

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不记分。

My dream school starts at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m. They are three lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. We didn’t need to do so much homework. Therefore, we have more time with after-school activities. For example, we can do reading for one and a half hour and play sports for one hour every day.

My dream school look like a big garden. There are all kinds of the flowers and trees around the classroom buildings. We can lie on the grass for a rest, or sat by the lake listening music. The teachers here are kind and helpfully. They are not only our teachers but also our friends.



Some people describe American society as a salad bowl while others see it as a melting pot.

In a bowl of freshly tossed salad, all the ingredients are mixed together. ___1.__ All the ingredients of a salad contribute to the finished product. They may be covered with the same dressing, but the green vegetables, tomatoes, lettuce and eggs can all be seen for what they are.

___2.___ Individual ethnic groups blend together, yet keep their cultural uniqueness. People may work together during the day at similar jobs and in the same companies, but at night they may return to their ethnic communities where their own individual culture directs their way of life.

The other concept , which is also used to describe American society, is the melting pot. __3.__and yield a bit of what they were to become a new reality. The longer the soup is cooked, the better the taste and the more likely it will be for the mixture to dissolve. In this sense, America can surely be seen as a melting pot where people from all over the world come to live and work together forming one nation.

There are dozens of shared symbols. __4.__In such a culture, symbols like the flag and the nation’s official song serve to break down the walls which separate ethnic groups.

Whether a salad bowl or a melting pot, America can best be described as a mixture of both.__ 5._

A. Both are correct depending upon one's point of view.

B. From this point of view, America is very much like a salad bowl

C. All of the ingredients mix together, losing their identity

D. That is to say, America is a nation where there is unity in diversity.

E. Thus, one needs to abandon one’s culture to be considered “American”.

F. They never lose their shape, form, or identity.

G. They serve to develop the various ethnic groups to create a new American society.

No poem should ever be discussed or “analyzed”,until it has been read aloud by someone,a teacher or a student.Better still,perhaps,is the practice of reading it twice,once at the beginning of the discussion and once at the end,so the sound of the poem is the last thing one hears of it.

All discussions of poetry are,in fact,preparations for reading it aloud,and the reading of the poem is,finally,the most telling “interpretation” of it,suggesting tone,rhythm,and meaning all at once.Hearing a poet read the work in his or her own voice,on records or on film,is obviously a special reward.But even those aids to teaching can not replace the student and the teacher reading it or,best of all,reciting it.

I have come to think,in fact,that time spent reading a poem aloud is much more important than “analyzing” it,if there isn’t time for both.I think one of our goals as teachers of English is to have students love poetry.Poetry is “a criticism of life” and “a heightening(提升)of life”.It is “an approach to the truth of feeling”,and it “can save your life”.It also deserves a place in the teaching of language and literature more central than it presently occupies.

I am not saying that every English teacher must teach poetry.Those who don’t like it should not be forced to put that dislike on anyone else.But those,who do teach poetry must keep in mind a few things about its essential nature,about its sound as well as its sense,and they must make room in the classroom for hearing poetry as well as thinking about it.

1.According to the passage,to have a better understanding of a poem,the best way is

A.to discuss it with others

B.to analyze it by oneself

C.to hear it read out

D.to practice reading it aloud

2.What does the last sentence in the third paragraph imply(暗示)?

A.The teaching of poetry should have been much more stressed.

B.The teaching of poetry is more important than the teaching of any other subject.

C.One cannot enjoy life fully without an understanding of poetry.

D.Poetry is the foundation of all languages and literature courses.

3.The underlined phrase “make room” in the last paragraph can be best replaced by“ ”.

A.build a booth

B.provide equipment

C.leave a certain amount of time

D.set aside enough space

4.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a function of poetry?

A.Extending your life. B.Saving your life.

C.Criticizing life. D.Heightening life.

Make Up Your Mind to Succeed

Kind-hearted parents have unknowingly left their children defenseless against failure. The generation born between 1980 and 2001 grew up playing sports where scores and performance were played down because “everyone’s a winner.” And their report cards sounded more positive than ever before. As a result, Stanford University professor Carol Dweck, PhD, calls them “the overpraised generation.”

Dweck has been studying how people deal with failure for 40 years. Her research has led her to find out two clearly different mind-sets that have a great effect on how we react to it. Here’s how they work:

A fixed mind-set is grounded in the belief that talent is genetic – you’re a born artist, point guard, or numbers person. The fixed mind-set believes it’s sure to succeed without much effort and regards failure as personal shame. When things get difficult, it’s quick to blame, lie, and even stay away from future difficulties.

On the other hand, a growth mind-set believes that no talent is entirely heaven-sent and that effort and learning make everything possible. Because the ego (自尊) isn’t on the line as much, the growth mind-set sees failure as a chance rather than shame. When faced with a difficulty, it’s quick to rethink, change and try again. In fact, it enjoys this experience.

We are all born with growth mind-sets. (Otherwise, we wouldn’t be able to live in the world.) But parents, teachers, and instructors often push us into fixed mind-sets by encouraging certain actions and misdirecting praise. Dweck’s book, Mind-set: The New Psychology of Success, and online instructional program explain this in depth. But she says there are many little things you can start doing today to make sure that your children, grandchildren and even you are never defeated by failure.

1.What does the author think about the present generation?

