
            People can be addicted to different things— e.g.alcohol, drug, certain foods,or eventelevision.People who have such an addiction are compulsive: they have a very powerfulpsychological need that they feel they must satisfy.According to psychologists, many peopleare compulsive spenders.They feel that they must spend money.This compulsion, like mostothers, is impossible to explain reasonably.For compulsive spenders who buy on credit, chargeaccounts are even more exciting than money.In other words, compulsive spenders feel thatwith credit, they can do anything.Their pleasure in spending large amounts is actually greaterthan the pleasure that they get from the things they buy.
There is even a special psychology of bargain hunting.To save money, of course, mostpeople look for sales, low prices, and discounts.Compulsive bargain hunters,however, oftenbuy things that they don't need just because they are cheap.They want to believe that they arehelping their budgets, but they are really playing an exciting game.When they can buysomething for less than other people, they feel that they are winners.Most people, expertsclaim, have two reasons for their behavior: a good reason for the things that they do and thereal reason.
It is not only scientists, of course, who understand the psychology of spending habits, butalso business people.Stores, companies, and advertisers use psychology to increase business.They consider people's needs for love, power, or influence, their basic values, their beliefs andopinions, and so on in their advertising and sales methods.
Psychologists often use a method called "behavior therapy(疗法)"to help individuals solvetheir personality problems.In the same way, they can help people who feel that they haveproblems with money.
小题1:According to psychologists, a compulsive spender is one who spends large amounts ofmoney              
A.and takes great pleasure from what he or she buys
B.in order to satisfy his or her basic needs in life
C.just to meet his or her strong psychological need
D.entirely with an irrational eagerness
小题2:According to the passage, compulsive bargain hunters are often in search of the lowest possible prices                      .
A.because they feel satisfied if they spend less money than others
B.because they like to show off their success in getting things for less money
C.because they have money problem
D.because they want to save money to help heir budget
小题3:The passage is mainly talking about
A.the psychology of money-spending habits
B.the purchasing habits of compulsive spenders
C.a special psychology of bargain hunting
D.the use of the psychology of spending habits in business
小题4:From the passage we may safely conclude that compulsive spenders or compulsive bargainhunters .
A.are really unreasonable
B.need special treatment
C.can't be cured
D.can never get any help to solve their problems with money
While Andrew was getting ready for work one Friday morning, he announced to his wife that he had finally decided to ask his boss for a salary raise. All day Andrew felt nervous.   36   Mr. Larchmont refused to   37  his request? Andrew had   38   so hard in the last 18 months.  39  , he deserved a wage increase.
The thought of walking into Larchmont’s office left Andrew weak   40  . Late in the afternoon he finally gathered the   41   to approach his superior. To his   42   and surprise, the ever-frugal (一贯节省的) Harvey Larchmont agreed to give Andrew a   43  !
Andrew arrived home that evening,   44   their dining table set with their best china, and candles lit. His wife, Tina, had prepared a delicate meal   45   his favorite dishes. Immediately he   46   someone from the office had tipped her off!
Next to his plate Andrew found a beautiful lettered   47  . It was from his wife, which read: “  48  , my love! I knew you’d get the raise! I prepared this dinner to show just how much I love you. I’m so   49   of your accomplishments!” He read it and stopped to   50   how sensitive and caring Tina was.
After dinner, Andrew was on his way to the kitchen   51   he observed a second card had slipped out of Tina’s pocket. He picked it up. It read: “Don’t worry about not getting the raise! You do deserve one! I prepared this dinner to show you just how much I love you   52   you didn’t get the increase.”
Tears   53   in Andrew’s eyes. Total acceptance! Tina’s support for him was not   54   upon his success at work.
The fear of rejection is often softened and we can undergo almost any setback or rejection when we know someone loves us   55   our success or failure.
A.What aboutB.How comeC.How aboutD.What if
A.for the weightB.at the kneesC.in the heartD.for the leg
A.to findB.to appreciateC.to noticeD.to decorate
A.Best wishesB.Good newsC.CongratulationsD.Wonderful job
A.call onB.reflect onC.feed backD.remind of
A.as thoughB.even thoughC.whetherD.unless
A.welled upB.flowed overC.rushed outD.streamed down
A.despiteB.withoutC.eitherD.regardless of
There are going to be moments in life when you must make very important decisions. You will find many people 36 to offer you advice if you ask for it (and even if you don’t), but always remember that the life you  37   is yours and nobody else’s. It’s important to decide for yourself what’s important to you and what you want before you   38   others. Because while there will be times  39 outside advice proves wise, there will be at least as many times when it proves completely  40.. The only way to really evaluate other folks’ advice is to first learn everything that you can about whatever challenge you are  41  . Once you’ve done that, in most cases you should be able to make a wise decision  42   anyway.
