
Some researchers believe that there is no doubt___ a cure for AIDS will be found.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.

Should parents ever hit their children?

Research suggests many of us are likely to respond “no”, and public support for spanking (打屁股) has been falling over the years. But surveys also show that 75 percent to nearly 90 percent of parents admit spanking their child at least once.

I was raised in a zero-tolerance( 零容忍) home for disrespect, and my parents often turned to physical punishment. And, no, I don’t feel I was damaged by it.

Nothing is more annoying than watching ill-mannered behavior from children.

But there is data to suggest that a return to old-school spanking isn’t the answer.

Two years ago , Newsweek reported that it had found data suggesting that teens whose parents used physical punishment were more likely to become aggressive(好斗的).

Murray Straus, professor at the University of New Hampshire in America, has studied the topic of children and spanking for decades. He said that children who were physically punished have lower IQs than their peers. It may be that children with lower IQs were more likely to get spanked, but the punishment may have been counterproductive (反作用) to their mental development, as well.

Some researchers make the argument that occasional open-handed smacks (用巴掌打) on the bottom are not only harmless but can have some benefit.

Last year, Marjorie Gunnoe, a psychologist at Calvin College, studied teens who have never been spanked. There are a greater number of children growing up without ever having been physically punished. Gunnoe’s research suggests they don’t turn out any better than those who were sometimes spanked.

There are some parents who simply cannot control their tempers. But I still believe that the best parents are the ones who are able to offer fair and firm discipline (管教) without ever turning to physical punishment.

What can we know from the research in the second paragraph?

A. Many of the parents made no response to the survey.  

B. More and more people support spanking in public.

C. Most parents have the experience of spanking their children.

D. Many of the parents think they should hit their children.

According to Marjorie Gunnoe’s research, ________ .

A. the children who have never been spanked do better than those who were sometimes spanked

B. instead of harmless, spanking can have a little benefit

C. spanking has little effect on the children’s future performance            

D. the teens who were often spanked are more likely to be aggressive

In the author’s opinion, the best parents are the ones ______.

A. who often use physical punishment        B. who never use physical punishment

C. who use physical punishment properly     D. who take physical punishment as useful tool

Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A. The author’s parents were strict with him when he was young.

B. The author thinks his parents’ spanking did no harm to him.

C. Murray Straus thinks spanking has nothing to do with children’s IQs.

D. Some parents spank their children because they can’t control their tempers.

Special trees that grow faster, fight pollution, produce better wood, and even sense chemical attacks are being planted by scientists in the US.

         When 40 per cent of Hawaii's US$14 million-a-year papaya (木瓜)industry was destroyed by a virus five years ago, work began on creating genetically engineered(转基因的)trees.

         Researchers successfully introduced seeds that were designed to resist the virus.Since then, more and more people have been testing genetically engineered trees.Some researchers put special bacteria into trees to help them grow faster and produce better wood.Others are trying to create trees that can clean polluted soil.Meanwhile fruit farmers are looking for trees that are strong enough to resist worms, and paper companies want trees that produce more wood and therefore more paper.

         The Pentagon (五角大楼) even gave the researchers US$500,000 this year after they developed a pine tree that changes its colours if it senses a chemical attack.So far, the poplar, eucalyptus (杨树与桉树), apple and coffee trees are among those being engineered.All this can be done today because we have a better understanding of tree genomes (基因组).

         However, some people fear that the genetically engineered trees will cause dangerous results.They are worried that the new trees will breed with natural species and change the balance of the forest environment.

         “It could be destructive,” said Jim Diamond, an environmentalist. “Trees are what is left of our natural environment and home to many endangered species.”

         But researchers insist that science could give nature a fighting chance against both natural and man-made dangers.They hope to answer the critics by stopping the new trees from breeding, so their effect on the environment can be controlled.

63.Which kind of tree is not the ones that scientists are planting in the US?

         A.Trees that worms can't hurt.

         B.Genetically engineered trees.

         C.Trees that can resist wind better.

         D.Trees that can protect themselves at a chemical attack.

64.What caused the American scientists to work on special trees?

         A.Tree genomes are mapped out so scientists know how to improve trees.

