
【题目】Many songs, poems, and books have been written on love’s strong effect on people. The state of being in love has even been compared to being sick or mad. A study by Professor Semir Zeki of University College London has found that love does affect people’s brains by making them feel great.

Zeki studied young men and women who had recently fallen in love. He found that, when they were looking at photos of their loved ones, there was heightened activity in four areas of their brains. These areas deal with emotions, and one of them, in particular, is known to respond to drugs that cause feelings of great joy and excitement.

Interestingly, the study also found a lack of activity in two other areas of the brain when the volunteers looked at their lovers’ photographs. One of these areas is linked to feelings of sadness, while the other is often active in people suffering from depression. It seems love really can be uplifting.

The state of being in love, according to some scientists, may actually be good for your health. Although scientists know that being in love can make a person feel great, the exact influence of love on a person’s health is harder to determine. However, scientists say that people do need love in order to live healthy lives.

According to Dr. Thomas Lewis, people need to be in relationships because that is how we are designed. He says the brain can only maintain(保持) the overall stability of a person’s immune(免疫) system, bodily rhythms, and heart if it receives input(输入) from outside the body in the form of emotional connections with others.

Professor Antonio Damasio has a similar view. He says that love enriches a person’s imagination and creativity, and makes a person’s body work better. He also believes that love can even improve the body’s ability to fight against disease. Damasio’s wise words of advice are Choose love and you will live longer.”

【1】The main idea of this passage is __________.

A. love can really cause people active

B. love has effect on songs and books

C. love is linked with emotion

D. love is what we need

【2】What does the underlined word “uplifting” mean? It means __________.

A. inspiring B. available C. cold D. mad

【3】From the passage we know__________.

A. People write songs, poems and books to say love is the sweetest thing

B. nobody but Professor Semir Zeki has found love does affect people’s brains

C. being in love sometimes may make someone act as if he/ she were mad

D. love causes heightened activity in all areas of a person’s brains

【4】Which of the following statements is not true?

A. Some scientists have the idea that love does good to people.

B. It is possible for scientists to decide how much influence love can give people.

C. People are born to be in need of getting on touch with each other.

D. A person’s health depends on partly on emotional connections with others.








【1】D主旨大意题。全篇都在讲述根据科学家的研究,爱情的确会影响人类的大脑,能使人精神振奋,为了过健康的生活,人的确需要爱情,它甚至可以增强身体对疾病的抵抗力,文章最后一句再次点题“Choose love and you will live longer.”选择爱情,你会活得更久。故选D。


【3】C细节推断题。根据文章第一段The state of being in love has even been compared to being sick or mad.可知处在恋爱中的状态甚至被比拟成生病或发疯。故选C。

【4】B细节推断题。根据文章第四段Although scientists know that being in love can make a person feel great, the exact influence of love on a person’s health is harder to determine.可知,虽然科学家知道恋爱使人感觉棒极了,但是爱情对于一个人健康的精确影响却比较难以测定。故选B。


【题目】One of those big social networking sites, Facebook, has attracted over 58 million members. Commentator Melody Cramer is no longer one of them. Here is what she shares with us about her story.

I deleted all 1,281 of my coworkers, secondgrade classmates and people who I don’t know at all. I shut down my account, completely. I’m 30, and I’ve been on Facebook since March of 2004, which makes me one of the website’s earliest users.

At first, I used it obsessively. If I had a free moment, I’d log on to see whether my friends had updated their profiles. I’d sit alone scrolling through these updates and then run into someone at a coffee shop and have nothing to say because I already knew everything about them, and they knew everything about me.

In November, I went to my tenyear high school reunion and was not pleasantly surprised. Lauren became a model, Josh went to law school, Dina was a teacher. I hadn’t talked to any of them since graduation, but I knew exactly what they were doing, both now and last week. But lately, I’m overwhelmed(应接不暇). Facebook opened up to everyone, not just college students, and my coworkers started to join, which meant they now knew what I was doing when I wasn’t at work.

And as a rule: you can NOT make friends with your coworkers because then they’ll ask you the next day. But I thought we were friends. And you are friends but not the kind of friends who tell each other what they do outside of work. So now the people you work with can see what you did last night, and you’re constantly worrying what people might say about what you did last night instead of actually doing anything tonight. So Iquit. I became a 30yearold Luddite, a person who is strongly against technology development. I’ve retuned to how the world worked when I was 20, before I knew when my friends and coworkers were counting down the seconds to vacation or entering a complicated relationship. I’m hoping life will be a lot simpler now. People will be more mysterious now that I actually have to talk to them to find out their favorite books or hobbies or neurosis(神经症). I don’t know when my college roommate goes to the supermarket, and I think I’m a better person for not knowing. In fact, you could say getting off a social network was the best thing I’ve done this week.

1Melody Cramer decided to quit Facebook mainly because ______.

A. she thought it wasted too much time

B. she was afraid of the strangers on her account

C. she was tired of exposing her life to coworkers

D. she thought it made realworld life less interesting

2We can learn from the passage that Melody Cramer ______.

A. had a 10year membership of Facebook

B. used to be very objected to Facebook

C. was unpleasant to attend high school reunion

D. was one of the co-founders of Facebook

3Which of the following about Melody Cramer is TRUE?

A. She owes her communication skills to Facebook.

B. She wishes she could be several years younger.

C. She prefers to face her friends and co-workers in reality.

D. She is no longer curious about anything around her.

4The best title for this passage can be _____.