You were  43   with the ability to decide what is and what isn’t in your best interest. Most of the time, you will make the right decision and   44   the appropriate actions, and in thinking for yourself, you will become far more successful than if you had gone against your own  45  .
Early on in my investment career, I made the mistake of   46  a few important business decisions on colleagues’ opinions instead of conducting the   47   necessary to make a wise decision. It wasn’t due to   48   on my part; no one could ever accuse me of that. But, being   49   to Wall Street, I intended to assume that my more senior   50 knew more than I did, and so I   51   too much significance to their opinions.
You know what happened? Each of those investments ended in   52 . Eventually I stopped allowing myself to be influenced by   53   and began doing the work myself and making my own decisions. It took me until I was almost 30 years old to   54   this—it’s never too late for a person to change his approach both to   55  and to life. 
A.look atB.pick upC.turn toD.learn from
A.on one handB.on your ownC.on the wholeD.on all sides
If you are in a town in a western country, you'll often see people walking with their dogs. It is still true that a dog is the most useful animal in the world. But the reason why one keeps a dog has changed Once upon a time, a man met a dog and wanted it to help him in the fight against other animals, and he found that the dog listened to him and did what he told him to. Later people used dogs for the hunting other animals, and the dogs didn't eat what they got until their master agreed. So dogs were used for driving sheep and guarding chicks. But now the people in the towns and cities do not need dogs to fight other animals. Of course they keep them to frighten thieves, but the most important reason is that people feel lonely in the city. For a child, a dog is his best friend when he has no friends to play with. For a young wife, a dog is her child when she doesn’t have her own. For old people, a dog is also a child when their real children have grown up and left. Now people do not have to use a dog, but they keep it as a friend, just like a member of the family.
小题1:_______are more useful than a dog in the world.
A.No other animalsB.Some animalsC.Many animalsD.A few animals
小题2:In the past people kept dogs because dogs _________.
A.could fight against other animalsB.met the people
C.did not eat other animalsD.helped and listened to people
小题3:Now people keep dogs in the cities because dogs_____.
A.fight other animalsB.are lonely
C.are like their friendsD.are afraid of the thieves
小题4:A dog can be _____.
A.a child's friend onlyB.a young woman's son
C.old people's real childD.everybody's friend
小题5:So a dog will __ in a family.
A.always be usedB.not be useful
C.still fightD.always be a good friend
In choosing a friend, one should be very careful. A good friend can help you study. You can have fun together and make each other happy. Sometimes you will meet fair weather friends. They will be with you as long as you have money or luck, but when you are down, they will run away. How do I know when I have found a good friend? I look for certain qualities  of character, especially understanding, honesty and reliability (可靠).
Above all else, I look for understanding in a friend. A good friend tries to understand how another person is feeling. He is not quick to judge. Instead, he tries to learn from others. He puts himself in the other person's place, and he tries to think of ways to be helpful. He is also a good listener.
At the same time, however, a good friend is honest. He does not look for faults in others. He notices their good points. In short, a friend will try to understand me and accept me.
Another quality of a friend is reliability. I can always depend on a good friend. If he tells me he will meet me somewhere at a certain time, I can be sure that he will be there. If I need a favor, he will do his best to help me. If I am in trouble, he will not run away from me.
There is a fourth quality that makes a friend special. A special friend is someone with whom we can have fun. We should enjoy our lives, and we would enjoy our friendship. That is why I especially like friends who are fun to be with. A good friend likes the same things I like. We share experience (经验) and learn from each other. A good friend has a good sense of humor, too. He likes to laugh with me. That is how we share in the joy of being friends. And I know that he is looking for the same quality in me.
When I meet someone who is reliable, honest, and understanding, I know I've found a friend!
小题1:Which of the following qualities the writer thinks is the most important in choosing a friend?