         B.Great numbers of trees have been lost due to attacks by viruses.

         C.Researchers successfully introduced seeds designed to resist the virus.

         D.They think science could give nature a fighting chance against both natural and man-made dangers.

65.Which of the following was probably the first kind of trees being engineered?

         A.Papaya.                     B.Pine.                           C.Apple.                        D.Poplar.

66.Why did critics think engineered trees dangerous? Because ________.

         A.these trees can destroy the balance of nature

         B.everything except trees has been genetically engineered

         C.trees are home to many endangered species

         D.these trees may affect normal trees


Some researchers claim that people´s personalities can be classified by their blood types.?If you have blood type O, you are a leader.When you see something you want, you strive to achieve your goal.You are passionate, loyal, and self-confident, and you are often a trendsetter.Your enthusiasm for projects and goals spreads to others who happily follow your lead.When you want something, you may be ruthless about getting it or blind to how your actions affect others.Another blood type, A, is a social, “people” person.You like people and work well with them.You are sensitive, patient, compassionate, and affectionate.You are a good peacekeeper because you want everybody to be happy.In a team situation, you resolve conflicts and keep things on a smooth course.Sometimes type As are stubborn and find it different to relax.They may also find it uncomfortable to do things alone.?

       People with type B blood are usually individualists who like to do things on their own.You may be creative and adaptable, and you usually say exactly what you mean.Also you can adapt to situations, you may not choose to do so because of your strong independent streak.You may prefer working on your own to being part of a team.The final blood type is type AB.If you have AB blood, you are a natural entertainer.You draw people to you because of your charm and easygoing nature.ABs are usually calm and controlled, tactful and fair.On the downside, though, they may take too long to make decisions.And they may procrastinate, putting off tasks until the last minute.??

1.People with type O will do the following things except____.?

       A.manage businesses                     B.self-oriented

       C.be considerate                         D.set the fashion?

2.Which of the following is not the feature of type A??

       A.Stubborn.                                     B.Sensitive.?   C.Reserved.       D.Patient.?

3.What is Not true to type B??

       A.He finds it uncomfortable to do things alone.?

       B.He doesn’t think much before he speaks.?

       C.He has many original ideas.?

       D.He cannot fit in with the environment.?

4.The best profession for a type AB is ____.?

       A.Athlete               B.Peacekeeper         C.Actor                 D.Country leader


According to some researchers, you should not praise children for everything that they do. It does not help them build self-confidence.

     Most parents and teachers agree that praise can help increase children’s self-confidence —the more, the better. However, according to some researchers, only proper praise is good for children. If adults praise everything children do, it makes children look for praise all the time, not trying to do their best. "Teachers should not say things like 'good job’ or 'nice work’ whenever a child does anything. They should encourage them to continue to improve," some researchers advise.

     Another idea is that children with high self-confidence are happier, and do better at school. About this, Marshall Duke, a researcher in children, says, "High self-confidence brought in by too much praise does not make children happier, get more, or become able to do more. Finding a child’s advantages (强项) and developing them can help build confidence more than too much praise can." Praise also loses its effect (影响) if it is given equally to all students.

     "It’s important to tell children the truth about what they’ve done. Honest feedback (反馈) is far better than empty praise," Duke adds. "People have got into the habit of not telling children when they’re wrong. That makes it hard for them to deal with difficulties when they grow up. That’s just how the world is."

1.According to some researchers, if parents praise their children too much, their children will ______.

A. always look for praise

B. increase self-confidence

C. become strong

D. do better in their studies

2. In order to help children build self-confidence, some researchers advise parents to ______.

A. make them live more happily

B. let them do more difficult work

C. help them do better in school

D. encourage them to improve

3.Which of the following is TRUE, according to the passage?

A. Praise makes children become successful.

B. Children don’t know what they’re really good at.

C. The same praise for all children has no meaning.

D. Duke thinks praise is more important than finding children’s strengths.

4. What is the last paragraph about?

A. It’s important to have the habit of praising children.

B. Children should know their mistakes as soon as possible.

C. We should praise children honestly and tell them their mistakes.

D. What children with high self-confidence are like.


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