A. Addiction to Facebook

B. Farewell to Facebook

C. Friends Online

D. A Simpler Life

【题目】According to the Ministry of Health, 260 million Chinese people have chronic(慢性)diseases, and 85 percent of all deaths in China are caused by such diseases.Among them, cardiovascular(心血管的)disease has bothered more people than any other kind of chronic disease.

According to the WHO(World Health Organization), salt consumption(消耗), one of the key causes of high blood pressure that can lead to cardiovascular disease, is much higher in China than in other countries.

Douglas Bettcher, the director of the WHO’s Tobacco Free Initiative, says, “The average Chinese person consumes about 12 to 14 grams (of salt) per day, while the suggestion of the WHO is consumption of less than 5 grams per day.High salt consumption is a major cause of cardiovascular disease and high pressure in China.

Changing the way that food is prepared could reduce salt consumption in China.

Another major risk factor in China is smoking.Dr Michael O’Leary, a representative of the WHO, says, “We know already that one million deaths in China are related to smoking, This is an enormous number.It means that we are seeing nearly 3000 deaths a day in China, or two deaths every minute, related to smoking.

According to O’Leary, about 26 percent of men who die from smoking-related diseases in China die before the age of 60.People who can still contribute a great deal, in other words, are dying too young.

China has tried to ban smoking , but more efforts are needed.

More than half of chronic diseases are preventable by changing lifestyles and reducing risks.The four key risk factors are: smoking, diets high in fats, salt and sugar, environments that prevent physical activities, and alcohol consumption.These are the areas on which efforts to make changes need to concentrate.

【1】Which of the following is more in China than in other countries?

A.The amount of salt consumed

B.The number of deaths caused by high blood pressure.

C.The number of people with cardiovascular disease.

D.The number of people with high blood pressure.

2According to the WHO, how much salt should a Chinese person consume?

A.About 12 to 14 grams per day.

B.Less than 5 grams per day.

C.About 17 to 19 grams per day.

D.About 7 to 9 grams per day.

3Why does O’Leary mention “26 percent of men” in Paragraph 6?

A.To show China needs to try to ban smoking.

B.To show smoking causes the deaths of elderly people.

C.To show smoking causes the deaths of too many young people.

D.To show the number of smoking-related deaths in China is large.

4What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A.There are four causes of chronic diseases.

B.The change in lifestyles can prevent some chronic diseases.

C.No smoking or alcohol means no chronic diseases.

D.If we do physical activities, we will have no chronic diseases.

【题目】【原创】Today, the bicycle is the primary method of transportation for the human race. About 1.6 billion bicycles are in use around the world --- in big cities, along remote country lanes, and in the smallest villages ---and hundreds of millions of bikes are produced every year to meet the continuing demand for cheap wheeled transport.

Yet the bicycle is hardly a new vision of how humans move around. Historians speculate(猜测) about Leonardo da Vincis 1940s drawings and a 1580s stained glass window in England that appear to describe a two-wheeler. The first widely recognized two-wheeler in actual use, however, was the pedal-less Celerifere, a toy of the French upper class in the 1970s. The more famous Draisienne followed that toy in 1816, still without pedals. The front wheel could be steered, and this two-wheeler was eventually mass-produced in Europe, particularly in England. Ernest Michaux added cranks(曲轴) to the two-wheeler in 1855, which started a revolution in human transportation --- the Velocipede.

By 1870, complicated metal Velocipede were in production in Europe and the United States. Over time, they gave way to the Ordinary or high-wheeler. The Ordinary was the beginning of the heyday(全盛期) of bicycling. It was speedy and capable of long trips on poor roads, so it was soon in widespread use. At that time a skilled person might earn 25 cents an hour in wages, but a good Ordinary sold for $75 to $125, making it more expensive than building a house. Nevertheless, they sold at a furious pace.

Ordinaries had a big problem, however. When the front wheel came up against any obstacle that it could not roll over, the bike simply threw the rider headfirst onto the ground. Called a header, this characteristic problem inspired the safety bicycle in the 1980s. With two wheels of equal size, plus a roller chain(齿轮) transmission, the safety bicycle was with a slight adaptation, they attracted thousands of women to cycling. Many historians point to the safety bicycle as the beginning of womens rights.

In England, in 1909, the Raleigh bicycle, equipped with a 3-speed hub, started to be produced. In the 1930s, British-built “lightweight” bicycles, suitable for the packed earth of country roads, were being imported into the United States. The early 1980s saw the creation of the Freestyle or trick bicycle. And in the late 1990s, the road bike and the mountain bike proved to be the dominant machines of the decade.

Today, the bicycle continues to be the most energy and cost-efficient transportation device in the world.

1What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

A. The places suited to the use of bicycles.

B. The way bicycles are used in the world.

C. The importance and popularity of bicycles.

D. The number of bikes produced every year.

【2】We can learn from the second paragraph that____________.

A. the Celerifere was actually the first bicycle in history.

B. the Draisienne had two pedals and its wheels could be steered.

C. Ernest Michaux created the Velocipede in 1885.

D. the bicycle idea might have come from one of da Vincis drawings.

【3】What does the underlined word furious in the third paragraph mean?

A. Rapid B. Gentle C. Steady D. Smooth

【4】How has the author developed the text?

A. In order of space B. In order of time

C. In order of importance D. In order of frequency

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