A.understanding.B.honesty.C.reliability.D.a sense of humor.
小题2:If you have fair weather friends, ______ .
A.they will give you all that they have when you need help
B.you will be refused when you get into trouble
C.you will become rich
D.you can be sure that you get real friends
小题3: Good friends need to ______.
A.always point out each other's mistakesB.be helped with money
C.understand each other's feelingsD.have money or luck
小题4:This passage mainly discuss ______ .
A.the qualities of a friend B.where to choose friends
C.how to get along with friendsD.the importance of having a friend
Paul, the oracle octopus (神算章鱼), was given a replica (复制品) of the World Cup as a reward for his perfect eight-for-eight record in predicting the results of matches.
The two-year-old octopus with possible supernatural powers turned into a worldwide celebrity for accurately predicting the German team’s five World Cup wins as well as their two defeats. Paul also tipped Spain to beat Netherlands in the final.
“We have had a lot of offers for Paul but he will definitely be staying with us and returning to his usual job-making children smile,” Sea Life spokeswoman Tanja Munzig in Oberhausen said after presenting Pual with the World Cup replica.
There’s no rational(合理的)reasons why Paul always got it right. Bettors around the world made small fortunes based on Paul’s guess, said Graham Sharpe, media relations director at William Hill in London. “I’ve seen a lot of things in my lifetime but this is the first time I’ve ever seen people making their picks based on what an octopus tells them. We had people coming in saying they didn’t know how to place a bet but heard about this German octopus and wanted to bet with him. It’s funny. But he kept getting it right.” said Sharpe.
Sharpe said that anyone who had placed a 10-pound accumulator bet(累计下注)on Paul’s prediction from the start of the World Cup would have won 3,000 pounds($4,500)by the end of the tournament.
Paul’s home at Sea Life aquarium(水族馆)in Oberhausen has been crowded with visitors and media from across Europe. Many networks broadcast his predicting live. Many networks broadcast his picks live. Hundreds were on hand to watch the World Cup replica lowered into his tank on Monday, 12 July, 2010.
小题1: Paul was rewarded a replica of the Word Cup because he          .
A.will celebrate his birthday soon
B.predicted the results of matches accurately
C.helped beat Netherlands in the final
D.helped many fans earn much money
小题2: If a fan had placed a 200-pound accumulator bet on Paul’s prediction, he would have won
          during the tournament.
小题3: The underlined word “tipped” in the 2nd paragraph probably means          .
小题4: From what Sharpe said we can learn that          .
A.it’s amazing for Paul to make more exact prediction than people
B.octopus like Paul may all have the ability to predict exactly
C.it’s common for people to believe in sea life for prediction
D.we’d better not bet with animals when we have trouble making our picks
小题5: We can learn from this passage that          .
A.Paul used to be children’s favorite sea life
B.it’s useless to bet with the oracle octopus
C.Paul was born with the ability to predict World Cup results
D.Germany will never be beaten if Paul stays with them
 Have you ever wondered why you sometimes take an almost immediate liking to a person you have just met? We often get the first impression of a people based on the color of a person’s skin or the manner in which he or she dressed. Meaning is conveyed not only by words or verbal languages but also by nonverbal communication systems, such as body behaviors.
Nonverbal communication is important because we use the actions of others to learn about their affective emotional states .Our emotions are reflected in our posture, face, and eyes—be it fear, joy, anger, or sadness—so we can express them without ever saying a word .For this reason, most of us rely heavily on what we learn through our eyes.
Nonverbal communication is significant in human interaction because it is usually responsible for the first impressions. More importantly, those first messages usually influence the perception(感知) of everything else that follows. Even how we select friends and sexual partners is grounded in first impressions with nonverbal communication.
Nonverbal communication is important because it is culture-related. It is based on different beliefs, religions, values and customs in different cultures. When, where, how, and to whom people display his or her specific nonverbal behaviors is greatly affected by culture and context. Culture determines what the appropriate nonverbal behavior is. For example, feelings of friendship exist everywhere but their expression varies. It may be appropriate in some countries for man to embrace each other and for women to hold hands; in other countries these displays of affection may be shocking. Each culture has its own specific interpretation on nonverbal communication. What is acceptable in one culture may be completely unacceptable in another. One culture may determine that snapping fingers to call a waiter is acceptable; another may consider this gesture rude.
