
10.Your house may have an effect on your weight.It is said that the way you design your home could play a part in whether you put on weight or not.1(36)GHere are some ways to turn your home into part of your diet plan.
(37)EDark environments are more likely to encourage overeating,for people are often less self-conscious(难为情)when they're in poorly lit places---and so more likely to eat lots of food.If your home doesn't have enough window light,get more lamps and fill the place with light.
(38)AResearch suggests warm colors help us eat more.In one study,people who ate meals in a yellow or red room consumed 33 percent more than those in a blue room.Warm colors like yellow make food appear more appetizing,while cold colors make us feel less hungry.So when it's time to repaint,go blue.
(39)CPeople who eat slowly usually use about 70 fewer calories(卡路里)per meal than those who rush through their meals.Try to make dinner last at least 30 minutes.And while you're at it,actually sit down to eat.If you need some help slowing down,turn on relaxing music.It makes you less likely to rush through a meal.
(40)BBig bowls and plates can easily make us fat.We eat about 22 percent more when using a 12-inch plate instead of a 10-inch plate.When we choose a large spoon over a smaller one,total intake(摄入)jumps by 14 percent.And we'll pour about 30 percent more liquid into a short,wide glass than a tall,skinny glass.
A.Mind the colors.
B.Downsize the dishes.
C.Don't forget the clock---or the radio.
D.Get more food full of energy and fiber.
E Open the curtains and turn up the lights.
F.Having meals in your own house is good for your health.
G.You can make your house work for you instead of against you.

分析 本文主要讲述你的房子的环境(光线的明暗、房子的色调等)和就餐的速度对你的体型有很大影响.想要减肥,除了少吃外,还和房间有关系.建议有4条:1.房间要明亮;2.用冷色系会减少食欲; 3.放一些舒缓的音乐就餐;4.用小的碗碟.

解答 36-40:GEACB
36.G上下文衔接题.根据上一句the way you design your home could play a part in whether you put on weight or not.可知房间设计会影响到你是长胖还是减肥;根据下一句 Here are some ways to turn your home into part of your diet plan.可知这里有一些方法把你的家变成你的饮食计划的一部分.由此可知,此处填G.You can make your house work for you instead of against you.你可以使你的房子为你工作而不是攻击你.故选G.
37.E联系下文题.根据后文Dark environments are more likely to encourage overeating,和If your home doesn't have enough window light,get more lamps and fill the place with light.可知黑暗的环境中更容易导致暴饮暴食;如果你家里没有足够的光线,要打开更多的灯来照亮家里.由此可知,此处填E.Open the curtains and turn up the lights.打开窗帘,打开灯.故选E.
38.A段落主旨题.根据后文Research suggests warm colors help us eat more.和while cold colors make us feel less hungry.可知研究表明暖色调有助于我们吃的更多,而冷色调会使我们感到饥饿.由此可知,此处填A.Mind the colors.注意你的房间的颜色.故选A.
39.C归纳总结题.根据后文Try to make dinner last at least 30 minutes.可知试图让晚餐至少30 分钟.由此可知,此处填C.Don't forget the clock---or the radio.不要忘记定闹钟或者收音机.故选C.
40.B归纳总结题.根据最后一段介绍,要想少吃,要用小碗小勺,前面介绍说到,吃得快,房间暗会增加饮食,放舒缓的音乐有助于减少饮食的速度和进食量.由此可知,此处填B.Downsize the dishes.用小的碗碟.故选B.

点评 文章层次结构清晰,上下文联系紧密,做题时,先通读全文,熟悉各选项,填句子的时候注意密切联系上下文,认真体会上下文之间的联系,填好之后可以代入检查核对.

20.(36)EYou probably think you will never be a top student.This is not necessarily so,however.Anyone can become a better student if he or she wants to.Here's how:
Plan your time carefully.When planning your work,you should make a list of things that you have to do.After making this list,you should make a schedule of your time.First your time for eating,sleeping,dressing,etc.Then decide a good,regular time for studying.
(37)B A weekly schedule may not solve all your problems,but it will force you realize what is happening to your time.
Find a good place to study.Look around the house for a good study area.Keep this space,which may be a desk or simply a corner of your room,free of everything but study materials.No games,radios,or television.When you sit down to study,concentrate on the subject.
Make good use of your time in class.
(38)C Listening carefully in class means less work later.Taking notes will help you remember what the teacher says.
Study regularly.When you get home from school,go over your notes,review the important points that your teacher is going to discuss the next day,read that material.(39)F If you do these    things regularly,the material will become more meaningful,and you'll remember it longer.
Develop a good attitude towards tests.The purpose of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject.They help you remember your new knowledge.The world won't end if you
don't pass a test,so don't be over worried.
(40)A You will probably discover them after you have tried these.

