse and Anglo—Saxon.

    After graduating from Oxford, Tolkien served in World War I. In 1917, while recovering from trench fever he began composing the mythology for The Rings. As a professor of Anglo-Saxon in the 1930s at Oxford, Tolkien was part of an informal discussion group called the Inklings, which included several writers. The group was soon 1istening to chapters of Tolkien’s imaginative work “The Hobbit”.

    Hobbit was a name Tolkien created for people that could best be described as half-sized members of the English rural(乡村的)class. Hobbits live in hillside holes. One of them,Bilbo Baggins, looks for treasures with a group of dwarves(侏儒). On the way, he meets the twisted, pitiful creature Gollum, from whom he sees a golden ring that makes the holder invisible.

    One of Tolkien’s students persuaded her employer, publisher Allen & Unwind, to look at a draft (草稿). The chairman of the firm, Stanley Unwind, thought that the best judge for a Children’s book would be his ten-year-old son. The boy earned a shilling for reporting back that the adventure was exciting, and “The Hobbit” was published in 1937.

    It sold so well that Unwind asked for a continuation. Over a dozen years later, in 1954, Tolkien produced “The Lord of the Rings”, a series of books so creative that they hold readers both new and old -- after their publication.

1.What can we learn from the text?

A. “The Lord of the Rings” didn't sell well in the last millennium.

B. People know better about Tolkien himself than about his works.

C. Tolkien was quite familiar with Old English.

D. Tolkien knew very well about different kinds of local languages in Africa.

2.What can we learn about "Hobbit" that Tolkien created in his works?

    A. Hobbit was a race living in English downtown areas.

    B. Hobbit was a local people who were very tall and strong.

    C. Hobbit was a social group of people who lived in old castles.

    D. Hobbit was a group of people who were mostly dwarves.

3. Which of the following helped most in making “The Hobbit” published?

    A. One of Tolkien's students.           B. Stanley Unwind's son.

    C. Allen & Unwind.                  D. Bilbo Baggins.

4.What is mainly discussed in the text?

    A. “The Lord of the Rings” and its writer.

    B. A completely new masterwork in the new millennium.

    C. A famous professor at Oxford University.

    D. The power of the magic ring.

5. Which of the following shows the right order of Mr. Tolkien's life experience?

    a. He had his “The Hobbit” published.

    b. He became a member of the Inklings.

    c. He served in World War I.

    d. He became an undergraduate at Oxford.

    e. His work “The Lord of the Rings” came to the world.

    f. He moved to England to live with his aunt.

    A. f-d-b-c-a-e                     B. f-d-c-b-a-e

C. f-c-d-b-e-a                         D.d-f-c-a-b-e


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