
The more questions you think of ________, the better you will study

  1. A.
  2. B.
    to ask
  3. C.
    being asked,
  4. D.
    to be asked
B(解析:考查非谓语动词。此句相当于"you think of the more questions to ask"不定式作定语。选B。)


Student:I’ve been learning English for a long time.And I still can’t speak


good English.I got really disheartened.


Teacher:Take your time.Anyway(1)R________ wasn’t built in a day.


Student:Can you give me some(2)a_________?


Teacher:Ok.English is really important.But like(3)a________ else-you


really need to practice and practice(4)b________ you can do it






Teacher:Well-you know when people first learn to drive a car-they


can’t do it well.They’ll make(5)l________ of mistakes.But that’s


(6)n________.That happens to everyone.


Student:I know what you mean.


Teacher:Learning English is just(7)l________driving a car.All you have to


do is to practice and don’t be afraid of making mistakes because the


more mistakes you make-the(8)q________ you can speak good




Student:It’s easy to say-but(9)h________ to do.


Teacher:I’m always glad to help you and don’t forget:language is not about


those words or grammar rules.Cultural background plays a vital


role as(10)w_________.


Student:Jesus.What could I do before I can speak good English?


Teacher:Just pick up the phone and practice with me.I’m sure I can better


your English.



Intelligence Quotient

  I.Q.stands for “Intelligence Quotient” which is a measure of a person's intelligence found by means of an intelligence test.Before marks gained in such a test can be useful as information about a person, they must be compared with some standard, or norm(规范).It is not enough simply to know that a boy of thirteen has scored, say, ninety marks in a particular test.To know whether he is clever, average or dull, his marks must be compared with the average achieved by other boys of thirteen in that test.

  In 1906 the psychologist, Alfred Binet(1857--1911), devised the standard by which intelligence has since been assessed.Binet was asked to find a method of selecting all children in the schools of Paris who should be taken out of ordinary classes and put in special classes for defectives(后进生).The problem made him realize the need for a standard for measuring intelligence, and he hit upon the very simple concept of “mental age”.

  First of all, he invented a variety of tests and put large numbers of children of different ages through them.He then found at what age each test was passed by the average child.For instance, he found that the average child of seven could count backwards from 20 to 1 and the average child of three could repeat the sentence:“We are going to have a good time in the country.” Billet arranged the various tests in order of difficulty, and used them as a scale against which he could measure every individual.If, for example, a boy aged twelve could only do tests that were passed by the average boy of nine, Binet held that he was three years below average, and that he had a mental age of nine.

  The concept of mental age provided Binet, and through him, other psychologists, with the required standard.It enabled him to state scores in intelligence tests in terms of a norm merely by subtracting(减去)the “mental” age of a child from his “chronological” age(实际年龄).Then the boy in the example given would be “three years retarded”(迟缓、耽误).Later the “mental ratio” was introduced; that is to say, the ratio of the mental age to the chronological age.Thus a boy of twelve with a mental age of nine has a mental ratio of 0.75.

  The “mental age” measurement was then replaced by the more famous I.Q(intelligence quotient).The “I.Q.” is the mental ratio multiplied by 100.For example, a boy of twelve with a mental age of nine has an “I.Q.” of 75.Clearly, since the mental age of the average child is equal to the chronological age, the average “I.Q.” is 100.


To judge a child's intelligence, his marks in a test must be compared with marks gained by ________.

[  ]


others of the same age


children of different ages


a number of children aged thirteen


the same child at different ages


Binet used a large number of children in his tests because he wanted to find out ________.

[  ]


who were the most stupid


the defectives


what a bright child could do


a norm


The purpose of I.Q.test is to find out ________.

