In my profession as an educator and health care provider, I have worked with numerous children infected with the virus that causes AIDS. The relationships that I have had with these special kids have been gifts in my life. They have taught me so many things, but I have especially learned that great courage can be found in the smallest of packages.

Tyler was born infected with HIV and from the very beginning of his life, he was dependent on medications to survive. When he was five, he had a tube surgically inserted in a vein in his chest. This tube was connected to a pump, which he carried in a small backpack on his back. Medications were prepared inside this pump and were continuously supplied through this tube to his bloodstream. At times, he also needed supplemented (补充的)oxygen to support his breathing.

Tyler wasn’t willing to give up one single moment of his childhood to this deadly disease. It was not unusual to find him playing and racing around his backyard, wearing his medicine - laden backpack and dragging his tank of oxygen behind him. Tyler’s mom often teased him by telling him that he moved so fast she needed to dress him in red. That way, when she peered through the window to check on him playing in the yard, she could quickly spot him.

This fateful disease eventually wore down Tyler. He grew quite ill and, unfortunately, so did his HIV - infected mother. When it became apparent that he wasn’t going to survive, Tyler’s mom talked to him about death. She comforted him by telling Tyler that she was dying too, and that she would be with him soon in heaven.

A few days before his death, he whispered to me, " I might die soon. I’m not scared. When I die, please dress me in red. Mom promised she’s coming to heaven, too. I’ll be playing when she gets there, and I want to make sure she can find me."

1.What do we know about the tube inserted in Tyler’s chest?

A. It contained oxygen that helped Tyler breathe freely

B. Medications in the pump could be supplied through it

C. It was filled with medications that Tyler needed

D. It should be replaced by a new one after a year

2.Tyler’s mom dressed him in red in order to _______.

A. stress the importance of the color

B. find him as quickly as possible

C. meet the demand of him

D. encourage him to play and race happily outdoors

3.Tyler’s mom helped him face the death in the following ways except that _______.

A. she said to him that it would not long before she died

B. she promised to meet him in heaven soon

C. she had a frank talk with him about death

D. she gave him a medicine-loaded package

4.Which of the following might be the best title for the text?

A. Gifts in My Life B. A Fateful Disease

C. Dying in Red D. No More Tears in Heaven

One of the executives gathered at the Aspen Institute for a day-long leadership workshop using the works of Shakespeare was discussing the role of Brutus in the death of Julius Caesar. “Brutus was not an honorable man,” he said. “He was a traitor(叛徒). And he murdered someone in cold blood.” The agreement was that Brutus had acted with cruelty when other options were available to him. He made a bad decision, they said—at least as it was presented by Shakespeare—to take the lead in murdering Julius Caesar. And though one of the executives acknowledged that Brutus had the good of the republic in mind, Caesar was nevertheless his superior. “You have to endeavor,” the executives said, “our policy is to obey the chain of command.”

During the last few years, business executives and book writers looking for a new way to advise corporate America have been exploiting Shakespeare’s wisdom for profitable ends. None more so than husband and wife team Kenneth and Carol Adelman, well-known advisers to the White House, who started up a training company called “Movers and Shakespeares”. They are amateur Shakespeare scholars and Shakespeare lovers, and they have combined their passion and their high level contacts into a management training business. They conduct between 30 and 40 workshops annually, focusing on half a dozen different plays, mostly for corporations, but also for government agencies.

The workshops all take the same form, focusing on a single play as a kind of case study, and using individual scenes as specific lessons. In Julius Caesar , sly provocation(狡诈的挑唆) of Brutus to take up arms against the what was a basis for a discussion of methods of team building and grass roots organism.

Although neither of the Adelmans is academically trained in literature, the programmes, contain plenty of Shakespeare tradition and background. Their workshop on Henry V, for example, includes a helpful explanation of Henry’s winning strategy at the Battle of Agincourt. But they do come to the text with a few biases (偏向): their reading of Henry V minimizes his misuse of power. Instead, they emphasize the story of the youth who seizes opportunity and becomes a masterful leader. And at the workshop on Caesar, Mr. Adelmans had little good to say about Brutus, saying “the noblest Roman of them all” couldn’t make his mind up about things.

Many of the participants pointed to very specific elements in the play that they felt related Caesar’s pride, which led to his murder, and Brutus’s mistakes in leading the after the murder, they said, raise vital questions for anyone serving as a business when and how do you resist the boss?

1.According to paragraph 1, what did all the executives think of Brutus?

A. Cruel. B. Superior.

C. Honorable. D. Bade

2.According to the passage, the Adelmans set up “Movers and Shakespeares” to ________.

A. help executives to understand Shakespeare’s plays better

B. give advice on leadership by analyzing Shakespeare’s plays

C. provide case studies of Shakespeare’s plays in literature workshops

D. guide government agencies to follow the characters in Shakespeare’s plays.

3.Why do the Adelmans conduct a workshop on Henry V?

A. To highlight the importance of catching opportunities.

B. To encourage masterful leaders to plan strategies to win.

C. To illustrate the harm of prejudices in management.

D. To warn executives against power misuse.

4.It can be inferred from the passage that ____.

