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ÌâÄ¿How We can Build up a Harmonious Family
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±íÂÊ£ºrole model£®How we can build up a harmonious family
A harmonious family is essential to our personal development and our physical and mental health£®A harmonious family is always full of warmth£¬love and laughter in which parents and children not only show concern for each other bu also respect and understand each other£®If a child grows up in a harmonious family£¬he is more likely to be cheerful and optimistic£®Meanwhile£¬parents in a harmonious family are sure in live happily and more healthily£®To create such a harmonious family parents should be rule models for their children in words and behavior and often communicate with them£®As children of the family£¬we should show understanding for our parents'hardship£¬and try in share their burdens by doing housework voluntarily and so on£®If you do so£¬our home will always be harmonious£®£®

·ÖÎö ±¾ÆªÖ÷ÌâΪHow we can build up a harmonious family£®

½â´ð How we can build up a harmonious family
A harmonious family is essential to our personal development and our physical and mental health£®A harmonious family is always full of warmth£¬love and laughter in which parents and children not only show concern for each other bu also respect and understand each other£®If a child grows up in a harmonious family£¬he is more likely to be cheerful and optimistic£®Meanwhile£¬parents in a harmonious family are sure in live happily and more healthily£®To create such a harmonious family parents should be rule models for their children in words and behavior and often communicate with them£®As children of the family£¬we should show understanding for our parents'hardship£¬and try in share their burdens by doing housework voluntarily and so on£®If you do so£¬our home will always be harmonious£®

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£¨3£©²Î¿¼´Ê»ã£ºÒ½¿Æ´óѧ Medical University£»ÒâÍâÉ˺¦accidental injury£»×Ô¾Èself rescue
Last Monday£¬Professor Li from Fujian Medical University gave us a report on teenagers'accidental injury and self rescue£®The report lasted two hours£®
Professor Li said that the rate of accidental injury is increasing year by year£®In China£¬about 200£¬000 children die of accidental injury each year£®Accidental injury has become the leading cause of death for teenagers£®However£¬most teenagers lack the basic knowledge of first aid£®In fact a knowledge of first aid can really make a real difference£®
At the end of the report£¬Professor Li called on us to realize the importance of gaining the first aid knowledge£®He said that it was high time that we teenagers received education on first aid£®£®
18£®I always remembered the first'time I took part in an English composition competition£®"Right!Dean would be the£¨16£©Cof our class to participate in the  English composition competition£¬"my classmates said£®£¨Applauding£©
      I was too£¨17£©Dto speak when I heard what my classmates said£®In order  not to£¨18£©Dshort of my classmates'£¨19£©B£¬I trained myself very hard for the hope of being the£¨20£©Cof the competition£¬which would take place a month  later£®I£¨21£©Aa lot of vocabulary£¬sentence structures and£¨22£©Arules and read many good or renowned'articles£®Not having I £¨23£©B pretty well£¬the day  came£®Every candidate£¨24£©Bme looked so well-prepared and£¨25£©A"Only  11.5 hours£®Start£¬"a supervisor suddenly said£®Seeing the£¨26£©C"What do most teenagers concern nowadays£¿"I was nervous and got£¨27£©Ablock£®What's worse£¬other candidates had begun writing£®Moments later£¬I£¨28£©Dmyself£¬took a deep breath£¬and began brainstorming ideas£¨29£©Dthe topic£®I quickly wrote down the composition structure£¬central theme£¬and£®£¨30£©Cnecessary elements£®As the finishing time was£¨31£©A£¬I tried my best to accelerate my writing£®Unfortunately£¬£¨32£©Bmy failure of time management£¬I left my composition incomplete£®My final draft looked like a robot£¨33£©Clegs were broken£®
     The result came out two weeks later£®To my surprise£¬I got the second prize!All my classmates cheered for me£®This encouraged me a lot£®£¨34£©DI was not the first prize winner£¬I could still£¨35£©Cthe scent of pride and happiness spreading around me£®

24£®A£®besidesB£®exceptC£®except forD£®as well as
30£®A£®anotherB£®the otherC£®otherD£®others
32£®A£®thanks forB£®due toC£®as a resultD£®on account
33£®A£®of whichB£®whichC£®whoseD£®that
34£®A£®HoweverB£®As a resultC£®Worse stillD£®Although

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
