

Nowadaysthe ice bucket challenge is among the1(hot)news of a11It is an activity2(hold)by an American charity organizationIt not only helps the sick people to get the money to heal their diseasebut also makes moie and more people aware3the diseaseso that they can give more care to the patients,

Ice bucket challenge is like the epidemic(流行病)4becomes popular around the world very 5(quick)The starter holds the activity6(hope)people can experience the ALS patients’painIn the activitypeople need to pour the ice water down from their headsand then propose another three peopleThey can either choose to accept the challenge7donate 100 dollarsor do the both

The ALS makes people’s muscles become hardIt is hard for the patients to moveStephen Hocking is one of the8(suffer)Ice bucket challenge is9great successUntil nowa big donation10(receive)











10has been received

【解析】文章介绍了一种帮助病人的慈善活动Ice bucket challenge的开始、目的、发展及影响。


考查形容词最高级根据句中amongof all可知范围,此处由the限制用形容词最高级,表示所有新闻中最热的,故填hottest。


考查过去分词。句中activity和动词hold是被动关系,用过去分词表被动,by an American charity organization也给了提示,故填held。


考查固定搭配aware of“意识到,知道”,是固定搭配,此处指使越来越多的人意识到疾病,故填of。






考查非谓语动词句中动词hope的主语和句子的主语The starter一致,此处作状语用动词-ing形式故填hoping。




考查名词。由the修饰,根据句意用名词表示患者 one of后面名词用复数,指患者之一,故填sufferers。



10has been received

考查时态语态。根据时间状语Until now可知,用现在完成时,主语a big donation和动词receive是被动关系,指大的捐献被收到,用被动语态故填现在完成时的被动形式has been received。


【题目】Music is often thought of as “easy” or “play time”, but it's not that at all. Music plays a very important part in our education. Students who learn music learn a lot of music history at school. This includes “modes (调式)”,which were used in churches during the development of music. They are still used today. Students learn about the historical events that were taking place when the music they play was written. They learn what the music was used for. So much of our culture is in music and has been for centuries. Music also helps with science. Students use science to help them discover what sounds good together and what doesn't. Students also need science to understand something called the “overtone series”, which is about how music is produced by vibration (颤动) and why. Students learn a lot about languages. Many songs are written in other languages, including ancient ones. Students must learn to translate these works to understand what they are singing about. Some songs are famous poems or short works set to music. Students learn a huge amount of coordination (协调) through music, so parts of the body can work better together. Students must use fine motor skills in order to play an instrument. Singers and players must learn breath control and be in good shape to play.

Students learn about art. Some famous pieces were written about important works of art, and students learn about the artists and styles as they're playing the music. Music education also brings higher thinking to ourspan> children. It allows them to think about complex patterns (How can I make my part sound better?How do this music and these different parts fit together?). Students have to know absolutely what every other musician does at all times. In that way, it develops teamwork. As one can see, music is very important to education besides bringing us fun.

【1】Learning music is helpful to the following subjects EXCEPT ________.

A. science B. language C. politics D. history

【2】Students who learn music have to translate songs ________.

A. because they are learning the language

B. because they must understand what they are singing about

C. because the songs are ancient ones

D. because they are famous poems

【3】Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Modes are still used in modern music.

B. Different kinds of music show different cultures.

C. It's easier for athletes to learn to play an instrument.

D. A good musician should know the importance of teamwork.

【4】What is the main idea of the passage?

A. The importance of music.

B. The importance of music education.

C. Ways to learn music well.

D. Skills music students should have.

【题目】How to look good in a photo?

What should you do if you want to have a nice photo taken? Whether it’s work or fun, the most important thing is lighting. If you get bad lighting, you will look bad, too. Know where the light is. You don’t want it below you or above you, you want it to shine directly at you.

The key thing is no shadow. If you are being photographed outside, do it in the morning, or wait till the 2 o’clock shadow has passed. Also don’t let pictures in the magazines stress you out all the pictures are taken by great photographers. And all the faces have had pimples(粉刺)taken out by computers.

Tip your head and learn what angles (角度) work with your face; everyone is different. So you have to learn what suits you. You can practice in Photo Booth as long as it is your turn, to learn what angles suit your face. Tip your neck to make it look longer, make eye contact with the camera. No one can look bad if they smile.

For long legs, point one leg into center of the frame and get the photographer to shoot looking up your body.

For just leg shots, lie upside down and raise legs in the air for the best angle. And your legs will look thinner and be in better shape.

Keep shoulders back.

Always have mouth slightly open, enough to put a penny between your lips, as this will make your lips look fuller.

Lower your eyes and then look up just as shutter(快门)is clicked for full eyes.

Delete any evidence of a less than perfect photogenic moment, everyone has off days.

【1】If you want to look good in a photo, the light should be ______.

A. below you B. above you

C. directly at you D. right behind you

【2】According to the passage, we should consider all EXCEPT ______.

A. light B. shadow

C. angles D. photographers

【3】What advice does the author give on taking photos?

A. Raise your legs as high as possible.

B. Keep your eyes down.

C. Position your shoulders straight.

D. Put a penny between lips.

【题目】The influence of America is increasing in my country. Spanish people drink Coca Cola, wear blue jeans, watch Hollywood movies, listen to American music, and eat fast food, and they do these things every day.

I think that American movies are a good way to spread American culture because people are often influenced by what they see in the movies. Most of the programs and documentaries (纪录片) we watch on TV are from America, and most of the movies we go to see are made in Hollywood.

In the last few years, the government has tried to protect the Spanish movies. Now, in our cinemas, at least twenty percent of the movies which are shown must be from Spain or from other countries in Europe.