A.There are other methods that might help you with your studying.
B.Don't forget to set aside enough time for entertainment.
C.Take advantage of class time to listen to everything the teacher says.
D.No one can become a top student unless he or she works hard.
E.Maybe you are an average student.
F.Make full use of class time to take notes of what the teacher says in class.
G.This will help you understand the next class.
18.People around the world used their computers to buy goods,communicate with others,listen to music,see pictures and learn about different places and ideas.In 2006,more people around the world used new ways to communicate and connect with each other through the Internet.
(56)A Blog is a short way of saying Web log.Through these personal websites,people can share their experiences,ideas and opinions with anyone on the Internet.
People of all ages have their own blogs.For young people,they are a way to show their  writings and other forms of self-expression.
(57)D These sites include"MySpace",used mainly by teenagers and young adults. MySpace is an online community that lets people share messages and pictures with an increasing number of friends.(58)G
YouTube is another Internet site that became more popular this year.This website lets anyone create,share and watch short videos.People can watch almost anything on YouTube:news,sports and entertainment events.(59)EThese include videos of people singing or dancing,or animals doing funny things.Three young men created YouTube almost two years ago as a personal video sharing service.They recently sold it to Google for more than one half billon dollars.
Games and entertainment also became a larger part of the Internet this year.One Internet social site is called Second Life.(60)C They get married,build homes,operate businesses,buy and sell goods,work,play and attend school.

A.The blog is one form of communication that enjoys growing popularity.
B.People of all ages use computers to express themselves.
C.It is an online world in which computer users create a new self and live a different life.
D.Many Websites offer free services to create personal Web pages and fill them with writing site on the web.
E.There are music videos,and videos made by people in their own homes.
F.More and more people are buying computers because of the lower price.
G.It is the most popular social networking site on the web.
5.Travaling is one of life's great joys.It's a way to see the world and learn about places you've never been before.(36)GThe best things can come from the worst experiences
Once,when I was in Sicily,I was cheated by a stranger for a hundred dollars.At first I was astonished.(37)Band what I would do if I had it.But what I learned from this about humanity,about the nature of good and evil within people,and how circumstances force them to do bad things showed me a lot about myself and how to deal with misfortune.(38)F
The cost of a trip may be a couple of thousand dollars,depending on how big you go.But the value it could have on your life and your memories could be priceless.Think about how much you are willing to spend,sure,but also consider what else you want from your vacation,who you want to meet,what kind of experiences you want to have,and how you want to remember it ten years from now.
Don't follow others'footsteps and find your own path
(39)C,but I look forward to wandering away from the group,down labyrinthine alleys(迷宫般的小巷),into different shops and neighborhoods,to experience my own understanding of a city and its environment.The same applies to when I come home from my trip.(40)E
Unavoidably,you will see or hear things worth telling friends about when you return home.After traveling enough,you will have all the practice you need to become a master story-teller.
So keep traveling with these lessons in mind and learn more from your experiences abroad.

A.Plan for the unexpected
B.I spent the en tire next day thinking about what I should have done to keep my money
C.Traveling in a guided tour can be informative and fun
D.Traveling is kind of like being in love.
E.Learn how to tell a better story
F.Price and value are two different things
G.Here are some ways to help you make the most of your travel experience.
15.Everyone has heard of Groundhog Day (土拨鼠日).(26)A.
         People in America think that the groundhog awakens from its winter's sleep on February 2nd.The groundhog comes out of its hole.If the sun is shining,it will see its shadow.The shadow scares it.So it runs back into its hole.This means six more weeks of winter.If the day is cloudy,it will not see its shadow.Since it is not scared,it stays out of its hole.(27)C.These are the same things we say on Groundhog Day today.
         (28)B.They are known mainly to country people.City people just don't know how to look for them.City people think that a groundhog sitting by its hole may look like a root(根).It could also be seen as a clod (块) of earth.Or it may look like a broken fence-post(栅栏柱).But a farmer sees groundhogs anywhere he looks.They'll be watching like guards.
         The groundhog is a native American.(29)F.It may also appear as far north as Alaska.It is hated by farmers.The groundhog eats a third of its weight in a day.What a big appetite(胃口)!It may eat about a half-ton of alfalfa(苜蓿) in a summer.So 10 groundhogs in a big field would eat five tons.
         Why do groundhogs eat so much?To prepare for winter.(30)E.This extra food is changed to fat.This fat is what they live on during their long winter's sleep.