[  ]


whether one has the intelligence of thirteen-year-old children


whether one is tall enough for his age


whether one is clever, average or dull


whether one is mature enough for his age

根据短文内容, 从下面A到F选项中选出能够概括每段主题的最佳选项, 选项中有一项为多余项

A. Tools of thought

B. A reflection of your personality

C. An indication of your intelligence

D. The explosive effect of words

E. A direction of the history

F. Change the direction of your life

(填涂说明:E=A+D   F=B+D   G=C+D )

The extent of your vocabulary indicates the degree of your intelligence. Your brain power will increase as you learn to know more words. Here's the proof. Two classes in a high school were selected for an experiment. Their ages and their environment were the same. Each class represented an identical cross-section of the community. One, the control class, took the normal courses. The other class was given special vocabulary training. At the end of the period the marks of the latter class surpassed those of the control group, not only in English, but in every subject, including mathematics and the sciences. Similarly it has been found by Professor Lewis M.Terman, of Stanford University, that a vocabulary test is as accurate a measure of intelligence as any three units of the standard and accepted Stanford-Binet I.Q. tests.

The study of words is not merely something that has to do with literature. Words are your tools of thought. You can't even think at all without them. Try it. If you are planning to go down town this afternoon you will find that you are saying to yourself: "I think I will go down town this afternoon." You can't make such a simple decision as this without using words. Your words are your keys for your thoughts. And the more words you have at your command the deeper, clearer and more accurate will be your thinking.

A command of English will not only improve the processes of your mind. It will give you assurance; build your self-confidence; lend color to your personality; increase your popularity. Your words are your personality. Your vocabulary is you. Your words are all that we, your friends, have to know and judge you by. You have no other medium for telling us your thoughts-for convincing us, persuading us, giving us orders.

Words are explosive. Phrases are packed with TNT.A simple word can destroy a friendship. The proper phrases in the mouths of clerks have quadrupled the sales of a department store. The wrong words used by a campaign orator have lost an election. For instance, on one occasion the four unfortunate words, "Rum, Romanism and a Rebellion" used in a Republican campaign speech threw the Catholic vote and the presidential victory to Grover Cleveland. Ears are won by words. Soldiers fight for a phrase. "Make the world safe for Democracy." "All out for England." "V for Victory." The " Remember the Maine" of Spanish war days has now been changed to "Remember Pearl Harbor."

Words have changed the direction of history. Words can also change the direction of your life. They have often raised a man from mediocrity to success. If you consciously increase your vocabulary you will unconsciously raise yourself to a more important station in life, and the new and higher position you have won will, in turn, give you a better opportunity for further enriching your vocabulary. It is a beautiful and successful cycle.

Today’s opportunity erase yesterday’s failures.

根据短文内容, 从下面A到F选项中选出能够概括每段主题的最佳选项, 选项中有一项为多余项

A. Tools of thought

B. A reflection of your personality

C. An indication of your intelligence

D. The explosive effect of words

E. A direction of the history

F. Change the direction of your life


(填涂说明:E="A+D  " F="B+D  " G="C+D" )



The extent of your vocabulary indicates the degree of your intelligence. Your brain power will increase as you learn to know more words. Here's the proof. Two classes in a high school were selected for an experiment. Their ages and their environment were the same. Each class represented an identical cross-section of the community. One, the control class, took the normal courses. The other class was given special vocabulary training. At the end of the period the marks of the latter class surpassed those of the control group, not only in English, but in every subject, including mathematics and the sciences. Similarly it has been found by Professor Lewis M.Terman, of Stanford University, that a vocabulary test is as accurate a measure of intelligence as any three units of the standard and accepted Stanford-Binet I.Q. tests.



The study of words is not merely something that has to do with literature. Words are your tools of thought. You can't even think at all without them. Try it. If you are planning to go down town this afternoon you will find that you are saying to yourself: "I think I will go down town this afternoon." You can't make such a simple decision as this without using words. Your words are your keys for your thoughts. And the more words you have at your command the deeper, clearer and more accurate will be your thinking.



A command of English will not only improve the processes of your mind. It will give you assurance; build your self-confidence; lend color to your personality; increase your popularity. Your words are your personality. Your vocabulary is you. Your words are all that we, your friends, have to know and judge you by. You have no other medium for telling us your thoughts-for convincing us, persuading us, giving us orders.