A. the Adelmans’ programme proves biased as the roles of characters are maximized.

B. executives feel bored with too many specific elements of Shakespeare’s plays.

C. the Adelmans will make more profits if they are professional scholars.

D. Shakespeare has played an important role in the management field.

5.The best title for the passage is _____.

A. Shakespeare’s plays: Executives reconsider corporate culture

B. Shakespeare’s plays: An essential key to business success

C. Shakespeare’s plays: a lesson for business motivation

D. Shakespeare’s plays: Dramatic training brings dramatic results

On our first anniversary, Jack bought a bottle of Casaque, an expensive cologne(古龙香水)for me. "We agreed to save the money for your postgraduate education", I said somewhat half-heartedly as I took it out from a beautifully-wrapped packet. "I am unable not to give something_______to the world’s most beautiful bride, honey!" I held it to my_______, and smelled the most pleasant flavor I could ever_______. Looking down at my_______blue jeans and ugly, ragged tennis shoes, I wondered if I could ever be worthy of it. But I would _______. I used only a little of it every time _______Jack graduated and our life was financially easier. It’s a _______the foolish love of a young husband.

Then one day three-year-old Jim was sitting on the floor_______the empty cologne bottle. His lips wet, he was making a(n) _______face. He drank my________cologne! "Jack, come quick," I cried, "can cologne________my baby? Jim drank the rest of it!" "It's mostly just alcohol, honey," Jack________me. Little Jim was fine, and my concern for my child was________. I now felt ________to see the empty cologne bottle.

A few weeks later, Jack bought another bottle of my beloved cologne. I ________it as much as I had done to the earlier one. ________, it became three-quarters empty. I thought it best to buy another ________. But the shop assistant told me that there wasn’t even a maker of that brand any more.

Now I only use my special cologne on very important occasions, because there will be________to replace it when these last few precious________are gone. But from the bottom of my heart it's not three-quarters empty but still one-quarter full. Perhaps if I'm very careful, I can ________using it for the rest of my life.

1.A. special B. terrible C. practical D. cheap

2.A. nose B. eye C. hand D. mouth

3.A. afford B. imagine C. touch D. describe

4.A. clumsy B. unique C. faded D. stylish

5.A. act B. try C. insist D. withdraw

6.A. unless B. even if C. until D. even after

7.A. cost B. consequence C. standard D. symbol

8.A. looking for B. holding C. reaching for D. filling

9.A. amused B. excited C. awful D. happy

10.A. precious B. poisonous C. dangerous D. magical

11.A. attract B. hurt C. frighten D. please

12.A. criticized B. encouraged C. educated D. comforted

13.A. relieved B. increased C. confirmed D. developed

14.A. grateful B. nervous C. heartbroken D. desperate

15.A. resisted B. wasted C. protected D. prized

16.A. So B. Still C. Otherwise D. Therefore

17.A. bottle B. brand C. flavor D. color

18.A. some B. none C. another D. more

19.A. quarters B. packets C. drops D. shops

20.A. turn to B. devote to C. count on D. decide on

As the saying goes, roses given, fragrance in hand. I am always in the _______of giving money to every beggar or homeless person I pass by. My friends say it is not good to _______. We may come across beggars or homeless people begging every day and all beggars have their ability to survive. It _______ them that I never listen.

On a _________day, my friend and I were walking to the _______ when I passed a beggar lady. I had seen her several times before and had always given her a few _______. That day, I gave her 2 Euros. I was waiting for the bus and reading a book when I _______ to see that lady standing in front of me. She _______ me a piece of paper covered in a plastic bag to prevent it from getting _______. She stood there, looking at me ________. Putting away my book, I took the paper, which ________ she and her family had to ________ their country because of floods, and she was ________ to support them. She had got a bit of money, but she needed five ________ Euros to get home. I ________ in my pockets and found 20 cents. My friend ________a 5 Euro note. I asked her to give it to the lady, and said that I would ________ the next day. When she got the money, the lady hugged us and said thanks again and again, and went on her way. Later on the bus, I wondered where her home was and ________she had gotten to this country. In her story, I felt that my friend and I would always remain part of it as the ________, who helped her get home on a rainy day. But for me, helping a stranger did bring me happiness, giving me a pleasant ________.

1.A. time B. habit C. trend D. way

2.A. evaluate B. expose C. encourage D. envy

3.A. delights B. attracts C. interests D. annoys

4.A. rainy B. dry C. sunny D. cloudy

5.A. airport B. downtown C. railway station D. bus stop

6.A. cents B. suggestions C. books D. roses

7.A. turned around B. looked down C. looked up D. stood up

8.A. asked B. handed C. bargained D. begged

9.A. lost B. burnt C. wet D. dirty

10.A. eagerly B. clumsily C. cheerfully D. silly

11.A. said B. spoke C. wrote D. told

12.A. miss B. blame C. support D. leave

13.A. hesitating B. exploring C. struggling D. searching

14.A. many B. much C. another D. more

15.A. touched B. fished C. watched D. looked

16.A. took out B. gave out C. handed in D. made out

17.A. take back B. pay back C. come back D. get back

18.A. why B. how C. where D. whether

19.A. lookers-on B. passers-by C. foreigners D. strangers

20.A. situation B. spirit C. mood D. position

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