American culture is a part of Spanish life now. It’s certain that many things from America are as much a part of people’s lives as Spanish things. For example, Coca Cola is as familiar to everybody as any typical Spanish product. I’ve known about Coca Cola for my whole life.

However, it’s different with Western fast food. For example, I don’t think McDonald’s is as successful in Spain as it is in other countries. In my opinion, one of the reasons may be the lifestyle of the Spanish people. The Spanish people normally eat at home.

On the other hand, maybe McDonald’s hamburgers will eventually replace the famous Spanish tapas. It’s true that in every city in Spain you can find a McDonald’s, and it is more popular among the Spanish children than among the adults. In any case, it’s obvious that American culture is becoming more and more a part of our lives every day.

【1】From the first paragraph we can know that ____.

A. the influence of America on Spain can be found everywhere

B. most Spanish people don’t like to listen to their own music

C. fast food spreads from Spain to the United States

D. some Spanish actors go to America to improve their acting skills

【2】 What plays an important part in the spreading of American culture in Spain?

A. American novels. B. Hollywood movies.

C. McDonald’s. D. American music.

【3】 Why did the government set some rules for the films shown in Spain?

A. To protect foreign culture in Spain.

B. To earn more money from Spanish films.

C. To limit the number of foreign movies.

D. To unite the European Community.

【4】What do you think Spanish tapas (in the last paragraph)might be?

A. The name of a drink. B. The name of a restaurant.

C. A clothing brand. D. A certain kind of food.

【题目】Years ago, I lived in a building in a large city. The next building was only a few feet away from mine. There was a woman living there, and I had never met her, yet I could see she sat by her window each afternoon, sewing or reading.

After several months had gone by, I began to notice that her window was dirty. Everything was unclear through the dirty window. I would say to myself. “I wonder why that woman doesn’t wash her window. It really looks terrible.”

One bright morning I decided to clean my flat, including washing the window on the inside.

Late in the afternoon when I finished the cleaning, I sat down by the window with a cup of coffee for a rest. What a surprise! Across the way, the woman sitting by her window was clearly visible (看见). Her window was clean!

Then it dawned on me. I had been criticizing (批评) her dirty window, but all the time I was watching hers through my own dirty window.

That was quite an important lesson for me. How often had I looked at and criticized others through the dirty window of my heart, through my own shortcomings?

Since then, whenever I wanted to judge (评判) someone, I asked myself first, “Am I looking at him through my own dirty window?” I try to clean the window of my own world so that I may see the world about me more clearly.

【1】The writer couldn’t see everything clearly through the window because _______.

A. the writer’s window was dirty

B. the woman’s window was dirty

C. the woman lived nearby

D. the writer was near-sighted

【2】 “It dawned on me” in paragraph5 probably means “_______”.

A. it began to get dark

B. it cheered me up

C. I began to understand it

D. I knew it grew light

【3】 It’s clear that ________.

A. they lived in a small town

B. the writer often washed the window

C. they both worked as cleaners

D. the writer had never met the woman before

【4】From the passage, we can learn _______.

A. one shouldn’t criticize others very often

B. one should often make his windows clean

C. one must judge himself before he judges others

D. one must look at others through his dirty windows


A good book can be satisfying. If reading is a habit you’d like to get into, there are some ways to develop it.

Realize that reading is enjoyable if you have a good book. If you have a difficult book and you are forcing yourself through it, it will seem like a task. 【1】__________

Set time. You should have some time during every day when you’ll read for at least 5 to 10 minutes. __2________For example, make it a habit to read during breakfast and lunch and even dinner if you eat alone.

Always carry a book. _3__________When I leave the house, I always make sure to have my car keys and one book at hand. The book stays with me in the car, and I take it into the office and to appointments and pretty much everywhere I go.

___4________Find a place in your home where you can sit in a comfortable chair. Do not lie down unless you’re going to sleep. There should be no television or computer near the chair, and no music or noisy family members or roommates. If you don’t have a place like this, create one.

Reduce television or the Internet. If you really want to read more, try cutting back on time on TV or the Internet.5__________Still, every minute you reduce of the Internet or TV, you could use for reading. This could create hours of book reading time.

A. Go to bookstores.

B. Find a quiet place.

C. This may be difficult for some people.

D. Wherever you go, take a book with you.

E. Have some good tea or coffee while you read.

F. It means you will read no matter how busy you are.

G. If this happens, give up the book and find another one that you’ll really love.


Painting a picture of Picasso

Pablo Picasso was born in Spain, in 1881. His father, 【1】 was also an artist, encouraged him 2 (start) drawing at a very young age. The father soon noticed that his son was3 far more talented painter than he was, so he promised never to pick up a paintbrush again. In 1895, Picasso and his family moved to Barcelona, where he attended the school of Fine Arts. After 4 (graduate), he continued his studies in Madrid, but instead of going to class, he spent his days at the Prado Museum, copying the style of famous old painters.

When he later returned to Barcelona, Picasso started to visit the Four Cats, a café which 5 (be) popular with artists. Picasso would spend hours debating art with poets and other artists. These lively meetings at the café led to two 6 (importance) events in Picasso’s life: first, he met the poet Jaime Sabartes and the painter Carlos Casagemas, who became his closest friends; second, he decided to devote his life 7 experimenting with different styles of art instead of producing traditional art. In October 1900, Picasso 8 (leave) Barcelona for the bright lights of Paris, and his life as a wandering artist really began.

Picasso formed his own style where the world is being 9 (construct)of cubes and rectangles and finally he a huge 【10 (succeed)in the world of art.

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