A.It is an American holiday.
B.Groundhogs are strange animals.
C.This means that spring will soon come.
D.There are several ways to protect the groundhog.
E.In the fall,when there is a lot of food,they fill up.
F.It is found in most states east of the Rockies(落基山脉).
G.While it is not one of your major holidays,it is one that children love.
19.Shopping on the Internet can be economical,convenient,and no less safe than shopping in a store or by mail.To help keep your online shopping experience a safe one,follow these tips:
(36)C.Anyone can set up a shop online under almost any name.Confirm the online sellers physical address and phone number in case you have questions or problems.If you get an email or pop-up (有弹出功能的)message while you're browsing that asks for financial information,don't reply or dick on the link in the message.Legal companies don't ask for this information via email.
(37)D.Read the seller's description of the product closely,especially the fine print.Words like"refurbished","vintage",or "close-out"may indicate that the product is in less-than-perfect condition,while name-brand items with "too good to be true"prices could be counterfeits (伪造 品).
(38)A.Check out websites that offer price comparisons and then,compare"apples to apples".Factor(把…因素包括进去)shipping and handling一along with your needs and budget(预算)-into the total cost of the order.Do not send cash under any circumstances.
Pay by credit or charge card.If you pay by credit or charge card online,your transaction(交易)will be protected by the Fair Credit Billing Act(39)G In the event of unauthorized use of your credit or charge card,you generally would have to pay only for the first﹩50in charges.
Keep a paper trail,(40)EThese may include the product description and price,the online receipt,and copies of every email you send or receive from the seller.Read your credit card statements as you receive them and be on the lookout for unauthorized charges.

A.Know what it will cost.
B.Check the privacy policy.
C.Know who you're dealing with.
D.Know exactly what you're buying.
E.Print and save records of your online transactions.
F.For example,you can have a shop named Superstar Sports Shoes on the Internet.
G.Under this law,you have the right to dispute charges under certain circumstances and temporarily refuse to pay while the creditor is investigating them.
20.Mark Twain was a great writer.He was from the USA.He was born in 1835.He was also a famous speaker.He was famous for his sense of humour.Many people liked to listen to him talk because he liked to tell some interesting stories to make people laugh all the time.
One day Mark Twain was going to a small town because of his writing.Before he was going to leave,one of his friends said to him that there were always a lot of mosquitoes in the town and told him that he'd better not go there.Mark Twain waved his hand and said,"It doesn't matter.The mosquitoes are no relatives of mine.I don't think they will come to visit me."
After he arrived at the town,Mark Twain stayed in a small hotel near the station.He went into his room,but when he was just about to have a rest,quite a few mosquitoes flew about him.The waiters felt very sorry about that."I'm very sorry,Mr.Mark Twain.There are too many mosquitoes in our town."One of them said to him.
Mark Twain,however,made a joke,saying to the waiter,"The mosquitoes are very clever.They know my room number.They didn't come into the wrong room."What he said made all the people present laugh heartily.
But that night Mark Twain slept well.Do you know why?That was because all the waiters in the hotel were driving the mosquitoes away for him during the whole night.

28.Why did Mark Twain go to the town?D
A.To make a speech.
B.To see one of his friends.
C.To see one of his relatives.
D.To do something for his writing.
29.Why did the waiters feel sorry?D
A.Their hotel was too small.
B.The room was not very clean.
C.They did something wrong to Mark Twain.
D.There were quite a few mosquitoes in the room.
30.Which of the following is true according to the text?B
A.Mark Twain didn't have a good rest that night.
B.No mosquitoes troubled Mark Twain in the night.
C.There were not mosquitoes in the hotel any longer.
D.The owner of the hotel looked after Mark Twain well at night.

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