A. They don’t do well at school.

B. They are often misunderstood.

C. They are eager to win in sports.

D. They are given too much praise.

2.A fixed mind-set person is probably one who __________ .

A. doesn’t want to work hard

B. cares a lot about personal safety

C. cannot share his ideas with others

D. can succeed with the help of teachers

3.What does the growth mind-set believe?

A. Admitting failure is shameful.

B. Talent comes with one’s birth.

C. Scores should be highly valued.

D. Getting over difficulties is enjoyable.

4.What should parents do for their children based on Dweck’s study?

A. Encourage them to learn from failures.

B. Prevent them from making mistakes.

C. Guide them in doing little things.

D. Help them grow with praise.

Experiments under way in several labs aim to create beneficial types of genetically modified foods, including starchier potatoes and caffeine-free coffee beans. Genetic engineers are even trying to transfer genes from a cold-winter fish to make a frost-resistant tomato.

A low-sugar GM strawberry now in the works might one day allow people with health problems such as diabetes (糖尿病) to enjoy the little delicious red fruits again. GM beans and grains rich in protein(蛋白质) might help people at risk of developing kwashiorkor. Kwashiorkor, a disease caused by severe lack of protein, is common in parts of the world where there are severe food shortages.

Commenting on GM foods, Jonathon Jones, a British researcher, said: "The future benefits will be enormous(巨大的), and the best is yet to come". To some people, GM foods are no different from unmodified foods. "A tomato is a tomato," said Brian Sansoni, an American food manufacturer.

Critics of GM foods challenge Sansoni's opinion. They worry about the harm that GM crops might do to people, other animals, and plants.

In a recent lab study conducted at Cornell University, scientists tested pollen(花粉) made by BT corn, which makes up one-fourth of the U.S. corn crop. The scientist dropped the pollen onto milkweed, a plant that is the only known food source of a butterfly caterpillar(毛虫). Within four days of feeding on the leaves, almost half of a test group of caterpillars died. "This is a warning bell." said Cornell researcher Linda Raynor.

Some insects that are not killed by GM foods might find themselves made stronger. How so? The insecticides are used on the crops to kill the pests. But GM plants produce a continuous level of insecticide. Insects relying on those crops may develop resistance to the plants and they may also develop a resistance to the insecticide.

At the forum on GM food held last year in Canada. GM crops that have been made resistant to the herbicide might crossbreed with wild plants, creating "superweeds" that could take over whole fields.

So where do you stand? Should GM food be banned in the United States, as they are in parts of Europe? Or do their benefits outweigh(胜过) any of the risks they might carry?

1. The first three paragraphs try to give the idea that__________

A. GM foods may bring about great benefits to humans.

B. GM foods are no different from ordinary ones.

C. GM foods may have both benefits and harm.

D. GM foods are particularly good to the kwashiorkor patients.

2. Why is the pollen-sprayed milkweed mentioned in Paragraph 5?

A. To show GM foods can kill insects effectively.

B. To show GM foods contain more protein.

C. To show GM foods also have a dark side.

D. To show GM foods may harm crops.

3. What happens to those insects when not killed by the spray of insecticide?

A. They may lose their ability to produce lay eggs.

B. They may have a higher ability to adapt to the environment.

C. They move to other fields free from insecticide.

D. They never eat again those plants containing insecticide.

4. Which of the following statements concerning banning GM foods is true according to the passage?

A. Underdeveloped countries have banned GM foods.

B. Both Europe and the U.S. have banned GM foods.

C. Most European countries have not banned GM foods.

D. The United States has not banned GM foods.

Our room was on the second floor but you could still hear the roar of the ocean and see the stars at night. I used to take long walks along the water. The food in town was wonderful and the people were very friendly. The area was very quiet and peaceful, and fairly deserted.

The last evening of our vacation, however, we all heard strange footsteps following closely behind us as we were walking up to our room in the holiday centre. We turned around and noticed a fairly young man moving very rapidly across the beach and getting closer to us. He was tall and wore a baseball cap. We couldn’t see his face and he was approaching us very rapidly. The man’s actions made my dad very nervous. Dad warned us that we’d better try to make it to our hotel room as quickly as possible. I didn’t like my dad’s voice; I could hear fear in it. It was late and we were all alone. We didn’t have any cell phones on us. I never saw Dad as worried as he was then and I knew that something was terribly wrong. The sense of fear started to overwhelm Mom and me. We had had such a good time in town. Now, the night was rapidly turning into a dangerous situation.

We could hear the man’s footsteps getting closer. Dad’s face was almost pale. The so-called intruder (侵入者) had moved nearer and nearer when all of a sudden, the nearby vending (自动贩卖) machine started going crazy and spitting out cans of soda! The noise actually scared the intruder and he ran out of sight. My parents were shaking, but we all turned around to see who had put money into the vending machine downstairs, and actually saved us, but no one was around at all. Not a soul.

It’s one vacation I will never forget.

1.Where did the author spend her vacation?

A. Near a lake.B. At the seaside.

C. In a village.D. In a mountain.

2.What does the underlined word “overwhelm” in Paragraph 2 mean?

A. move.B. impress.C. control.D. excite.

3.What helped them get out of the trouble?

A. Their quick action.

B. Other people’s kind help.

C. The young man’s warning.

D. The noise from the vending machine.

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