Words are explosive. Phrases are packed with TNT.A simple word can destroy a friendship. The proper phrases in the mouths of clerks have quadrupled the sales of a department store. The wrong words used by a campaign orator have lost an election. For instance, on one occasion the four unfortunate words, "Rum, Romanism and a Rebellion" used in a Republican campaign speech threw the Catholic vote and the presidential victory to Grover Cleveland. Ears are won by words. Soldiers fight for a phrase. "Make the world safe for Democracy." "All out for England." "V for Victory." The " Remember the Maine" of Spanish war days has now been changed to "Remember Pearl Harbor."



Words have changed the direction of history. Words can also change the direction of your life. They have often raised a man from mediocrity to success. If you consciously increase your vocabulary you will unconsciously raise yourself to a more important station in life, and the new and higher position you have won will, in turn, give you a better opportunity for further enriching your vocabulary. It is a beautiful and successful cycle.

( Today’s opportunity erase yesterday’s failures.


     Psychologists agree that I.Q. contributes only about 20 percent of the factors that determine success. A full 80 percent comes from other factors, including what I call emotional intelligence. Following are two
of the major qualities that make up emotional intelligence, and how they can be developed.
      1.Self-awareness. The ability to recognize a feeling as it happens is the keystone of emotional
intelligence. People with greater certainty about their emotions are better pilots of their lives.
Developing self-awareness requires tuning in to what neurologist Antonio Damasio calls "gut feelings". Gut
feelings can occur without a person being consciously aware of them. For example, when people who fear snakes are shown a picture of a snake, sensors on their skin will detect sweat, a sign of anxiety, even
though the people say they do not feel fear. The sweat shows up even when a picture is presented so
rapidly that the subject has no conscious awareness of seeing it.
      Through deliberate effort we can become more aware of our gut feelings. Take someone who is
annoyed by a rude encounter for hours after it occurred. He may be unaware of his irritability(易怒)and
surprised when someone calls attention to it. But if he evaluates his feelings, he can change them. Emotional self-awareness is the building block of the next fundamental of emotional intelligence: being able to shake
off a bad mood.
     2.Mood Management. Bad as well as good moods spice life and build character. The key is
     We often have little control over when we are swept by emotion. But we can have some say in how
long that emotion will last. Psychologist Dianne Tice asked more than 400 men and women about their
strategies for escaping foul moods. Her research, along with that of other psychologists, provides valuable
information on how to change a bad mood.
      Of all the moods that people want to escape, rage seems to be the hardest to deal with. When
someone in another car cuts you off on a highway, your instant response may be, That jerk! He could
have hit me! I can let him get away with that!
The more you stew, the angrier you get. Such is the
stuff of hypertension and reckless driving.
      What should you do to relieve rage? One myth is that ventilating will make you feel better. In fact,
researchers have found that's one of the worst strategies. A more effective technique is 'reframing", which means consciously seeing a situation in a more positive light. In the case of the driver who cuts you off, you might tell yourself: Maybe he had some emergency. This is one of the most potent ways, Tice found, to put anger to rest.
       Going off alone to cool down is also an effective way to refuse anger, especially if you can't think
clearly. Tice found that a large proportion of men cool down by going for a drive----- a finding that
inspired her to drive more defensively. A safer alternative is exercise, such as taking a long walk. Whatever you do, don't waste the time pursuing your train of angry thoughts. You aim should be to distract yourself.
The techniques of reframing and distraction can alleviate depression and anxiety as well as anger. Add to
them such relaxation techniques as deep breathing and meditation(冥想) and you have powerful weapons against bad moods.

1. According to the author, the importance of knowing one's gut feelings is that __________.

A. one can develop them.            
B. one can call other's attention to them.
C. one may get rid of them.          
D. one may control them.

2. The word "spice" in paragraph five is closest in meaning to _________.

A. add interest to                    
B. lengthen      
C. make dull                        
D. bring into existence

3. On mood control, the author seems to suggest that we _________    .

A. can control our mood                    
B. are often unaware of what mood we are in.
C. can determine how long our mood could last  
D. lack strategies for controlling moods

4. "Reframing" is essentially about __________.

A. forgetting the unpleasant situation        
B. adopting a positive attitude
C. protecting oneself properly              
D. avoiding road accidents

5. What is the best title for the passage? 
A. What is emotional intelligence?            
B. How to develop emotional intelligence
C. Strategies for getting rid of foul moods      
D. How to control one's gut feelings

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