
20.Some biologists believe this is an ancient survival strategy,_______ a diet with 30percent fewer calories than usual increased life span.(  )
A.for whichB.to whichC.of whichD.in which

分析 有些生物学家认为这是一个古老的生存策略,在这个策略中,饮食比平时/平常少30%的卡路里可延年益寿.

解答 答案:D
该题考查定语从句,结合句意并分析结构,strategy为先行词,___ a diet with 30percent fewer calories than usual increased life span为定语从句,结合答案,该题要用"介词+关系代词"引导定语从句,结合句意"在这个策略中",应该译为in this strategy,所以应该用in 与关系代词which搭配引导定语从句,故选D.

点评 考查定语从句,必须先对句子基本结构进行分析,否则先行词,从句,及关系词选用会出现错误.


I was the oldest of five children back in the 60’s.We lived in a nice little three-bedroom bungalow(平房)in Michigan.Mom and Dad worked so hard, yet always found the time to spend with us.The only place they could take five active children to was the drive-in(汽车影院)movies!

We always looked forward to going to the drive-in! Mom would fill a big bag with home-made popcorn.On the way there, Dad would make a special stop at the penny candy store, where we were all allowed to fill a little brown bag with all kinds of penny candy.We were so excited, as we carried our treasures back to the car, knowing we couldn’t eat it until the car-toon began.

We would get there early, so that we could play on the playground, right under the big screen.As soon as it started to get dark, the screen lit up, and we would race bake to the car to get our candy.

There were always two cartoons playing before the movie , like Felix the Cat, The Coyote, and Tom and Jerry. But what was just as exciting was the ticking clock advertisement for the refreshment stand, with dancing hot dogs, candy and ice cream.That came on right before the movie.It was all that five kids could hope for, and by then, stay awake for.

We would get home around 2 am, pretty late for us.Mom helped us drag ourselves and our pillows to our beds and dad carried in the little ones.

I was disappointed the day they closed the last drive-in in our town.It will always hold special memories for us—those days of penny candy.

1.What could the author eat when he watched the cartoons and movies?

A. Hot dogs B. Ice cream.

C. Hamburgers. D. Popcorn and candy.

2.What does the underlined phrase “our treasures” in the second paragraph refer to?

A. Mom and dad. B. The penny candy.

C. Favorite cartoons. D. Homemade popcorn.

3.What was the last show before the movie?

A. Felix the Cat. B. Tom and Jerry.

C. The dancing hot dogs. D. The ticking clock advertisement.

4.What do we know about the author?

A. He had a boring childhood. B. He had four younger brothers.

C. He missed the drive-in very much. D. He didn’t like watching the movies at all.

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