
【题目】假定你是李华, 你的好友张明邀请你参加他的 18 岁生日聚会, 你因故不能参加。请用英语给他 写一封电子邮件。内容包括:





注意:1. 词数 100 左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;

3. 开头语和结束语已为你写好, 不计入总词数

Dear Zhang ming

How are you?



Li hua

【答案】Dear Zhang Ming,

How are you? Thanks so much for inviting me to your eighteenth birthday party. Happy birthday to you! I’d like to go, but I am afraid I can’t be present. I’m so sorry.

My mother had a fall yesterday evening and got hurt badly in her right leg. I have to look after her because my father is away on business. It is really a pity to miss your birthday party.

Here, I’d like to express my best wishes in advance. I have just bought a wallet for you, which I hope you would like. The present will be delivered to you by express and will get to you tomorrow.

Sorry again for my absence.


Li hua



1步:根据提示可知,假定你是李华, 你的好友张明邀请你参加他的 18 岁生日聚会, 你因故不能参加。请用英语给他 写一封电子邮件。内容包括:●感谢邀请;●表达祝愿;●你不能参加的原因;●你准备的礼物以及如何送给他;

2步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组):encouragement(鼓励)in front of (在……前面)fall in love with (爱上)the same (同样的)in the future (将来)等。




【题目】 Walking along the streets in Malaysia, you may hear a number of different languages—Malay, English, Mandarin, or even Indian. More people have decided to travel to Kuala Lumpur to witness the incredible development of Western Malaysia.

However, having a passion for experiencing multicultural and peaceful lifestyles, I chose another route—Sabah, the second largest state in Malaysia. I took a trip there in August. With a knowledgeable guide and warm-hearted locals, it turned out to be an unforgettable experience.

Although Sabah is not that rich or prosperous like Western Malaysia, I prefer the easy and simple life there. Its social ethos(精神气质)is more harmonious than any other scenic spot.

During my five-day stay, I think the Mangrove Forest was the most impressive destination. Have you ever imagined what it might be like to boat through a pleasant breeze while drops of light blur(模糊)your visionMy mind drifted away with the warmth of the sunlight. I lost myself in the peaceful and relaxing surroundings, and fell into a splendid dream world.

However, as a former British colony, it still holds some customs that are difficult for me to get used to. For me, the various dialects and unique expressions among the locals were the biggest issues to deal with. Regardless of this, it taught me a lot. My time at Sabah was very memorable.

1Why did the author choose Sabah as his destination

A.To witness its fast development.

B.To make friends with the locals.

C.To enjoy its lifestyle and scenery.

D.To learn different foreign languages.

2Which word can best describe the journey to Sabah?



3What was the biggest problem the author had during his trip?

A.Old customs.B.Local language.

C.Confusing routes.D.Multicultural lifestyles.

4What's the purpose of the text?

A.To promote tourism of Sabah.

B.To introduce a scenic spot-Sabah.

C.To describe the development of Sabah.

D.To share the touring experience in Sabah.

【题目】 Joseph Francis Charles Rock (1884–1962) was an Austrian-American explorer, botanist, and anthropologist(人类学家). For more than 25 years, he travelled extensively through Tibet and Yunnan, Gansu, and Sichuan provinces in China before finally leaving in 1949.

In 1924, Harvard sent Joseph Francis Rock on a treasure hunt through China’s southwestern provinces—the Wild West of their day. But gold and silver weren’t his task : Rock, a distinguished botanist, sought only to fill his bags with all the seeds, saplings, and shrubs he could find. During his three-year expedition, he collected 20,000 specimens for the Arnold Arboretum(阿诺德植物园).

Botany, though, was just one of Rock’s strengths. As an ethnologist(民族学者), he took hundreds of photographs of the Naxi, a tribe in Yunnan province, recording their now-lost way of life for both Harvard and National Geographic, and took notes for an eventual 500-page dictionary of their language. His hand-drawn map of his travels through China’s “Cho-Ni” territory, in the Harvard Map Collection, includes more than a thousand rivers, towns, and mountains indicated in both English and Chinese, and was so well made that the U.S. government used it to plan aerial missions in World War II.

Scientist, linguist, cartographer, photographer, writer—Rock was not a wallflower in any sense. Arrogant and self-possessed, he would walk into a village or warlord’s place “as if he owned the place,” said Lisa Pearson, the Arboretum’s head librarian.

In declaring his successful return under the headline “Seeking Strange Flowers, in the Far Reaches of the World” , the Boston Evening Transcript ran a large photo of the daring explorer wearing in a woolly coat and fox-skin hat. “In discussing his heroism including hair-raising escapes from death either from mountain slides, snow slides and robber armies, he waves the idea away as if it is of no importance.”

The Arboretum and Rock parted ways after 1927, mainly because his trip cost Harvard a fortune—about $900,000 in today’s dollars. Fortunately, many of his specimens, many of his amazing photos, and his great stories remain.

1What is the passage mainly about?

A.Rock’s service for the U.S government.

B.Rock’s cooperation with Harvard.

C.Rock’s work as a botanist.

D.Rock’s exploration in Southwest China.

2What contribution did Rock make to the USA besides collecting new plants and specimens?

A.He traveled through some uncivilized places in China.

B.His hand-drawn map was used in WWII.

C.He showed heroism by escaping difficulties.

D.He made headlines in Boston Evening News.

3How did Rock respond when people mentioned his heroic deeds?



4What caused Rock to stop work for The Arboretum?

A.The vast expense.B.The dangerous journey.

C.The challenging tasks.D.The unknown world.

【题目】 A few years ago, a doctor gave a wrong prescription to a 9-year-old boy because he had accidentally clicked the next medicine listed in the drop-down menu. Unfortunately, the boy died.

Dr. Gidi Stein heard the story and felt forced to do something. “It was like killing someone with a spelling error. He just clicked on the wrong button,” Stein said. “One would have thought there’d be some kind of spell-checker to prevent these terrible things from happening. But apparently this is not the case.”

Several things were immediately obvious to the 54-year-old Stein, who had previously studied computer science. “If you look at this problem from a bird’s eye view, there were so many places down the line where this decision could have been stopped — from the physician to the pharmacy (药房) even to the mother. All of them had all the relevant information to have a judgment call that this was just the wrong drug for the wrong patient.” For Stein, it represented a systemic failure.

Stein compared this with credit cards. “If you use your credit card in the daily routine over time, a pattern of how we use our cards comes out: the grocery store, the gas station in our local town. If your credit card would appear tomorrow in Zimbabwe, it would be unusual. The credit card company would call you and say, ‘Hey, was that you?’”

But nothing like that existed in the field of prescription drugs. So Stein set up a company called MedAware. He came up with a machine learning outlier detection (异常检测值) system. In other words, he trained the computers to realize if a doctor accidentally prescribed the wrong medicine.

The system is already used in hospitals and doctor’s offices. To date, MedAware has used their technology to help nearly six million patients in the United States and Israel.

1What led to the boy’s death?

A.The doctor’s carelessness.B.The drawback of the computer.

C.The doctor’s poor medical skill.D.The incomplete health care system.

2What does Stein feel about this medical accident?



3What can MedAware’s technology do?

A.Help doctor choose right medicine.B.Reminds patients to take medicine.

C.Introduce new drugs to doctors.D.Check the prescription.

4Where is this text most likely from?

A.A diary.B.A guidebook.

C.A magazine.D.A science fiction.

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