小题1: What is the best title of the passage ?
A.Nonverbal communication and first impressionB.Nonverbal communication is culture-related
C.Nonverbal and verbal communicationD.The importance of nonverbal communication
小题2: We can know a person’s feeling through our eyes because_________.
A.we can see a person’s feeling on his face
B.a person’s emotions can be reflected through eyes
C.a person’s feeling can be reflected through his body languages
D.we can see a person’s feeling through his posture
小题3: Which of the following statements is not True ?
A.Meaning can be conveyed both by words and body language.
B.We can use nonverbal communication to learn about a person’s emotional states.
C.We often get the first impression by what a person says.
D.The first impression can affect what we will do in the following.
小题4:What can we conclude from the last paragraph ?
A.we can use different ways to express friendship.
B.each culture has its own specific interpretation on nonverbal communication.
C.snapping fingers to call a waiter is acceptable.
D.learning a country’s culture is very important.
Thousands of years ago, birthdays were considered special days. On birthdays, the bad spirits were able to harm you and change your life. It was believed that the only way to solve the problem was to have your friends and family around you, so that good wishes and presents would keep the bad spirits away. Also, noisemakers were thought to be used at parties as a way of scaring away the evil spirits.
The custom of lighting candles was created by people believing that the gods lived in the sky. By lighting candles and torches, they were sending a signal or prayer to the gods, so they could be answered. Blowing out the candles and making a wish were thought to be another way of sending a signal or a message.
This is how the way we celebrate our birthdays came about. But different cultures celebrate in different ways.
The birthday story in the Bible(圣经) that we know best is about the birth of the Christ in Bethlehem(地名:伯利恒). For nearly 2000 years since that day, the Christian world has been honoring this birth. The day many Englishmen celebrate is, of course, Christmas. There are other references to birthday parties. King Pharaoh celebrated his birthday by making a feast for his court followers. That was over 4000 years ago. The story of King Herod tells that on his birthday he made a supper for his lords, high captains and other special friends in Galilee (地名:加利利).
小题1: According to the passage, good wishes and presents given by one’s friends and family on his birthday can _____________________.
A.cheer him upB.prove that he’s a popular person
C.bring him a big fortuneD.push bad spirits away
小题2: Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The custom of lighting candles originated with the gods.
B.The gods celebrate their birthdays by lighting candles.
C.People send messages to the gods by lighting or blowing out the candles.
D.The gods will help people realize their dreams on their birthdays.
小题3: The two ancient kings’ ways of celebrating their birthdays show__________________.
A.how great the two kings were
B.how different cultures celebrate in different ways
C.the two kings’ excellent cooking skills
D.that their court followers were awarded the special honors
小题4: The passage is mainly about __________________.
A.the functions of the noises made on birthdays.
B.how to scare away the bad spirits on birthdays
C.the origin of a famous day Christmas
D.how birthdays came about
When someone says, “Well, I guess I'll have to go to face the music,” it doesn’t mean he is planning to go to a concert. It is something far less pleasant, like being called in your boss to explain why you did this and did that, and why you did not do this or that. Terrible music, indeed, but it has to be faced. At some time or another, every one of us has had to “face the music”, especially as children. We can remember father’s angry voice: “I want to talk to you!” And only because we did not obey him. What an unpleasant business it was!
The phrase “face the music” is known to every American, old and young. It is at least one hundred years old. Where did the expression come from?
The first explanation came from the American novelist James Fenimore Cooper. He said, in 1851, that expression was first used by actors while waiting in the wings (舞台的两侧) to go on stage. After they got their clue(暗示) to go on , they often said, “It’s time to go to face the music. ” And that is exactly what they did face the orchestra (乐队) which was just below the stage.
An actor might be frightened or nervous as he moved on to the stage in front of the audience(观众) that might be friendly, or perhaps unfriendly, especially if he forgot his lines. But he had to go out. If he did not, there would be no play. So “face the music” came to mean: having to go through something, no matter how unpleasant the experience might be, because you knew you had no choice.
小题1:The expression “face the music” means ______.
A. plan to go to a concert
B.get one’s clue to do something
C.have to go through something far less pleasant
D.disobey what one's father says
小题2:The passage tells us that the expression was first used by _____.
小题3:In the last paragraph the Chinese meaning of the word “line” is _______.

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